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This is just a page for me to write and post my work. I’m not good at writing long stories so please don’t ask me to but I do take prompts and suggestions.
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I write. I also post on AO3. AO3 is probably where my writing will be posted first but I also post here
Hey fanders!
With the new episode, like many of us, I've started craving fanfic. And it's been long enough, and my memory is bad enough, that basically the only writers i remember are Randomslasher and Altruistic-Skittles.
I know I'm not alone, and I know a lot of content creators have a hard time getting recognition and stuff, so i think this might be a good medium.
So basically, just, reblog this with tags, and if youre a writer yourself, just reblog with a comment. Something identifying you as a writer. Because i AM going to ask that if your yourself dont write fic, or arent tagging someone, to please keep comments and things in the tags. Unless, of course, something needs to be brought to my attention. Also, i AM counting comics among fanfic, because, while not the same thing, they are very similar at their core.
I know, realistically, that this probably isnt going to go that well, but if nothing else, i do think that its a good idea.
So, please, identify as many writers as possible. If you only know one or two off the top of your head? Perfectly fine. If you can't think of any? Perfectly fine. Just reblog as much as you can, and lets get our creators some traffic!
Ill start off by tagging the ones i mentioned
@randomsnippets @altruistic-skittles
(Ps, in case it wasnt clear enough, this is specifically for the Thomas Sanders Sanders Sides fandom)
(Also, i tagged randomsnippets instead of randomslasher because snippets is where LJ posts their writing)
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Putting Ourselves first
Post- Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux | Sanders Sides.
Spoilers, I guess.
Warnings: Anxiety. Fighting. Deceit. Remus. Crying. (Please let me know if I’ve missed any)
Pairings: None, really. Everyone’s friends.
Important: In this story, Remus and Roman are close. Everyone are friends.
Word Count: 4837
“Everything’s going to be okay, Kiddo. We love you.”
“Right.” Roman sunk out, appearing in the lounge.
“Hey, Bro. What’s going on?” Remus asked, clearly not interested in an actual answer. Roman didn’t reply, instead went straight for the stairs, hoping Remus could see the tears in his eyes.
“Roman?” He called, not moving from the couch. Roman took the stairs two at a time and as soon as he was at the top, he ran towards his room.
He slammed the door behind him and it vanished, leaving a deep red rectangular outline of where the door should be.
Seconds after the door slammed, the lounge came alive. Logan and Virgil both came out of their rooms, saw the missing door, and went downstairs to find out what happened, Patton appeared after sinking out of the real world, and Remus moved from the couch so he was standing with the others.
“What happened?” Logan broke the silence.
“I think I upset Roman. I need to check on him.” Patton sounded panicked.
“I don’t think that’s possible, Pat. His door’s gone,” Virgil said, sounding apologetic.
“What? What did you do, Patton?” Remus almost yelled.
“I don’t- It was the video.”
“What happened in the video?” Virgil’s voice was slightly distorted.
“Deceit- I mean Janus,” Patton took a shaky breath. “Janus, Thomas and I were all in agreement of something that Janus had said but Roman didn’t agree. He thought that Thomas and I were choosing Janus over him.”
“What was actually happening though?” Logan asked.
“Thomas and I were agreeing with Janus. Roman doesn’t like him and felt, I don’t know, betrayed, maybe?
“He has every right to hide from you then. You hurt him. Now he can do the same thing right back.” Remus’s arms flailed as he talked, pointing from the stairs to Patton then back to the stairs before he rushed up the stairs in the same way Roman had just moments ago.
A sound Virgil hopes to never hear again fills the room. Patton had started gasping for air as tears streamed down his face, dripping off his chin and leaving marks on his light blue polo.
Logan stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Patton’s shoulders. He looked at Virgil, looking lost.
Virgil just shrugged.
Janus chose that moment to appear in the lounge.
“Deceit. What happened?”
“Janus, please. And I may have upset Roman.”
“So everyone upset him? Remus isn’t going to be happy with this and I’m certainly not.” Virgil snapped.
“I- Patton. Roman didn’t say anything to you, did he?” Janus rushed forward, noticing Patton who was now sitting on his knees, leaning on Logan and still crying.”
“Janus! Logan and I would like to know what is going on.”
“And Patton is in tears. I don’t have to talk to you, Virgil,” Janus all but yelled.
“Fine. I’ll go talk to Roman. And if I decide to support him instead of you, don’t get all upset at me about it.” And with that, Virgil left, heading upstairs. He walked to the green door down at the end of the hallway.
“Janus. Virgil’s just worried. Roman came back from filming and, according to Remus, was quite upset, then he went directly to his room and removed his door. Can you tell me what happened, please?” Logan asked calmly.
“We were discussing why Thomas felt bad about going to the wedding and everything, trying to make sense of this current dilemma-”
“Yes. I was at the beginning of the video. Before you shut me up.”
“Yes. Apologies, Logan.”
“Just tell me what upset Roman.”
“He was getting upset during the video because no one could actually agree on anything. Then, uh, I showed up. Like, properly. Well. In the video game simulation. I ended up “fighting” against Patton and Roman. I pointed out the Patton was hurting Thomas, which upset everyone. Then Roman got all defensive and everything. I was actually trying to help. But Roman didn’t want to listen at all. As usual.”
“Stop with the insults, please. I just want to know what happened, not how you feel about the others.” Janus rolled his eyes but obliged anyway.
“Well. Roman was getting angry at me as we continued to talk. Thomas was at least listening to me. Patton seemed to be listening, at least a little.” They both glanced at Patton who had stopped gasping but was still crying.
“They, especially Roman, didn’t trust what I was saying so I, uh, I told them my name to try to get them to trust me. And Roman just laughed at me.”
“Unfortunately, he tends to have that reaction. I’ll find his reaction to Virgil’s name, too, if it’ll help.”
“Thank you, but it’s fine.” Janus sighed. “I then may have compared him to Remus and implied they were both evil.”
“That seems excessive, Janus.”
“I know, Logan.” He sighed again, clearly regretting his decision earlier. “I didn’t mean to upset Roman as much as I did. But I still don’t think he should have been as rude as he was.”
“I hear what you are saying but I think you need to look at it from his perspective, too. He’s having a rough time. He wanted to go to the callback and he decided to go to the wedding instead. And now, because Thomas didn’t have a good time and feels bad, Roman feels bad. Roman is blaming himself for how Thomas feels.”
“Yeah. I s’pose,” Janus mumbled.
Virgil knocked desperately on Remus’s door, hoping Remus could hear him.
"Calm down, V. Sheesh."
"Do you still have that door to Roman's room?"
"Of course. He wouldn't let me get rid of it."
"Thank God. I need to talk to him."
"Uhm. No. Not right now."
"Yes. Right now."
"He's crying so much there are more tears in there than there were in the theatre after Endgame. You aren't going in there."
"Remus. I have to talk to him."
"No. I won't let you through."
"Ugh. You are horrible." Virgil turned away, leaving Remus to deal with Roman.
Virgil returned to the lounge. He heard the end of Logan and Janus's conversation.
He was about to tell Janus off for what he had said to Roman but Logan started talking instead. It sounded like Logan was defending Roman's behaviour.
"Uh. Hey, guys." Virgil said awkwardly, trying to act like he hadn't heard part of their conversation.
"Hello, Virgil." Logan greeted. Patton didn't move from where he was curled against Logan. Janus just nodded in greeting.
"Did you manage to talk to Roman?" Logan asked.
"No. Remus wouldn't even let me in. Said Roman was crying a lot or something. I'll try again later, once he's had time to calm down."
"That sounds like a good idea," Logan said. "Patton? Can you stand? I think we should move to the couch."
Patton nodded and moved to get up. Logan supported him the short distance to the couch. Logan sat on the end, Patton next to him, then Virgil, and Janus at the other end.
"So, Janus. Can you give me your side of the story? I don't want to get involved in the drama or anything, I just want to make sure I understand everything so I don't accidentally upset Roman if I manage to talk to him."
"Oh, I would LOVE to have to recount the last hour again." He sighed.
"I'll tell you later, Virgil. He's just recounted it all to me."
"Got it. Hey, Pat? Can you talk?" Patton shook his head in response.
"Okay. You'll let us know if you need anything, yeah?" Patton nodded this time.
Janus, Logan, Patton and Virgil sat in silence for a while.
"Uhm. Virgil?" Remus's voice sounded from the top of the staircase.
"Can you come here please?" Remus sounded oddly serious. Virgil got up and walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Roman has calmed down now. If you want to talk to him, I guess you can go in."
"Thank you, Remus."
"Whatever. Make it quick."
Virgil followed Remus back to his bedroom. He hesitated at the golden door in the far corner of Remus's bedroom, taking a deep breath.
"He won't attack you, V. At least, not right away." Remus tried to joke.
"I know. I just don't want to risk upsetting him."
"It'll be fine, V." Virgil nodded before pushing open the door and walking through.
Romans room looked... wrong. Virgil had been in here before. Everything was bright and perfectly neat, just as Virgil had expected.
But this time, the room looked dull. There was random item scattered over the floor, a few books, makeup supplies, clothes.
"Roman?" Virgil whispered.
"If it's Patton, get out."
"Don't worry, Princey. It's only me." Virgil walked towards the bed where Roman was buried beneath a pile of blankets.
"Oh. Sorry, Virgil."
"It's okay." Virgil sat there awkwardly. "What happened, Roman? I've never seen this many sides this upset at once."
“What do you mean?” “Well. You came back upset, then Patton came back and started crying basically as soon as he came back. Then Janus also seemed upset. You being upset made Remus upset and Logan and I are so confused and, uh, and we’re really worried about what happened. This many sides upset at once can’t be good for Thomas. Oh. Shoot. I’d better check on Thomas later.”
“Go check on him now. He needs you more than I do.”
“No, Roman. What happened?” Roman sat up and Virgil could see him properly. His eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks red and puffy. His bottom lip looked like it was about to start bleeding as if Roman had been biting it.
“Well. Uhm. The video wasn’t going too well. Then, uhm, then Janus compared me to Remus and said we were both the evil twin.”
“Can I ask what led him making this claim?”
“I don’t trust him, Virgil.” “I know. I don’t, either. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t know, okay. You’ll have to ask him, I guess.”
“Yeah. I guess so. But for now, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I just want to sleep right now, Virgil.” “So sleep. I’m not going to stop you. But I’m staying here until you’re asleep.��� Roman sighed. “Thank you, Virgil.”
Virgil kicked his shoes off and sat next to Roman, leaning against the headboard. Roman laid back down, curled into Virgil’s side slightly.
It didn’t take long for Roman to fall asleep.
Virgil quietly left Roman’s room, informing Remus that he was asleep on his way back through the green sides room.
“Janus. Can I ask you about what happened, please? I know you already told Logan but I would like to know. Please.”
“Roman was having a go at me. He stood there and insulted me. And all Patton and Thomas did was watch it happen. Then Thomas sorta shut him down a little. Roman, obviously, was still having a go at me. He said that you guys wouldn’t be able to trust me. Ever.”
“Okay. That was probably not the best thing for him to say but I don’t understand how he ended up in tears.” “I tried to convince him I was telling the truth. I told them my name, Virgil. I removed my gloves and told them my name. And do you know what Roman did? He laughed at me!”
“Oh. I’m sorry, Janus. I feel like I should have warned you.” “He laughed at yours, too?”
“Yeah. Anyway. That doesn’t sound like Roman should be crying at this.” “Right. Yeah. Well. After he laughed and insulted my name, I told him it was a good thing he doesn’t have a moustache otherwise it would be hard to tell who the evil twin was.” Janus started to cave in on himself. But Virgil just laughed.
“Accurate comparison, to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” “Well. I’ve told you that he laughed at my name but he called me countless nicknames before I even told them, insulting me any chance he could. I sometimes thought that Remus had taken his place once or twice.”
“Wow. How did I not know about this?”
“I just didn’t tell you guys.”
“It’s not like you guys were exactly the kindest to me, either.”
“I know. Apologies.”
“It’s fine. Anyway. So I see how Roman would be upset but that definitely doesn’t explain Patton crying.”
“Yeah, well. I was trying to convince them that sometimes, being selfish is good. Like self-care and all that. Thomas and Patton seemed almost convinced. But Roman, not so much.
“He had accused me of possibly lying to everyone in the future for my own gain. But Patton and Thomas weren’t convinced by him. They, I guess, understood that to properly look after Thomas, they have to be a little selfish sometimes. They didn’t fight me like Roman was. And he accused them of choosing me over him. As if he was being replaced.”
“Wow. That is… a lot. But sounds exactly like Roman.” Virgil laughed slightly. “I’m going to talk to Logan. I’ll get him to try and get Thomas working. I’ll talk to Patton, try get something out of him.” Virgil ran a hand through his hair, pushing it all out of his face then pulling it all back forward. “Why does there have to be drama? Can’t everyone just get along?”
“Oh, Yes. Why would we want Drama? It doesn’t make life interesting at all.” Janus said dramatically.
“Whatever,” Virgil yelled behind him as he walked off.
“Hey, Pat. You feeling better?” Virgil stood in Patton’s doorway.
“Hi, Virge. Yeah. I’m good.” Patton smiled at Virgil, despite the tears in his eyes.
“Pat. What happened?” “Nothing.” “Patton. Please don’t lie to me.” “It’s nothing, Kiddo. I’m okay.” “I’ve already talked to Roman and Janus. I know something happened. I just want your side of the story so that I can help end this drama.” “What drama? There isn’t any drama?” “Patton. It’s me you’re talking to. I get worried when you greet me differently in the morning. So I’m pretty worried about Roman and you crying and Janus being upset at the end of a video. Please, I am begging you, tell me what’s wrong.” Virgil was now sitting on the edge of Patton’s bed. “Roman was just feeling a little upset. That’s all.” “I’m allowed to and talk to him if you want me to pass any messages along for you.” “It’s okay, Virgil. You don’t have to.” “But what if I want to?” “Virgil. We’ll all be fine. It’s just something we all have to deal with.” “From what I understand, Roman was insulting Janus a lot, Janus was trying to explain his point of view to you guys, no one stood up for Janus, Janus lashed out at Roman and then no one stood up for Roman, meaning everyone is left upset.” “I guess.” Patton said after a few moments of silence. “I’m going to see Thomas.” Virgil got and left the room.
“Hey, Thomas.” “Oh. Hey, Virgil.”
“Damn. Everyone is upset today. Surely the video couldn’t have been that bad.”
“The video is good. Only problem is Roman hates me and Janus, I don’t know how I feel about Janus, I feel guilty about Roman and Patton, and I am so confused on how Patton and Roman feel about each other right now.”
“Well. Roman, I believe, is only talking to me, Logan and Remus. Patton is in his room, pretending everything is fine. Janus is in the lounge, last time I checked, a little upset but otherwise seems okay. But I didn’t come out here to talk about them. I came out here to make sure you’re okay.”
Thomas took a deep, shaky breath before talking. “I’m… okay.”
“Sure. I definitely believe you,” Virgil said sarcastically. Thomas smiled slightly. “Thomas. Get some sleep. Have something to eat and drink. Turn your phone and laptop off unless you need to message someone. I’ll try to sort everything out up there.” Virgil pointed to Thomas’ head.
“Thank you, Virgil. I’ll try.” “That’s all I ask for. I’ll be back later. Well. Me or Logan. Look after yourself.” Virgil vanished right in front of Thomas.
“You too,” Thomas said to the empty room.
“It’s only been a couple of hours since the video but I’m already over this. Seriously. It’s so… quiet.” Virgil and Logan were in the kitchen, attempting to make dinner for everyone.
“I agree. It does seem too quiet. I’m not sure why, though.” “I think it’s because there’s no one here to make noise. Roman is in his room, Remus, I think, is with him. Patton’s in his room. Janus is, I’d assume, in his room. That leaves us two here.”
“Yes. I’m worried, Virgil. Do you think we should go check on them?” “I think we should finish preparing this food before we go and check on them. I’ll do the twins, you the dads?” Virgil asked with a smile.
“That works.”
“Hey, Re? Can I go talk to Roman again, please?” Virgil stood in the doorway of Remus’s room.
“He’s asleep. You aren’t waking him.”
“Okay. That’s okay. Have you had the chance to talk to him about what happened?” Remus just nodded.
“And?” “I don’t know how I feel about it, V. On one side, Roman is my brother and I care about him. On the other, Janus is my friend and I care about him, too. And I can’t hate Pat, as much as I try. So I don’t know how I feel.” “That’s okay, Re. You don’t need to know.”
“How are you of all people so calm about this? I know that everyone being upset is affecting Thomas. I would expect you to be freaking out by this point.” “Why do you think I’m getting involved. I can’t stand the negativity in the mindscape at the moment.” Virgil removed a hand from his hoodie pocket, holding it out in front of him. His hand was shaking a lot. “Jeez, V. Come on. Sit down.” Remus directed Virgil to the desk chair in his room. “Thanks, Re.” Virgil instantly curled into himself as soon as he sat down. “Wow. You are crazy right now. I honestly don’t know how to help you.” “It’s okay. I’ll be okay soon. And if I’m not, then Logan will come looking for me because it’s affecting Thomas.”
“Do you want me to go get Logan?” Virgil shook his head.
“I’ll be- I’ll be okay, Re. Just give me a minute.”
Remus tried to help Virgil as much as he could. At first, Remus tried to politely leave Virgil alone, then when that wasn’t working, he pulled out his phone and searched for grounding techniques. That helped Virgil a little bit.
It wasn’t until Roman woke up and heard Virgil and Remus through the door that Virgil calmed down. Roman got up and moved through to Remus’s room. The first thing he saw was Virgil curled up on Remus’s desk chair with Remus next to him on the floor, talking quietly to try calm him down.
“Virgil. What happened?” Roman asked Remus.
“He’s just worried about what happened with the video earlier. I’m trying to help him but I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Okay.” Roman dropped to his knees in front of Virgil. “Virgil. Can you hear me?” Virgil nodded.
“Good. I’m going to grab your hands, okay. I’ll hold your hands.” Roman spoke slower than usual. Roman then reached over and, as he said, he grabbed Virgil’s hands and held them to his own chest. “Virgil. Can you try and breathe with me, please? In and out. That’s right. We’re getting there. Come on.” Roman smiled encouragingly at the anxious side.
“Remus. Can you get a glass of water and some chips or crackers or something from the kitchen, please?” “On it.” Remus ran out of the room and Roman faintly heard him thundering down the stairs.
“Virgil. Can you move at all?” Roman asked softly. Virgil shook his head.
“I’m going to lift you to the bed. Is that okay?” Virgil nodded. Roman managed to lift Virgil, carrying him bridle style, and gently placed him on the bed. Roman then sat next to him and pulled him close.
“I’m right here, Virgil. Listen to my breathing. I’m here.” Roman held Virgil securely, making sure Virgil's head was resting on his chest so the Virgil could hear his breathing and heartbeat.
Remus returned with Logan behind him. Remus placed a glass of water and a box of crackers on the bedside table.
“Thanks, Re,” Roman said quietly. Remus and Logan stood awkwardly in the room as Roman continued to calm Virgil down.
“Sorry, Roman. And Remus. I didn’t mean to freak out on you guys.” Virgil said quietly after he had calmed down. “It’s okay, Virgil.” “Yeah, V. It’s fine.” Remus smiled.
“What, uhm, what was it that caused you to freak out exactly?” Roman asked.
“I don’t know. I was thinking about how you guys have been acting since the video today. And I was just worried that you wouldn’t talk to Patton anymore and then everything would be out of balance and-”
“Okay. It’s okay. Breathe, Virgil.”
“Sorry.” “Virgil. You do not have to apologise. I understand what you are saying. Would like to come with me to check on Thomas?” Logan asked.
“Uhm. Yeah. Sure.” Virgil got up and he followed Logan out of the room.
“Damn, Ro. I didn’t realise you knew how to calm him down.”
“After a couple of videos, he’s been really stressed and panicked. We all used to hang out after the videos and I learnt from Patton how to calm him down.”
“Hey, Thomas. You doing okay?” Virgil asked. “Yeah. I’m good. Are you, though?”
“Yeah. I’m okay.” “I just felt you having a mini freak out. What happened?” “Nothing. I was just overthinking.” Thomas didn’t look convinced but didn’t push.
“Have you had something to eat and drink, Thomas?” Logan asked.
“I had a sandwich. And a cup of tea.”
“Good. Now. Take some time to unwind and then go to bed.” Logan instructed firmly.
“Alright, Lo.” Thomas sighed.
“Virgil. I’m going to stay out here for a while. I checked on Patton and Janus. They both seem to be okay.” “Alright. I’ll go see what I can do. Later, Thomas.” “Bye.” Virgil disappeared.
“Remus? Roman? I’ve made dinner if you guys want something to eat.” Virgil stood awkwardly in the doorway of Remus’s room.
“Alright. Coming.” Roman got up off of Remus’s bed and started following Virgil towards the stairs.
“I gotta get Pat and Janus, too. Everything’s served already. All the plates are on the bench,” Virgil said. Roman walked past Virgil and went downstairs, Remus close behind him.
Virgil knocked on the light blue door.
“Come in.” Came Patton’s muffled voice. Virgil pushed open the door. “Dinner is ready downstairs. If you want it.” Virgil informed Patton before quickly closing the door and moving further down the hallway. Janus’s door was open and Virgil could see him sitting in front of his mirror.
“Hey. Uhm. Dinner is ready if you're hungry.” “Oh. Thanks. I’ll be down in a minute.”
Virgil left Janus and went downstairs. Logan had returned and was in the lounge with Roman and Remus, each with a plate of food each. Virgil grabbed his and joined them.
Logan was sitting in a single seat, not talking. Remus and Roman were sitting right next to each other on the love seat, one of them quietly speaking every few minutes. Virgil sat in the corner of the couch nearest the twins. He didn’t talk, he just started eating.
Janus came in not long after. He sat at the other end of the couch, avoiding looking at Roman or Remus completely.
Patton didn’t show up for dinner and when Virgil went to clean his plate, Patton’s dinner was still on the bench.
Virgil grabbed the plate and headed upstairs.
“Patton. Please join us downstairs for dinner. I was hoping to be able to lead a conversation so that you, Roman and Janus aren’t as upset.” Logan was already in Patton’s room.
“I’m not hungry, Lo.” came Patton’s response.
“Pat. Please. This is important to us.” Virgil spoke up. “How about. If you join us for dinner, we can make cookies either after dinner or tomorrow morning. And I’ll help you.” Patton seemed to think about it for a moment.
“Okay.” He agreed reluctantly.
When the three of them got downstairs, Roman and Remus were huddled together even closer on the love seat and Janus was in the kitchen.
“Can we all come into the lounge, please?” Logan called from the bottom of the stairs. Virgil went back to the same spot he was in. Patton sat next to him at a bit of a distance. Janus sat at the end of the couch and Logan sat back in the seat he was in earlier.
“Can we all just talk, please?” Virgil asked quietly. “About what?” Roman asked.
“About why everyone seems to be angry at each other. Because it just sounds like you guys weren’t agreeing with each other and got angry over it. Which is completely ridiculous.” Logan interjected.
“I’m not angry. I mostly just feel… guilty.” Patton was on the verge of tears. Both Virgil and Janus moved to comfort him.
“I am angry. Because one of my best friends chose one of my enemies over me and then said enemy called both me and my brother evil.”
“You called me evil?” Remus asked Janus in a small voice.
“No. Well, yes. But-”
“Really? I’m the evil one here?-” “Let’s stop for a second. Patton. Let’s go back to what Roman said about you choosing Janus over him. What was that about?” Logan interrupted.
“I just agreed with what he was saying. That’s all.”
“So Roman, there is no need to be angry with Patton. He just had a different opinion to you.”
“But he never said Janus was wrong when he called me evil. Neither did Thomas.” Roman’s voice sounded empty, now. His eyes were glassy, as if he was about to cry.
“Roman. You are not evil. Neither is Remus. No one is evil.” Virgil thought it was Patton who had spoken but was surprised to find it was Janus. “And how am I supposed to believe what you say?” “Roman. Please. I really need you to trust me on this. I know what I said was wrong. I shouldn’t have said that either of you were evil. And I am sorry about that. But please believe me now. You are not evil. Remus is not evil.” Roman’s laugh was empty.
“Whatever, Deceit,” Roman spat.
“Roman. He’s trying to apologise and correct his mistake. Why won’t you let him?” “He Is Deceit! You Can’t Trust Him!” Roman stood up and yelled. “And what are you, Roman? Creativity? You would think that Creativity would be a bit more accepting of what’s considered weird. All of us are important. You. Are. Replaceable.” Janus yelled right back. The lounge was completely silent. Then suddenly Roman and Remus moved, almost as one. They both rushed upstairs, Roman’s sobs could be heard from the lounge.
“Really, Janus?” Virgil asked.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I honestly didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Janus’s eyes were wide and full of fear.
“I don’t even know what to do anymore.” Virgil admitted.
“I’ll go talk to Roman. You stay here.” Patton said.
“Remus. Please. I need to talk to Roman.” “No. No one is allowed in.��
“You aren’t stopping me, kiddo.” “I’m not your kid. And you aren’t going in my room.” “I am.” Patton gently pushed Remus out of the doorway and moved towards Roman’s room.
“Roman. Kiddo, please.” “Go away.” Roman was sitting on his bed, his back facing the door.
“Roman. I am not leaving.” “Twice, Patton. Twice today, you have allowed Janus to insult me.” “I know that Janus has been rude. But he is trying, Roman. He is really trying to help.”
“No. He’s trying to get rid of me.”
“I’m sorry.” A quiet voice from the doorway interrupted. “I am really really sorry. I didn’t mean to say any of the things I’ve said to you today, Roman.” Patton turned around and Janus was standing in the doorway, his snake eye looked more human than snake and his scales were almost invisible.
“I don’t want you here, Deceit.”
“I know, Roman. But I needed to apologise. You aren’t replaceable.”
“Then why did you say it?” “You called me a liar. Why did you believe it?” Janus said, a slight joking tone in his voice.
“I guess you have a point.” “How can we move past this?” Janus asked.
“I don’t know.” Roman turned to face the door.
“Well. forgiving is always a good place to start.” Patton suggested.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#janus sanders#remus sanders#ts spoilers
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From The Outlands
Okay. So. Uhm. Not part of the October challenge that I STILL haven’t finished. But, uhm. This is an idea I had a while ago but I don’t know where I want to take it. If anyone has any ideas or is motivated to write this, feel free to comment or message me.
Anyway Warnings: Anxiety/panic attack, Deceit, drowning. (Please let me know if I have missed anything.) Word Count: 1137
*Virgil P.O.V*
"Hey, Virgil. Come over here."
"No Dee. I'm... uh... busy."
"No, you aren't. Stop dreaming about being with them. You know they won't accept you. You're Anxiety. They don't need or want you there. Just hang with me. I'll keep you safe."
I knew he wasn't trustworthy but he was all I had. When there is only one person in your world who seems to care about you, you have to trust them, right? Even if they are bad.
The Host or ‘Thomas’ was 20 at the time. I had recently been thinking about leaving the Outlands and going to the Mind Palace. It was so much safer there. That's all I wanted. Safety. But the main reason I stayed here is that Anxiety plays no part in keeping the Host safe. Another reason is that my only friend is on the banished list.
Some emotions are created in the light and are used to keep the Host safe so they live there. Others are created in the light and try to keep the Host safe but grow up to be bad. So they get banished. They physically can't step foot inside the light. Some emotions are created in the light and choose to leave. They have the choice to walk back there at any point. Then there are the few that are created in the dark. They are pure evil. I am one that willingly left the light. I almost went back many times but every time I tried, the city was in shut down. That means something was wrong and there were cameras everywhere. No one can get in or out.
I followed my friend over to the top of the hill. Well. I thought it was a hill. I watch the clouds float across the sky. Constant grey clouds overlapping. Sometimes growls and lightning would come from above. It was a horrible place to live in. I finally looked at the hill in front of me. Only, it wasn't a hill. It was a cliff. The crashing waves then made themselves heard.
The waves. The wind. The birds. The other dark sides. I could hear it all in one big mess. The clouds blurred. Air rushed past me. Then I hit the water. I continued falling in slow motion. Bubbles raced past my head. Light faded. Then everything went completely black.
"- up Anxiety."
I faded in and out of consciousness. My name was being called. Someone was trying to talk to me. Was it Deceit? No. That's not his voice. No one I knew sounded like that. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and unfamiliar.
"He appears to be waking up, Patton. Step back. Give him space." The voice seemed so close.
The figure next to me moved. I reached out my hand to bring it back but all that happened was my hand hit the ground. Hard. I groaned in pain and annoyance. I stayed still for a few minutes, waiting for my vision to come back. It slowly started focusing and I realised where I was. The Palace. No.
"Patton? Logan? Is that really you guys?" I asked.
"Yep. It sure is. Are you okay, Anxiety?"
"What happened. Why am I here?" The panic started to set in now.
"Hey. Hey. Hey. Calm down. Breathe for me, please. Come on. In and out. Breathe." Patton sat down next to me and held my hand, calming me down.
"We found you in the water. We were at the beach and Roman was swimming and found you floating. We brought you back here immediately." Logan explained.
"I fell. No. I was pushed. Deceit. Cliff. Water. Thunder." My mind was a mess.
"Breathe, kiddo. Come on. You don't have to tell us what happened right now. Just breathe." Patton continued to try and calm me down.
I followed his instructions and took a deep breath in then slowly let it out.
I sat there for almost 10 minutes, trying to calm down. Patton was beside me the whole time.
"Do you think you can move to the couch? It isn't that comfortable down here on the floor." Patton said.
I nodded and slowly tried to stand. Patton helped me and lead me to the couch. I sank into the cushions.
"Do you need anything? A drink? Some food? A blanket?" It was then that I noticed I wasn't wearing my hoodie and I had an unfamiliar top on.
"Where are my clothes?" I asked.
"They were dripping wet so we had to wash them," Logan said from the doorway. "How are you feeling?" Logan asked.
"I'm fine. Just a bit-" I stopped. I don't know these people. Not properly at least. I haven't spoken to them in years.
"What's wrong?" Patton asked.
"Nothing. Where have you put my stuff?"
"It's in the washing machine. You can have it back once it is all dry." Logan reassured.
"Would you like some food?" Patton asked.
"No thanks," I replied.
"Would you at least like a drink?"
"No thanks."
Roman chose that moment to walk in.
"Hello, dear friends.” He greeted happily. “And Anxiety," He mumbled.
Logan and Patton both smiled at the self-proclaimed prince. I just glared.
"Come on. Smile a bit Anxiety. I saved your life, after all." Roman flashed me a massive grin and puffed his chest out.
"Could've left me there. You didn't have to save me." I pointed out.
"You're right. I didn't. But I chose to. Because I am actually nice. Unlike you."
And there it was. Right back to how it was. Roman was one of the biggest reasons I left the light, to begin with. He spent every moment we were ever in the same room pointing out my flaws. Pointing out what he didn't like about me. Which just so happened to be everything. Even when we were little kids. And because I was the quiet one, Patton and Logan were on his side because they were all friends. So, I left to do my job while I was with other emotions like me. The Darks. I could still do my job but I was unstable, not meant to be in the Outlands. I would either have very little control or too much control. This led everyone to believe I was Anxiety. I wasn't always though.
"Just leave me alone, Roman. As soon as I get my stuff, I'm gone again anyway."
"That's not true. You are going to stay here, I won't let you leave." Patton exclaimed.
"You aren't in charge. Especially not of me. When I get my stuff, I am leaving. There is nothing you can do about that.” I felt bad about being so rude to Patton but I was right. He isn’t in charge of me.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#logan sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#deceit sanders#KPDfics
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A Cozy Autumn Day
Sorry. I know it isn’t October or the beginning of 2019 but I finally found the motivation to continue the October writing challenge I started last year. It has kinda just become a writing challenge. I’ve spent the past few days working on this story. I’m not too proud of it to be completely honest.
Prompt: A cozy Autumn day
Pairings: Familial LAMP
Word Count: 1004
Warnings: (Please let me know if I have missed any warnings.)
Virgil woke up in his dark room. The shadows swam along the walls, reaching out towards Virgil. Feeling the usual unease, he took a deep breath.
“I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.” He repeated like a mantra in his head. He changed out of his pyjamas and into black jeans, a dark purple shirt and a black hoodie. He gently applied his makeup before heading out to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Patton was cooking breakfast, the smell of Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs and toast mixing together beautifully. Virgil joined Logan and Roman at the table, each of them still in their pyjamas.
“Good morning, Virgil. How did you sleep?” Logan asked.
“Slept alright. ‘nd you?”
“My sleep was quite alright. Thanks for asking.” Logan smiled politely at Virgil before taking a sip of his coffee. Roman still seemed to be mostly asleep, not really acknowledging that Virgil had joined him at the table.
“Good morning, Kiddo. Here’s some breakfast.” Patton placed a plate stacked with pancakes on the table, plates of bacon, eggs and toast following. A glass of orange juice was placed in front of everyone before Patton sat at the table. Everyone thanks Patton before they all started eating.
“What does everyone have planned for today?” Roman asked once he was awake.
“There is a book I’ve been meaning to read. Today it’s perfect weather outside to read quietly out there.” Logan was sure he heard Roman mutter “Nerd” but didn’t say anything.
“I was hoping to do some baking. It’s almost Halloween and I need to make sure all my treats taste good.”
“You’re food always tastes good, Patton.” Roman smile and, to emphasise his point, took a bite of a pancake.
“Thanks, Roman.” Patton smiled.
“And what about you, Doctor Gloom?” Roman asked.
“Oh. Uh. I didn’t really have any plans. Napping sounds good, though.”
“You can’t nap such a good day away. Halloween is 18 days away. You must help me plan.”
“And what are you planning this time?”
“WE are planning our plans for Halloween, of course.”
“Yes. of course. So obvious. It's over two weeks away but of course, we are planning now.” Virgil's voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“I have ideas but I want your help.”
“You want me to find all the faults in your plans.” Virgil corrected the prince.
The four continues to eat until everyone had finished. There was no food leftover but everyone was full.
“Alright. I’ll be outside if anyone needs me.” Logan left the room, heading to grab his book and go outside.
“What treats do you guys want?” Patton asked Roman and Virgil.
“Oh. Anything’s fine with me.” Virgil replied.
“Anything you back is delicious. Although, I suggest pumpkin flavoured foods.” Roman smiled. “Virgil. I’ll be in the lounge when you’re done.” Roman left the room and gathered his stuff in the lounge, settling down on a beanbag that he had dragged up to the edge of the coffee table.
“Did you want any help in here, Patton?” Virgil asked quietly.
“I’ll be alright, Kiddo. You go help Roman, yeah? I’ll bring some treats out soon.” Patton smiled at Virgil.
“Don’t overwork yourself, Pat. You have 18 days and even if your baking isn’t perfect, we’ll still love it.” Virgil turned and left, joining Roman in the lounge.
Patton pulled the second tray of pumpkin cookies out of the oven and gently moved them across to the cooling rack. He turned on the hot water jug and pulled out four mugs from the cupboard above his head. He made four pumpkin spice lattes.
Patton grabbed one mug and carried out to Logan who was curled up in a seat on the porch.
“Hey, Lo. How’s the book?” Patton noted that the book was closed on the table next to Logan.
“I don’t know. I haven’t even started it yet.” “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Just been sitting here, thinking.” Logan said as he took the mug from Patton.
“It’s getting a bit chilly, don’t you think?”
“I’m alright out here. Thanks for the drink.” Logan held the mug between his hands and watched the leaves fall gently from the trees. Patton went back into the house.
He took a mug to Roman and Virgil each. Virgil had given up on helping Roman and was curled up on the couch with his headphones on. Patton placed the mug on the coffee table close to Virgil and placed the other one next to Roman.
“How’s the planning going, Roman?”
“Great. I have a movie marathon list and a music playlist and a couple of scary stories to tell.”
“That’s wonderful, Roman.” Patton smiled at Roman before going back into the kitchen.
Virgil silently followed Patton out to the kitchen.
“Hey, Pat. How’s the baking?”
“Oh. Hi, Kiddo. The baking’s good. I’ve made some cookies and I have a recipe I want to try for some cupcakes.” “Can I try a cookie?” Patton smiled. Virgil loved having the first cookie, especially if they were still warm.
“Of course, Kiddo.” Patton handed the biggest cookie to Virgil who bit into it and smiled.
“This is amazing, Pat.”
“Thanks, Virgil.”
Roman moved the couch back so it was up against the wall. He conjured a huge mattress and tons of blankets. Virgil, Roman, Patton and Logan cuddled together, watching movies and eating the cookies and cupcakes that Patton had made earlier that day. Slowly, as the movies continued to play, everyone fell asleep. First, it was Patton, curling into Logan's side and resting his head on Logan’s shoulder. Then it was Logan. He fell asleep basically still sitting up, with his head resting on top of Patton’s. Then it was Roman, his position mirroring Logans with his head on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil was awake till the end of the movie list had finished. Not wanting to disturb Roman, he stayed where he was, slowly nibbling on the last few cookies, until he finally drifted off no long before Patton woke up ready to make them breakfast.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#platonic lamp#KPDfics
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Dresses under the cut.



The first dress is what Wanda was wearing. Second is Morgans dress and the third is what Pepper was wearing.
Memorial - Avengers AU
Alright. First not Thomas Sanders story that I’m posting.
This is set after Endgame with a couple of changes. Uhm. Pepper moves back to the city, Peter lives with her and Morgan. When I wrote this, Far From Home hadn’t come out and I had looked up if May dusted and what I found said she hadn’t so my first thought was she lost Peter and Tony and was driven to kill herself and Peter blames himself. Up to you if you want Steve to be old or young in this.
Characters: Peter Parker, Pepper Stark, Morgan Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff and Bucky Barnes. Word Count: 6010 Trigger Warnings: Implications of suicide, talk of death, a lot of crying (If I have forgotten any or if there is something you would like me to tag, let me know.)
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Avengers Master-Post
Links to all Marvel stories I post along with a summary of the story.
Memorial - Post Endgame, The remaining Avengers have been asked to create a memorial for their fallen teammates. As a group, they decide how they are going to do it. Pepper has moved back to the city with Morgan and Peter lives with them. As a big family, they all try to remember and move on.
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Main Masterpost
This will have links to all my mini Masterposts that I will create as I post different stories.
Marvel-related stories
Thomas Sanders stories
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Memorial - Avengers AU
Alright. First not Thomas Sanders story that I’m posting.
This is set after Endgame with a couple of changes. Uhm. Pepper moves back to the city, Peter lives with her and Morgan. When I wrote this, Far From Home hadn’t come out and I had looked up if May dusted and what I found said she hadn’t so my first thought was she lost Peter and Tony and was driven to kill herself and Peter blames himself. Up to you if you want Steve to be old or young in this.
Characters: Peter Parker, Pepper Stark, Morgan Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff and Bucky Barnes. Word Count: 6010 Trigger Warnings: Implications of suicide, talk of death, a lot of crying (If I have forgotten any or if there is something you would like me to tag, let me know.)
It started with soft crying in the middle of the night. Someone in the small house would wake up and someone else was crying.
Most of the time, everyone would wake up in the same bed each morning. A few times, there have been locked doors and no sightings.
Peter keeps track of who’s crying each night and how they react.
Morgan cries and will accept hugs. She will get up, have a warm drink, and climb back into bed with whoever came into her room,
Pepper accepts hugs most nights, only a few nights she closes and locks the door, hoping Peter and Morgan leave her alone.
Peter opens his door occasionally, mainly just letting Morgan in. Peter remembers the last time he saw him. That sense, that feeling he got. That knowing that he wasn’t coming back this time. Hearing his heartbeat slowing down.
Every night that Peter Parker cried, he hoped that Tony Stark would come into his room and hold him. He hoped that he would wake up and Tony Stark would be there, offering to watch a Star Wars movie with him. Every night that Peter Parker cried, Morgan Stark would climb out of bed and hug her big brother till he was asleep again.
“Morgan. You have to get up.” Peter whispered, gently shaking the little girl.
“I don’t want to.”
“I don’t care. I have some clothes picked out for you and Mummy has breakfast waiting for you. Can you get dressed then come eat some breakfast?”
“Okay.” Morgan dramatically got out of bed.
Peter left Morgan to get changed. He also got dressed, preparing himself for the day.
“Hey, Peter. How’s today?” Pepper was stood in the doorway.
“You’re seeing them today, aren’t you?” She asked softly.
“Yeah. But I’ll be okay. I can do this.”
“Yeah. Just remember that if you need anything, anything at all, my phone will be on.”
“I know. Thanks, Mum.”
Pepper smiled at Peter before going back to the kitchen to make sure Morgan was eating.
Peter made sure to pack his suit, his headphones and his charger into his bag before joining his family for breakfast.
Once breakfast was over, Peter help Morgan finish getting ready for school. He brushed her hair and help her make lunch.
Morgan then sat quietly reading a book as Peter finished getting himself ready.
They left the house after saying goodbye to Pepper and headed off to school.
“Peter. Mummy was crying last night.”
“I know, Morgan.”
“Was she crying because daddy isn’t coming back?”
Peter took a deep breath. “Yeah. That’s why she’s crying. Because daddy isn’t coming home. But you know why, don’t you?”
“Daddy isn’t coming home because the Angels need his help. When the angels don’t need his help, they will send him back to us.”
Peter smiled. “Yeah.”
“Don’t cry, Peter. Daddy is smart. He will help the Angels and be home soon.”
“Yeah. He will.”
They arrived at the school.
“Have a good day, Morgan. If you need me, press the button on your watch.”
“Yep. Love you, Bye.” Morgan said before running off to join her friends.
Peter walked back out the gate and walked around the school into a nearby alleyway. He leant against the wall and tried to steady his breathing.
“You’re okay. Everything’s okay. They’re your family.” Peter whispered to himself.
Peter changed into the suit and started swinging around the city. He helped out whoever needed him, just giving directions and helping kids in crowds find their parents.
“Peter. Everyone is waiting for you.” Karen alerted Peter.
“Okay. Thanks, Karen. Let them know I’m on my way.”
Peter made his way over to Stark Tower, hesitating as he approached.
A wave of emotions hit him as he walked through the door. Peter made sure to keep his mask on so that no one could see the tears slowly making trails down his cheeks.
He walked towards the elevator, thankful the workers still left it empty for special visitors.
“You know where,” Peter whispered. The elevator slowly rose, carrying Peter to the 19th floor where the Avengers, at least whoever was left, were waiting for him.
“Hey, Guys,” Peter said as he walked into the room.
“Hey, Peter. How are you holding up?”
“I’m okay.”
Wanda moved forward and wrapped her arms around Peter.
“Why are we here?”
“We’ve been asked to hold a public memorial for Tony.”
“Why only Tony?”
“What do you mean?” Sam asked.
“Why not anyone who was lost? Auntie Nat? Aunt May? People who died because no one was caring for them in the dust? People who couldn’t adjust to life after the dust? What about all of them?”
“That’s actually a really good idea. We can hold a memorial for anyone who’s gone,” Bucky said, just loud enough for everyone to hear.
“How’s everyone going to take that?” Wanda asked
“They can just deal with it. Everyone has lost someone in the last five years due to Thanos, we included. We’ve been given the task of holding this memorial so we can make it what we want.” Rhodey said.
“Like what they had around the place during the five years?” Scott asked.
“Exactly,” Steve confirmed. “We can ask the public to send us the names of those they lost during that time and we can replace the old sites with our new ones. And have a big one here in New York for Tony and Nat.”
“Everyone who was lost has to be recorded in the New York one, though,” Peter said. “It wouldn’t be fair to have only some names in the main one.”
“Good point.”
“How are we going to do this, though?” Wanda asked.
“We could have the big stone slab things spread in a huge circle. Maybe in rows, so there are, like, rings of stone slabs with names on each side of them. And we could have pathways dividing it up into sections or something to make it easier to get around and remember where names are,” Scott suggested.
“This is going to take a lot of work. I mean, years of work.” Steve pointed out.
“That’s okay. As long as this gets done for them,” Peter said, hoping the others didn’t notice the quiver in his voice. Wanda placed an arm around Peter’s shoulders and squeezed him slightly.
“It’s okay. We’ll be okay.” She whispered in his ear. Peter took a deep breath.
“Shouldn’t mum- I mean Pepper be here?”
“We asked her if she would help and she said she couldn’t go through that,” Steve answered. Peter nodded in understanding.
“Where’s Morgan?” Rhodey asked from across the room.
“I dropped her off at school before I came here,” Peter explained. Rhodey nodded in understanding.
“Guys. Can we take a break from planning for a while?” Bruce asked from the corner. “I think we all need a break.”
“Yeah. A break sounds good.” Clint agreed. The papers and pens were left on the coffee table as everyone moved through to the dining room. Wanda and Bucky moved to the kitchen to make food for everyone.
“What was Mr Stark like? At the beginning of the Avengers and when he was in school?” Peter asked hesitantly.
“At school? Tony was so stuck up.” Rhodey smiled at the memory. “He was top of all his classes. Hated joining outside clubs unless he knew he would be good at them. Seemed like one of the laziest kids in the class until test time came. Never studied but got top marks.”
“Sounds like a dick,” Sam remarked.
“Guess he was what he ate, then,” Rhodey muttered to himself.
“How about when the Avengers formed?”
“I read the report done on him by Nat. Apparently he was originally too narcissistic to be on the team. Iron Man was allowed but Tony Stark wasn’t.” Bruce smiled slightly.
“He seemed to think to put everyone’s life in danger was funny and picking a fight with me without his suit on was smart. Still not sure why everyone thinks of him as a genius.” Steve joked.
“Really? How did he put everyone in danger?”
“He was playing around, scaring me, poking me with tools and lab equipment,” Bruce spoke up.
Peter smiled. He missed his mentor, his dad, so much. He knew it would take a lot to move on but hearing about who he was helped.
“You okay, Kid?” Thor asked quietly.
“Yeah. It’s just hard.” Peter smiled at the god.
“I know. If you need anything, you have me. And the whole team.”
“Yeah. Thanks, Mr Thor.”
Everyone moved back into the lounge when they were finished eating.
“I think this is really good. I’ll send it off later. Who’s up for a movie?”
“Movie sounds good,” Rhodey said.
“I can’t. Sorry. I have to get going to pick up Morgan. And I need to make sure Pepper is okay. It’s been a while since she was left home alone this long.” Peter started to repack his bag.
“It was nice seeing you again, Peter. We should meet up again soon.” Wanda hugged Peter tightly.
“Yeah. I’ll try to meet up with you guys soon. I have all your numbers.” Peter smiled at the team before heading to the elevator.
Peter, having taken his mask off to eat, put his mask on before swinging back to Queens. He stopped outside the school, waiting for Morgan to come out of class. He knew that his eyes were still puffy and Morgan would know he’s been crying. He put a hoodie and some track pants on before too many parents showed up. He removed the mask then headed into the school, heading towards Morgans class.
“Peter!” Morgan called as she ran out of the classroom.
“Hey, Princess. How was school?” Peter asked
“Boring.” Morgan pouted. “How was your day?”
“My day was okay.”
“You’ve been crying.” Morgan pointed out.
“Yeah. I was.”
“Are you okay?” “Yeah. I’m okay. I just spent the day with Dad’s old friends. We were talking about him.”
“Really? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m okay. Let’s get home and you can tell me all about your day at school.”
“Can we have ice cream?”
“Of course we can.” Peter smiled at Morgan. Peter reached out and help Morgans hand as they walked home.
“Hey, Mum. We’re home.” Morgan yelled as she opened the door.
“Hey, baby. How was your day?” Pepper asked as Morgan rushed into the lounge where Pepper was relaxing.
“Boring. It’s school. How fun could it have been?” “Learning things is fun.”
“Yeah. That’s why school was boring.”
“Don’t worry, Princess. I can teach you some stuff after dinner.” Peter smiled at Morgan as he sat on the couch.
“And how was your day, Peter?”
“My day was good,” Peter replied. “Tell you later, though. For now, I have to eat some ice cream with Morgan.”
“Can I have some?” Pepper asked.
Peter went out to the kitchen and served three bowls of ice cream.
Peter and Pepper were sitting in the lounge, listening to Morgan complain about an annoying boy in her class.
“You know, Morgan. If he’s annoying you, it means he likes you.” Pepper smiled at Morgan.
“No. Don’t listen to mummy. That’s not true. If a boy is annoying you, you tell the teacher and try and get the teacher to listen. He shouldn’t be annoying you. If he keeps doing it and the teacher doesn’t do anything, tell me and I’ll talk to your teacher,” Peter said.
“Okay. Thanks, Peter.” Morgan smiled at her big brother.
“Peter. Can you tell us about your day?” Morgan asked once she had finished telling her story.
“Uhm. Well. I spent some time talking to Dad’s old friends. We’re thinking of building a statue of dad somewhere in New York.” Peter said, keeping an eye on Pepper.
“Wow. Would daddy be okay with that?”
“Yeah. Daddy would love it.” Peter smiled at Morgan.
Once Morgan was in bed, Pepper asked Peter about what they had discussed at the meeting.
“We didn’t really discuss much. We spent a lot of time just chilling out. They were talking about Tony.”
“What are the plans for the memorial?”
“Statue of Tony and Auntie Nat with memorial stone slabs like what they had during the years. Everyone who died because of the decimation will have their names on the slabs. There will also be a building with computers that have all the names on them and people can look up names and read about them and see pictures and we might even allow people to write about their lost ones.”
“Were you okay with being there?”
“Yeah. I kept my mask on for a while because I was crying when I got there. But they all understood and being around them helped.” Peter smiled at Pepper. “I promise I’m okay.”
“Alright. Go to bed. Get some sleep.”
“Are you okay?” Peter asked.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
“What’d you do today?”
“Not much. Did a little bit of cleaning around the place. Watched a movie. Just relaxed a little.”
“We aren’t that stressful, are we?” Peter joked.
“No, Peter. Not you two.” Pepper smiled at Peter.
There were a few minutes of silence.
“I really miss him,” Pepper whispered.
“Same,” Peter whispered as he curled into Pepper’s side.
“I thought I told you to go to bed?”
“Don’t want to sleep alone tonight. And I don’t think you should, either.”
“Alright. What do you want to watch, then?”
“Anything’s fine.”
Peter slowly made his way down to his room after leaving Pepper asleep on the couch. A soft crying reached his ears as he passed Morgan’s room. He gently pushed open the door and approached the crying girl.
“Hey, Princess. Are you okay?”
“I want him back.” Morgan looked up at Peter from under her blankets. Peter sat on the edge of the bed.
“I know, princess. But he can’t come back.”
“Why not?”
“Because he has to help the angels.”
“Why can’t he come back when he’s finished helping them?”
“Daddy can’t come back because he died, baby. He died protecting our lives.” Pepper was standing in the doorway, tears threatening to spill. “Your 1daddy was fighting a bad guy and he didn’t win.” She approached the bed and sat down.
“Why was daddy fighting?”
“Because no one else was going to fight for him. He was fighting so that we could live. He was fighting for you, baby.” Morgan crawled onto Pepper’s lap. She wrapped her arms around Peppers' waist and buried her head in Pepper’s shoulder. Pepper wrapped her arms around the small child and rubbed her back.
“It’s okay, baby,” Pepper whispered, tears falling down her cheeks.
Peter left to set up a movie on the TV and made three cups of hot chocolate. Pepper, Peter and Morgan spent the night together.
“Peter. Hey. It’s Wanda. Please call us back when you can. We need to talk to you.” Peter turned his phone off and threw it on his bed.
It had been two years and he had intentionally not called any of the Avengers. He would text them, asking for updates, but he never rang. After being ignored by them for weeks and trying to move on from his dreams of working with the Avengers. It was time that Peter grew up. He had a little sister to look after as well as a mum. He couldn’t keep living in his dream.
Peter. Meeting at the tower. You NEED to be there. If you don’t come, we will hunt you down. -Sam
What is the meeting about? -Peter
Can’t tell you that. Please come. Starts in an hour. -Sam
How do you know I’m not busy? -Peter
Not as important as this -Sam
Peter quickly packed his charger, a change of clothes and some snacks. He slipped into his suit and made his way out of the house. Just before he started swinging away, he sent Pepper a text.
An urgent meeting with the Avengers. Not home. Don't know when I will be -Peter
Peter swung towards Stark Tower. He flew in a few levels below the shared floor and took the elevator up to where the team was.
“I’m here. What’s so important?” Peter asked, not bothering to even greet anyone.
“Well hello to you. How have you been?” Wanda greeted.
“I’m fine. Why am I here?”
“Not sure how often you’re in the area, but the memorial is finished.” Sam walked in from the kitchen.
“And? You couldn’t have texted me that?”
“Peter. This is Tony’s memorial we’re talking about.”
“I know. I’m sorry. Just.” Peter sighed. “It’s been a while since this was something I spoke about. How does it look?”
“It’s alright, Peter. The memorial looks great. We can go see it in a few days. It opens the day after our viewing,” Steve explained.
“Cool. What day, exactly? And what are the restrictions?”
“What do you mean, restrictions?” Wanda was confused.
“Can I bring Pepper and Morgan if they want to come?”
“Yeah. They can come. It’s next Wednesday. Meeting here at 9 then heading over to the park as a group,” Steve said.
“Okay. I’ll try and make it. Can’t promise Pepper and Morgan will come, though.”
“That’s okay.” Sam smiled at Peter.
“Anything else or was that all you need?”
“We are actually planning a movie night for this weekend. It’s the anniversary of the Blip and we all wanted to be together for it. Would you and the ladies like to join us?” Rhodes asked.
“I’ll have to ask Pepper if she’s okay with it.”
“I understand. You don’t have to bring them along, though.”
“I’m not leaving them overnight so it’s either they come or I don't,” Peter said.
“Alright, Kid.” Steve seemed to understand.
“Anyway. I have to go. I gotta pick Morgan up and I should be home when Pepper gets home. I’ll text to update you on if we’re coming to movie night and the Memorial. Bye.” Peter rushed to the elevator, heading back down to the floor he landed on. He rushed off towards Morgans school.
“Hey, Mum? Would you be keen to spend a night at the tower?”
“What do you mean?”
“The team invited me to a movie night at the tower this weekend for the anniversary. I don’t want to leave you and Morgan here alone. Do you want to go?”
“You don’t have to worry about us. You can go, Peter.”
“I don’t want to go without you guys.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t sleep without you guys around. I won’t be able to sleep at the tower.”
“Okay. I’ll try to make it. When is it?”
“I’ll ask. Another thing I wanted to ask. The team also invited me to a private showing of the memorial site on Wednesday next week. It’s finished. They said it would nice if you and Morgan could come. Is that okay with you?”
“Peter. I would love to go.”
“Great. I’ll confirm for Wednesday and ask about this weekend.” Peter relaxed a little and pulled out his phone, texting Wanda. Wanda replied almost instantly.
Great. Can’t wait for Wednesday. Heads up. It’s formal dress. No dark colours, though. Movie is Saturday night. Aim to be here about 4 so we can order dinner though. -Wanda
“Hey, Mum. Movie is on Saturday. Wanda said to be there about 4. And Wednesday will be formal dress but no dark colours.”
“Okay. I’ll go out tomorrow and get me and Morgan something to wear. Do you have something formal to wear?”
“I think I still have a lavender suit in my closet.”
“Okay. And we may as well go to the movie night. No point being alone.” Pepper smiled at Peter. “You okay?” She asked.
“Yeah. I haven’t spoken about him much over the past two years. That’s all. Was a bit of a shock today when they suddenly needed me.”
“It’s okay, Peter. If you change your mind and you don't want to go to the movie night or the memorial, tell me.”
“Okay. Thanks, mum.” Peter hugged Pepper before disappearing to his room.
Saturday rolled around quickly. Peter helped Morgan pack a bag with her pyjamas and a change of clothes for the next day before he packed his own bag. Once Morgan was all set, he let her play games on his phone as he went to check to see if Pepper was ready. He heard her crying as he walked down the hallway. He knocked gently on her door, waited a few seconds, then opened the door. Pepper was sitting on her bed, a bag packed next to her, crying into her hands.
“Hey.” Peter sat next to her, moving the bag out of the way. “Hey. It’ll be okay. I know you miss him. I do too. But being with the team, remembering him, will help. I promise. Do you want me to take Morgan and let you have some time to yourself?”
Pepper took a deep breath, calming herself.
“No. I’m okay. I’m sorry. I’m almost ready. Could you keep Morgan occupied for a bit longer?”
“Yeah. No problem. Love you.” Peter stood from the bed, leant over and placed a kiss on Pepper’s check before leaving the room. He went back into the lounge where Morgan was sitting.
“Who’s Wanda?”
“What do you mean?”
“You got a text from Wanda.”
“Oh. She’s one of dad’s old friends. She’s one of my friends, too. You can meet her this afternoon.”
“Is she pretty?”
“Yay.” Morgan smiled widely. “When are we going?” She asked excitedly.
“Soon. Mum’s almost ready. Just wait here for her.”
“Okay.” Morgan sat patiently on the couch.
Pepper appeared in the lounge a few minutes later. She smiled at Peter and Morgan.
“You two ready to go?”
“Yeah!” Morgan yelled as she jumped off the couch. Peter followed an over-excited Morgan outside to the car. Peter jumped into the driver's seat after making sure Morgan was in properly. Pepper sat in the passenger seat and smiled at Peter.
“You okay?” She asked. Peter kept his eyes ahead of him as he started the car.
“Yeah,” He whispered.
The car ride was mostly quiet, everyone lost in thought. Peter pulled around to the back of the tower and parked the car. He climbed out and helped Morgan collect the bags. Pepper stayed in the car, keeping herself calm before going into the tower.
Peter took Morgan inside, leaving Pepper to come in when she was ready. Peter made sure to get Morgan upstairs as quickly as he could before she started asking too many questions.
"Peter, are dad's friends The Avengers?"
"Where did you hear that?"
"The news was on the other day and it said something about a memorial made by the Avengers for those that were lost, including their teammates Tony Stark and Natasha... I can't say her last name."
"Yeah. Those are dad's friends. That's who lives here."
"But this is dad's tower. Mum and dad worked hard on this tower."
“Mum still owns it but she is letting the Avengers live here because she doesn't want to live here and it's better for the team to stay together."
"Okay. Are we meeting them all now?"
Just then, the elevator door opened. The room was full of energy. The coffee table was covered in snacks and drinks.
"Peter. You guys made it." Sam called loudly.
"Yeah. Hey guys. This is Morgan. Morgan, This is the Avengers. Dad's old friends."
"Wow. this is so cool. This tower is so big."
"Hey, little one. You want to come and help us pick what movie to watch tonight?" Wanda asked from across the room.
"Yeah!" Morgan yelled excitedly before running over to where Wanda was.
"Peter. Is Pepper here?" Steve asked quietly.
"Yeah. She stayed in the car while I brought Morgan up here. I think it's a bit much, being back here."
"Understandable. Is she alright?"
"She's strong. And she would do anything for Morgan. So I think she'll be okay." Peter nodded. Just then, the sound of the elevator opening reached their ears. Pepper walked into the room.
"Hey, mum. Are you okay?" Peter rushed to her side.
"Yeah, Peter. I'm alright." Pepper smiled at Peter but he could see that she had been crying.
"Hey, Pepper. How have you been?" Steve stepped forward to take the bag out of Pepper's hands.
"I've been better." She answered.
"Am I allowed to- uh. Can I hug you?" He asked awkwardly. Pepper nodded her head. Steve instantly wrapped his arms around her comfortingly.
"Hey, Sam. You want to move these round to the back of the couch?" Steve asked, pointing at the bags that Peter and Pepper had left by the door.
"Oh. It's okay. I've got it." Peter grabbed the three bags and moved them to where Steve pointed.
"How's this gonna run? Like. When's dinner?" Peter asked.
"Dinner should be here at about 5. Once dinner's over, we are gonna move into the lounge and start the movies. We have all planned to fall asleep on the couch in here instead of going to bed tonight." Bucky explained.
"Is there a mattress we could put on the floor? There isn't enough room for all of us to sleep on the couch."
"Sure. I'll get the guys to find one for you."
Dinner arrived right on time. Everyone squeezed around the table in the dining room to eat.
"Damn, guys. It's been 2 years, now. That's kind of scary." Bruce said while everyone was eating.
"Yeah. It used to be hard to imagine not having them around." Clint said.
No one had to ask who they were talking about.
Dinner finished quickly and without much more conversation. Everyone moved through to the lounge.
The team took the couches and seats while Pepper, Peter and Morgan claimed the mattress on the floor.
The movies started and no one talked.
The guests left the next morning, Pepper saying she had stuff to do. Morgan gave everyone a hug and tried her hardest not to cry. Peter carried Morgan to the elevator and once the doors were closed, she started crying.
“It’s okay, princess,” Peter whispered in her ear.
“I want my daddy.” She said through her sobs.
“I now. But dad can’t be here. It’s okay.” Morgan continued to cry.
Once they got back home, everyone went to their rooms. It didn’t take long for Peter to hear Pepper crying.
Morgan quietly left her room and went into Peters.
“Peter? Can I have a nap in your room?”
“Yeah. Of course.” Peter moved away from his desk where he was sitting and laid on the bed. “Come here, Princess.” Peter opened his arms and Morgan crawled into them.
Wednesday took forever to arrive. Pepper spent part of Monday and most of Tuesday locked in her room. The few times Pepper was out of her room, she would apologise to Peter for making him look after Morgan. Peter would reply “It’s okay. I understand”, smile, and go back to whatever he was doing.
Wednesday morning, Pepper got up early, made sure they all had everything they needed, then woke Peter and Morgan, who were both sleeping in Peter’s bed.
Peter was quick to get in the shower and then get ready for the day. As soon as he was close to ready, Peter started getting Morgan ready.
Morgan was dressed in a red dress the fluffed out from the waist down. There was a row of flowers across the top of the dress and lace lining the bottom. In all honesty, she looked like a real princess.
“Hey, Mum? Did you let Morgan pick out her own dress?”
“Of course. She saw it in the shop window and decided she needed it. I wasn’t going to say no.”
“It looks very nice on her.” Peter had gone to check on Pepper, making sure she was okay. “Do you need help with anything?”
“No. I’m okay. Thank you, though, Peter. How about you go put your suit on instead of walking around in a top and track pants. We’ll leave soon.”
“Okay. Call out if you need anything.” Pepper smiled at Peter before he rushed off to get changed.
Peter’s lavender suit was hanging up on the back of his door. He quickly got changed and tidied his hair before going back to the lounge where Morgan was watching TV.
“You ready, Princess?” Peter asked.
“Yep.” Morgan turned away from the TV to look at Peter. “Is that a purple suit?” She asked excitedly.
“Yeah. My favourite colour.” Peter smiled at Morgan.
“Peter? Can you come here, please?” Pepper called from her bedroom. Peter rushed to the room.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I can’t do the zip up, though. Can you help?” Peter zipped up the dress. Pepper stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. The diamond belt and chest of the dress reflected light around the room, the long, champagne skirt twisting slightly as she moved. Pale coloured high heels prevented the dress from dragging along the ground.
“He would love this, you know. Us taking a whole day off for him.”
“It’s not just for him. It’s for everyone.”
“I know. But he would make it about him. You know that.”
“Yeah.” Peter smiled sadly.
“Hey. Don’t cry. Not yet. There will be plenty of time for that later.” Pepper hugged Peter tightly.
“Are we leaving soon?” Morgan's voice echoed down the hallway.
“I guess that’s our cue to leave,” Peter said, smiling slightly at Pepper. He held his hand out to her. Pepper allowed him to lead her down the hallway to the lounge. Morgan gasped when they entered.
“Wow, mummy. You look really pretty.” Morgan smiled.
“Thank you, baby. You look really pretty, too.”
“Ladies. I think it’s time to go. We don’t want to be late.” Peter interrupted.
The three of them made their way out to the car, Peter getting behind the wheel again.
The ride to the tower was mostly quiet. Peter had put on some quiet music and no one felt the urge to talk. They reached the tower and the team were standing outside, all in different coloured suits apart from Wanda, who was wearing a red mermaid dress with lace sleeves. The dress clung to her body, fanning out slightly at her knees and brushing the ground.
Peter parked the car and all three of them got out.
“Hey, guys. How is everyone?” Peter asked as they joined the group. There were a few mumbled replies.
Everyone climbed into the two vans that were waiting for them nearby. Wanda, Clint, Pepper, Peter, Morgan, Sam and Rhodey were in one van while everyone else was in the other.
They arrived at the memorial site five minutes late.
“Everyone okay?” Steve asked while they were standing by the entrance.
Everyone nodded silently.
“Let’s go.” Everyone followed Steve through the gates. The scenery of the town disappeared and was replaced by the sight of Tony and Natasha towering over everyone.
“She would hate this.” Peter heard Clint whisper.
“He would love this.” Pepper smiled.
“Take a look around. Uhm. I believe that the computers inside will tell you the location within the park of anyone you want. If there is anyone you’ve lost, go ahead and search.” Steve said awkwardly. Peter didn’t wait for anyone to move. He rushed towards the building that Steve had pointed at and to the nearest computer.
After a couple of minutes, he left the building and, following the directions that had come up on the computer, Peter found the stone slab that had May Parker written on it. After scanning the stone for a few minutes, he found her name.
“I’m sorry,” Peter whispered as tears started falling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Aunt May. I should have been there. I should have been there. I’m sorry.” Peter was on his knees now. He was whispering to himself, tears streaming down his face. “I shouldn’t have left you alone. I should have tried harder.” A soft hand on his shoulder caused Peter to flinch.
“It’s okay. It’s only me.” Pepper kneeled beside Peter. “I didn’t think you should be alone.” Peter threw himself into her open arms.
“It’s my fault. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Peter. None of this was.”
“If I had tried a little harder. Or if I had listened to him. It’s my fault. I’m to blame.”
“No. It’s not your fault. You all tried and fought as hard as you could and we won.”
“No one wins in war,” Peter whispered. “There is only ever loss.”
“Peter. Please don’t blame yourself. None of this is your fault.” Peter stayed there, crying silently now.
“You okay, kid?” Steve asked once everyone had gotten back to the tower. Not trusting himself to talk, Peter nodded.
“I wanted to ask you to do something for me, Peter. It’s okay to say no. I don’t want you to feel forced into doing anything. But would you be willing to officially open the memorial tomorrow?”
“Really?” Peter whispered.
“Yeah. Really. Do you want to?”
“Do I have to say anything?”
“Only if you want to.”
“Okay. I’ll be there. What time?”
“Here at 8:30 if you can. Light colours again. It’ll be okay to wear that again.” Steve smiled softly at Peter.
“Peter. We should get going.” Pepper was carrying Morgan, who was asleep. Peter smiled slightly at the team before following Pepper to the car.
“Are you okay?” Pepper looked worriedly at Peter.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
“It’s okay to not be.”
“I know. But I am. Can I hang out with Ned this weekend?”
“Yeah. Of course.”
Peter made sure to get up extra early the next morning. He showered and put on the suit that he hung up the night before. He took a moment to breathe, preparing himself to be in the public's eye.
He drove himself to the tower.
The team arrived at the memorial in vans.
All Peter remembers is getting out of the van, being escorted through the silent crowd and then suddenly he was sitting in a seat on a stage next to the statue. He heard his name being said and then Steve was standing there, offering a hand.
���It’s okay, Kid. you don’t have to say anything. Just cut the ribbon.” Peter stood from the seat and followed Steve to the front of the stage where there was a piece of ribbon strung between two small poles. The crowd clapped and cheered.
“The Stark memorial is now, officially, open. Please be mindful of others and follow the rules.” Steve announced. The crowd quickly vanished, spreading out through the park.
You okay, Peter?” Wanda asked once they were back in the vans.
“Yeah. I’m okay.” Peter smiled sadly at her before staring out of the window.
“We are having snacks and stuff this afternoon and the tower. You want to invite Pepper and Morgan?”
“Nah. I think I’ll skip. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. We understand.”
From then on, Peter had constant contact with the team. He and Wanda, being close in age, became close. Peter spent more time at the tower. It still hurts every time he went there, but being with his family made it all that little bit easier.
Peter cried.
Peter cried as he walked across the stage at his graduation, knowing that all the Avengers were sitting in the audience, cheering him on.
Peter cried as Steve officially made him an Avenger, knowing that Tony would have killed for the chance to do it instead.
Peter cried as he got a job at Stark industries. He knew Tony had left him a job that would pay well for him to take as soon as he left high school.
Peter cried as he hugged Morgan who was now 15, standing by Peppers grave, silently promising Pepper he would look after Morgan.
Peter smiled as he walked past the memorial site to pick up dinner for him and Morgan 15 years later, remembering all the times he cried over the man who made him smile so many times.
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Apologies and updates
I know that I have an almost 0 following but I still feel bad. I haven’t posted anything on here in 5 months. That is completely my fault and it is because stuff around me is changing and also stuff within me is changing and writing is becoming harder. I used to be able to have two or three different stories on the go and finish them all around the same time, take a break, then write some more. Now, I have just finished writing a 24 part Marvel FanFic but the whole time I was doing that, I was unable to write anything else.
I have been meaning to write more for this page but it hasn’t been working. I have a few ideas for different stories at the moment and so I want to change this page.
I might still post Sanders Sides stuff as that’s what kinda got me into writing and it still holds a place in my heart but I also have Marvel stuff I want to post and as I discover new fandoms, I will probably want to post storied based on those as well.
I will slowly change my page and, again, I know that no one actually cares but if you follow me and you are seeing this post, I will be posting more than just Sanders Sides stuff.
I will edit the Masterlist post or make a new one so that I can collect all of my stories and keep track of them. I hope you guys are okay with my decision and if not, then kindly unfollow me. <3
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Soulmate AU! Part 2
This is an AU originally posted by @strawberry--otter I think.
Characters: Roman Royal, Virgil Haunter, Patton Hope & Logan Berrie
Word count: 2611
Warnings: Anxiety, injury, negative thinking. (Please let me know if there are any others, thanks)
Virgil Haunter was a quiet kid. He didn't have many friends and the friends he did have were only friends with him out of pity. At least, that's what he believed. Virgil had gone to two different pre-schools, four different primary schools, two middle schools and he was now at his third high school. He was only in his eleventh year of school, his third year of high school.
He kept to himself. Didn't socialise with anyone. He was very soon rivalling Logan for the top of the class.
From a distance, Logan Berrie, Roman Prince and Patton Hope seemed like cool people that Virgil wanted to hang out with. But he hated talking to people.
It was the beginning of the year so everyone was getting themselves ready for the pre-tests. Everyone except Logan. Roman and Patton had convinced him that he didn't need as much study time as he already knew at least half of what they needed for the end of year tests.
Logan had decided to not really focus on his study that day. He hadn't slept well the night before resulting in not focusing properly. Logan sat at a table in the school library, his boyfriends on either side of him. He would occasionally help them with their work but mostly he was looking around at the other students. One student, in particular, had caught his eye.
Logan watched the quiet kid in the corner slowly flick through a textbook that was sitting on his lap. The kid's breathing seemed to get wilder and wilder. Logan quickly noticed the signs of panic that he had experienced multiple times. He whispered to the other two about being back soon and slowly approached the quiet kid.
"Are you ok?" Virgil didn't reply. Logan crouched down to join him on the floor.
"Can you hear me?" Virgil still didn't reply.
Logan slowly reached out and gently placed a hand on Virgil's arm. Virgil snapped his head towards Logan, his eyes a little too wide and his breathing a little too fast. Logan sat down and thought about what he could do to help.
"Breathe for me. Come on. In. Out. In. Out." Virgil didn't seem to respond.
"Listen to my voice. Focus on me. Come on. Just focus. Focus on my voice." Logan kept repeating that until Virgils eyes weren't glazed over anymore.
"Can you hear me?" Logan tried again. Virgil nodded
"I want you to try to breathe in while I count, okay?" Virgil nodded again.
Logan helped Virgil for the next half hour. After fifteen minutes of calming him down, Logan then tried to distract him.
They talked about things that were in no way related to school work or the tests.
Virgil then slowly became friends with the other two boys.
Pretty soon, Virgil, Roman, Patton and Logan were a close group. Virgil wasn't as close as the other three considering he was just a friend and the others were all in a relationship but they were still pretty close. They all learnt how to help Virgil through an anxiety attack and how to recognise the signs of his anxiety.
Roman had joined a drama class at school the next year. Patton, Logan and Virgil went to all of his shows. They all supported each other.
When Patton lost his parents in a car accident, all four of them took a week off school to support him. When Logan's parents divorced, they were all there for him. Whenever Virgil had an anxiety attack, they all helped in whatever way they could. None of them knew what to do when Virgil got in a fight though.
The group were leaving one of Romans performances when a group of older boys approached them.
"Fags!" They shouted. Virgil tensed. Roman grabbed his hand and Patton wrapped his arm around Virgil's waist. Logan grabbed Romans other hand and quickened his pace a bit, dragging them all to the car.
"We are talking to you! Oi. Fags! Listen!" One of them, their leader it seemed, called out. Virgil stopped where he was, causing the other three to stop as well. Virgil slipped out of the grip of Roman and Patton and walked towards the group of guys. Roman, Logan and Patton were all calling to him, telling him to ignore it and to just leave. Virgil ignored his friends and continued walking towards the guys.
"What do you want?" Virgil asked.
The leader of the group walked up to Virgil. "This," he whispered.
Virgil felt a sharp pain in his stomach which quickly spread to his chest. He fell to the ground. They guys around him just laughed. Virgil felt himself get kicked in the shins multiple times. He was frozen, helpless and terrified. Where were his friends? Had they run to leave him there? He couldn't see or hear anything around him.
After what felt like forever, Virgil heard faint yelling. The pain continued to swim around his body.
"Virgil. Please listen to my voice. I need to know if you're alright. Please. Listen to my voice. Can you hear me?" A voice above him slowly broke through whatever barrier he had put up. He still couldn't move.
"Virgil. Come on. Open your eyes or move your head. Anything. Please." Virgil tried to do as the voice told him but he couldn't move.
The voices seemed to stop for a few minutes until a loud siren sound filled the air.
"The ambulance is here. We still can't get Virgil to respond. If they touch him, it might make him worse." Virgil tried even harder to move. He opened his eyes.
"His eyes are open! Hey, Virge. Can you move any part of your body?" Virgil tried to move his fingers. Nothing.
The sirens got closer before abruptly stopping. Blurred lights filled Virgil's vision.
"Virgil. You are going into an ambulance now. There are going to be people touching you. They are here to help. Please try to remain calm."
Virgil felt people lift his body. Pain shocked him back into unconsciousness.
When Virgil woke, he found himself staring at a plain white ceiling. That meant he definitely wasn't at home. As he became more aware of his surroundings, he became aware of the beeping filling the air. Slowly turning his head, he saw the machine that was causing the noise. He also saw his three best friends squashed together, sleeping, on a small couch. He smiled. Virgil drifted back off to sleep.
When Virgil woke up again, he heard his friends talking. Virgil groaned. The three boys raced to the bed to make sure their friend was okay.
After a few days in the hospital, Virgil was released with strict instructions to rest as much as he could. He had badly bruised shins which made walking painful and bruised ribs which made laughing, crying and basically any movement painful.
It wasn't for a few weeks that Roman, Patton and Logan decided to tell Virgil what happened the night he got punched.
What Virgil didn't know was that when he got punched, the other three all doubled over in pain. They looked at each other and all came to the same conclusion. Virgil didn't share a touch or emotional soulmark with the other three but a physical pain connection.
Virgil was terrified at first. What if he got badly injured again and hurt them all so much that they all hated him? What if they all killed him so they wouldn't have to feel his pain.
But Virgil was wrong. Patton, Roman and Logan all accepted Virgil the same as they had done before he got punched. it was a few months later when Virgil officially made their group a group of four.
@another-emo-blog @demonickittykat @darkle-elkrad @pendragonqueen09 @nightmarejasmine @wingedkuriboh27 @zoeyheys @alextheodd @professionalpessimist @miraculous-maya @cornycornfriendo @narwhal-virgil @broadwaytheanimatedseries @endreams-s @deathshadowrules @softboops @anxious-darkwolf @minamishipsit @pieceofshir @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @silversmith-91 @emphoenixcat @here-be-dragonz @thefallendog
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#sanders sides fic#virgil sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#human au#soulmate#soulmarks#gay
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Soulmate AU! Part 1
This is an AU posted originally by @strawberry--otter I think
Characters: Roman Royal, Logan Berrie, Virgil Haunter & Patton Hope
Words: 2611
A/N: I know there are other stories that have the same idea of the different soulmarks but I didn't read any of those before I wrote this one. I hope mine isn't too similar to any of the others.
Warnings: Anxiety, Injury, negative thinking (let me know if there are others please)
Logan and Roman had been friends since their Eighth year of school. Logan, being the smartest kid in the class, had been instructed to help any students that were struggling in the class. There was only one student who really needed his help. That student happened to be Roman Prince. Logan and Roman had been in the same class together all through school but had never talked to each other. Logan was the smartest kid in the class every year. Roman had average grades and usually was friends with almost everyone. But each year, Romans grades slipped more and more. As the end of year tests neared and everyone was looking at High schools, Roman was struggling to achieve high marks on any of his tests. Logan had decided to help Roman once he realised how badly Roman was doing in class. So far, Roman had managed to befriend all the popular kids and do well on the school sports teams but now, Roman had the challenge of getting over 75% on a test.
Logan was unaware that Roman was going to the same high school as him. The young nerdy gay had been silently crushing on Roman for a few years. Unknown to him, Roman had been crushing right back. When Roman found out he had gotten 85% on his maths test at the end of the year, the first person he told was Logan. The two boys spent a lot of their break together, not talking about school, both thinking they would have to leave the other.
On the first day of year 9, Roman saw the familiar face of Logan Berrie from across the big school gym. Roman made it his goal that year to get close enough to Logan to find out if they could, even possibly be soulmates.
Logan hadn't been paying attention to the other students in his class until everyone had to arrange the class desks into a circle and introduce themselves. It was then that Logan actually looked at the other kids in his class. He saw the familiar face of Roman Royal sitting right across from him. Roman smiled and waved enthusiastically once he realised Logan was looking. Logan smiled back.
The two boys grew close that year. Both of them struggled to make friends during the first few weeks of school so they only had each other. It was hard for Roman to adjust to not being friends with everyone but having Logan made it easier for him.
It was the middle of summer, on a weekend. Roman had invited Logan over for a swim in his families new swimming pool. Logan had very quickly agreed as it was too hot to comfortably read, or so Logan said.
Logan turned up to Roman's house in his board shorts and a loose top. Roman was already walking around without his top on.
The two boys sat around in the shade eating for a while before they got into the water.
Logan stood to remove his shirt, ready to jump into the pool. Roman caught sight of markings on his back. It looked as if someone had taken a piece of the night sky and placed it on Logans back. Roman turned so he could see part of his own back in the reflection on the window. He saw his own constellations spread on his back.
"Logan," Roman whispered.
Logan turned at the sound of his name and saw Roman's reflection.
The two boys were even closer than before. They started dating six months after that.
Patton Hope became their friend the next year. Logan had been off sick for a couple of days and Roman was feeling incredibly lonely at school. Patton had gone up to talk to Roman, seeing if he was ok and if there was anything at all that Patton could help with. Roman and Patton became friends very quickly, and when Logan returned to school after another few days off, he became friends with Patton, too.
Almost three months later, Roman was having a particularly bad day. He didn't know what caused it or what to do for himself. He took the day off school and ignore almost every message he got. The only messages he didn't ignore were the ones from his boyfriend and his best friend. After school that day, Patton came over to make sure Roman was ok. They hadn't realised that before that day, they had never made physical contact before. When Patton asked Roman what was going on inside his head, Roman had cried. He didn't know why and he still wouldn't be able to tell you. But Patton understood. Roman didn't need to use words. Patton knew what he needed. So after asking Roman for permission, Patton hugged him tightly. After a few seconds of the two boys hugging, Patton gasped.
"Roman. Do you see that? Patton almost yelled.
Roman opened his eyes and looked around his room. Where everything used to be grey and black, there was now colour. The grey clock on his wall turned into yellow. The almost black pillow on his bed turned to dark blue. Roman smiled.
"I need to talk to Logan." He looked at Patton and he understood. Patton might be Roman's soulmate but he might not be Logan's.
After Roman had talked to Logan, He went back to Patton.
"Logan is willing to test soulmate theories with you but he said he is completely fine if he isn't your soulmate and we can all stay together, even if you guys aren't soulmates," Patton remembers Roman saying a few days after their discovery. Patton and Roman started going out a week later.
Patton was a little disappointed that he and Logan don't immediately work out their connection. Once they got closer though, Patton noticed a small mark on the inside of Logans left ankle. He subtly checked his own ankle, knowing not all soulmate connections are made upon meeting and found his own mark shaped like an hourglass. Patton was overjoyed. The first person he told about the mark was Roman. Roman spoke to Logan and Logan admitted he was curious about the new mark on his ankle.
A few months later, the three boys were having a sleepover and Roman had ducked off to the bathroom. Logan and Patton both took that opportunity of the paused movie to quickly get into their pyjamas. They both turned their backs to each other to get changed.
Both the boys were speechless as they turned back around.
Patton had a cute cat onesie on and Logan was wearing a loose tank top and some sweatpants. Patton could have proposed right there. Despite the fact that Logan never participated in P.E or did any sport, he had amazing muscles.
Logan though Patton looked so cute in the onesie. It was a little big on him and made Patton look like a small child. Logan thought it was adorable.
Roman silently entered the room and noticed both of his boyfriends just staring at each other. He has suspected for a while that all three of them were a group but the marks on the ankles weren't a definite. Roman knew at that moment that he was right though. He smiled to himself and wondered about how he would bring up the topic with the others.
That was a problem for another day though. Tonight he would just enjoy the company of his two boyfriends.
A few days later, Roman approached Patton. After a few questions, Patton let Roman look at his soulmark on his ankle. After a few seconds, Romans theory was completely confirmed.
Roman explained to both Patton and Logan the next day what he had been thinking for a while.
Patton and Logan looked at each other and they knew that Roman was right. The three of them were made for each other.
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#thomas sanders#sanders sides#sanders sides fic#virgil sandes#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#human au#soulmate#soulmarks#gay
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I am so sorry for the major delay in stories. I haven't been able to write during the past couple of months as school was ending and my sister was constantly on the house computer. All I had that I could use was my phone and I am unable to write proper stories on that. I got a Chromebook for Christmas though so I will hopefully have proper stories up during this year. Anyway. On with the story.
Word Count: 505
Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety. Marriage.
Pairings: Brotherly Moxiety. Romantic Princxiety
Summary: Virgil is having a debate on whether he should stay where he is and continue with his plan or to run away and hide from his life. What does he decide and what helps him choose?
"I can't do this. I'm not ready for this. What if I just run away now. No one will find me, right? I can run away. Move to New Zealand. Start my life there. No one will find me."
Virgil Walker paced around the room mumbling to himself while straightening his already straight outfit.
The door cracked open and a cheerful face appeared from around the door, followed by a body.
"How ya doing, Kiddo? You alright?" Patton, Virgil's older brother, asked.
"I'm running away. I'm moving. No one can follow me." Virgil declared. A faint scream echoed from down the hallway.
"You are doing no such thing, Virgil Walker. You are going to stop ruining your shoes. You are going to stop fussing over your jacket. And you are going to marry Roman Sanders. You understand" Patton pulled Virgil into a hug and Virgil relaxed slightly.
"I can't do this, Patton. He's Roman Sanders. The most handsome and adorable person I know. I can't let him live his life with me."
Without another word, Patton left the room. After waiting for 4 minutes and 48 seconds, Patton came back with a certain handsome man following him.
"There is nothing I can say to convince him not to run away. Sorry Roman. Guess this is where you say goodbye." Patton playfully pushed Roman into the room with Virgil then walked out of the room.
"You're running away on me? How could you?" Roman asked dramatically.
"I'm sorry, Ro. I love you. And I really want to marry you. But what if, in a few years, you decide I'm no longer good enough? Or you find someone more interesting or better looking than me? I don't want that." Virgil explained.
"Virgil. I love you. God, I love you so much. I could never leave you. Anyone who would is a dick. You are the most caring and kind person, other than Patton, that I have ever met. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, we can cancel the wedding and just have a nice big party all day. But I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Those words from Roman was all Virgil needed.
"Get out of here. It's bad luck to each other before the wedding, right?" Virgil gave Roman a small smile and a peck on the lips before pushing him out of the room and closing the door.
Virgil walked over to the mirror and smiled at himself. He had definitely come a long way since he first met Roman.
A small knock sounded through the room and Patton cracked open the door. "You alright, Virgil? You still want to run away?" Virgil shook his head and turned away from the mirror.
"Nah. I'm getting married." Virgil smiled at Patton.
"Good. You are expected to be downstairs in about 30 seconds. You ready to go?" Patton asked with a big smile on his face.
"Yea. I'm ready." Vigil said with a slight quaver in his voice.
"I can't do this. I'm not ready for this. What if I just run away now. No one will find me, right? I can run away. Move to New Zealand. Start my life there. No one will find me."
Virgil Walker paced around the room mumbling to himself while straightening his already straight outfit.
The door cracked open and a cheerful face appeared from around the door, followed by a body.
"How ya doing, Kiddo? You alright?" Patton, Virgil's older brother, asked.
"I'm running away. I'm moving. No one can follow me." Virgil declared. A faint scream echoed from down the hallway.
"You are doing no such thing, Virgil Walker. You are going to stop ruining your shoes. You are going to stop fussing over your jacket. And you are going to marry Roman Sanders. You understand" Patton pulled Virgil into a hug and Virgil relaxed slightly.
"I can't do this, Patton. He's Roman Sanders. The most handsome and adorable person I know. I can't let him live his life with me."
Without another word, Patton left the room. After waiting for 4 minutes and 48 seconds, Patton came back with a certain handsome man following him.
"There is nothing I can say to convince him not to run away. Sorry Roman. Guess this is where you say goodbye." Patton playfully pushed Roman into the room with Virgil then walked out of the room.
"You're running away on me? How could you?" Roman asked dramatically.
"I'm sorry, Ro. I love you. And I really want to marry you. But what if, in a few years, you decide I'm no longer good enough? Or you find someone more interesting or better looking than me? I don't want that." Virgil explained.
"Virgil. I love you. God, I love you so much. I could never leave you. Anyone who would is a dick. You are the most caring and kind person, other than Patton, that I have ever met. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, we can cancel the wedding and just have a nice big party all day. But I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Those words from Roman was all Virgil needed.
"Get out of here. It's bad luck to each other before the wedding, right?" Virgil gave Roman a small smile and a peck on the lips before pushing him out of the room and closing the door.
Virgil walked over to the mirror and smiled at himself. He had definitely come a long way since he first met Roman.
A small knock sounded through the room and Patton cracked open the door. "You alright, Virgil? You still want to run away?" Virgil shook his head and turned away from the mirror.
"Nah. I'm getting married." Virgil smiled at Patton.
"Good. You are expected to be downstairs in about 30 seconds. You ready to go?" Patton asked with a big smile on his face.
"Yea. I'm ready." Vigil said with a slight quaver in his voice.
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This is a master-post for all my stories. I will update this after every post.
SchoolAU! (Complete series) Summary: Roman is a quiet young boy who hates going home. Once his art teacher finds out why, Roman never has to go home again.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four (Final)
Birthday Stories Summary: Just small stories I write for the sides birthdays.
Patton - January 15th Deceit - February 3rd Thomas - April 24 Roman - June 4th Logan - November 3rd Virgil - December 19th Series - October 19th
Random one-shots
My hero - Prinxiety Summary: Virgil start freaking out when he sees Deceit and Roman helps him through a mini panic attack. Opening Up Summary: Virgil starts to panic while watching a movie with the other sides. He escapes to his room and Patton comes to check on him and finally convinces Virgil to open up to him.
Simply Just A Nightmare Summary: Something feels off in the mindscape. Patton helps Virgil relax but it does more bad than good.
October Writing Challenge:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st (Not finishing this in October. Will post the remaining stories when I can. Might take till the beginning of 2019)
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A Day At The Beach
I’m so sorry for the delay in updates. I might post more than once a day if I can. I will probably still be posting some stories in November. I will also try to get the celebration story out by the end of the day.
Prompt: Day at the beach
Pairings: Platonic LAMP
Word count: 821
Warnings: (please let me know if I’ve missed any.)
Everyone woke up early on October 15. Patton had breakfast and lunch made by 7:00 am. Roman and Logan had bags of stuff with them. Virgil had taken his hoodie off and tied it around his waist. Everyone was ready to go. Everyone made their way to Roman’s room. Roman and Logan had all their gear, Patton had lunch and Virgil was still trying to finish his breakfast.
Roman stopped the others outside his door.
“Just watch this.” He whispered.
He placed his hand on the door and closed his eyes. The door then came alive. The little vines that were carved into the door started moving around on the door and the crown in the middle of the door glowed gold. The other three watched in awe.
“This should lead us there,” Roman said.
He pushed the door open and smiled widely. Gold sand stretched out for miles in front of them. Soft, clear blue water rested almost perfectly still next to them. Roman took a few steps forward to let the others through before closing the door and watching it vanish into the background.
Patton laid out the picnic blanket and all the food on the sand, close to the bank. Logan helped Patton then took his shirt and pants off to reveal swim shorts underneath. Virgil dropped his hoodie next to one of the bags and sat down in the sand.
“What does everyone want to do?” Patton asked.
“I was going to go down to the water if anyone wants to join me,” Logan said.
“I will,” said Roman, taking his shirt off.
Logan and Roman ran down to the water and both dived in once they reached waist level.
Virgil laid down, still fully clothed.
“You know, Kiddo. You can’t tan if you don’t take off your clothes,” Patton said.
“I don’t want to tan. It's warm here.” Virgil said in reply.
Patton pulled out his camera and took a couple pictures of Virgil lying peacefully in the sand.
“I’m gonna go join the others in the water for a bit if you want to join us,” Patton said. Virgil hummed in acknowledgement.
Patton walked down to the water and watched the other two play.
Virgil very quickly became aware of the silence around him. He could hear the shouts of Roman and Logan but that was it. He pulled out his phone and started playing music. After another few minutes of laying there, he grabbed his phone and hoodie then went down to the water where Patton was.
Virgil and Patton stood there in silence, watching the other two play in the water.
“Pat, Virge! Come join us!” Roman called out. Patton was quick to go join them but Virgil stood there for a bit longer before going back up to where they had set up. He hesitantly removed his hoodie and his top then his jeans. He then slowly walked down to the water. He slowly walked out to where the others were. Roman swam around behind Virgil and splashed him. Virgil whipped around and almost yelled at Roman. Roman stopped smiling when he saw Virgil’s face. A look of anger and fear. Then Virgil splashed back at Roman. Roman laughed and started splashing around like a little kid.
They spent half an hour splashing around in the water before they started getting tired. Patton opened the container of sandwiches he had made and placed them on the mat. Everyone enjoyed a relaxing lunch before Patton announced a Sandcastle Building Challenge.
Roman and Logan instantly teamed up and with Logan’s brain and Roman’s creativity, they had an amazing sandcastle. Patton spent the whole time making horrible beach puns while Virgil constantly told him to stop while he laughed along with Patton. When Logan decided time was up, Virgil asked for two more minutes without showing the others what he had built. Two minutes later, Virgil showed a small mound of sand with a stick stuck in the top of it.
“Everyone wins!” Patton declared.
They all worked together to build a big sandcastle and then ended up just mucking around playing games along the beach. Patton pulled out what he had packed for dinner and they all gathered around and enjoyed dinner in a comfortable silence. The only thing they could hear was the sound of the waves.
The sun began to set. Patton moved up right against the bank and lent against it, watching the sunset. Virgil joined him and they sat there, watching Logan and Roman trying to build another sandcastle. After failing at the castle, Roman and Logan joined Patton and Virgil against the bank and they all watched the sunset.
The moon quickly replaced the sun. They all moved sleepily to pack up all their stuff then Roman conjured up the door and they all entered the mindspace. They all went to bed feeling calm and relaxed.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#roman sanders#platonic lamp#KPDfics#KPD Stories
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Baby Virgil
Prompt: baby Virgil Baby Virgil AU
Pairing/s: Family LAMP
Word count: 1051
Warnings: Mention of crying. Mention of getting lost. Mention of eating. Mention of food.
Roman was sitting at his desk, trying to write video scripts when he heard movement behind him. He stood up slowly then whipped around, drawing out his sword at the same time. At the other end of the sword was a small being. He had big, round, chocolate brown eyes, soft brown hair and almost white skin. The child looked at the sword that was only inches away from his face and started crying. Roman instantly put his sword away and moved closer to the child.
“Hey. Hey. Hey. It’s okay. I wasn’t going to hurt you. I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.” Roman tried to calm the crying child but nothing he did seemed to work.
“You wanna see a dragon? Or a big castle? Or a gorgeous princess?” Roman tried. The child stopped crying and nodded at Roman. Roman smiled.
Roman walked over to his closet and turned back to baby Virgil.
“Through this door is a world of pure imagination. There is anything you want on the other side. Make a wish young one. What do you want?”
“Candy Floss,” Virgil replied.
“Is that all you want? You can anything your heart desires.” Roman questioned.
Virgil nodded then headed towards the door. Roman opened the door and it led to a castle made of stone. Sun filtered through the stained glass above the main entrance. Within seconds, Virgil had run off to explore.
“Virgil. Don’t run off, please. I won’t be able to find you and you will be lost forever.” Roman called out.
Virgil stopped in the middle of the long corridor he had run down then slowly turned around. Roman started walking towards him. He still didn’t move. As Roman got closer, he realised Virgil was crying again.
“Hey. Don’t cry. We can get candy floss soon. Does that sound good?” Roman asked. Virgil nodded.
Roman picked up Virgil and placed him on his hip. As Roman walked, he bounced Virgil with every second step. Virgil giggled every time.
Once they reached the kitchen, Roman placed Virgil on a seat and went searching for Candy Floss. Once he found some, Virgil and Roman spent hours eating Candyfloss.
When Virgil finally fell asleep, Roman picked him up and summoned the door back to the mindscape. Roman carried Virgil back to his room and tucked him in.
“Good night, young prince,” Roman whispered before leaving the room.
Patton hummed his own tune as he got started on dinner. Virgil climbed up onto a stool and watched Patton cook.
“What’s that, Papa?” Virgil asked as Patton added some seasonings.
“It’s seasoning. It helps the food taste good.” Patton explained.
Virgil climbed up onto the bench to see what Patton was doing.
“Can you pour this into the bowl?” Patton asked Virgil as he placed a jug of water on the bench next to a bowl. Virgil poured the water and watched as Patton added a packet of powder to the water and stirred it. Patton handed the spoon to Virgil and encouraged him to stir it. Meanwhile, Patton turned an element on and started heating up a pan.
Virgil continued to sit and watch Patton cook until dinner as ready.
Everyone sat down for dinner and ate. After dinner, they watched a movie then it was time for bed.
Patton carried a sleepy Virgil to bed and sang him a soft lullaby.
Virgil crawled into Logan’s room early one morning hoping to find Logan was still asleep. Logan was actually sitting at his desk, drawing a weekly schedule. Virgil walked over to Logan and climbed onto his lap.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked Logan, pointing at the paper Logan had previously been writing on.
“It’s jobs for everyone to do this week so everything is clean and organised. See. Roman has to clean the whole mindscape. Patton cooks all the meals and I have to do all the other little jobs like the washing.” Logan explained. Virgil nodded in understanding.
“What job can I do?” Virgil asked
“You can clean your room? Or help Roman clean, or help Patton cook if you want to.” Logan smiled at Virgil.
“Okay. I’ll clean my room every day.” Virgil declared.
“Alright then. Do you want some help cleaning it today?” Logan offered. Virgil nodded at Logan and Logan lifted him up and carried him to his room.
“Careful. It’s messy.” Virgil warned before Logan opened the door.
There was a small puzzle half completed in the corner with a few stuffed toys around it. There were some folded clothes sitting on top of his dressing table and there were even more toys on the bed.
Logan put Virgil down and walked to the middle of the room.
“You put the puzzle away and I’ll put your clothes away. Let me know when you're done.” Logan instructed Virgil. Virgil nodded and walked over to the puzzle. He picked up all the pieces and put them inside a bag that Patton had given him when he first got the puzzle. He put the bag inside a box that had some other puzzles in it and turned to Logan.
“I’m done,” he said.
“Good. Now, where do those toys belong?” Logan asked while pointing at the toys that were by the puzzle.
“They don’t have a place to go,” Virgil said.
“Do you want a box to put them all in?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded and smiled at Logan.
Loan left the room then returned 30 seconds later with a big cardboard box. He placed it at the end of the bed.
“This is for all of your toys,” Logan said. Virgil nodded before picking up the toys in the corner and putting them gently into the box.
Once all the toys were in the box, Logan showed Virgil how to make his bed.
“I can’t do all this, every day,” Virgil complained.
“If you clean your room every day, it won’t be this hard.” Logan pointed out to him.
Virgil nodded before climbing onto his bed and laying down.
“Nap time.” he declared. Logan smiled.
“Would you like a story?” Logan asked.
“Yes please,” Virgil replied.
Logan summoned a book and sat on the bed next to Virgil and began reading. Virgil fell asleep quickly and Logan left him to sleep till dinner time.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#baby virgil au#KPDfics#KPD Stories
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Just A Bad Day
Prompt: Emile Picani had a bad day and only Remy is around to help.
Pairings: Platonic Remy/Emile
Word count: 339
Warnings: Mentions of self-doubt
Virgil walked out of Doctor Picani’s room feeling slightly better than he had an hour before. But Doctor Picani was having some troubles of his own and as the only Therapist, no one knew how he was feeling or how to help.
Emile slowly cleaned up his office then walked out into the commons. He flopped onto the couch. Just then, Remy walked he. He saw the therapist flop onto the couch and knew something was up.
“Hey. Are you alright?” Remy asked, crouching next to Emile.
“What if I can’t help them? What if they realise I’m a failure?” Emile asked.
“Do you need someone to talk to or do you just want to be alone?” Remy asked, unsure of what to do.
“You can go if you want. I don’t mind.” Remy pulled out his phone, tapped on it for a few seconds then put it face down on the table.
“I’ll stay. I don’t have plans. And it looks like you kinda need me at the moment.” Remy said.
Emile smiled up at his friend.
“Thanks, Remy. This really means a lot to me.” Emile said.
“It’s alright, hun. If you ever need a friend, I’m always here. Now. What’s really bothering you?”
Emile and Remy talked for a while about what was causing Emile to feel the way he did and how he can help himself and how Remy could help.
“You wanna go out somewhere? Get away from all this for a couple hours?” Remy asked Emile.
“Sure. Where though?”
“I have some movie tickets if you wanna join me.” Remy and Emile smiled at each other.
“Meet down here in 10 minutes. Go get changed and ready.” Remy pushed Emile towards the bedrooms before going off to his own room.
They met back in the Commons before going off to a movie. They very quickly made this a monthly thing.
They would spend some time venting to each other then one of them would take the other out for a night of fun.
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Sick Day
Here is 9/31. I’m really sorry that it’s so short. I didn’t have much time or inspiration to write. I hope you like it anyway.
Prompt: T gets sick and V suffers whatever illness T imagines
Pairing/s: Platonic LAMP
Word count: 275
Warning/s: Mention of being sick. Throwing up/ Spewing.
Patton, Logan and Roman were all resting in the commons, watching movies when Virgil almost fell down the stairs. He tripped on almost every stair and fell onto the handrail once he reached the bottom of the staircase. Patton got up and ran to where Virgil was struggling to stand.
“What happened? Did you get hurt?” Patton asked Virgil.
“Couch.” was all Virgil said.
Patton Carried Virgil to the couch and then crouched down beside him.
“What happened?” Patton asked again.
“Thomas is sick.” Virgil tried to explain.
“Oh. That makes perfect sense. Thomas has got a cold and he is worrying that it is much worse. Therefore, Virgil is much worse.” Logan interrupted. Virgil nodded in agreement.
“So all we have to do is cure Thomas and convince him that it’s just a cold?” Patton asked.
“Well. That seems logical. But you can’t just convince anxiety away.” Logan explained.
“Bowl!” Virgil yelled. Roman raced over holding a bowl for Virgil. Virgil threw up as soon as he got the bowl under his chin. Patton rubbed his back as tears slowly ran down his cheek.
Patton took the bowl to clean it. Roman went to collect All the spare blankets he could find while Logan went to get a damp cloth and some water.
The sides rotated every few hours during the night to keep an eye on Virgil in case his condition got worse. Patton sunk out multiple times to go comfort Thomas and try to get him to calm down.
Virgil slowly got better as Thomas got better and after about a week from that first night, Virgil was back to his quiet, anxious self.
#thomas sanders#sanders sides#virgil sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#LAMP#logan sanders#Sick#KPDfics#KPD Stories
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