videcstar-blog · 7 years
I’d be active if I didn’t nearly attempt to cut my thumb off so lmao I’m gonna be absent--plus I may be doing small stuff at least rip
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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 Isabelle as Val in All the Wilderness
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
✿ ———— beauty and the beast sentence starters.
’ How can you read this? There’s no pictures! ’ ’ Well, some people use their imagination… ’ ’ This is the day your dreams come true. ’ ’ I’m-I’m speechless. I really don’t know what to say. ’ ’ Say you’ll marry me! ’ ’ I just don’t deserve you! ’ ’ I want to do something for him/her… but what? ’ ’ No, no! It’s got to be more something more special than that! ’ ’ This is yet another example of the late neoclassic Baroque period. ’ ’ If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for this monster. ’ ’ I thought I told you to come down to dinner! ’ ’ I’m not hungry! ’ ’ You’ll come out, or I’ll-I’ll-I’ll break down the door! ’ ’ Will you come down to dinner? ’ ’ It would give me great pleasure… ’ ’ We say please. ’ ’ You can’t stay in there forever! ’ ’ Fine! Then go ahead and starve! ’ ’ Oh dear. That didn’t go very well at all, did it? ’ ’ If she/he doesn’t eat with me, then she/he doesn’t eat at all! ’ ’ Who said anything about the castle being enchanted? ’ ’ It was you, wasn’t it? ’ ’ Oh, you look so… so… ’ ’ Not quite the word I was looking for, but perhaps a - little more off the top. ’ ’ Maybe some other time… ’ ’ _______, you are positively primeval! ’ ’ Why did you come here? ’ ’ Do you realize what you could have done? ’ ’ I didn’t mean any harm. ’ ’ Please… stop… ’ ’ Who’s there? Who are you? ’ ’ I’ve come for my father. Please, let him out! Can’t you see, he’s sick? ’ ’ Please, I’ll do anything! ’ ’ Oh, there must be some way I can… ’ ’ Then he/she shouldn’t have trespassed here! ’ ’ The master of this castle… ’ ’ Wait! Take me instead. ’ ’ You don’t know what you’re doing! ’ ’ Yes. But… you must promise to stay here forever! ’ ’ Come into the light… ’ ’ You have my word… ’ ’ For who could ever learn to love a beast? ’ ’ Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard? ’ ’ That’s not a request! ’ ’ I’ve been burnt by you before! ’ ’ I’m afraid I’ve been thinking… ’ ’ If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much! ’ ’ Well, if you hadn’t have run away, this wouldn’t have happened! ’ ’ If you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away! ’ ’ Well you shouldn’t have been in the west wing! ’ ’ Well, you should learn to control your temper! ’ ’ Now, hold still. This might sting a little. ’ ’ By the way, thank you… for saving my life. ’ ’ Couldn’t keep quiet, could we? ’ ’ Just had to invite him/her to stay, didn’t we? ’ ’ I was trying to be hospitable. ’ ’ I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. ’ ’ I want so much more than they’ve got planned… ’ ’ Well, Your Highness, I must say everything is going just swimmingly. ’ ’ I knew you had it in you, ha ha! ’ ’ You what? How could you do that? ’ ’ I use antlers in all of my decorating! ’ ’ I-I-I was lost in the woods, and-and… ’ ’ Please, I meant no harm. I-I just need a place to stay. ’ ’ What’re you staring at? ’ ’ I’ll give you a place to stay. ’ ’ No, no! Please! Don’t, no! ’ ’ I’d like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. ’ ’ Sir, close that at once! Do you mind? ’ ’ It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. ’ ’ Oh, must help her/him to see past all that. ’ ’ Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. ’ ’ Oh, it’s no use. ’ ’ I don’t know how. ’ ’ Come, come, show me the smile. ’ ’ There’s a stranger here! ’ ’ Pardon me, Master… ’ ’ Leave me in peace. ’ ’ It doesn’t matter now. Just let them come. ’ ’ I’ll show you to your room. ’ ’ Do you wanna stay in the tower? ’ ’ You must control your temper! ’ ’ Of course I came back. I couldn’t let them… oh, this is all my fault! ’ ’ You… you came back. ’ ’ If only I had gotten here sooner. ’ ’ Maybe… maybe… it’s better… it’s better this way. ’ ’ Don’t talk like that! You’ll be alright. ’ ’ We’re together now; everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see… ’ ’ And at least… at least I got to see you… one last time. ’ ’ Please. Please… Please don’t leave me. ’ ’ Well, perhaps there’s something there that wasn’t there before. ’ ’ There may be something there that wasn’t there before. ’ ’ Shh. I’ll tell you when you’re older. ’ ’ I’ll not have you making up such wild stories. ’ ’ Let me go! Let me go, please! Don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything! Anything! ’ ’ I’m… I’m about ready to give up on this hunk of junk. ’ ’ This castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like, except the West Wing. ’ ’ I mean it this time! I’ll never get this boneheaded contraption to work! ’ ’ Well, what are we waiting for? ’ ’ I’ll have this thing fixed in no time! ’ ’ You really believe that? ’ ’ Be our guest. ’ ’ Is it dangerous? ’ ’ Oh no, he’d/she’d never hurt anyone. ’ ’ Hmmm. Could you read it again? ’ ’ Why don’t you read it to me? ’ ’ You mean, you never learned? ’ ’ I learned… a little. It’s just been… so long. ’ ’ Well, here, I’ll help you. ’ ’ What would you say if you and I took a walk over to the tavern and took a look at my trophies? ’
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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It was raining. No…wait, no, it was nice. And I was wearing a pink dress. No, I wasn’t wearing a pink dress, I was wearing a school uniform and these really ugly shoes. Wait, no, I wasn’t wearing that, I was actually just wearing this. And I was holding balloons. I started walking down this dirt road. And I felt like I was being followed, so I started to run. And I hid behind a tree. I found some chewing gum—found it under a rock. I was really lost. I felt like a Lost Boy, who had to survive in the wilderness. I wore a disguise. And I cut my hand. But I was still lost so I decided to ask the dog for directions, and he told me to take the boat. One of the sailors on the boat gave me a sailor tattoo. The boat was going too slow, so I decided to fly. I landed in a field of diamonds. Then all of a sudden, I woke up.
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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take shelter / years and years ー for haiiqu
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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Isabelle Fuhrman by Sean Sullivan Shoot for Zalando (February 2017)
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
Silver Lights playing from another room Coconuts Hotline Miami
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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Isabelle Fuhrman by Tyler Shields 2015
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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female awesome meme: [2/5] female antagonists ➳ clove (the hunger games)
we’re gonna kill you. just like we did your pathetic little ally… what was her name? rue? well first rue, then, you, and i think we’ll just let nature take care of lover boy. how’s that sound?
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
◤(un)popular opinion; i’m not really a fan of muses who pull the ‘i’m not afraid of you, lol’ card with dangerous or powerful muses when they are being threatening ( or even if they appear humble or cute but are full of power ). if it wasn’t for being called god modding, i’m 700% sure these more powerful muses would have, could have, should have killed another muse if they persistently irritate them. especially if the offending character is a run of the mill human. unless your muse has dealt with similar monsters/menacing personalities/dangerous situations - try not to antagonize deadly muses to the point of obvious rage knowing the writer can’t really write them killing your muse even though that is completely in their nature to do so.
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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                                                                    ENTER:                                               LA DOLCE VITA
independent crime/horror based oc a deep web cam-girl named JOCELINE CHANCE penned by XERA
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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「 ✖   Okay wow! I cannot believe I am making this. I even made a quick doodle for the occasion!
          This blog has grown SO MUCH since I started two years ago. I never EVER thought I would reach past a hundred let alone 800 + followers. It warms my heart to think so many people enjoy my beautiful cannibal child. I’ve had so much fun with her, more than I’ve ever had with any muse, but I couldn’t have achieved this without you guys, who have been more than accepting even when I rebooted a couple of months ago. I’ve met some of the most incredible people through here: to me this blog is like a gift. You’re all beyond amazing. Thank you. Thank you for sticking by me.
          So now for the meat of this post! I sincerely apologize if I miss anyone. There’s a lot of people included, but I’ll do my best!
☆*.+゜ *.+. 。.:*☆" THE HEART  (very special peeps whom I hold close to my heart)
 @aligxrous ● @fleshfed ● @neoninked ● @bitebox ● @xkulele / @pill-dependant
☆*.+゜ *.+. 。.:*☆" THE BONE (peeps I have written with and/or love having on my dash (and if we haven’t written together yet we need to change that asap))
@sinstress ●  @pantcno ● @mctriarchy ● @handcfhealing ● @pecurind ● @wondrouswarrior  ● @videcstar  ● @burnsinhell  ● @generalblade  ● @miserysheldon  ● @sanctamater ● @cswins ● @five-guns-days  ● @facedthercven  ● @anachronistical ● @unquietgraves  ● @fclie-a-deux  ● @bonewitchery  ● @impcssiblehero ● @riorrim ● @saugokis ● @rakyatleader ● @stupidfxckinrope ● @cerisetheai ● @cultmasked ● @lcvatelli ● @foreveracroft ● @silentslasher ● @girlimpossible ● @photogrxpher ● @griefdriven ● @fullofteeth ● @abrastcne ● @superbiadraconis ● @disrxpair ● @womenofwunder ● @organscut ● @dcrkiplicr ● @illusionoflivin ● @txnebrosity ● @daggerspcll ● @agonycrowned  ● @feliciahadley ● @thcdarkman ● @sullivansghost ● @gunsworn ● @begrimedchains ● @coalessscence ● @scratchingatthewalls ● @fissarsi ● @blckstrbbt ● @inkdecay ● @shininqbeacon / @gcddamntragedy ● @deviloutofhell / @thewhitesaint ● @craneiisms ● @theboogeyman ● @latachete ● @defiladed ● @tannen ● @masxn-dixon ● @fun-in-funeral ● @tobeblamed ● @gemellimorti ● @the-quiet-painter ● @crxbcby ● @blinclance ● @vicariousphotographer ● @welcometosiilenthill ● @comiiics ● @ears-off ● @bloodybear ● @fullcnbonemcde ● @warmhandtohold ● @domiitor ● @honeyburnt ● @crcsader ● @mcrkiplicr ● @smaugiiisms ● @archerwhiterp ●   @thankchrist ● @killerofkillcrs ● @guardd ● @indomitablle ● @syrielle ● @skuldxggxry ● @amaninyellow ● @influencedbyfear ● @lamourhaine ● @holmescouture ● @mistershutterbugg / @sangxinis / ● @thatnecrobeau ● @paperflowerlullabies ● @thedestrcyer ● @eidetic187 ● @thesmileclown ● @stxtchedwithadventure ● @fatherly ● @escxrcha  ● @heartxripper
*.+゜ *.+. 。.:*☆" THE MEAT (Peeps I admire and stalk from afar and would love to write with!)
@warblossomed ● @sepulchrebound ● @devoursflesh ● @anabioun / @vicemirrored ● @meddlingheels ● @unseenmockingjay ● @voorhes ● @bitchspy ● @etherbled  ● @moralsofajackal  ● @ofthewclf ● @devilborn 
            Alice ( @rondeursx / @scorpiontongued / @fatalegrin )
         Where do I ever START? Two years and a half we met and almost immediately we hit it off! It was the beginning of an incredible friendship, and today I can safely say you are my best friend, my confident, my sister from another continent. You have taught me SO much in the rp community. You’ve helped me develop my writing to new heights, pushed me to try and do my own themes and graphics because you inspired me so much. Adele is THE best OC I’ve ever seen. She’s so fleshed out and real, and truth be told, she has helped me feel better about my physical appearance. So thank you for creating such an inspiring muse. Steve is, as you know, another favorite, a character so HUMAN he is terrifying. The fact I could meet this man on the street and not know what he truly is gives me shivers. He’s incredible, you poured so much into him and it SHOWS with every reply you create. You are AMAZING. Thank you for existing and sharing your talent with me ;3;
           Zero ( @abyssstaresback / @thismachineinmotion )
          You once told me I was your Takayoshi Sato and if that’s the case, know that you are my Masahiro Ito. <3! I could write an entire book on why you deserve even more than an honorable mention. Let me tell you just how much you’ve inspired me: you’ve actively helped me change my writing for the better, did you know that? You’ve pushed me beyond even my limits. Your writing is THE best I’ve ever come across: it’s so expressive, immersive, poetic but not over the top either? I could read your replies for hours. And your James is INCREDIBLE, so thought out, and I cannot unsee James as YOUR James now. I have so much fun writing 28362378 threads with you and I’m looking forward to writing 384767 more ;) You’re a literal ray of sunshine and I’m beyond happy to be able to call you my friend. ILYSM!
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
blackbear // sniffing vicodin in paris // cashmere noose
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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videcstar-blog · 7 years
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        “Hm... I don’t really want to feel anything...” (and that was a good thing) she chuckled, “I don’t care. Please tell me something interesting instead  of trying to garner sympathy.” 
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