Victoire Weasley ⊰ seventh year · ravenclaw · she/her ⊱ ❝ she is the sea in the morning: cool grey mists and ocean spray waves rushing chilly over land. she is the sea in the afternoon: warmed by high sun, dolphins dancing, the sand too hot to touch. she is the sea at night: wild and reckless and rushing towards me like the tides. ❞ - m.j.
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okay okay drizzle here again with another trash kid. replies will come tomorrow, because i fail at life, but in the meantime have this loser!!
CARLSON YOUNG? No, that’s actually VICTOIRE WEASLEY. Only a SEVENTH YEAR, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with DUMBLEDORE’S ARMY. SHE identifies as CIS-FEMALE and is a 1/8TH VEELA who is notorious for being OBSESSIVE and UNRULY but also revered for being CURIOUS and ADVENTUROUS.
finds the idea that she should know what she wants to do for the rest of her life just laughable because a) she’s seventeen and b) there are literally SO MANY things she wants to try out, she doesn’t just want to work towards one thing she wants to try a wide array of careers. tho she wants to start with becoming an unspeakable, she has a whole list of jobs she wants to try out and yeah she’s kinda flighty just wants to follow her impulses and have fun and learn
the most defining thing about her is probably her curiosity?? like it honestly knows no bounds and she always finds something new that captures her attention and she can be very obsessive about it sometimes
she's a ravenclaw obviously and she’s like... a terrible and great student at once. she loves learning!!! so much!!!! so she always does more reading than she has to bc she always manages to find some interesting angle in a topic like there is never one that is truly boring to her she just has to look at it differently?? but she has no impulse control honestly and no self-discipline so like she really isn’t that good of a student 70% of the time bc she just runs where her curiosity takes her rather than what she should have been doing
meaning that she’ll spend ages reading about her newest obsession and then at 3am remember that there is en essay due in the morning on a topic she hasn’t even read a page about
also like. when i say she’s impulsive she really is. she’ll get an idea in her head and she’ll just run with it bc she feels it’s more important than going to class so she gets in a lot of trouble bc she just keeps being absent
but when she does manage to have some discipline she produces really good work tbh she always put 110% into it tho it’s good to point out that she doesn’t really care too much about grades she is mostly just interested in the actual learning
and tho she loves reading and good books and stuff she definitely prefers to learn more from experience and really go out there into the world and try things herself. so although she's fine with reading about the acromantulas’ behaviour during mating season she’d much rather venture into the forbidden forest and observe them herself
i don’t really know how she’s still alive tbh
no notion of self-preservation honestly
also her curiosity leads her to be very nosy. respecting people’s privacy?? not something vic knows anything about
she does a whole lot of dumb shit in the name of science & research. most of which is completely unrelated to science & research. she just runs with her impulses & curiosity she’s probably been in way too many near death scenarios she’s a mess in a fancy dress but she doesn’t really process that she just tells ppl to Chill if they worry
her attitude can be summed up in the saying curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back
she loves her family!!!! so much!!!! loyal af to them
also she’s the type of person that thanks to her curiosity loves learning about other people’s interests and try to understand what makes them so passionate about it so if you’re her family/ friend and you talk about something you care about you can be sure that she’ll look into it asap. and this in turn leads her to be a pretty good gift giver tbh?? bc she’s already really looked into their passions you know and she tries to find something along those lines and she usually picks gifts that are pretty well suited to the person
she’s very social and loves meeting new people
she really doesn’t get much sleep tbh which she really should fix but sleep is so boring she’d much rather do something else with her time so she usually goes to bed around 3 am and wakes up around 7 to get ready for classes
i feel like that’s not gonna be too good once the war develops more she’s already quite exhausted even if she never really admits it to herself
in terms of the war she’s on dumbledore's army's side obviously and like her parents and the rest of her family she’s ready to fight in the war but she also ??? hasn’t really processed all of this tbh like not fully she’s still like wait is this happening and yeah probs gonna have an ugly wake up soon when the severity of the situation settles in
i do have a character sheet for her that i'll try to get up when i'm not Lazy and will try to do some sort of wanted connections page but feel free to hit me up if you wanna plot
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PIECE OF ADVICE: stay wild. you are not obligated to tame your- self for man.
efb | for the girls who run with wolves. (via aesterismos)
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The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.‘
Anais Nin (via wnq-writers)
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