OC ramblings
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Ramblings and things about my ocs. That's about it.
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victory-ocs · 1 month ago
joker can you shred 🛹
"You bet I can! Watch!" And then he eats shit.
Get some leaves.
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victory-ocs · 1 month ago
:fuckboy: ey knux what that caterkussy do
"What that WHAT do-"
He has no idea what you're talking about.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
"Wait - you're bleeding." Um. Licorice for Slate :) that's not blood!
"It's noth-"
He pulls his hand back from his side, expecting to see nothing... But his glove is stained a tealy-green. A viscous, thick liquid that really isn't like blood at all!
Blood isn't that colour.
Nor that texture.
He sort of. Just.
Stares at his hand.
... Yeah
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
Hidden Injuries
"Wait - you're bleeding."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Okay, I have you, I have you -"
"Don't you dare pass out on me."
"You good? You look a little pale."
"Your shirt... is that blood?"
"Oh, my god, are you serious? I think it's broken!"
"Why would you hide this from us?!"
"Okay - okay, breathe. We're going to help you."
"You idiot! You could have died!"
"I'm - I'm calling an ambulance -"
"Why are you breathing so shallowly?"
"You can barely stand."
"Sit down. Right now."
"I'm going to fix you up, but you have to sit still."
"I've had worse."
"It's not that bad, really..."
"I'm just a little... light headed...."
"It's barely bleeding at all."
"Aw, man, I liked this shirt."
"Oh, yeah that's... huh. That's a lot of blood."
"I'm just gonna sit right here... for a minute..."
"My chest really... hurts..."
"I can't really breathe -"
"Ow. It's fine. Ow."
"I can handle it myself."
"Oh, that? Yeah it's just... it's just a little blood..."
"Barely touched me."
"Why are there two of you?"
"I'll be fine. I'm great. I'm - I'm fantastic. Don't worry about me! I'm just gonna go... into this really nice... warm light..."
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
Let Me Rest
Exhaustion starters!! because i'm so tired man. im so tired. i slept 12 hours and im still so tired.
"You can barely stand any more."
"You're wobbling on your feet."
"When's the last time you rested?"
"Hey - come on - let me help you to bed."
"I got you a blanket."
"No - stop complaining - you're laying down."
"You're going to destroy yourself at this rate."
"You have to rest sometimes."
"I want you to feel better."
"If you feel like everyone hates you, you need to sleep."
"Okay, you're... not making any sense. Go to bed."
"Sleep isn't a failure."
"Rest is important."
"Shut up. Go to bed."
"The nightmares are... really bad..."
"I don't know when I last slept..."
"I'm gonna... elephant the beam... 'n I'm... uh..."
"I texted my friend "spu auash guahg." what does that mean?"
"If I'm going to bed then you... you... uh..."
"... will you stay with me tonight?"
"It's cold..."
"I wanna, um.. I just... bit longer..."
"Just getting a glass of water."
"Nooo I don't need t'sleep..."
"M'fine. It's... is fine. I'm..."
"I've never been so tired in my whole life."
"I've been laying here for hours and I can't sleep."
"I want to cry. I hate this."
"There's nothing left in me."
"I feel like a jukebox. Juice - juice box. Empty juice box."
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
slate why did you help licorice? :3c you couldve just... left him, yknow? no one wouldve blamed you for not getting involved. (I WANNA HEAR ABOU HIMS MEMORIES RAHH)
"It's not my style to 'not get involved'."
He shrugs, though he looks... Uneasy.
"I made a promise to someone, long ago. She told me to Do Good. Protect the Earth. Be happy."
And he tries, to do all those things! Some of them are harder than others. But he tries.
Perhaps its selfish, to keep that memory so close, when it isn't his own. But he's based his entire personhood on that thought. That voice. To give it up would cause him to have an identity crisis or something.
"So when I saw him in trouble? I had to step in."
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
slate! whats your favorite insect? they all work in such interesting ways, dont they? i personally really like how grasshoppers legs work when they... hop!
"I like the Fiddler Beetles."
He puts a hand to his chin, looking off into the distance as he thinks. How does he describe the Fiddler Beetle, really?
He tries to describe it, with his limited knowledge of the world. A large, black beetle. With a shell that sparkles and shines. Neon green lines that make symmetrical patterns.
"I have been told they look like a 'fiddle'. What is a fiddle? I want to know."
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
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- Clementine Von Radics
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
you look like... a hero... (for slate (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) )
"I... I do?"
He puffs out his chest and puts his hands on his hips. Perhaps he's imagining some kind of majestic super hero pose, with a cape swishing behind him and everything.
"Yeah! I do!"
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
Send "You look like you...", complete the sentence, and see how my muse reacts to being told that!
( Ex: "You look like you bite people." or "You look like you get mad when someone doesn't say "bless you" when you sneeze." )
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
Send brutal anons to my muse(s) criticizing/negating their relationships in canon or with someone they interact with on this blog!!!
Be a Disney villain! Go wild! They can defend themselves or agree, but tear into them! Please specify muse(s) for multimuses.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are grey … sentence starters
“I love you.”
“You make everything okay.”
“I want to have a future with you.”
“You make me want to be better.”
“Please, let me take care of you.”
“You are what I’ve always needed.”
“You know you’re my saving grace.”
“You are loved more than you know.”
“It’s nice to know you have my back.”
“‘Cause you’re worth facing any fear.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Darling, only you can ease my mind.”
“I didn’t like my name until you said it.”
“I love you — no, I mean it, I love you.”
“Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever!”
“Loving you is an island in a raging sea.”
“Your smile is everything I aim to protect.”
“If you’re with me, then everything’s alright.”
“You make me the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“Now I know I have met an angel in person.”
“You make me feel as though I am enough…”
“Take my hand. I promise, I won’t let you go.”
“I don’t deserve this, you look perfect tonight.”
“All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you.”.
“No one’s ever smiled at me the way that you did.”
“And, because of you, I have a reason to be happy.”
“I never thought I could feel this way… about anyone.”
“You really know me, which is more than they can say.”
“You’re the only one who could see the good inside of me.”
“God only knows where I would be if you hadn’t found me.”
“Just let me stay here by your side. That would be enough.”
“I want to be someone better. Someone who’s worthy of you.”
“I’ll always be here when you need me. you know that, right?”
“I still can’t believe someone like you loves someone like me.”
“Of all the things my hands have held, the best, by far, is you.”
“Oh, you’re such a goof. But, you know what? You’re MY goof.”
“Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it with you.”
“They could turn me against everything else in the world, but not you.”
“Why are you always looking after me? Isn’t it my turn to look after you?”
“I am saying that you are more precious to me than you could ever know.”
“I don’t know how to describe how you make me feel. Happy doesn’t cover it.”
“When I tell you that I love you, I’m not saying it out of habit. I’m not saying it lightly.”
“Loving you is sunshine, safe and sound… a steady place to let down my defenses.”
“I don’t know what the future holds. But, as long as I’m alive, I will always love you. Forever.”
“There’ll never be anything you could do to chase me away. I love you, I’m not going anywhere.”
“And every bit of love left in this beat up, banged up, scarred up heart… baby, it’s yours if you want it.”
“All the languages, in all of the world, and i still cannot find the words to express just how deeply I love you.”
“I could live without you. I could fight without you. I could survive without you, but, that doesn’t mean I want to…”
“I don’t know how to put into words how much you mean to me, how much I need you, how much I love you. I just know.. I sleep better when you’re here.”
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
audrey putting little accessories on penny....... bows and shades like his and stuff like that. so she can pick something she likes............
It's sort of... Fun! Being all made up like this.
The little gang of freaks don't really get to have fun. Not really. So the times where audrey manages to bargain with the agents and get little accessories and things. That's fun. She sits cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, leaning into the touch as Audrey brushes her quills. Her quills are still long, as this point in time. But Audrey tries to style them, regardless! Maybe twin-tails? Or maybe a bun? Or maybe... It's fun.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
( tired ) : one muse finds the other so exhausted they’re having trouble standing 
HI HI HI audrey just hanging out with sky while hes having a bad day...... sitting with him. being pillow
It’s one of the days where he cannot move or speak. Where every muscle and tendon in his body screams at him as they attempt to rip themselves apart.
A chaos organ that works in overtime. Losing more than he gains. Increased heart-rate as he tries to get more blood pumping, more energy flowing…
He lays on the floor, barely aware that Audrey’s say down next to him. Gently lifting his too-warm head and placing it in their lap.
It’s more comfortable than the floor, and he mumbles something incoherent in an attempt at saying thanks.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
RAOUL! THINK FAST! (throws one of them kong balls filled with the little treats which is totally not degrading at all)
Degrading? Not at all. He will chase that ball around and start ripping it open with his huge claws. Treats? Peanut butter? Something tasty inside, anyway.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
hey sky if you had to rate your pain,
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I don’t think there’s a number for “currently out cold on the hard steel floor.”, but he’s whatever that one is.
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victory-ocs · 2 months ago
( trauma ) : one muse finds the other just after a traumatizing experience 
metal taking care of hims sister :) (egg!amy!)
His sister had been trying to talk the hedgehog down. As she always did. His poor, naive sister, who still believed in the good of her old friends. Who believed that talking to them would bring them around to their side, the right side, the side of the glorious Eggman Empire.
The hedgehog had struck her. And she had began to leak coolant. Bright green dripping from her mouth, her eyes widening in horror as she stared at her stained hands.
The hedgehog was no longer joking around. A dark expression fell over his face... And that was when the machine stepped in. The hedgehog may be the 'fastest thing alive'. But he was not 'alive'.
He crashes the party, grabs the pink android around the waist, and takes off. Jumping between buildings and zipping through the air.
Amy is silent. Not like her at all.
He will have a lot of explaining to do, once they are safe.
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