bnha manga spoilers but I don’t give context

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Oh God bless this! He's too hot. *pantsu drop*

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Iida: *almost stab kurogiri in disguised* please help me get away from this place.
Kurogiri: (in his mind battling two thoughts) 'capture that hero and make him suffer' 'help him because he's too pure to be tortured.'
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Double the pay make shouto the first!

Let him rest already
(Based on @incorrectbnhaquotes post)
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Part 3 continuation
"Oh it wasn't just me? Youre saying there are others like me joining? That great at least it will be good."
*Ojiro makes knocking sounds using his fists on the table.*
"Hai hai...warp-san?"
Ura chimed in cheerfully, twirling her hair while holding monoma's in the other ass the entered the bar. Her outer facade dont seem to fit the place's atmosphere. Once they reached the bar her smile faded, her eyes darkened.
"Uravity? Really? Really you hmm? How naive."
*Ojiro teased chuckling. Then he looked at her.*
"So you're with the hater huh? I guess this could be better than expected."
Monoma scans the bar.
"I love the smell in here but i think it'll smell better if we have blood scented candle here. What u think babe?" he glanced at Ura.
"And oh, nice to meet you all tho i already know u shitheads." he tilted his head.
Kurogiri sigh as he saw the two new villains
"i do hate to break your precious reunion but yes there are other who will be joining with you here."
As kurogiri offered the two a seats waiting for the others.
Ura clapped her hands and chuckled. Without turning her head she quickly flickers a dagger towards the familiar voice that called out, of course, only slightly ever careful for it not to fully hit the guy. The dagger passed through, leaving a small gash on Ojiro's cheek then it hit the wall.
"Naive, you say?
Its been awhile...o-ji-ro-kun~"
She finally turned her head and smirked.
"Heh. I like you."
Ojiro licks the bleeding part of his cheek near his lips as he smiled onto Uraraka close to him and rolls her hair nicely.
"Not bad for as strike without defying the gravity of an object... Uravity!"
He said slowly and nicely.
"Knock it out. Well you two are allies before so quit your blabbering at my bar."
As kurogiri arrange the glass and wines back to order.
"Well this takes me back when were recruiting himiko toga and dabi. Such nostalgic feeling "
"(now i have to babysit this shitheads)" as he mumbles
Monoma is smiling widely, he said "ah~ I didn't know i'll be working with some dudes from the awesome section A. I guess this'll be fun!"
"may i have a drink?" he asked kurogiri.
"by the way when are we gonna start the orientation mr. warp guy?"
"As you wish."
Ojiro relaxes his tail which is about to defend to attack incoming just in case from Uraraka.
"Give the French guy a French drink."
Teased Ojiro to Monoma.
"As soon as we gather everyone I supposed. Well according to some intel UA is planning to end the new generation of villains they're assuming that the fight of all might and all for one was the cause for ending the new heroes generation as we speak" and kurogiri handed monoma a glass of drink
" well all is said that the symbol of peace is now gone"
Ura swatted ojiro's hand away, raising an eyebrow.
"I can be in control of many things now"
She boosted, turning to face her partner. Ura's like a storm, starts up on a sun shiny day. She'll have to deal with him later.
"Ill have what my neito is having"
She says and smiles.
Meanwhile at aizawa's place "Aizawa... I...I.." Toshinori is lost for words, gathering his barely hanging composure. "Calm down please!!! You're not in the right state of mind!!!" He clasp his hand tightly on his knee. "You needed someone right now, I'm coming over to your place. Don't leave your house!!!" He hurried out to change his clothes and rushes to outside, careful in not putting down the call. He started his car and drove to Aizawa's place as quickly as he can before he's too late.
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As kurogiri stop and looked at the person who called him
"Oh. What a pleasant surprise. " as he smirk on him
"A former hero I see welcome...."
As kurogiri gesture him to enter the abandoned building the devilish smile didn't fade as he say its name.
"Mashirao Ojiro"
A villain that is unknown, never found or at least maybe never seen in person. Now Killing few pro heroes by himself in secret...
Even tho he still keeps a smile on his face...it was cold and dark...
"Tsk...Cant even keep up? And u people are called pros. I can't believe I was inspired by you worthless pieces of shit. You're all the same like fucking all might!!
HAHAHAHAHA.... hah ...
This is getting boring but this is all I can do for now"
He Grins evily.
"Speaking of heroes. I wonder how kacchan is. He was right. I will never be hero, but I can't I'll get rid of you and the REST OF THESE WORTHLESS HEROES."
As he roam aimlesly, he sees a poster of a villain his age and grab it.
"Oh? How surprising? Well. For me to get rid of this pests I need to team up with these other villains." He crumpled the poster and throws it behind him
"Where could they be tho?" He asked.
He hums and skips around the dark halls of the city "Hmm beside that brown haired girl" he said "She seems interesting!" He looks through his notebook and writes her name down "Perfect! Soon i'll be having more and more people to company me in this hellish place full of heroes!"as he rage his anger, he stops skipping and said to himself "But that means I wont have any fun for my self. We'll have to find out then."
Back to where Toshinori went to Aizawa's home. Toshinori was taken aback at Aizawa's outrage. "Don't you dare blame yourself Aizawa!!!" He answered irately. He himself was very much infuriated at the situation, and Aizawa's rage didn't help out at all. "Goddamit, if I hadn't been injured and forced to retire permanently, I could have prevented all of this!!! I also take all of the blame of whatever consequences that our previous students actions might bring." Toshinori declared.
that's the only thin Monoma Neito said when he looked at Uraraka. He slid the dagger to it's case at the back of his pants and offered his hands to her as they walk to the entrance of the building.
"A lie"
Uraraka chuckled, blushing at his compliment, taking his hand as they walked inside the somewhat eerie building. Entering a bar, theyre greeted by the presence of guy, blond and the other a purple warp.
"Hah. How do a villain knows my name?"
Ojiro smirked thinking he was watched all over his years of living.
"Are you spy or something? Or maybe you know the lost of people I kill hmm? Wonderful, wonderful! So its just us. I remember the news saying the there this guy with hands around he with you?"
He asked hypothetically with a smirk.
"And who you calling hero? I was never treated as one. A guy with tail? Who would love someone this lame?"
As kurogiri was about to guide Ojiro to the abandon building he notices a presence at the entrance.
"Well this is a surprise." As he look at the person behinds him and ojiro.
"One of the former heroes I guess"
And looks back at ojiro to answer his previous question.
"Well I have many intels regarding to the destroyers of peace"
Ojiro sits down on one of the tables.
"Do you mind?" He asked.
While Kurogiri serve Ojiro a drink at the bar.
"Well some of your comrads are coming here to gather anyways."
Kurogiri said and hands over a drink to him.
"Ohoo I can sense they're here. " as looks at the closed door.
"Are you not supposed to go inside fellow guests?" And the door open.
"Just when I thought I taught them well, this happened. Shino I am out of words and reasons. I'm out of words to explain. This is not what I wanted for them." The raven gasped to catch his breath, tearing the bedsheet that he was gripping the entire time. "These are my children! These are my kids! I'm so furious! How come they had to take the other fucking way and not stick to what is right? I can't do this.. I can't..."
Aizawa heaved a sigh before screaming his lungs out. The pain of losing his students was cutting deep inside him. At this point, he didn't know how he would face his former students. The former symbol of peace knew how painful it was to watch them lose their way. But he had to do something.
"Gather all the teachers and pro-heroes. Gather all the remaining 1-A students. We will end this monstrosity right here and then."
Aizawa's voice was firm, filled with anger and resentment.
"This is gonna be my final lesson to them. I don't care if I die, so long as I can fulfill my job as their teacher and father."
While Deku was looking for a victim he removes his left glove with his bare teeth and grabs his switchblade and cuts himself.
"OH SUCH A GREAT FEELING! Its feels greater when I hear the screams of my victims tho..."
He took out a pic of him and bakugou when they were kids and slams it on the wall.
"Oh kacchan what happened to that innocent face of yours? After you recieved your quirk you changed~..."
He stabs the pic onto the wall devilishly smiling while letting out his anger.
And smiles more insanely.
"No quirk no problem!~"
He stares at the photo on the wall
"Its better to kill them slowly with my bare hands as their eyes slowly roll back..Oh im getting distracted! I must find those other villains yes?~"
He took his switchblade back and left as the photo of the forgotten childhood friends falls slowly down to the floor.
#bnha#boku no hero au#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#deku#bakugo#villain deku#league of villains#dailybnha
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Every Person That Reblog This
Every one of you
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Wha ~ 😂😂
i stopped working on my essay that’s due in a few hours to make this
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She is chubby with a chance of abs. Indeed

i got put on ‘bad anime tweets’ for this but i’m here to remind u all that yaoyorozu is a chubby angel thank u for ur time
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Now this is what im looking for.
random but these are some of my favorite colorspreads from Horikoshi
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Boku no Hero Academia (Villain AU)

Highly credits from my BNHA fam GC. I just edited some but most of it is unedit from the gc.
Villains AU
Ever since the villain mayhem, people have been taking questions and others causes bedlam. Due to this, a lot of the new born youth are having the taste of the new changes occurring in the new generation of heroes.
Instead of having new hopes for new heroes to uprise, a lot of the youth has been choosing the path of villainy or as a rogue.
In this new generation after fifteen years, will the name and honor of being a hero prevail or fall?
Its has been fifteen years since the last battle between All for One and All Might. Though All Might survive, the rules of the villains remain and causes chaos. As of now, peace was set back to the land but a lot still in question. This peace we see isn't permanent.
Gulp gulp! A man just died along the back alley not seen by any. A boy with yellow hair and tail has choked him to death crying and can't call for help. He took his wallet and other belongings that can be seen with use. He took the money and laughed how stupid the person is for trusting someone like him pretending he needs help. He then began to climb up to take a peek of any who can be next to take. Later on he received a phone message from an unknown number.
"Pity! Huh? Hmm... a group of villains huh? Sounds fun." He said.
He smirked.
"Looks like I can only kill one today since someone needs my aid. Okay going to the pinned location. Kuro-giri...."
*He began to jump on rails and went to the location sent.
(So basically to cut it short in the beginning of the story was a short intro on what happen and why they chose to become a villain.)
Uraraka Ochaco, previously entered the hero class in order to become a hero and fend for her family.
A tragedy happened, a few years back, her family was caught up in a disaster in which a group of so called "heroes" were involved. There, her plans and dreams for them vanished. She suffered a depressive state for a year and couldnt get back up until Monoma neito found her, a reclaimed villain and took her under his wing. He fueled her lust for insanity and she committed crimes she never thought she would.
"Whats the purpose of being good when it only destroys you?"
Thats what she thought.
The now infamous "zero gravity"
Making her name, causing tragedy amongst of fallen debris.
One day she received an email from kurogiri saying that hes forming an alliance. Thinking that she might need to fend for herself, she didnt think twice and took it, making her way to the said location.
Meanwhile at the bar.
Kurogiri is still doing the old, while Shigaraki Tomura was still away to make a comeback due to what all might did to the league of villains he then come up with an idea to gather more allies while he's away.
"I bet Shigaraki Tomura will be delighted if he comes back here with new allais he can trust once more." As he start contacting the new born villains who wish to destroy the peace.
It was the third day of no sleeping after Shouta Aizawa heard the news. He kept asking himself what went wrong. Most of his students three years turned their backs at the concept of being a hero and to think that it took them fifteen years to break their alliance with heroism still sent shivers down to his spine.
Fifteen years. What went wrong?
Pulling his phone, he dialed Toshinori's number. It wasn't the best choice, he thought to himself. But his best friend and partner Hizashi was out of the country due to prior commitment and although he wanted to help, the blonde couldn't. Maybe the other blonde, the former Symbol of Peace, can help him clear his mind.
"Shino..." The strain in his voice was evident. He was about to break into tears. He needed answers to his questions. "...What went wrong?"
Monoma Neito has been blinded by so many things that he could no longer decide well what's the right path to choose and he doesn't care. He left his home along with his hidden kindness and sought happiness, and happiness to him is hearing screams and voices who keeps begging and pleading.
He hates having somebody around him since the main factor that made him this way are humans too, but then this girl, Ochaco caught his eye and they had been doing crimes for years.
With a half smile on his face with emotionless eyes while playing with his bloody dagger, Monoma Neito stood still for hours infront of the building, the address that Kurogiri sent him while waiting for Ochaco.
Uraraka greeted as soon as he saw him, leaning his back against the wall casually with that expressionless face of his. Although ura maintained her enthusiastic facade , it was only because that she uses it to easily manipulate people with fake kindness, luring them to their ends along with her partner. She smiled at him.
"They better give us good pay, or else
We're wasting time"
She continued as they walk on their way to the address kurogiri sent.
While cleaning the bar kurogiri sense a presences outside. He then walk to see if its a villain or a hero scouting around.
"Tch. Heroes never really learns not to lurk by himself to a unknown alley. " he then opens a warp behind the hero and killed it.
On the other hand.
That once pure smile is now gone due to him not only loosing his mother from suicide but when meeting his inspiration and favorite number one hero....All might thinking that he would say that one phrase he would always wanted to hear never came instead it was the opposite of what he said.....
"You will never be hero."
He now changed....
His smile is gone...
His dreams crushed....
and his one and only family with him is gone....
He will never see all might the same again....
That one boy who dreams of being hero...Ends up being the villain
"Hahahaha......All might....I'll never forgive you.."
Toshinori is helpless at what's happening, especially what he have information that he have seen and heard. Ever since he fought All For One, he thought that he finally destroyed the root of all evil. No, it only sprouted more of his influence. Some of his previous students are turning their back on being a hero due to the unfairness of the government, no, it's the society.
Toshinori's train of thoughts were broken when he felt his phone vibrated. He picks up his phone to see the caller. Seeing that it was Aizawa, he was a bit hesitant to answer, since its been a few years since he kept in touch. *Sigh* "Moshi, moshi!" He heared Aizawa's strained voice telling him what went wrong. "I... I don't know Aizawa..." Toshinori replied in a saddened voice.
This was so wrong. This was so wrong in all accounts Aizawa said. Toshinori didn't deserve to be asked a question, but apart from him there's no one that he could talk to. He chuckled painfully as he wiped the tears off his face, a sign of insanity slowly creeping againt his skin, destroying his bones and crushing his thoughts.
"Tell me, Toshinori." Shouta gritted his teeth. Anger wasn't the right term he was feeling. It was fury. "TELL ME, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE WRONG?"
Ojiro made it to the said place. It was easy to be seen but then it looks abandoned. He saw something strange like a warp closing as he stopped walking for a while.
"Hah. Another shackle dragger. Looks like he has chains of death around him today. How wonderful I guess I'm in the right place."
He then continued walking going inside and there he saw a man cleaning with purple complexion looking like a smoke.
"You Kurogiri?"
#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#alternate universe#quirks#deku#bnha#villain deku#dailybnha#league of villains#kurogiri#bnha shigaraki#boku no hero au
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