victoria-may-art · 6 months
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Evil Kermit Impression
Oil on canvas
9 x 12 x 0.5 in.
Victoria May
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victoria-may-art · 6 months
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Evil Kermit Impression
Oil on canvas
9 x 12 x 0.5 in.
Victoria May
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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Trash In Beauty
Oil & Mixed Media on canvas
15 x 30 x 1 in.
Victoria May
This piece was inspired by the many bodies of water that continue to become toxic from human actions. Using my own plastic and paper wastage as part of the piece, I wanted to show how these everyday wastes can dirty the beauty of nature and life. Now, I do not believe that the everyday person is responsible for the many forms of global wastage. The ‘Plastic Waste Makers Index’ published by Minderoo Foundation, reported an analysis in May 2021 that supports my belief. They found that just 20 companies - supported by a small group of financial backers - are responsible for producing over 50% of ‘throwaway’ single-use plastics. Showing my own actual plastic and paper wastes as part of this piece, along with anyone who views and thinks of their own, we have admitted something a simple 20 companies have not. Admittance of a problem, a need and want for solutions. We as everyday people of this world try to change in ways to lessen the environmental impact. But the 1%, many governments, and the top companies in the world couldn’t care less. Oh wait, it doesn’t matter to them because Elon Musk will just get them to mars so we’re left with the toxic planet they made. This beautiful planet will outlast all of us, we are only poisoning ourselves and the symbiotic life systems that we are part of. I have no clear answer to these problems. The only thing I do know is to hold those who are truly responsible for this, to the mark. Hold onto that rage you feel and use it to RESIST.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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To Be A Woman
Acrylic on canvas
6 x 6 x 1 in.
Victoria May
This piece is the core of womanhood. I do not know how else to describe it. It gives something deep within myself peace. *terfs dni*
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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A Mother's Help
Oil on canvas
14 x 11 x 0.5 in
Victoria May
The figures are based off a family photo that was popular on here, of a mother helping her children beat a level in a Mario game. Many people said it looked like a renaissance painting so that definitely inspired this. The concept was directly inspired by the many Madonna with Child works by the old master Raphael. This piece shows that our mothers help us through so much. They may not be perfect, hence the uneven halo, but they still try. My mother was not the best to me as a kid(putting it lightly), but I knew then and now that people can change. And she did, she got a lot better to the point I don't mind being around her. In the sacred words of Hannah Montana, nobody's perfect. I think too many people treat others without compassion or kindness. I believe anyone is capable of change and many are simply afraid and ashamed to do so. Obviously there are certain lines that if you cross you cannot go back from, and you must face justice. Do your best to forgive or at least move on from certain things people have done to you, trust me it makes life a lot more peaceful.
oh and set boundaries and shit
also everyone is different so if you don't wanna forgive or move on that's ok too. this is simply my beliefs and opinions.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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Acrylic on canvas
10 x 10 x 0.5 in.
Victoria May
Coramand is the first planet added to my galaxy. It is a barren world with mostly desert and stone.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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POV: You're A Candle
Acrylic on canvas
5 x 5 x 1 in.
Victoria May
I just love sniffing every candle I come across. Good scent, bad scent, weird scent. I'll smell it. To break this painting down real simple. You candle -> I smell you.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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The Crucifixion of Christ 2023
Mixed Media on canvas
30 x 24 in.
Victoria May
Being raised Catholic(currently agnostic) and going to catholic school for 7 years, showed me first hand the hypocrisy of conservative religious people. Jesus, regardless of demigod status, was a man who believed in socialism. He taught kindness, compassion and charity. However today many call themselves Christian, for example Donald Trump, the entire fox “news” team and more. The conservative Christians in this country would be the first to condemn Jesus and cheer as they nailed him to that cross. Here, he is depicted on the grounds of Capitol Hill, being blocked by little more than some shrubbery. The capitol being almost ghostly in appearance and not a spec of dirt to be seen. This portraying the illusion of our systems functioning on behalf of all people and the average citizen being dirty in the eyes of the rich. The abstract red block, seen behind Christ, is a way of showing the blood of innocents killed by the systems of capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and more. Similar systems that Jesus spoke out against in his time. Finally, caution tape wrapping the canvas is a physical barrier between the piece and the viewer. It is representative of the fact many know our systems are corrupt and immoral but turn a blind eye to it in fear of change.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
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Among the Clouds
Acrylic painting on repurposed art board frame
24 x 36 x 2 in.
Victoria May
Among the Clouds is a first of many pieces using recycled/repurposed items as the base. The item repurposed in this piece is an framed board that I purchased from a small resale shop. The backing was torn and the stock photo of a tree printed on it was scratched and battered. It was an item that most likely would have ended up in a landfill. Instead of being left on the planet's surface to rot, this frame board has been given a new chance. A chance to be among the clouds instead of rotting on the planet's surface.
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victoria-may-art · 9 months
This is my sideblog for me to post my art and maybe some of my favorite pieces by other artists. My name is Victoria and I am a interdisciplinary artist working in the contemporary field. I am considered an emerging artist. I appreciate anyone who'd like to view my work or ask me any questions. My works are not one style, medium or any one subject. I jump from comedy to politics and more. I am a 24 year old, bisexual, disabled woman. One of my goals in my career is to get everyday people back into art museums/galleries. I have been on tumblr for more than 10 years now (and I never left nor will I) and I thought maybe I should post my work on here. I have an instagram for it but people do not really interact on there like they do here. I have a lot of social anxiety and it's a bit hard for me to talk to people. Stick around if you wanna see my stuff. I have a lot of stupid and cool ideas for art that I want to do so I hope yall will love it. Thanks for reading, i love you.
This links to everything vvvvvv
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