vibratingbones · 2 years
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Words: 860
Tags: fluff
FemaleReader x Galadriel
Another day trying to keep a young Lady Galadriel's behavior in check, alas...
Can be read as a prequel of “I am at your side”
“Hurry up (y/n)!”
You’re running behind your Lady with a short breath. You raise the skirts of your dress and follow her in the maze of the gardens. 
“My Lady, is this really reasonable?” You ask.
It’s not, but you can’t do better than following her in her run to escape from her tutors. As you accelerate you get to see the hem of her dress or one lock of her blonde hair as she follows the twist and turns of the maze. You would gladly stop to take back your breath but you can hear the teachers fuming and searching behind you, so you push yourself to go harder.
As her Lady in waiting, you’re supposed to keep the behavior of Lady Galadriel in check, but, it seems, that you perform poorly at this job. This is not the first time she ran off from her teachers ; every time it happened you had to take part of the blame. But this time, she had really outdone herself.
“My Lady, wait!”
Chasing behind her you can only follow her crystalline laugh and flying blond hair in the sunlight. She’s really fast! Reaching the river’s borders you search for her desperately and find nothing. You start panicking, thinking you lost her definitively. With the tutors gaining on you at this very moment. You lowered your gaze and found her in a boat, slowly moving away from the shore.
“Hurry (y/n)!”
You ran with all your might along the edge. Faster. Behind you, her teacher found you and ran after you. You can hear their footsteps and infuriated cries. Faster.
At the last second you divert and jump, flying in the air for a second with the world suspended as you can clearly see the boat below you slow down with the adrenaline rush. Then you land heavily in the bark, you are so stunned you don’t immediately hear Lady Galadriel’s laugh as she’s paddling away from the shore and the angry elfs on it. 
You look at them shrinking and look at your Lady still paddling, her eyes transfixed before her.
“We shouldn’t have done that…”
“Probably not,” she drops the paddle and lays down next to you “,but here we are. Together.”
You let a sigh escape you, as soon as you will come back you will hear about it, and you're in no hurry for that. Next to you, Galadriel is making herself comfortable by patting a pillow.
“Don’t make such a sour face, they won’t follow us here.”
“No, but they will find us as soon as we set foot on earth again. And I am not looking forward to that.”
“I am sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. Here, a fruit for you to pardon me.”
She throws you an apple in the hands from nowhere. 
 “Where did yo-Is that a basket of fruit?! Did you plan everything?!”
“Maybe.” She answers by munching down a grape.
You sigh, sometimes she really has the power to drive you insane. You sat down with a grumpy face, twirling the apple in your hands. You look at the boat sliding slowly on water with the trees on the sides, you can hear the chirping of the birds and the splash of some trout occasionally jumping out of water. 
You keep turning the apple in your hands and take an angry bite of it, next to you Galadriel leisurely lay with a glass of wine letting the sun caressing her soft skin. You gulp at the sight of the glass and search for another one, if you have to be berate at least you could profit from the situation and get tipsy.
 Galadriel observes you turning around in the bark frantically.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m thirsty, I am searching for a second glass but…”
She keeps eyeing you for a moment and takes a gulp of her glass, she seizes the sides of your face and, without a warning, presses her lips against yours, letting the wine flow between you. 
Surprised, you didn’t react, your vision blocked by her blonde mane framing her delicate features. You press your eyes closed focusing on your mouth not to spill any wine, moaning lightly. Unfazed, she caresses your cheekbone and you can feel a smile on her lips. 
Quickly, you break the contact, gasping for air  you feel your cheek heating from the embarrassment, she grins at your prude behavior.
“What was that?!” You ask. 
“You said you were thirsty.”
“Not like that !” You respond, hiding your face in your hands.
“Stop being so formalist, we are  alone here.” 
She puts her arm around your shoulder and rests her face on one, cradling you nicely.
“Why… Why did you do that?” You raise your head.
“I felt like that, so I did.” She shrugs.
“You're betrothed, you shouldn't do that.”
“I just do not want to live with regrets… So I take my chance.”
You put your heads against hers and sigh, she takes your hand and wraps her fingers around yours.
“Will you stay with me after all of that?” She asks in a breath.
“Always my Lady, always.”
Thanks to @frosticenow​ for her help on this piece !
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vibratingbones · 2 years
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18 notes · View notes
vibratingbones · 4 years
I am at your side
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Words: 4k
Tags: Angst(?), argument, fluff
FemaleReader x Galadriel 
As her maid, it is your duty to report informations to Lady Galadriel, even if they might break her...
First Age
It was such a beautiful morning. Autumn offered its shimmering colors, red and golden leaves contrasted with the whiteness of the early frost on the grass.
You were standing at a window on the Menegroth’s Palace, taking some moments to appreciate the beautiful landscape of Beleriand before going back to your work.
You were Lady Galadriel's maid, the one who organised everything around her so she wouldn’t be interrupted in her duties by something trivial. You were at her service to anticipate every need she might have and to provide a solution to any problem she might encounter in her everyday life.
Needless to say you were constantly by her side and a great trust had built between the two of you over time, so much that you were introduced to the other members of the court as not a mere servant, but her lady companion. You take great pride in this and in your abilities in your work.
Your gaze was fixed at the sunrise, progressively illuminating all the realm of their Royal Highnesses Thingol and Melian.
With your eyes closed and your arms opened, you take a deep breath of the early fresh air and let the mist caress the skin on your face as it fades away before the sun.
You were glad to be able to move here with your Lady. Due to your trade you didn't really have the occasion to travel around the world. You were delighted to hear Lady Galadriel required your presence during her residency in Menegroth, and you were determined to make this stay the most refined experience for the both of you. After all, not everyone got the chance to learn from Queen Melian in her own city.
It had been almost a year since you both moved to Menegroth, and though at first, Lady Galadriel dedicated all her soul to her duty, you could say that her beautiful enthusiasm had slightly... faded. 
She still assumed her charges with great rigor, but you could see that her heart was not there anymore.
It wasn’t your place nor your right to ask her about it ; if she wanted you to know she would have already told you. You knew the best way to help her out was to do your job properly and you were determined to do it impeccably.
Luck was on your side as the royal couple had to gone to inspect the Girdle of Melian, the work schedule of your Lady is reduced. She could take a day off to enjoy all Doriath had to offer and relieve some stress.
When you opened your eyes again, Arien’s ship illuminated the realm before you and her light slowly reached the Palace. It was now time to get to your work. As you walked away from the stone arches to the stairs, you started thinking about the morning of Lady Galadriel. A hot cup of tea in a cold and relaxing bath would be perfect to start her day.
You walked down the stairs and corridors, your feet following the rhythm of an old melody the King Finrod once taught you. 
He was always nice to you when you were young, and even as a king he seemed so approachable and open minded. But still, he was an odd character. He always seemed pleased, whenever the circumstances were and you find his...interest for mankind misplaced. You didn't hate humans, far from that, but the less they interfered with the Elves, the better the both species lived. Everything was fine in the royal family before Princess Lúthien met that man... Berin? Beran? It didn’t matter. King Finrod also seemed to have him in sympathy and it worried your Lady, but there was nothing to do about it. You just hoped her older brother was alright, with his oath to accomplish.
You finally reached the kitchens. Everyone has already started their work and you had to prepare the light meal while trying to avoid all the agitation. You almost got hit by a plate on your head, but a quite fair waiter flew to your rescue and you avoided a catastrophe... But not a sideslip on the floor... With some condiments... With the waiter.
“Dear Lord! I am sorry Miss, this platter is truly heavy and I couldn’t concentrate on obstacles on my way, I should have paid more at—”
You stopped him with a gesture of the hand. Obviously he was new on the job. It was pointless to start a scene in front of his colleagues. Even if his clumsiness had just ruined your dress. 
“It's alright, boy. Just remember to watch where you’re going and always distribute the weight correctly,” you said, rearranging what was left of the items on the silver surface to illustrate your words. He watched how your experienced hands moved to learn from them. 
“Here! Just like that,” you added with a comforting smile. He smiled back at you with embarrassment and gratitude before his boss called him back to hearth with vehemence and he flew away to his task. You watched with amusement until his superior glared at you, clearly inviting you to get back on track.
While you were gathering some fresh fruits in a cup, you couldn’t help but to observe her methods to lead the brigade of servers, and Valar... You thought you were hard with your subordinates, but you have room for improvement! Maybe you should borrow some of her methods... No, your subordinates would hate you for sure.
The poor boy, thanks to this little misadventure, had caught her attention and she was ready to scold him at every minute mistakes he could make, barking at him in front of all their teammates, who had the decency to mind their own business. You guessed that perfection and adamancy are prices to pay to be able to serve the greatest people in the world. It reminded you of your own debut as a maid—how many times had you had to keep your jaws crushed closed in front of your superiors? Too many for your taste, to be honest, but you were the boss now, thanks to the discipline and the abnegation they taught you. It was hard, but it was worth enduring. 
Before you left, you glanced back at the servant and the barking butler. She was still harsh but demonstrated more efficient ways to navigate through a crowd with weight. You smiled to yourself. He would be alright. He just needed time to gain some experience. And you, you missed time to change your clothes. Bad luck ; it would have to wait. You had already run out of time, and picked up the pace. 
On your way, an ellon between some columns caught your eye. The Lord Celeborn. You had already noticed Lady Galadriel’s interest in him, and his in her. Or rather, you had "unintentionally" overheard a conversation where he admitted it to one of his friends. And you were maybe, or maybe not, the reason behind some of their encounters in some strangely convenient, quiet, intimate places. 
He surely didn't suspect a thing from you ; you know how to make yourself transparent next to your Lady. But you were almost certain that she knew. 
She just let you plot. Surely it amused her : she once told you that your sneaky side reminds her of her cousins, some redheaded twins. She went quiet when you implied you didn't have the pleasure to know them. You didn't try to know more. 
You would have loved to learn one or two other things about Celeborn, but you were already late and in a messy state. How unlike you! 
While you traveled through an unreasonably huge room near the entrance, you heard the sound of a massive wood door slamming against a wall and a bunch of rushed footsteps. You overheard some hushed and stressed voices among the clatters of armor. Had something happened to their Highnesses? If so, your duty would be to inform your Lady, so she can advise for the future.
As you got closer to the entrance, some other attendants and companions of the nobility were already gathered with some guards, undeniably those who have just returned. The moment you reached out to them, the leader of the patrollers was silencing the little crowd, a broad smile on his face. 
"Peace! Peace, please. The divine providence has given us back our Princess!" 
Murmurs and prayers of relief browsed the assembly. At last, the Princess was finally home. You also felt relieved. The eight of months of worries and sorrow will finally be removed from the shoulders of their Royals Highness! 
The captain hushed the group again, with a more concerned expression. 
"You! Go find the healers and conduct them to the Heir and her human consort. They have been injured during their journey. You! Take a horse and gallop to the King and Queen, hurry!" 
The Princess was injured? Assuredly it's not a pleasant thing, but she was alive and with her loved one. The House of Thingol was now safe… So why did you feel a pressure in your throat? When you looked at the captain, you felt a deep unease, as if he would add something terrible. You waited, holding your breath. 
He seemed to seek someone in the crowd with a concerned gaze.
“Is someone here under the order of the Lady Galadriel?” he asked.
Valar… Here we go. You cleared your throat and responded with a confident voice.
“I am!”
He spotted you in the multitude and started approaching you while the others followed his orders. You straightened your back, to give an assurance. He guided you away from the other and you asked under your breath.
“What’s the matter?”
He looked at you dead in the eye and replied.
“Miss, it is about her brother. Something happened to King Finrod…”
You felt sick, your feet guided you through some corridors to Lady Galadriel's apartments but your vision was blurred. You couldn't stop thinking, so much information swirled in every direction in your head… 
The Princess, the silmaril, the tea, your dress, your Lady, the oath... King Finrod… You felt the nausea rising in your throat. 
Your head spun so much you had to take support on the wall, the heart right behind your lips. How were you going to announce this to Lady Galadriel ? Her dear brother. They didn't deserve this fate. 
The rest of the court has been warned the Princess was back, but the truth about King Finrod was confidential, at least for now. You distinguished yourself from the opulent cheerfulness and felicity with your pale face. All the songs of gladness couldn't reach your heart, closed by the truth.
Now, stay focused! You had to inform your Lady. What kind of aid faints while giving news to their master, as bad and terrible as the news could be?
As you get back some senses, a light tune reached your ears. The crowd in the Palace was singing in joy and among every melody in existence, they have chosen the one Finrod taught you. What were the odds…
You finally reached Lady Galadriel’s door, heavy hearted. As your hand was about to knock, all the past few weeks with her instantly flashed in your mind. Her odd affliction who grew up so suddenly, tainted her fëa. And now this…
You took several seconds and a deep breath before knocking. You waited again for several seconds before hearing a response.
“Come in.”
Her voice was firm as always, but a little muffled. You swallowed and entered the room with the most neutral face you could feign. You definitely couldn’t step in with a huge smile like nothing happened, but you couldn’t alarm her either.
You found her in a chair by her balcony. You were glad it was oriented to the waterfalls of the mountains and not to the inner garden were everyone was singing, at least you had some privacy.
“Good morning, milady. How is the view today?” you asked, walking to a table to serve the tea.
Okay, you surely had more inspired lines before. 
“It’s nothing new,” she replied.
She, also, had better comebacks. 
You observed her while you brought a cup. Seated on a low chair, she silently observed the horizon. Her complexion reflected her exhaustion, with darker tones under the eyes and waxen cheeks. She hugged herself, and you mentally traced the circuit of veins under the skin of her arms that were now visible.
The blond of her hair was now dull, you remembered from the last time you groomed her mane: the comb emerged with many wires of fallen hair, which is highly unusual for elves. You tried to inform her casually, and she then refused to be curled by someone else than herself since.
Your throat twisted more at the sight of the elleth who once was an unwavering lady. 
Even thought she was able to disguise her state under a mask of dignity and fool everyone else, inside her room, in the intimacy of her private cocoon, you could only watch the diminishment of her health. Day by day you saw her fading with a constricting feeling of helplessness. 
“Are you well?” 
Her question brought you back to reality, you realised you were standing next to her, silently staring at her while she waited for her cup. Now that her face was turned to you, you could see the fatigue in her eyes… 
"I'm sorry, my Lady. I'm fine… " you answered, "... While you savour your tea, I will prepare you a bath for you to relax."
You desperately needed time to clear your mind and prepare yourself. This was also her last peaceful morning before long, she deserved some time for herself before you broke her heart definitively…
You stopped dead on your tracks. 
"My Lady?"
"Stay with me, I would enjoy some company this morning."
Without a word you filled an empty teacup and took a chair beside her. 
"Thank you. My tea always tastes better when I drink it with a friend," she added with a sweet but low voice. 
You gently clattered your cups and admired the colours of the waterfalls under the morning sun. You just took a cup for the act, to please her, but felt like you could never take a sip of it. While you both remained silent, you could sometimes hear the sound of footsteps rushing towards the hall with some giggles. You played nervously with your goblet, knowing that you couldn't keep the truth from her eternally, that you should tell her now before she hears it from someone else in a far less convenient situation… 
But you couldn’t…
You were out of words.
Everytime you tried to tell her, your words got stuck in your throat or disappeared the moment they reached your mouth.
How could you possibly tell her that her beloved brother, the most gentle soul you had come across in your millennium life, was dead? His body was buried so far away, she wouldn't be able to mourn him at his sepulchre… 
You looked at her, to engrave her vision in your memory. She looked so frail at this moment, would the news finish her off? Would she lose her will and seek to join him?
And you? Would you be able to endure it? To lose her?
After the death of the brother, could you handle the loss of your Lady?
so dear...
Your sunshine.
A gentle touch on your cheek wakes you up from your trance. 
Your gaze was still fixed on Lady Galadriel, as she brushed off a single tear rolling out of your eye.
“Talk to me, my dear. What happened? You are usually so jovial, but your fëa is submerged by shadows today.”
You couldn't help but to rest your head in the warmth of her palm. 
You were deplorable, she was the one who lost her brother and she was the one comforting you. You clenched your jaws and removed all your tears with the back of your hand.
“My lady, I am sorry to present myself to you in such an inappropriate state.” 
You take a deep breath as you rose up from your seat to gather yourself.
“My Lady, I do have something to tell you!” 
Your own words seemed to strangle yourself, but you were able to keep an assured voice.
“This morning, her Highness Princess Lúthien came back with her human consort to the court, safe and sound."
You were about to continue when you saw her cower. Somehow, this information seemed to trouble her immensely. 
You watched her shudder, unsure how to continue this conversation now. 
And then… 
It just clicked in your mind. 
Your eyes widened, dead silent before your sudden realisation.
"You knew..."
She looked up at you, with a silent pleading in her eyes. 
You didn't want to believe it, but it would explain everything. 
"You knew… He would never return, and you just let him go."
"I did not just let him go!" she replied with a voice filled with anger. 
She let a frustrated sigh escape but remained calm. 
"I did know what was going to happen. I foresaw it the day he described to me his first encounter with mankind."
You just sat in silence on your chair again. You didn't want to interrupt her. 
"I warned him his passion towards mortals will harm him, but he just stayed still with the most elated smile I have ever seen…"
She looked right in front of her, reviving the instant, as if King Finrod was really there with you. 
"He just said: Let it be, sister, for if it is my destiny to die at the side of men, I will take it as an honor.He was so confident, so determined. I knew I wouldn't be able to make him reconsider… I'm sure you know it is impossible to say no to him when he makes up his mind...”
Oh yes, you knew.
 “It happened such a long time ago… I even convinced myself my vision was nothing more than a projection of my fears and not a fragment of the future. I even.... managed to forget about it. Until he announced to me about his oath.”
Her voice cracked while speaking of  this... accursed oath. You started to sense the ire slowly rising in your veins. Why did she had to suffer all of this ? 
"Everything came back in my mind with such force. I tried to convince him one last time, but… I knew I wouldn’t succeed. For his destiny was already decided… his death was for a greater good that I can't see yet."
She stopped, out of breath, as if speaking required too much energy. 
You both jumped out of your skins when some younglings started to bange at all the doors of the corridors while gigglings and yelling about the return of the Princess. It looks like celebrations revealed the most silly side of the younger generation. 
Lady Galadriel stood up to regain a certain composure, her gaze at the horizon. 
A strange silence between you hung up in the air after the laughs of the younglings, deafening and stifling but it was still more comfortable than the reality of your situation. You had the childish thought that if you didn’t speak about it then it wouldn’t be real anymore, that you could open the door of her apartment and King Finrod would have been behind it the whole time, just wanting to surprise his cherished little sister.
Alas, reality has rarely resorted to such niceties. Happy endings are for old melodies.
Surely this is why we sing them…
"It pains me greatly… Never again I will wake up to his harp morning practice. He loved so much to see his city awakening under his notes. Never again he will come to me to aid him with his accounting." She chuckled a little. "He hated it!" 
"I know! I spent several sleepless nights helping you because he couldn't help falling asleep while working on it," You added while joining her side on the balcony. "I am sure we both know the economic state of his kingdom better than himself!" 
You both laughed at those memories.
It felt right, it felt… liberating. 
But she quickly became silent again.
"When we were children, he promised me he would guide me to the altar the day of my wedding if our parents couldn't… He already had his costume ready, way before I found my soulmate."
Indeed, it sounded just like him. 
"Now I would have to descend the aisle alone. It is the only promise he won't be able to accomplish."
Tears fell down silently from her exhausted face.
You were sympathetic to her but you couldn’t fully understand the depth of her pain and distress for none of your loved ones had died. You could only imagine what she was going through and offer her warmth and little comfort.
"It pains me so much it is killing me. I can feel it, deep in my flesh. It started..."
“... when your brother died,” you guessed.
“Yes. The very moment he passed away, his voice reached me. I heard his wail in my sleep and his last scream keeped me awake for the rest of the night until you came in the morning.”
You remembered. You found her sitting on her bed oddly straight and tense. Her gaze was fixed in front of her, but seemed lost to the void. Her ailment started to appear the day after. You scolded yourself for not investigating more and accepted her excuse of a "bad night," even if she wasn't properly lying.
To be awakened by a loved one's final call must be the most dreadful experience. 
"I still hear him, you know? Everytime I close my eyes, his pleading haunts me. Every night, his cries reach me." Her voice began to be more erratic and she began trembling again. "I see him in every shadow, I catch his silhouette in the corner of my eyes but he is never here when I turn my head." 
She was fully crying now. You had never seen her like that, in such distress. 
So you overstepped your position and took her in your arms. You held her in a tight embrace to support her, for she could not fall apart. 
"Please my Lady, calm down."
She did not respond at first, but you finally felt her arms around you, pulling you even closer as if you were her last grasp on reality at this instant. 
"I see him everywhere. I know he is not here, but I can not let him go…"
You stayed silent again, while wanting to say something. Anything. But words are vain in those moments. Only time is able to cure such wounds… If they could heal at all. So you just held her tighter and let her head rested on your shoulder while feeling her tears soaked through your dress. She buried her face in your neck. 
You weren’t sure how much time passed that way and you just started to cradle her gently. You were certain it was inappropriate but you feel like if you didn’t have to follow the protocol and the etiquette for once, it would be now!
You listened to her, made her sure you were attentive to her pain and offered the warmth of a presence.
However, you were not prepared for what she was saying next. 
"I am sorry…" 
Her voice was so low and hoarse, you were not sure of what you had just heard. 
"For what, my Lady?" 
"For my lack of bravery… I have to be strong for my people, particularly now, with the chaos that is to come. But… I feel so helpless! I can't clearly see the threat which rises upon us, I have not been able to prevent the death of my brothers… …”
You moved away from her, incredulous, and locked your eyes to hers.
“You are brave! Braver than most of us, many could not do your duty as well as you did under mourning. Don’t lose faith in yourself. We are all with you… I am with you.”
You took a step back and knelt before her. She watched you quietly in confusion.
“I wish to reassert my loyalty and take an oath of allegiance to my Lady.”
Head bowed and right hand closed over your heart, you started to declaim your vows with an assured voice. 
“Here, I swear on my head I shall faithfully perform my duties to the best of my abilities. I shall never embarrass or bring shame over the House of my Lady and her Blood...”
You raised your head to see her face with a sight full of determination.
“But above all, I swear to follow you everywhere, in Light as in Darkness, in Arda as in oblivion, in honour as in infamy. To be faithful to your Person and your Name, and to never leave your sight at any given time during our earthly lives and beyond death.”
Galadriel listened to you respectfully, her tears drying while she regained her composure. 
She silently gave you her hand, which you kissed and brought to your forehead almost religiously. 
“Rise up.”
You obeyed, now determined to protect and serve your Lady at all cost and your instinct told you that it will happen sooner than you could imagine. 
She observed you quietly as she was taking the measure of your words. She placed a chaste kiss on your lips to seal your vows. 
You secretly wished the kiss was more lingering, but you kept it for yourself.
“Thank you,” she responded. 
Her breath was still short, but her voice had regained her assertiveness. 
You both turned back to the waterfalls, the songs slowly reached your ears again now that the emotion started to come down. 
In fact, everything seemed more clear now. You felt lighter, as if a blindfold had been removed from your eyes as the fog dissipated under the rays of a morning sun. 
You had now faith in the future.
At the side of your Lady, together, you felt confident you could face anything destiny had prepared for you.
Specials thanks to @arofili​ for their help during the entire process ! ❤️
This is my first fic, constructive criticism will be much appreciated :)
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Sex with Rog would include:
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Although there are some things that make Rog blush, when it comes to anything sexual he’s fully in control
He’s always the dominant party, no exceptions. 
Most of the time his pace is fast and hard but he can kinda pull off the slow sensual pace but only if you really beg him- its not his natural style 
He can manhandled you around no problem. Since he works in the forces he’s got muscles to put anyone to shame
Sometimes he’s not aware of his own strength though so might accidently hurt you. But the slightest sound from you and he’s backing off
Rog usually prefers to face you when the two of you are fucking. He’ll hook your legs over his shoulders, hands on your waist as he fucks into you 
Every once in a while he’ll lean down for a messy kiss, teeth clashing against yours 
He really loves biting your lips when the two of you are making out. He’s addicted to the little gasp  you make
Apart from that, he’ll also happily bend you over any flat surface and fuck you silly, sometimes holding your arms behind you back and pulling you up slightly so he can watch your boobs jiggle
He’s not massively vocal so don’t expect a lot of dirty talk. Although he growls quite a lot and they’re always so sexy and deep
His body looks like it was sculpted by the gods, it’s just so firm in all the right places
Sometimes he’ll lean down and drape his chest over your body, his abs rub and contract against you and it’s just the best feeling 
He’s also a fan of pulling your hair back so he has full access to your neck. If He doesn’t have his hand around it he’s biting or mouthing at your skin, occasionally leaving a few little marks 
Rog isn’t massively into spanking you but he loves wrapping one of his huge hands around your neck, not squeezing but leaving you in no doubt about who has control 
You’ll more than likely have a few bruises by the end of it. Rog is always quick to apologise and do everything he can to soothe you 
But there’s a tiny part of him that feels just a little proud
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Feanor flirting with you would include:
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When Feanor first starts flirting with you, he comes off as a complete asshole - he just will
Of course, he expects you to know who he is and what he does, even if you’ve never met him before 
Feanor thinks he’s hot shit and he’s not exactly wrong - but that doesn’t mean you have to like it 
You might even think he’s playing a prank on you, that this is all some kind of big joke. But if you tell him that, he’ll be very offended 
You’ll probably reject him at first but that’s unlikely to deter him. Feanor wants what he can’t have and enjoys chasing and bothering you with his affections 
They tend to be rather grandiose so it’s not so good if you get embarrassed easily. He’s very into big gestures and public displays of his love to you
The entire city is probably gossiping, wondering why you haven’t said yes yet
The thing with Feanor is, a good portion of what he lets other people see is a front to hide how deeply events effect him underneath 
It’s likely the two of you won’t get anywhere until he opens himself up and allows himself to be vulnerable
When off-guard, he can actually be very sweet and emotional. Seeing him that vulnerable will probably happen by accident
It’ll most likely be something to do with his mother or family. It’ll let you see there’s more to the elf than the bravado you see on the surface 
After that, his flirting may be a little more toned down, even shy at points. He’s already made up his mind that the two of you will be together and it brings him a strange type of inner peace 
That’s the Feanor you fall in love with, not the pompous prat he might portray himself to be to other people
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Like Lightning (Caranthir x Reader)
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Words: 5k
Tags: Angst, fluff, arguments, mentions of pregnancy, angry!Cara, protectice!Cara, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, violence
You don’t return home after an argument with Caranthir and he fears something awful may have happened
Requested by: Anon
A/N: Merry Christmas guys, here’s your Christmas fic! It was great so see so many people voting, the second place fic will be posted on NYE!
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Hide and Seek (Finrod x Reader x Turgon)
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Words: 4.2k
Tags: smut, threesome, fluff, Turgon is a nervous wreck as always 
Finrod and Turgon are prefectly happy to ride around taking in the nature. You, however, find these kind of trips invariably dull. 
A/N: So as a late Christmas present and to round off the year, i thought I’d finally post this fic! I first promised I’d post it for Christmas last year but as many of you know, I’m rather unreliable in that department. 
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vibratingbones · 4 years
An egocentric dad is ready to sacrifice all his bloodline for some shiny rocks, then it get worse...
Silmarillion fandom, please make a brief but unhelpful summary of the Silm for the hobbit and lotr fandoms.
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Sex with Gil-Galad would include:
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For the most part, sex with Gil Galad is pretty slow, romantic and sensual. He loves you so much and views sex as an expression of this 
As a King, he knows exactly what makes people tick, including you. So if you like that kind of thing, he’ll have rose petals laid out on the bed and an expensive bottle of wine for you both 
He’s generally quite light and funny when the two of you fuck. If he can think of anything funny to say, he’ll say it to try and hear you laugh. It’s the best sound in the world to him
He’s also got a kink for being called King in the bedroom, usually being the more dominant one when the two of you fuck. He just loves the way it sounds coming from your lips 
But as well as that, he gets a kick out of calling you Queen and uses it a lot when he’s feeling particularly worshipful and loving 
He dirty talks a lot during sex, mostly revering you and telling you how good you feel and how much he loves you. But other than that he doesn’t make a lot of noise 
Gil Galad usually prefers having you sit on his lap, facing him as he takes a good grip of your hips and helps you bounce up and down on him. It allows him to kiss you anytime he wants and bring you comfort as you ride him 
This means the two of you will undoubtably have sex on his throne at some point. It probably sends his mind into overdrive and if you call him My King as you do it, he’ll cum immediately 
He also really enjoys fucking you on the nice comfy sofa in his private balcony, the two of yo watching the sunset together
It’s full of flowers and plants that have been strategically placed to hide you both from sight from other windows or balconies above, offering quite a private space
Although he’s usually slow and sensual, he’s got a bit of a possessive streak so when you rile him up, he’s got no problems giving it to you hard and fast
He kinda likes it when you tease him in public though, when you touch him under the table and he can’t do anything to fight back against you
It gets him hard so fast but he can’t do anything about it. It’s probably the only occasion he’d allow the two of you to have a quickie
He also really enjoys it when you grind on him. One of his major fantasies is where he’s sitting on his throne, and you’re grinding all over him in nothing but a cute set of underwear. Eventually he’d give in and fuck you because he’s a good King and cares about his subjects 
Gil Galad is very interested in toys and how they’d enhance the pleasure for the both of you. He particularly likes fucking you with a dildo in between rounds to keep you on the edge, it’s endlessly fascinating for him
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Gil-Galad flirting with you would include:
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While Gil Galad is affectionate with those around him, he’s not particularly flirtatious so when he flirts with you, you know he has feelings for you
He wouldn’t flirt with just anyone, knowing some people would only wish to court him due to his position, so you know he’s serious about you
It starts with inside jokes, little comments he knows only you will understand. It shows he’s thinking about you even when you’re not active in the conversation, always wanting to include you
He also favours your opinion more on diplomatic matters, especially if you’re already one of his advisors. You have the power to completely change his mind on things
You’ll often catch him staring at you from across the room. He’ll either look away quickly with a blush or smile at you depending on the situation, both times causing you to blush as well
The look he gives you is one of pure adoration and it’s plain to all present that he’s head over heels in love with you
He tends to get very close to you, just to the boarder of what is considered appropriate
He’ll keep an arm on your lower back to guide you, fingers grazing teasingly over your skin through your dress
The two of you often go for long walks together where you talk about anything and everything, finding that you have very similar views on a lot of subjects 
If the two of you stop for a while under a shady tree or in a meadow, Gil Galad will make you a flower crown that you’ll wear for the rest of the day
If you make one for him, he’ll wear it proudly and use some kind of elf magic to stop the flowers dying so he can keep it to remember that happy day
You hear other elves giggling about it but neither of you can bring yourselves to care much
You find little gifts waiting in your room after work some days, most of them extremely valuable giving you no doubts over who sent them
Before Gil Galad verbalises his feelings, he needs to be absolutely sure that you will return them so he’ll ask you if you have any other suitors 
When you say no, he’d have no problems gushing about how much he loves you, even if you already knew from the beginning
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Cuddling with Gil Galad would include:
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Gil Galad would be hard pressed to think of an activity he enjoys more than cuddling with you
He likes coming home to you after a long day and relaxing in your arms, it’s by far the best way to unwind in his opinion
He’ll rest his head on your stomach as you comb your fingers through his hair, gently working out the tangles and trying not to disturb him too much
Sometimes you think you’ve actually heard him purr at the action but he never answers you when you ask
Another of his favourite cuddling positions is having you on his lap as you both sit on the balcony together, watching the sunset and talking about your day
In that position he can brush him lips up and down your neck, delighting as you shiver under him
Gil Galad prefers to have skin on skin contact when he cuddles. There’s something about it that he finds particularly grounding
If he’s working late and comes back in the middle of the night, he might have to untangle you from the sheets so he can have your skin against his
Sometimes you try to stay up and wait for him but 9 times out of 10 he finds you’ve failed and fallen asleep, leaving him to carry you to bed
He does his best not to wake you up but when you do, he uses the opportunity to tuck you into his side, smoothing down your hair and trying to get you to fall back asleep once he’s made himself comfortable
When the two of you are in bed together, he likes to lay on his side so he can face you, laying so your heads are almost touching and your breath fans over the other person’s face
He’ll watch as you begin to doze off, eyes dropping closed even as you fight to keep them open
If he wants to keep you awake, he only has to lean forward slightly and he can press a series of small kisses to your nose
At times like this it feels as if nothing else exists apart from the two of you and Gil Galad is content to be in his own little world for a time
He’s moderately affectionate in public but sometimes has to restrain himself from hugging you or pulling you onto his lap when it’s not appropriate
As much as he pretends it doesn’t irritate him, he really hates it when people interrupt cuddle time
You’re his escape from the responsibilities of being King and he needs time to de-stress with you
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Gil Galad and pregnant!Reader would include:
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You never have any doubts about telling Gil Galad you’re pregnant since he loves kids so much and always talks about wanting one of his own
When you tell him, he’s absolutely ecstatic and his face lights up with happiness. He also might cry a little as well
He jumps up and spins you around before setting you back on your feet abruptly, saying something about having to be more careful around you from now on
It’s unavoidable that everyone will know about your pregnancy since Gil Galad is High King. But he brings it upon himself to tell everyone he possibly can, bursting into the library and shouting it at a group of startled scholars
For your pregnancy, the entirety of the kingdom radiates happiness, reflecting Gil Galad’s mood. He won’t stop smiling and it begins to get creepy
He talks really quickly about how excited he is and about all the plans he’s going to make for the baby. His speech is so rapid you can barely follow it
The two of you often go for relaxing walks through the gardens, discussing various arrangements for your child. As they’ll be a prince/princess, a lot of planning needs to happen
Gil Galad will probably commission a little circlet made for them along with some royal robes. He doesn’t have a nursery prepared since he wants the child to sleep with the two of you at first
The child is spoilt before it’s even born
He doesn’t try to keep you on bed rest since you both value independence. But he will have his eye on you so he can intervene if you try to do too much past your limits
In other ways, he bends over backwards for you and would take the day off away from his responsibilities if you asked him to
He’ll give you foot massages any time you ask, even if you’re both in his study and you complain of a small ache
He presses kisses to your stomach at any opportunity, smiling against your taunt skin as he thinks about how happy he’ll be with his baby
The only thing about your pregnancy he dislikes is the mood swings but quickly learns when to give you your space and when to sit with you while you cry
He just wants to make sure you and the baby are ok and can almost feel his heart swelling in the same way your belly is
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Dating Gil Galad would include:
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Gil Galad is by far the most affectionate boyfriend you could ask for
He’s constantly touching you in some way, mostly holding your hand under the table at meetings
He can’t help himself from giving you kisses every once in a while, even when someone else is in the middle of talking
Gil Galad likes to have you on his arm while the two of you go for walks together
He uses the opportunity to show off his knowledge on various subjects
Being very diplomatic and level headed, the two of you never argue and he rarely gets angry
The only thing that annoys him is when people don’t refer to you as his equal
He’d make sure that you knew that he was not your superior, even if he is King
He’s often up and working before you even wake up. But he’ll be sure to see you at some point in the morning
Sometimes you wake up early to go and watch him train/ogle him
When he notices you, he’s sure to show off. Being very over the top and flexing dramatically to show off his muscles
Gil Galad is proud of you in whatever you’re doing. He makes sure to boast about you at various events
He’s also completely extra so be prepared for lots of over the top romantic declarations
They don’t always go to plan but it’s endearing none the less
He once ordered 1000 rose petals to be scattered in your room. It was only afterwards that he realised that might have been too many
You were finding them all over the place for weeks
He’ll take you out anywhere you want to go personally, leaving Elrond in charge in his absence
Gil Galad somehow manages to keep you comfortable and manage a kingdom
Sometimes you wonder how he does it
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Sex with Thranduil would include:
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So this is the first time i’ve written for this character or this fandom, i’ve been wanting to write this for some time so let me know what you thought!
The fact that he’s over a thousand years old means he has limitless patience
Even when you do your best to tease him, Thranduil never loses control
That isn’t to say he’s not rough
You’ve woken up with bruises more times than you care to admit
He’s completely dominant in bed, loving to have you pinned beneath him
“Please what?
“Please my King.”
“What is it you require of your King, little dove?”
He won’t touch you until you give him an answer
Hair pulling plays a huge part of your nights together
Raking your nails across his scalp as you tug on his hair
That’s the closest he’s ever gotten to losing control
He’ll pull your hair just as hard
Normally as a way to manoeuvre you, exposing your neck to him
Thranduil gets a kick over leaving his marks on you
Where everyone can see them and know you’re his
“Such a good girl for your King.”
Even after sex, the praises continue
Each and every time, no matter how rough, you fall asleep nestled into the crook of his arm
Your head on his chest
He strokes your hair and listens as your breathing slows down
Eventually falling asleep alongside you
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Thranduil calming you down after a panic attack would include:
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Elves don’t normally get panic attacks, unless they’ve been through something incredibly traumatic, so Thranduil probably doesn’t have much experience in dealing with them
Despite this, he’s very calm and logical – he needs to be able to work under pressure, so does a good job of calming you down
If you break down somewhere public, he’ll pull rank and demand everyone else leave immediately to give you some privacy
He moves to your side very slowly so he doesn’t startle you, giving you time to back away from contact if it’s too overwhelming for you
He’ll sit close to you and smooth down your hair in a calming gesture, his fëa reaching out to soothe yours
Thranduil will croon softly in Elvish, even if you’re human and don’t speak it very well. The melody and rhythm of the words are calming and make you feel safe, even if you don’t know what they mean
He does his best to help you with your breathing, encouraging you to straighten your back so your you stop hyperventilating
You probably feel quite small under his gaze but he’ll try to get you to make eye contact with him to help ground yourself
He also makes sure to tell you that there’s no shame in feeling like this, he wants you to feel completely comfortable in the knowledge that he won’t judge you
Thranduil probably doesn’t ask what’s wrong at first, knowing you’ll tell him in your own time.
He wants to deal with the immediate problem, which is the anxiety attack, before moving on to its cause
He’ll shush you gently as his hands gravitate to your upper arms, keeping you in place and rubbing softly in the hopes that the stimulation will bring you back to him
He might rock you slightly to try and add some comfort, knowing there’s little else he can do to halt the attack until it passes, just reminding you that you’re safe
When you’ve calmed down enough to tell him what was causing the anxiety in the first place, he’ll listen with open ears and accept your reasons as valid, even if you’re embarrassed by them
Being so old, he’s also really good at giving advice so would suggest all sorts of ways to help you with the situation or managing your anxiety
He’d also insist that for at least the next day, you do nothing stressful. As king he’ll take care of all your duties
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Thranduil realizing he’s in love with you would include:
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Requested by: @saviioiivas
A/N: I know this was originally requested as a fic but i was finding it quite difficult to write and i thought headcanons were better than nothing
He first met you when you passed through Mirkwood with the dwarves on their quest
Thranduil was confused as to why a human as beautiful and polite as you would want to travel with them
Although he was initially stunned at your beauty, he hid it well with his thousands of years of practice
As cheesy as it sounds, Thranduil feels as if his heart stops for a second
Thranduil is terrified to open himself up emotionally again after what happened to his first wife
It means he’s not very good at voicing his feelings, either to himself or to you
He offers to let you stay in Mirkwood for a while but you refuse, wanting to see Erabor reclaimed
Thranduil feels as if his entire world has been crushed
And he treats the dwarves more harshly because of it
When Bilbo rescues you all, Thranduil doesn’t know if he’s more angry that the dwarves escaped or that you’re gone
He doesn’t see you again until the final battle
When he sees you, he immediately orders his guards to protect you
For the rest of the battle he finds it difficult to focus
Seeing you fight so gracefully just makes him fall in love with you even more
He seeks you out afterwards, asking if he can speak to you in private
Thranduil takes you into his private tent and confesses his love to you
He begs you to come back to Mirkwood with him, even if you only stay for a little while
You accept his offer, much to his relief
You’d loved him since your first meeting also, but your loyalty to the dwarves pushed that to the back of your mind
With Erabor reclaimed and Thorin now king under the mountain, nothing stood in your way
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vibratingbones · 4 years
Cuddling with Thranduil would include:
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It’s very rare that Thranduil has time for the two of you to cuddle
More often than not, you go and seek him out
You sit on his lap, no matter if he’s in a meeting or not
Other council members have just learned to accept it
Or face the wrath of their king
Though the both of you still prefer it when the two of you can cuddle in private
The best moments are early in the mornings when neither of you have to be anywhere for another hour or so
You’re normally the one to wake up first
Snuggling into his side and pulling his arm around you as you rest your head on his chest
Or if his back is to you, you’ll try your hand at being the big spoon
It’s almost as if you’re his backpack
Thranduil takes in a deep breath as he wakes, causing you to loosen your hold on him
“Good morning, little one”
His voice is deeper with sleep
The king will always place a kiss on your forehead and pull you closer until your bodies are pressed together
Sometimes you’ll actually climb on top of him, straddling his hips and bending at the waist to press chest against his
Head above his heart, listening to its steady beat
Thranduil will card a hand through your hair as his mind begins to properly wake up
The fingertips of his other hand running up and down your spine lightly
He’ll breathe in deeply again, taking in your scent
Content to just lay with you until the first messenger of the day arrives and he’s forced to get up
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