vi-connected-stories · 5 months
Voice reveal?!?!?!? (SERIES INTRO!) Fiction novel recommendations: In Hu...
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vi-connected-stories · 9 months
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In Huck's Hands - chapter 1 Hate or love em (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1406370669-in-huck%27s-hands-chapter-1-hate-or-love-em?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AIVtales&wp_originator=Zp9J4l2UpmzA5%2FsMQ2jcynpMw8lhQXmGzobm4hyl%2B93W9LDvsoKCsHsRm8wzid97Cqxg9KA7Hn1xTj7ZC7GING1aerzu08534%2F8ZgXddQHmmCZ7YBcn69%2F9FMVEWLw8Y In the war-ravaged country of Buriti Vasca, rebel forces have decimated the capital and political elite, leaving Huck as the improbable last heir to the throne. But rather than hide in the countryside to mourn his losses, he has a daring plan to force peace on his terms, even if it means spilling more royal blood.
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vi-connected-stories · 9 months
Check my other blog post for a short exerpt!
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vi-connected-stories · 9 months
✌🏾Bad News Bagmen✌🏾 Book exerpt!
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I finally reluctantly let go– I do not know what I expected handing my frail psyche fully to the Bagmen. An encompassing black void of no exit; No discernable entrance. This is where I belonged? The darkness? Husk of flesh conjugated by my putrid and unwelcome spiritual yang? I found no solace in the expanse as small toddler-like entities began grasping me in; Only cascading streams of vitriol and dark viscera wriggling to become free onto this mortal plain in my consciousness. I reasoned with myself warily that all was at least calm in this gehenna until—
The Bagman's Shriekingly cracking voice rang out, shattering any allusion of senses I had.
"Limen balenn nan – o an n rele lwa yo. [Light the candle – oh let's call the lwa.]
Sonnen ason an – rele Papa Legba. [Shake the rattle – call Papa Legba.]
Nan kafou a, o nou angaje. [At the crossroad, oh we're in trouble.]
Papa Legba – louvri baryè pou lwa yo. [Papa Legba – open the gate for the lwa]"
Legba? There is no reason for him to notice me. I should be–
A siren-like poisonous voice of acrid nature whipped up the masses of wrigging emaciated terrifyingly tiny ebony arms; Latching themselves to every quivering square inch of my flesh. Unhallowed spotlights of darkness made waves in the squishy piles around me; suffocating every angle of my body as I franticly attempted to rip myself free to no avail.
"Where are you Sam? Who are you Sam? *cackles* Why you hidin' now? You like to talk all that shit when you're in control...where's ya burnin sage now??"
I yelped, feeling the void shift with increasing atmospheres of pressure. The agonizing weight of a million stampeding hippopotami. This immense space had crushed to the size of a meager fixed point. The feeling, epochs in length gave way to yet another horror. Two lumbering rippling entities swept me into a tornado of perpetual motion and wriggling eviscerated infant body parts. Only yoked together by the feeling of torment, dread, and soul-numbing pain. My attempts to scream were drowned out by my lack of vocal cords; only gurgling huffs of gore escaped my trembling lips.
My pulsating skull caved in and reshaped as tiny hands ripped my flesh away, continuously bashing me with ebony tiny disjointed balled fists. Is this limbo? Was this where you go and no one finds you, how had The Bagmand and Papa Legba–mere figments of illusion and dark magic, actually been tangible?!
I do not know how long I was callously picked apart by their tiny nails and wriggling veins whipping me with every ripping motion. Joyous shrieks harken me to kindergarten letting out of school, ranging through my bones. There was nothing here but torment–was this hell?
"Sam; Sam, Sam: Son of God and brother Antichrist" Even though my ears had been ripped off and tiny arms drilled their way in and out of my hearing orifices, I still heard the mocking call like a specter blue jay song marred in malice. The small child-like voices now mimic the booming and thunderous voice of Legba. "I do not intend to torture you, Brother Samael– You simply have spent too much time trapped between the two idiots..."
With one swift motion of his vibrating hand; Legba's long and knife-like fingers shredded past my eyes and into my amygdala. The effort was painless this time–the soft squelching of my brain almost serene in the void as my final pain receptors were stripped from my weak body.
"See? Its not so bad—now listen. Bagman will help you survive the night on one condition."
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vi-connected-stories · 9 months
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
In the darkest corners of a city consumed by violence and decay, one man embarks on a brutal quest for vengeance. His nights are a relentless dance of blood and steel, his days haunted by memories of a love lost to the silence of a comatose slumber.
Striding through the grime-laden streets, he confronts the city's most lethal gangs, his blade slicing through the underbelly of corruption and malice. As death weaves its icy tendrils around his fate, he grapples with the horrific reflection of the monster he's become.
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm I V https://www.wattpad.com/AIVtales?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile hows it going? I'm a 23-year-old aspiring author who started sharing my writing on Wattpad very recently!. I'm passionate about publishing my own short stories and novels on Wattpad while also promoting other lesser known writers. My goal is to collaborate across platforms like YouTube and Wattpa...
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
Check out the story on both royal road and wattpad I'd love to hear feedback!
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
Just a little bit of promotion from my other social!
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vi-connected-stories · 10 months
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check out my story on Royal Road and Wattpad
Bad News, Bagmen! tells the dark and tragic story of the Steg brothers, Milo and Samael, as they become contract killers and get embroiled in political corruption in New Orleans.
The novel provides a raw psychological portrait of two deeply damaged individuals. Their traumatic childhood under an abusive serial killer father left them scarred and warped. Milo's bitterness and addiction make him an unstable antihero protagonist. Samael's intimidating size and increasingly unhinged mental state introduce an element of horror.
The story explores the complex love/hate dynamic between the brothers as they rely on each other to survive. Though their personalities clash, shared trauma bonds them. The contrast between their mindsets provides tension.
As the Stegs carry out violent assignments for the corrupt mayor, larger conspiracies unfold. The brothers must evade the investigation of an eccentric detective who sees through their facade. This cat-and-mouse game provides thriller elements.
The gritty setting of New Orleans' underbelly underscores the story's dark tone. Hints of the city's voodoo traditions and folklore provide an aura of the occult. Strange rituals, whispers, and curses reflect the supernatural influences on the Stegs' already unstable psyches.
Overall, the novel promises to deliver a character-driven but action-packed psychological thriller fused with horror elements. It explores provocative themes surrounding trauma, addiction, and morality through the lens of deeply damaged antiheroes. The New Orleans backdrop provides a rich setting reflective of the lurking darkness plaguing the characters.
Check me out at VI.Connected.Stories on Royal Road to see my latest chapter of this book and other upcoming releases!
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