vessuvius · 5 years
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(some) quotes about love & longing
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vessuvius · 5 years
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vessuvius · 5 years
“are you okay?” well, no, but like where is the conversation going to go if i say that
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vessuvius · 5 years
psa on posting speed;
i am a slow roleplayer. not only do i get distracted easily, i get overwhelmed easily. sometimes i can’t talk and do drafts at the same time so i am sorry if i ignore your message. i am deliberate and methodical with every word choice. i like to spend my time on my writing and getting to that emotional level within myself to evoke a proper response with each reply. i’m not good at whipping out thread after thread. i never have been. i’m sorry if that’s the way you roleplay and i don’t match up, but i like to think the quality of the writing makes up for my lack of speed. thank you so much!
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vessuvius · 5 years
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vessuvius · 5 years
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given ♡ mafuyama
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vessuvius · 5 years
Send 💔 and a question to be answered by one of my muse’s ex-lovers!
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vessuvius · 5 years
misc. botw au headcanons 
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vessuvius · 5 years
@hxnterwxlf // send me hc+ a word 
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as he believes he is without magic of his own and is also easily jealous, he tends to insert himself into anything remotely relating to magic that his family members are doing. most often his mother has made the mistake of leaving him alone while she goes out to purchase a final ingredient for a spell, only to find that lin has made his way into her work space , crushing her herbs between his fingers as he lifts them to his nose to see what they smell like, or otherwise ‘organizing‘ things but really making a mess. she knows he just wants to feel involved and help, but he gets on her nerves. 
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vessuvius · 5 years
@necrophagic // send me 🎵 for a song i associate with my muse 
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boys will be bugs - cavetown 
lin’s struggled with the idea that to be attractive he should have traits that are associated with masculinity , but what comes to mind are traits that are leaning more aggressive ( ‘ i punch my walls, stay out at night, and i do karate /  wanna make u cry / other boys at school think it’s cool to hate your parents / if you wanna cry make sure that they never see it or even better yet block it out and never feel it ‘), but he take’s issue with it ,  that’s not him , he’s fairly emotional and sensitive. 
also “ don’t mess with me i’m a big boy now and i’m very scary “ is just generally a very lin sentiment when he is trying to be tough.
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vessuvius · 5 years
🎵🎵🎵 uwu
 @katsubou send me 🎵 for a song i associate with my muse 
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if you’re a ghost - rusty clanton /  roslyn / rosyln - bon iver  /  cavalier - james vincent mcmorrow
i associate these three songs with lin and his prior relationship with ross, in terms of lyrics and overall mood conveyed by the song. in if youre a ghost, the sentiment that if the other person was a ghost, he’d want them to make contact and do what ghosts do so that they were still around , and that they are still lingering on the idea of them and ’ never found it easy to forget ‘ . 
at some point after lin has died, but before he reaches proper adulthood he realizes that naming himself linus after a cartoon character is a name he struggles to identify with. lin is fine , and preferred, but he feels the need to have a proper full name so he settles upon ‘ roslin ‘ , his fathers hometown but really a homage to ross ( because obviously , naming yourself after a cartoon character is bad but giving yourself the name of your boyfriend who died almost one hundred years ago is fine ). the general theme of ‘ roslyn / rosyln ‘ is something i associate with them, as it relates to the last moments of ross’ life, where lin begins to have doubts about what they have decided on , but ross goes through with it anyways. 
cavalier reflects lin’s sentiment after ross has died , when he is still in the stage of mourning and even past that. he used to haunt ross in his dreams , and its fitting that now he has dreams of ross too where he is with him again and things are good, then he wakes up to the harsh reality that he is alone. 
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vessuvius · 5 years
HC ocean
@tresmessorem / hc + word 
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though his fear of the ocean will truly never end , as years go by he learns to overcome small bits of it. at first , the idea of any bodies of water terrifies him ( bathtubs are only slightly exempt ) so much so that he cannot fathom stepping near even a swimming pool let alone tolerate a venture to a beach or a lake. however , with time he can approach the waters edge , eventually able to step into the water. he’ll never be able to go more than knee deep though , and even then that’s pushing his comforts. 
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vessuvius · 5 years
hc + birds
@semifernal / send me hc + word
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lin has seemed to miss the memo ( and is blind to all signage )  that says not to feed the wildlife that he stumbles upon on walks through the park. instead , he purposefully will shove a granola bar into his pocket before he heads out , and tosses small chunks of it on the ground in an attempt to make friends with any pigeons he sees. 
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vessuvius · 5 years
HC hot vs cold
@tresmessorem / send me hc + a word
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               lin has a preference to the cold , as he wants to live his best life cuddled up in a pile of blankets. he also cannot tolerate the heat , as someone who doesn’t feel comfortable in shorts / short sleeved shirts , and is miserable if he goes out during heat waves. 
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vessuvius · 5 years
HC showers vs baths~
@tresmessorem​ / send hc + a word
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               despite his initial aversion , lin prefers taking a bath to taking a shower. he loves to pamper himself , and there’s so much more he can do to make a bath that much more relaxing. so he plops a few bath bombs in , and will typically sit in the water for forty five minutes to an hour. showers are usually reserved for when he is in a hurry , or post workout , and he doesn’t find the time spent bathing that way relaxing at all.
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vessuvius · 5 years
all of the harvest moon headcanon prompts
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vessuvius · 5 years
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“If… that person suddenly disappeared from this world, what would you say? Would you be lonely? Sad? Would you miss them?”
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