vespirias-blog · 9 years
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back!! from my hell week! ill be replying to all the lovely starters so many people made me and working on replies. thanks everyone!
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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thanks again to everyone following me! i’ll be back full time on tuesday, just happen to have an insanely busy few days xoxo
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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this lil nerd works another 12 hour shift, so ill be gone all day. have a good post-christmas friends!
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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there has been an awakening
     have you felt it?
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
Luke Skywalker running away but leaving a map like
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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dark eyes quickly assess the man. 
he doesn’t look familiar, though she supposes she hasn’t been at the base long enough to see most of the general’s top advisors. “she might be,” mithra finally determines her reply and while it is cautious, there’s clearly no ill intent, “i can ask. may i have a name to pass along?” 
she blinks once, her vision seemingly blurry as the man can’t quite come into complete focus, and blames it on a lack of sleep. “i hope you’ll take no offense to the caution.”
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the hood didn’t remain on for long, and though he seemed mostly solid, there was a faint glow around him that could be almost ascribed to perhaps a trick of the eye. 
      ❝ organa. the general. is she here? ❞
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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well, it’s certainly an introduction. 
mithra briefly arches a brow in equal parts curiosity and amusement. she folds her arms over her chest, listening carefully. “i think it’s a beautiful name, if you don’t mind me saying so.” it’s clear she takes pride in it, hence why it’s clearly so aggravating for others to mistake it so often. she breaks into a small smile, nodding with as much understanding as she can.
“i can call you whatever you’d like. i’d be aggravated if everyone messed my name up all the time, after all.”
starter call | @vespirias
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   “No no no, Pepsi Caoibean Rō is my name, my whole name.” Oh goody, it’s been a while since they’ve had The Linguistics Talk – though Mithra is coming across pretty clever for the time being, so it’s looking like, maybe, optimistically, this won’t be too painful to explain. “They’re all my first name, the order is very random. There has been a kind of misunderstanding and now everybody thinks my first name is Pepsi and my last name is Rō.”
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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starter call!
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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oh man-
i was at work all night and am up for 12 hour shift again tomorrow. might try and get to a few short replies before i call it a night. HAVE A MERRY XMAS EVERYONE
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
reblog if it's okay to IM you
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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“red tape.”
she repeats the idea with a tired sort of annoyance,  only to sigh a moment later. “frustrating as it is, general organa knows what she’s doing. it’s not entirely easy to adhere to galactic agreements in a time of war, but she finds a way.” mithra runs her hand absnetly through her hair, brow furrowing in thought. 
“i know a bit about ships, well, a great deal honestly, and i’d thought all the materials were for them to assemble their own speeders at  their base.” she pauses again. “but you know more than i do, if i pull up the list we managed to steal last time, could you tell me if anything looks out of place?”
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     ‘I’d suggest attacking them to force a slip-up, but General Organa tells me there’s all kindsa red tape we gotta go through. At least we’re not just sitting on our behinds, huh.’ He rests his elbows on a table, leaning forward to set his chin on his fists and watch a holo display of a TIE fighter rotating slowly.
     ‘You think they could be building something?’
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
I saw the post about some of the differences about language used in star wars vs real life floating around and I thought these links would be helpful* for all star wars rp-ers who might want to use the phrases or slang that’s been recorded in canon for dialogue or thought? There are some cool ones like curse words or slangs for droids and all that stuff so have at it! 
* the second link was last updated in 2010 so take that as you will the wookieepedia page also differentiates legends from canon so you can see a more exhaustive list under legends than you might under canon.
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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                      THEY’LL NEVER SEE US COMING !  
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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thanks again to all the new followers! its so nice to join a fandom and feel so welcomed, especially as an oc
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
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“i can already think of an awful lot of words for them. i think amateurs will be a good addition.”
she makes a quick mental note to bring up the subject again. there are some things, some memories, that are best left unspoken. 
she holds out a hand then, almost abruptly, and nods. “mithra calen.”
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            ❝ nah, most of ‘em pretended not to know me. ❞
poe didn’t like to think about what had happened. he had to go through it for his report, and that was enough unless someone who outranked him asked him about it. 
            ❝ i’m fine. the first order sucks at trying to get             information. they’re amateurs. ❞
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vespirias-blog · 9 years
tips for writing Star Wars fanfic/Star Wars roleplay things
it’s not concrete; it’s duracrete
viewports are the windows on ships
not a plane; ship or speeder
it’s not steel; it’s durasteel
books are rare; holorecords or datapads
it’s not a glass pane it’s transparisteel
caf is the equivalent of coffee
it’s not paper it’s a flimsi
medcenter is a hospital
Star Wars can be very similar to things we’re already used to, but getting familiar with some of these terms can make your writing really fit in with the universe
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