verysleepyseth · 2 months
Reminder for everyone jay plays bass/j
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verysleepyseth · 3 months
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guys this is so them
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verysleepyseth · 3 months
Robot/cyborg ken x vampire neil (or one of them is human)
Ken x zombie Neil (i grew up with listening to the zombie song)
Paladin ken x wizard neil
Young neil vs the world with ken being in Ramona’s spot
Superhero au but like ken is Like Batman and Neil has spider man’s powers
Ill add more au’s to them watch
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
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I drew lampert and infected
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
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Lampert doodle
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
how did scott get the scar on his eye?
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this is probably best illustrated with a diagram ft. other assorted scott injuries
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
I wanna make a rp Blog one of the regretevator npcs but idk who.
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
Featuring some drawings I have made
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Featuring Swibbledib who is colored badly
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Pest and poob
I’ll draw more when I can
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
My honest reaction to when I found out the straight Wallace rp Blog does sound like him
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
Here’s another oc it’s not regretevator related but it’s a Roblox oc I made
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So I had been obsessed with the regretevator game on Roblox, reasonable response was make a oc avatar of it when I got robux.
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Idk if anyone made a mushroom regretevator oc (Probably) But i Like Mine bc it’s silly.
His full name is Dr. M&M (bc his full name is Milo Mush haha I’m so creative) so basically his favorite thing was mushrooms.
During a science experiment with other doctors and scientists, there was accident which involved him turning into a mushroom guy.
Boring I know but my brain is like melting. I wanna add in the key point that it was just a gone wrong science experiment.
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
So I had been obsessed with the regretevator game on Roblox, reasonable response was make a oc avatar of it when I got robux.
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Idk if anyone made a mushroom regretevator oc (Probably) But i Like Mine bc it’s silly.
His full name is Dr. M&M (bc his full name is Milo Mush haha I’m so creative) so basically his favorite thing was mushrooms.
During a science experiment with other doctors and scientists, there was accident which involved him turning into a mushroom guy.
Boring I know but my brain is like melting. I wanna add in the key point that it was just a gone wrong science experiment.
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
I’m really scared of the spkgl au.. I know they are gonna do something to the twins. ESPECIALLY KEN.
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
Btw I love the twins so much they are so aaaaa. they make my brain go koo coo. I still Love Ken with Neil i Need more art of them.
Also I need more art of the twins. Draw them in maid outfits/j they deserve a lot of love. And their special little guy robot-01
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
Also I also feel bad for some of the characters bc they seriously never really explained all bc of Scott and Ramona which is great don’t get me wrong. A great story of how people need own up to their mistakes but like we never got a explanation of Wallace’s mom? How was Roxie never good enough? Todd’s daddy issues?? I mean I’m just saying sometimes they feel like “hey have this” and not explaining.
I’m gonna babble random stuff so then I can sleep
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
So like I feel like I keep remembering how the show makes it believes that the twins were bad by being players.. but like I feel like they should have done it better or like not done that idea?? I mean i know they are called evil exes but like explain some of the exes have reasons to be mad at Ramona. The whole for like 1-6 of the exes to be evil bc how wrong Ramona did. Gideon was like the realization for her to realize how bad it feels. Matthew relationship is like yeah they were like kids whatever. Lucas though she cheated on him the second Todd was in the picture. When Todd was moving away she felt need to just break up with him. She played Roxie as like a phase. The twins now literally we’re gonna separate until they knew Ramona had set it up so they promised to stick together. I’m probably saying stupid shit bc like I’m tried idk
I’m gonna babble random stuff so then I can sleep
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
I’m gonna babble random stuff so then I can sleep
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verysleepyseth · 4 months
A extra one Seth (me) x Ken/j
Rarepair ships I thought about
Ken x Neil (Look man i came up with this around January)
Monique x Stephanie (…Idk man)
Kyle x Todd (Why Not)
Comeau x other Scott (again idk)
I think that’s it for now..
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