May your Heart be your Guiding Key
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Indie Multimuse KH RP blog featuring Vanitas, Magia, Ephemer, and Brain.. OC and multi fandom friendly. Written by Avery
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verumcordibus · 3 years ago
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“Well, if there wasn’t before, I think you just answered your own question,” Alvin pointed out dryly. “Unless you’re playing around with flash paper to pull one over on the local yokels.” He gestured at himself with a twist of a self-deprecating grin that slid into something more thoughtful.
“Around here they call it spirit artes. I’m not exactly the best-informed on the subject, though. If you’re looking for an expert I know plenty of people more qualified than me.”
Led a coup against a king … Well, there were no kings in Elympios, and the King of Rieze Maxia sure as heck wasn’t persecuting any artes-wielders. So wherever this Magia guy was from, he was well off his range  – even assuming any of that story was true. “So which king was this, and how many of his assassins are going to be trying to track you down?”
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“Good to know.”
Perhaps he wouldn’t have to totally hide his magic then, though he would still exercise all due caution. One step at a time, then he could slowly figure out how to get back home and finish what he started...
“Oh no, the Crown Prince was to soft to have me executed, and saw that I was to be exiled instead. No one will be coming after me, but I can’t say I have the slightest clue what will happen to the rest of the rebellion.”
He would make Yozora regret his decision, but he now knew it was best to never underestimate his cousin again. Being so easily defeated had been humiliating in itself, but this merciful sentence that he had been given just made his blood boil even more.
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
“Well, Magia, welcome to Rieze Maxia,” Alvin noted easily. “Arrivals like yours aren’t entirely unheard of, but they shouldn’t be all that common at this point.” In fact, they shouldn’t have been happening at all, so that left Alvin with a few dozen questions still lurking.
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“Banishment’s a pretty stiff sentence. Who’re ‘they’ and what’d they claim you did?” he asked, figuring that the mutter was both intended to be overheard, and intended for him to pry. He had little to lose on that front.
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“Duly noted...”
He would have to learn how to be blend in none the less, but perhaps this man could help him on that front? At least to start.
“I lead a coup’ to dethrone the current king that cares little about mage folk and probably would have pushed many to their deaths. As you can guess all did not go as planned...”
That much he was fully honest about, he simply withheld the fact that he did indeed succeed in killing him, or the more important fact that the King was his uncle. He could imagine Yozora was cleaning up his mess right about now.
“As you can expect I’d like to get back and finish what I’ve started, though that’s far more easier said than done.”
He was at least a patient man, though apparently five years of careful planning had not been enough, or perhaps he merely underestimated his cousin all this time.
“I’m sure you can tell me many things about this land, but I’ll start off by asking if there’s any magic in it?”
Lifting his hand in demonstration he allowed a few blue sparks to manifest briefly, gently clenching his fist to make them disappear. 
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
Magia: Awww you had a crush on me how embarrassing
Aegis: we're married
Magia: still
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
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Sora had been taught well when it had came to magic, even if his strength lay in more physical attacks than anything else. Magia was a pretty decent opponent in his own right, especially with that stunt that had led to him slipping. It was all in good fun though, grinning slightly as he got back up after he’d slipped, his gaze fixed on Magia as he wondered what his next move was, preparing to dodge, deflect or just outright block. 
But Sora couldn’t have anticipated what would happen next, much to his shock and concern he’d witnessed Magia looking like he was in pain, even falling to his knees. Their sparring match forgotten, Sora made his Keyblade disappear and approached him, a concerned frown on his face as he reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Magia, are you okay?” 
What had happened?
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“Casted to fast...” He lied, cursing under his breath before the sparks finally faded, allowing him to breath deeply in relief. Of course he had a dreaded feeling to what had actually happened, as he knew the same thing had happened at least twice before in his family...
But it’s not supposed to be genetic...
“I guess we’re done here.” He stated with a nervous laugh, dusting himself off as he got back to his feet, and properly put his weapons away. “I’ll rest in a bit, see a doctor if it happens again, but for now how about we get some lunch?”
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
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“Welcome back father.” Magia greeted with a smile, gently closing his book and setting it aside.
In his younger days he would have gladly run up and deeply hugged his father, but he was growing up and the time for such childish behavior had passed.
“I’ve been keeping up with my training and studies as always, but other than that I’m sad to say its been quiet. Is there something you would ask of me?”
To say that he was bored was an understatement, but he wouldn’t go off and get his hands dirty or stained with Lucian blood without permission. Being useful was always his goal.
@verumcordibus​ asked for a starter
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“Ah, my very own flesh and blood.” Voice laced with a touch of humour, Ardyn greeted the young man and waved at him to take a seat.
When had they last met? Ardyn had taken a short trip across his brother’s Kingdom. It had to have been quite a few weeks since - the Chancellor wasn’t very good at keeping track of time. A drawback to the life he had led ‘till now, surely.
It hardly mattered in the end.
“Tell me, how do you fare?” His underlying query shown through easily : what happened while I was away?
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
Small announcements!
Activity will resume in December
Kairi will be added as a muse with small tweaks to basically get rid of the sexism damsel in distress
While Magia will remain multi ship I will be shipping with only ONE particular Aegis in which they are very awkwardly married
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
Sora has stolen Magia's hat. The hat belongs to him now. There is no other owner of the hat except for Sora.
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Growling with a sudden rage the Prince immediately took off after the keyblade wielder, shouting several curses after him as he drew his swords. Thankfully he was also smart, and with a carefully targetted blizzard spell made sure the floor was iced up nicely between the brunette’s feet, and the nearest wall.
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verumcordibus · 4 years ago
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 “Clearly I’m giving you far too much credit, which is rather disappointing in itself. You can’t really claim to show mercy and yet order an attack on my kingdom just because we stood up and decided to refuse those terms that you were sent to our Kingdom with.”
He scowled at him slightly in response to the mock pat on the shoulder, shifting so he could try and pick at the rope that was binding his hands behind his back, hopefully without getting caught, but the way he was sitting was making that difficult and his fingers were starting to ache, so for the moment he gave up.
His gaze shifted back to Magia, his mind briefly drifting to the attack that he knew was happening at this very moment. If the Kingdom managed to deal with the attack, then hopefully Sora would have nothing to worry about. But he always had cared more about others than himself. 
“Because I refuse to bow down to a man who is essentially a tyrant. Anyone who has to use force to make people surrender is one that isn’t worth any loyalty on my end. I promised myself I’d do whatever it took to keep my Kingdom and my people out of the Empire’s hands. Oh I’m sure you do, but I’m not about to change my mind either.”
Though it made him wonder what else he could possibly do to force a surrender, it’s clear that in the long run holding Sora hostage might only be effective for so long, especially if someone came after them and managed to free Sora, then Magia would essentially have no power, after all, if he lost his hostage then he couldn’t force the Kingdom to surrender. 
But then something occurred to him, Magia had said that he was more loyal to his family rather than the Empire, and it seemed like he was determined to live up to his family’s expectations by succeeding with this mission he’d been given, which made Sora wonder what he’d do if he was faced with the prospect that he could potentially fail. 
“After all, I’m sure if you fail, your family would be disappointed, actually I’m sure your father would be more disappointed and that would be a shame, wouldn’t it?” Maybe he could use to make Magia slip up and make a mistake, or he could anger him and that would end up costing Sora dear. 
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Unforunately for Sora his gamble did not turn out as he had hoped. Anger flickered across Magia’s face, drawing his sword in an instant and holding the blue magitek blade dangerously close to his throat, but not enough to hurt him...Yeet.
“You should watch your tounge little Prince, if you want to keep it. But if you are desperate to get an answer to your question it’s quite simple really; I’ll just die trying.”
His dangerous smirk was back, once again hinting at what he had in store if he had to use it. Not that he wanted to lay down his life of course, but it was a little easier knowing that he had a few...back ups.
“I will give your family twelve hours to surrender. If I hear nothing then I’ll drop your pretty corpse on their palace door step.”
Withdrawing his weapon and getting to his feet he moved to the intercom to make the annoucement to the public below to give them another push to cut their losses and cave, only for the ship to take an unexpected hit, causing everything to loose it’s balance and slide for a moment. Magia of course was no different as he cursed and looked out the window, just barely able to make out the sillouette of the raven haired guard from before looking quite angry, heavily armed, and giving off a dangerous dark aura.
“Well well it seems your rescuer is here after all~ He certainly knows how to take a hit...And land one.”
Grabbing the brunette and throwing him over his shoulder once more he slammed down on the button to open the ship, and warp back to the shore rather than risking it explode. Trusting that Sora’s bindings were still holding he was then dropped as he drew both his rapiers, staring down the guard before him as he made sure one was pointed at the Prince.
“I suppose this is where things get extra interesting.”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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Totally isn’t sorry for what he did when he was just a blob of darkness.
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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“And yet you’ve probably helped tear so many innocent families apart all in the name of loyalty to your own family. Doesn’t that make you think that what you’re doing is wrong?” 
He didn’t understand what Magia was doing, it was almost like he was looking for something, but what Sora didn’t know. But whatever it was, he’d found since he had given coordinates to the pilot as the ship turned. But then he heard the tell tale signs of a shot from one of the cannons, which must have been aimed at his Kingdom. But aimed at what? And why only one shot? He soon had his answer when Magia dragged him to his feet and over to the window to see one of the main power plants being destroyed that supplied power to the Kingdom. And then sun had finished setting as well. And Sora knew all too well what this meant. The daemons would attack, like they had so many other places. 
He could only hope that his Kingdom’s defenses would hold up against the daemons that he knew would attack, but like Magia had said, much to his annoyance they were too far up to tell. He just had to hope that they survived the attack. 
He wasn’t too impressed by Magia’s behavior towards him either, but at least he wasn’t sitting on the floor anymore either. He wasn’t the only one who wasn’t going to let his guard down, because Sora wasn’t either. He kept his eyes fixed on Magia, even though all he was doing was practicing his magic right now, but Sora wasn’t going to assume that he wouldn’t try anything else now that he had Sora on his airship. 
“You kidnapped me, and now you expect me to relax because you’re not going to torture me? I don’t think so.” He snapped, but his question actually gave him pause for a moment. Would someone try and rescue him? He wasn’t sure, especially since right now the Kingdom was in danger. “Of course they’d probably try and mount a rescue, but I know that the Kingdom’s safety will be their main priority first. I don’t see why that matters to you, this is all some big plot to get us to surrender.” 
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“Once again you’ve made the assumption that I care. I may be showing you a bit of mercy out of the ‘goodness of my heart’ but that would change drastically if I recieved orders otherwise.”
Giving Sora a mock pat on the shoulder he rose from his chair and looked out the window, able to vauegely see the demons down below that had mercilessly spawned and begun their attack.
“Why is it that you and your family are so stubborn to surrender when it clear right now that the peace you wish to keep is no longer an option? I have more tricks up my sleeve you know, and you don’t want to make me force my final hand...”
Making sure the case with his emergency syringe was still in his pocket he had hoped he wouldn’t have need of it, and was glad that Vanitas had already looked passed it assuming it was personal medicine and nothing more.
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
“Guess there’s a few places. We could go to the main district, there’s some shops there.” He was so casual that thinking of fancier places for the chancellor’s son was actually difficult. Still, he hopes it’s still a nice sight to see. He does know the Insomnia is the crown jewel of the Lucian kingdom. 
“People are celebrating down there. Looks like everyone’s having their fun, we could join ‘em.” A bit of a smile, a shy one really. The prince makes his way, making sure this new guest of his could keep up.
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“Indeed, simply those happy that peace shall finally come for the Lucis and Nifleheim empires. I’d imagine most would be happy for the looming threat of an attack to be gone once and for all.” Pushing up his glasses, Ignis is already right behind Noctis. 
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“Sounds wonderful, though I think we should refrain from drinking and partying to hard since our father’s will expect us to behave appropriately at the formal celebration tonight.”
An event that neither of them were likely looking forward to, but appearances must be kept up. Besides there was bound to be good food and fireworks.
“Perhaps we should do somewhere where we won’t attract much attention? It is my understanding there are a few crowds of protesters and I wouldn’t want any of them to turn violent if they catch sight of the Crown Prince out and about and get silly ideas.”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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Sora and his family had no intentions of giving into the demands of an Empire who seemed to be willing to take the world by force. Sora and his family were stubborn to their core and weren’t about to surrender. 
“I’m not going to change my mind just because you threaten me, and threaten my Kingdom.” 
Sora didn’t get much time to react to Magia suddenly attacking his brother and guard. His anger getting the better of him at the sight of Vanitas being knocked back into the wall and knocked unconscious. He’d been about to run over to Vanitas to make sure he was alright. Or he would have, if he hadn’t been surrounded by half a dozen weapons. A warning in it’s own right as he glared at Magia, the fury clear in his eyes. He should have known better than to trust him, but he’d hoped, well he still hoped that they could come to some kind of peaceful agreement. 
This was meant to be a good mood? He’d just outright attacked Vanitas. Just because he hadn’t opened fire on their Kingdom yet didn’t magically make this situation any better. He really thought he could get away with taking him hostage and expect them to surrender? Would that even end well? But then he thought of his parents, of course they’d do anything to get him back. But that didn’t mean Sora would make this easy either. 
Or so he’d thought. Before he could say or do anything else, it seemed Magia already had the upper hand as the full force of that blue lightning hit him hard enough to knock him backwards, knocking him unconscious just like what had happened with Vanitas moments earlier. 
It didn’t take long for Sora to regain consciousness either, and when he did he saw that his surroundings had drastically changed. He was obviously on one of those airships that had been lurking at a distance, ready to attack at a moment’s notice. And of course there were MTS, Sora had expected that. He couldn’t help but let out an audible huff of frustration when he realized his arms were tied behind his back. Maybe Magia had been planning this all along, which is why he had let himself be searched for weapons because he had other tricks up his sleeve all along. 
His eyes sought out Magia, clearly looking over something, some kind of maps or documents. Sora couldn’t tell from his place on the airship floor. He was too angry to care, even if he still wanted to try and ensure that his Kingdom at least saw peace. 
“You know you can’t get away with this, not even the Empire’s untouchable. The only thing you’re doing is fueling the fires for a war. One that will have casualties for both sides.” 
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“Heh, that’s nice of you to think I care, let alone have loyalty to the Empire. My only loyalty is to my family.”
While Sora was awake he paid no attention, still focused on the map before him until he found what he was looking for. Smirking he gave coordinates to the pilot, causing the ship to turn slightly as canons were aimed. A single shot was fired, after Magia dragged Sora up to his feet and to the window so he could look at his Kingdom suddenly lost power due to one of the main power plants being destroyed...Right as the sun finished setting.
“I do hope your kingdom’s defenses against the daemon population still hold up in a black out, but I suppose we’re to far up to tell.”
Ruffling his hair he plopped Sora in the nearest chair while getting comfortable across from him, though clearly didn’t let his guard down as he started practicing with his magic; letting blue sparks dance in the palm of his hand.
“I don’t have the stomach to torture you so you can relax on that front, though curious to hear if you think someone will try to mount a rescue or not. I imagine everyone has their hands full right about now...”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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Sora already knew that the answer wouldn’t change. It was a fact carved in stone. 
He watched intently as his brother did a thorough pat down of Magia before letting him into the throne room, nodding once he declared that he was unarmed. Which was good, because at least it meant Magia himself couldn’t personally do anything once he heard Sora’s answer.
But that didn’t mean Sora trusted him not to do anything either, he could have any kind of plan up his sleeve other than outright attack. Because he knew Magia was determined to succeed in getting their Kingdom to surrender, just as Sora was determined to have peace, and keep their small Kingdom out of the Empire’s hands.
“I have, and my answer hasn’t changed. And my parents agree with me. We’re willing to have peace with the Empire but we’re not willing to lose the majority of our freedom for that peace. I offered you my terms. We don’t have to fight. But I’m not about to put our Kingdom into the hands of the Empire, for some small chance that we’ll still be able to keep control of our Kingdom. I’m sorry, but those are the terms we’re putting forward.”
Sora still believed that they could negotiate peacefully, which was what he was still trying to do. Rather than throwing up the white flag and surrendering instantly, because that wasn’t in his nature. It might go wrong, but he had to try. He owed that to himself and the people of this Kingdom. They had a right to freedom, and it was Sora’s duty to uphold that right and make sure they kept their freedom. 
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At first Magia only sighed, having expected as much since it seemed this family was stubborn to the core. But now the fun could finally begin.
“Alright well don’t say I didn’t warn you...”
With a devilish grin he first turned to the guard, swiftcasting thunder and landing a direct hit that was enough to knock him back into the wall and fall unconscious before Vanitas had a moment to react. Then his attention was turned towards the Prince, summoning his armiger with a flick of his hand as half a dozen weapons hovered dangerously close to the brunette as a final warning.
“Now luckily for you I’m a good mood today, so I’ll give your people one last chance to surrender themselves under the terms I presented before opening fire, but I’ll be taking you with me to keep the pressure on. How will your dear parents react I wonder?”
With his finger tips sparking with blue lightning once more he zapped Sora up close, this time making sure that it wasn’t powerful enough to kill him,  then threw the unconscious Prince over his shoulder and warped back to the nearest airship.
“Restrain him.” He ordered the nearest MTs, dropping Sora at their feet before strolling over to copies of the city plans. “I imagine he’ll only be out for a few minutes.”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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Some options, they didn’t feel like options at all. And Sora didn’t want any part of them. But this wasn’t just about him, it was about the Kingdom as a whole. 
Sora was feeling rather tense as well, but he had to try and keep a cool head during this conversation with Magia. It wouldn’t do any good to get worked up, it could lead to a potential mistake on his end. 
Sora had in fact seen the images that had been made public after the attack on Insomnia and it had shook him slightly. That was the whole reason he had decided he didn’t want to inflict that on his future people, and he would try to avoid it if he could. And he knew Magia was serious as well about how their Kingdom would end up looking just as bad as the remains of Insomnia. 
But at the same time, he didn’t just want to give in. Life under the Empire’s thumb would be just as bad as if they did attack the small Kingdom. He had to find a way around this. 
“Don’t you worry, I’ll speak with my parents.” His tone was hard, his eyes narrowed slightly as the red head began to leave. “Why don’t you come back before sundown and I’ll give you the answer?” He made that suggestion, because he’d rather talk here than anywhere else. 
After Magia had left, Sora did in fact talk it over with his parents, even going as far to show them the papers that Magia had given him. They were just as unsatisfied as he was with their options and didn’t seem to show any interest in surrendering either, opting to try and find another way. 
And they had decided that Sora should be the one to deliver the news. 
So when it started nearing sundown, Sora returned to the throne room, half expecting Magia to return to get his answer. Because Sora had no intentions of meeting Magia on his ship, unless it was absolutely necessary. 
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“Very well then.”
Returning to the palace just as the sun was starting to set he was not suprised when the royal guard he had caught sight of before did a through pat down before letting him into the throne room, declaring that once again Magia appeared to be unarmed.
Of course Magia had tricks up his sleeves as needed, and this time came back with a plan of attack if the Prince’s answer hadn’t changed. There was no way he was going to fail this...At least not without die trying.
“Well then your highness I assume you’ve taken some time to think things over?”
By the look on Sora’s face Magia could only guess that he was being a stubborn fool and still believed that he could extend an olive branch rather than a white flag and get away with it. Such naive thinking would be proven wrong of course, but Magia was at least going to hear him out one final time before changing his tune as warned.
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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Sora had elected to meet with this official from the Empire rather than the King and Queen because he had wanted to handle the negotiations. They had agreed but had made it clear that he had to have his brother there with him, and Sora had agreed, because he knew it was better to be safe than sorry. The Empire and the people who worked for the Emperor were unpredictable at best. 
“Then let’s get on with these negotiations.”
Sora’s eyes never left Magia once, because he didn’t trust him. Even when he pulled out the official documents and handed them over to him. The young Prince immediately opened them to read them. 
Sora didn’t like this war, he hated every part of it and had hoped it would never come to his Kingdom. But it had and now he had a choice to make for the sake of the Kingdom, and it’s people. He was going to be King one day so he had to make these hard choices, whether he liked it or not. And it was safe to say that he was not satisfied with the terms that had been laid out, surrendering their lands peacefully only to have some semblance of self government while being watched by the Empire, or refuse and have their lands taken by force while they had nothing. And he hadn’t forgotten about the display outside, that was just waiting for an order from Magia either. Sora knew he had to be careful with his next words. 
“I would like peace with the Empire, and for this Kingdom and it’s people to be left alone. However, with all due respect, I don’t like the idea of only having some semblance of self government and being watched by the Empire. So here’s what I’m proposing, I’ll agree to peace with the Empire, but I don’t want them having any control over our Kingdom. Those are my terms, I hope we can reach some kind of agreement, because I really don’t want to go to war.”
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“I’m afraid Highness that the Emperor has already made it quiet clear that those are your only options.”
Already the guard beside the Prince was tense, making it clear that if this did turn violent that Magia was going to have to deal with him first, but Magia would give him one more chance to think it over...
“Now I will admit I was not present for anything that went down in Insomnia, but surely you and I have both seen the images have passed around since then yes? You don’t want a war, and I’m not quite in the mood to order the attack just yet, but rest assured that if it comes to that what’s left of your Kingdom will look no better than the remains of Insomnia.”
Already having firmly decided that he wasn’t leaving empty handed so his father wouldn’t have any reason to be disappointed in him, the red head then turned and began to leave.
“I will return to my ship near the docks while you think over your only options, perhaps consult it with your parents as well? Though I expect an answer before sundown little Prince.”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
It was obvious to anyone who had been following the events that Insomnia was now under the Empire’s control, the crystal stolen, and a city in ruins when the wall had come down. And now everyone was living in a time of fear, unsure when or where the Empire would target next. Even places like the little Kingdom that Sora was Prince of could be at risk one day. 
What he didn’t know was that the risk would come sooner than any of them could have predicted. Their little Kingdom was one of the remaining places that was deemed free, but even Sora predicted that wouldn’t last long. And it was even more apparent what the intentions of the Empire were by the sight of the three Imperial airships that were looming off the coast, close enough to attack if need be but far off enough to send a brief warning. Sora, the young Prince of the Kingdom could clearly see them from the balcony of the throne room, and it caused him distress that he knew he had to keep hidden. He had to protect the Kingdom at any cost, from any threat, including the Empire. 
When it became clear that they’d have guests, Sora immediately headed back inside, opting to get ready for their arrival, knowing the royal guard would bring them to the throne room immediately. 
It didn’t take long for the royal guard to escort Magia to the throne room, where Sora was waiting for his arrival. He could do this, he had to, for the safety of the Kingdom he’d sworn he would protect one day. 
“I take it you must be our esteemed guest from the Empire, which is obvious by the ships lurking off our coast.” He kept his tone polite, even when there was a slight edge to his tone, offering Magia a small smile, for the sake of being polite. “I’m Prince Sora, and I’ll be negotiating with you on behalf of the kingdom, would you like to make yourself comfortable?” 
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Magia was a bit suprised to see that he was meeting with the young Prince rather than the actual King and Queen, but made no questions about it. Off to the side a raven haired guard that looked to be his brother was staring him down, clearly ready to strike at a moment’s notice...Fun.
“I’m comfortable enough thank you Highness.”
Keeping his eyes on the two before him he noticed the guard tense as he reached into his pockets to pull out the offical documents, though he simply gently handed them over to the Prince.
“As you can see these are already signed and sealed by the Emperor himself. Look it over as much as you’d like but the terms are quiet clear: You can either surrender your lands peacefully and keep some semblence of self government under the Empire’s watch as Altissa was granted, or we take the Kingdom by force and you get nothing. I’m sure as you can see from the display outside I have no problem giving the order to attack.”
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verumcordibus · 5 years ago
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A wave of relief rushed through him upon knowing at least that Vanitas wouldn’t just be sleeping outside or in this old, musty cave covered with drawings. As nice as it had been to hangout in as a kid and even sometimes now… It was hardly livable. 
As to the smoking, he could certainly see Aqua having some tight rules set in place. It was an awful habit. Or so he’d heard having never tried it before and the smell alone made him think that it was something better done outdoors than in.
“There’s a few places on this Island that work ‘cause not a whole lot of us come out this way anymore. It was basically like… our place to hang out as kids and have fun but, since most of our old friends are in high school and are busy now I haven’t seen them come out here at all.” It was kind of sad but, that’s what happened when you disappeared from home for a few years. Things changed. “The seaside shack is pretty much abandoned or there’s the treehouse around the corner from there. They’re a lot warmer and comfier than here at least.”
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“Certainly explains all the childish scribbles.”
Ones he left alone, even if he did have the idea of getting out some spray paint and making his own art around here. He could find some other un touched rocks for that though.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
The ash tray next to him at least suggested that he was taking his clean up seriously, not wanting to start any accidental fires or litter. There was also some relief that none of Sora’s likely weirdo friends came around this area either.
“How the hell have you been coping with this ‘peace and quiet’?”
It still deeply bothered him, tolerating people that months ago he would have struck down in a heart beat. Some were still wary of him yes which was to be expected, but then there were Ven and Sora treating him like family...
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