Can you blame me for wanting to fuck L when they made him smart, rich, and an absolute freak of nature?
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vermillion-limerence · 2 months
just finished banana fish I need a fucking aspirin
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vermillion-limerence · 4 months
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Boost and donate if you can
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vermillion-limerence · 5 months
Sending my prayers 🙏🙏
This is my mom's 14 year old cat "Sleepy" (and my daughter's best friend) My mom passed away on her birthday in 2021 from stage 5 cancer. I could tell you a million stories about how much this furbaby means to us and how much of a blessing she has been to our lives... but that's not as important as getting her help right now.
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Just before Christmas my daughter was cuddling her and noticed a discharge was leaking from her nipples. I reached out to a friend who is knowledgeable about everything feline. She recommended we give her a warm shower and clean the area with soapy water and take a picture to send her. The picture made our hearts sink. Sleepy has always had a soft underbelly that droops a little when on all fours. We certainly never noticed anything before. The day after we took the picture she ulcerated (seen in the other pictures) I had sterile wound care supplies from when I took care of my mom, and my friend recommended a product sold at petsmart called silverhoney. I have been applying that and changing out her dressing every day. But it's not healing. I even tried to put a very small amount of triple antibiotic cream around (not on) the ulcerations but I'm not comfortable doing that again as there is too much negative information online about using it on cats. (despite what vets have recommended in the past) because of the infection its spread into her lungs. She's struggling to breathe and with antibiotics she only has days left.
I work a fulltime and a part time job just to keep a roof over our heads. I'm poorer now than when I was on SSI. If I could have afforded to take her to the vet when the first picture was taken, I would have! I feel absolutely horrible about not having any kind of savings for emergencies. I don't even make enough to save... I don't want her to get sepsis or gangrene or develop abcesses or watch her slowly die over an infection that needs antibiotics. I have a suspicion not a diagnosis, and I don't even have enough money to put her down if what's going on isn't treatable. I absolutely hate asking for help when I work this hard at 2 jobs with nothing to show for it but covering the basics. But I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for her. She needs to be seen. Any financial help is so so needed and greatly appreciated.
I have a PayPal. The estimate reflects the only vet in our tricity area that will take donations over the phone but they require the money upfront. I applied for care credit and was denied.
I don't know what else to do. My heart is breaking. She's all I have left of my mom. She's my daughters best friend. God Bless anyone that can help.
I didn't set up a gofundme as they take too much money out, and the payments take too long to come through. She needs to be seen asap.
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vermillion-limerence · 6 months
More,Laito Sakamaki
Tw:child abuse/sexual abuse/trauma/laito sakamaki/assault
So I wanted to talk about Laito sakamaki in a bit more depth,specifically when he's a child/his childhood growing up
So we know that with the sakamaki brothers they all kinda grew up together,in the same house I'm pretty sure
We see this in the flashback in the anime of their childhood (I haven't played the game or read the comics)
It looks like to some extent they bonded,at least until a certain age
But in present day their relationship is strained,and I can guess it happened around their actual teenage years(before going into the hundreds)
Laito's relationship with his brothers is even more rifted when he started being molested by cordelia
Because his view of love was so tainted,mistaking lust and abuse for love he isn't exactly sure how to properly bond with his brothers now that cordelia has ruined his perception of what love is supposed to be and look like
I also read somewhere (and headcanon) that his brothers found out that he was in an incestuous relationship with their mother when they were still kids and feel guilty about
In present day its obvious the brothers don't bond and don't ever plan to,but even with all their trauma and misconceptions in life they can still feel horrified learning that cordelia was molesting and grooming their brother
As kids the rest of the brothers couldn't exactly do anything about the situation
I read that ayato found out by hearing laito sneak off to cordelias room late at night and feels tremendous guilt about it
Despite the abuse the brothers already endured I imagine it would still be extremely traumatic to acquire that information
I think that being sexually abused by his mother has (obviously) never felt truly good
In the comics,he says that love is something that feels good (referring to sleeping with cordelia,concluding that this is his perception of love)
Yet I think that it never truly felt because because it isn't natural nor okay
Of course his body responded naturally to sexual pleasure and adding on that he doesn't exactly know it's wrong,your brain still knows deep down is wrong
I think when he got older he realised it wasn't a normal thing to do but he refuses to acknowledge it because of how uncomfortable it is to think about
He isn't really in touch with his emotions
He just feels something and goes with it
But he hates being vulnerable
Which is why he chooses to make others vulnerable unstead (I'm in no way excusing this behaviour,simply bringing it to light in order to explain my thoughts on his abuse)
I also believe that cordelia physically forced sexual in counters on him multiple times,which could also explain his violent controlling,impulsive behaviour,because it was shown to him (I know he didnt have a choice as a child and was coerced,just saying that maybe he didn't comply at first so he was possibly literally dragged or hit/restrained)
He was also surrounded by adults who knew about it (karlheinz I'm convinced he knows everything that goes on at all times,richter),but didn't nothing,which was probably extremely suffocating
Knowing that you could be helped,but weren't
I don't like them (all sakamakis) though because of their history as notorious abusers,torturers,assaulters and most likely rapists,not to mention killing the brides
Remember that just because you were abused,it is not an excuse to abuse other,break the cycle
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vermillion-limerence · 6 months
The three diamonds
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vermillion-limerence · 6 months
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vermillion-limerence · 7 months
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Mizu stawpp Yk I’m still on my period 🤦🏻‍♀️
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vermillion-limerence · 7 months
Irish 🇮🇪 😝
ok i absolutely need to know what accents u all have pls reblog and tell me or comment or whatever I must know
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vermillion-limerence · 7 months
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vermillion-limerence · 7 months
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai)
•I think that mizu has trust issues
•or atleast keeps her guard up around everyone,even ringo
•let's say you're some sort of doctor or have medical training
•she passed by your village and needed some sort of medicinal assistance
•that's where you come in
•you were the medic of the town,not an official title but everyone repected you as such
•she asked around and made her way to your doorstep
•greeting are exchanged,decently pleasant
•you request she remove her clothing for an inspection
•a medical one (I see you)
•despite her refusal you compromised by giving her medicine and bandages
*cue your interesting backstory*
•before she could exit your humble abode you grasped the sleeve of her blue textile
"Are you in need of medical assistance?"
"One for the road I mean"
•you confirmed
•she initially refused but you sort of followed her everywhere and by then it was a little late to leave you
•you then met Ringo,and all of you made your way to find 'Heiji Shindo'
•you never really asked questions about mizus broody behaviour
•as you all made your way through the town mizu entered a brothel,Ringo and yourself followed
•you lay rest there for countless days wishlists mizu goes out and does only god knows what
•you look about and discover mizus whereabouts at a brothel known for its unique services to fulfill customers rather unusual requested
•in you went,taken aback slightly by the strange aroma
•as you walked the halls you heard a smidgen of a familiar voice requesting assumably a prostitute to be left alone
•there she was!
•you entered the room quietly unbeknownst to the elegantly dressed escort and only made your presence known when you placed yourself by mizus side
•"hi mizu!😃"
•you weren't always the brightest
•or maybe you were
•your face instantly hardened once you got the aroma of the 'sake' in your lungs
•mizu held the cup to her lips and you quickly snatched (don't know how you managed that one pal 👏 )
•you quickly downed the beverage,if someone was going to be drugged you'd rather it be yourself rather than mizu
•you didn't feel it at first but then...
•why is she moving like that,the escort
•it's like there's three of her
•you started seeing the ghosts of your past
•that one particular ghost you didn't want anywhere near you
•meanwhile not in la la land
•mizu had restrained a distraught akemi
•she then rushed over to your form,possibly even more distraught,slowly backing away into a corner
•she reached out to you but her hand was swatted away
•you were hysterical,heavy breathing,eyes widened,tears streaming like a waterfall of misery
•she had to grasp you into a forceful hug when you tried to flee the room
•feeling you struggling against her,scratching everything you could wasn't pleasant but she endured it for your sake
•eventually your wails turned into weak strained of your voice as you fell against slowly but surely collapsing
•she cradled your exhausted form delicately,watching your expression fade into a more peaceful one
•she whispered gently
"I love you,____"
•It pleased her to see an unconscious smile adorn your face after she uttered those sacred words
•words she had been wanting to say for a while now
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
Sunny headcanons
I think sunny is a big fan of the golden retriever/Black cat trope
Him obviously being the black cat needs a little sunshine in his life
His name is such an oxymoron and you probably tease him for it
He tends to hover near people he likes whether that be basil,mari or you
Also has his literal cat moments
Will collect things he thinks you would like
It could be a rock,pretty stones,flowers(ty basil)
He'll then present them to you with his normal neutral look on his face with a proud stature
Sees this as normal behaviour
Give some kudos to him,he's trying
Follows you everywhere
Loves laying his head in your lap
Silly pookie 😝
Little picnics with just the two of you
Sunny was pining over you before you guys were dating
Let's say you guys grew up together
Playmates,baths together,birthdays
He's loved you since you guys were like six
I don't think he was ever one of those "ew girls 🤢" type of boy
Boy was swooned the second you two were introduced
Your parents brought you over to your new neighbours house for dinner,you were being welcomed into the neighbourhood.You heard from your mother that they had two kids,a boy around your age and a girl a few years older,your father knocked on the door and all of you were greeted by a woman with mid-length curly hair,a calm smile adorned her face. She introduced herself as Mrs.Suzuki,she led all of you to the living room where her family was patiently.Two kids were standing politely next to their father who was sitting down on the couch.
"And this is my husband,____ Suzuki and my two children,Sunny and Mari,come and say hello." She called out to her offspring.A young boy and girl approached you and your parents,
"It's nice to meet you!" The girl said with a bright smile,holding out her hand to shake.You and your parents shook her hand one by one,although she was lovely,your young childish mind couldn't help but notice the boy behind her,holding onto her shirt and poking his head out from behind her.When you two locked eyes he hid behind his sisters torso.
"Don't be like that sunny,say hi to our new neighbours!" Mari said with a sympathetic smile towards her brother,understanding of his shyness as she nudged him towards your family,moreso you.You decide to take control of the conversation as you stuck your hand out to the boy,lightly grabbing his one into a handshake as you introduced yourself,he still had yet to say anything.He was either shy or just wasn't interested in talking to you.
Sunny had a whole different story going on in his head,admittedly he wasn't particularly interested in meeting new neighbours,no bad blood or anything,his was simply content with how his life was currently.
Until he saw you,it wasn't love at first sight,he just never took into account that he would be around you for years to come.
He lowkey had a "😐😳" moment
His first thought was that you were pretty
Like Alfalfa and Darla from the little rascals
Bro had a wedding planned
He couldn't speak though,despite his innocent attraction he was still pretty shy
He didn't talk to you all dinner,as you were leaving,both of your parents talking and Mari doing god knows what in the pantry,he tapped you on the shoulder and presented you with a singular white chrysanthemum,courtesy of basil.
It had taken you aback seeing as how he hadn't talked so much as looked at you all dinner
It was a surprise to everyone when you were back at their house the next day,hand in hand with sunny,talking his ear off about god knows what,while he listened with the faintest smile on his face and a fuchsia blush on his cheeks
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
I love the way there's different layers to warm milk,like it's warm and then the bottom of it is cold so when you sip it the top is warm and it had its own individual cold stream,magical,kinda tastes like ass but its great 🥺
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
Laito Sakamaki(mostly angsty)
I would love for him to find actual love
So let's say he did
I feel that in the anime he never fully confronted his trauma with his mother
It's said (or atleast hinted at) that he dates and sleeps with alot of the girls at school
And he's obviously a pervert and a flirt
I wanna say that wherever he sleeps with girls he gets this uncomfortable feeling but chokes it down because it's what he's used to because of Cordelia
Never fully complete,empty
So let's say he found someone (you) that helps him fully heal and confront his trauma
He would have ptsd/panic attacks (before and after meeting you) but be in complete denial about it
Like he genuinely refuses to believe he's been traumatised
But as his back falls against the wall and he slowly slides down
You comfort him
Something that he's never felt before
And he starts hyperventilating,fully going into the panic attack
He would cling to you,disoriented and scared
Through a haze,he can vaguely hear your words,your soft touch and you heartbeat against his temple
And he closes his eyes and imagines you face,how you guys look right now
As he slowly calms down he just feels numb
And so tired
He let's you lead him to bed so he can lie down
You take off his hat and blazer
Laying down next to him, head on your hand,softly stroking his hair
For the first time in his life,he feels true love.
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
Boyfriend asmr would send a victorian child into a fit
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vermillion-limerence · 8 months
No cause I would hate to be yui in diabolik lovers
Girlie's always getting harassed and bitten like??how is that enjoyable??😭
You gotta listen to this fecking 200 year old dwarf with purple hair talk to a stuffed animal with his mother's ashes inside talking bout tea parties n shit
Like no sir.
Therapy would have made them all normal,that's all I'm saying get the sakamakis in therapy like girl give it a try you'll love it ❤
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