verlucii-blog · 7 years
holy shit what the fuck i.... one million percent dropped the ball over here but i swear im alive???? im so sorry to those ive not replied to however bc it's been a while ill probably just drop everything and post a fresh ad tomorrow ;; like i said tho i swear im alive fsjlfgkd
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
────── » ⌜📷⌟  It’s him. He has faith in it. His voice sounds so real, so authentic, but he has to see him there. He has to see him in person or it doesn’t count; maybe he’s not there, really.
His answer drives it home that he is there and Prompto can barely contain the excitement and anxiety that fills him in that moment. “I’m on a job right now. It’s just freelance photography but…”
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That’s it, he’s definitely here, he said a thing he’s totally familiar with. He has to be here. He just has to. “Dude! I know where that is, hold on lemme run over there it’s not too far.” The last bit he says finally registers through his own excitability. “You’re not, man. Me and Gladio are here. Cindy use to be here, but…I haven’t seen her in a while.” He’s clearly heartbroken, but it doesn’t stop him from running down the street in a hurry, nearly dropping his phone once his friend comes into view.
“NOCT!” He waves an arm in an attempt to get his attention. “You’re really here, buddy! It’s really you!”
The familiar call of his name filled his entire being with relief. Never had he been so relieved to see his best friend as he hung up their call and hurried toward him, barely taking any notice of his surroundings. Who cares if he accidentally bumped into a few passers-by? Getting to Prompto was all that mattered.
“So, you got yourself a job? Looks like you’ve really taken to this place, huh?” He couldn’t help but tease just a little when he reached him, even though the reality was that he was amazed Prompto has actually made this place work for him (his own job didn’t count, he didn’t exactly try for it). He took a few moments to actually let the fact Prompto was right here in front of him sink in and this wasn’t some crazy dream before finally addressing the situation with a more serious tone. 
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“Really though, how did you get here? The last thing I remember was...” He trailed out, thinking back to Ardyn’s revelation; did he really want to go into that? He knew he’d have to eventually but for now... he’d wait for Prompto to answer his question. 
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
Wandering around the city lost and totally confused had definitely taken its toll but also Noctis had completely given up trying to understand this place so he did what he liked to do best; lay down and take a nap.
It was a warm afternoon when he had decided this grassy area of the city was a decent place for a rest; it was quiet and although he was in a strange environment, he didn’t have anything of real value upon his person so taking a small nap in such a place really wasn’t much of a concern.
Apparently he had slept for much longer than intended. The tap upon his cheek stirred him from his slumber, though he did automatically swat at whoever had disturbed him. The unfamiliar voice registered but he still couldn’t find the energy to really move, instead moving an arm over his eyes to block out the rays of the late afternoon sun.
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“I got lost,” He explained briefly. He would be sleeping in a bed if he knew where said bed actually was. He remained where he was for a few seconds before finally sitting up, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes with the heel of his hand and finally looking up at the stranger next to him; in his half-awake state he almost mistook him for Prompto but caught himself quickly. “…Also the ground’s fine…”
There was always a point in Cloud’s day when he got off of Fenrir to just take a walk around the city. Generally after work, before he decided on what he was going to eat for dinner. And he usually just walked around for 2 or 3 blocks before turning around and heading back to his bike. Which was how he found himself wandering through a nice grassy area around dusk.
It was a rather calm place, so he wasn’t all that surprised to see someone fast asleep on the ground. Though it wasn’t the safest place. Kneeling, he tapped the other man’s cheek with the back of his hand gently.
“Hey… You probably shouldn’t be sleeping here.” If he had a blanket, the blond would probably just throw it over the other and leave but…he didn’t. And it was too easy to get sick sleeping outside with no cover so…
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Cloud nudged the other again, a little rougher this time. “Hey. Buddy. If you’re tired you should be sleepin’ in a bed. Not on th’ ground.”
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
This job was not as fun as the weird purple lady had made it out to be, plus the growing line of impatient customers he had to deal with was not his ideal way to spend his day. Plus he was tired, he just wanted to sleep but instead he was face to face with a girl who clearly had no idea what she was doing; that wasn’t as unusual anymore, he’d seen plenty of that during his short time here, however the queue behind her was slowly growing.
And he was about to make their day so much worse.
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“Sorry but no, because the coffee machine is broken. Again.” He cast a look behind him toward Reaper, who was cursing out said machine (that was nothing new) then back to the customer. “Do you want something else instead?”
how does asami do it? she makes it sound so simple, but the moment she’s faced with the task of ordering coffee it just seems impossible. doppio? tall? what in the spirits is that supposed to mean? why’s a coffee tall?
her digits drum over the counter, eyes running over the menu whilst she ignores the growing line behind her. this was a big mistake.
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“hi, can I get a uhhhh-” get what? “…coffee?” this is not even for her. korra knew she should’ve asked asami to write it down, dammit.
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
Part of him wasn’t expecting Prompto to actually pick up; his hand remained clenched tightly around his phone as he forced himself to breathe. “Y-yeah, it’s me…” He responded in a quiet tone, still completely bewildered by the entire situation. Prompto’s question made his stomach drop; sheep? Yeah, tons of them but how would he know… unless…
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“Yeah, there’s so many, I think they outnumber people… wait, where are you right now?” Glancing around frantically in the hopes of seeing a familiar tuft of blond hair, Noctis began to walk in a random direction to who knows where, praying he’d spot Prompto in the distance or something, anything… anything that proved he wasn’t alone in this crazy city.
Managing to collect his thoughts for just a minute, the prince finally took note of his own surroundings. “I’m… I’m near a place called… Peach Planetarium?” He’d been wandering aimlessly for hours he had no idea where that was. “Please tell me I’m not in this weird place by myself…”
────── » ⌜📷⌟   How long has it been? He’s unsure but he’s glad he has had at least Gladio with him, and he’s met some good people. It’s an adventure, but the kind he had wanted to have with his friends in the first place. Parts of him continuously worried for his friends, especially Noctis…especially because he left to this place at the worst possible moment. The nerves catch him when he tries to relax, when he tries to smile and get by and keep every little thing bottled up in himself so no one sees the cracks, so no one sees how he’s been just barely holding it together more than usual. 
The sound of his phone catches him off guard, it’d been a while since anyone called him so he pulls it out in no hurry. Who he sees calling on the screen almost makes his heart stop, eyes widening as he nearly fumbles his phone out of his hands before answering it. He takes in a breath to start talking but Noct’s already on it. One little thing he’s so used to is enough to almost make him tear up, but he holds on. He’s there, right? He couldn’t call if he wasn’t, right?
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“Noct? That’s really you, right, buddy?” He has small doubts, maybe it’s another trick but he wants to believe. He takes another breathe to calm himself. “Okay, lemme know one thing. Are you surrounded by a weird amount of sheep?” Oh man, please let him actually be here.
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
Lost, confused and seemingly alone in this weird place, Noctis had finally given up trying to escape because clearly that was working out for him. He still had no idea where he was, how he got here or how to leave... if leaving was possible.
“Man, this sucks...” He muttered to himself, sitting down on a nearby bench and leaning back just so for but a moment before straightening up and watching the passers by going about their day. How could a place so strange seem so normal? A lot of different people walked on by, some with fashion choices and styles Noctis had never seen before. Were they all like him? Here against their will? He wanted answers but didn’t know where to look.
His absentminded observations were focused upon another just in the distance however the closer they got, Noctis realised that he knew this person, in fact he felt so relieved at finally finding someone he knew he jumped up from his place on the bench and hurried toward them. 
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“Gladio?! Gladio! Hey, wait!”
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
First day in the new job: it wasn’t so bad, all he really had to do was watch the cash register, that wasn’t so bad. No effort at all and it was easy so it could have been worse.
He still thought the owners were... well they were something alright. Sure they were good enough to give him a job but as the day went on, Noctis began to notice that these people were a little, well... extra.
The cafe had a quiet spell in the afternoon with only a few customers trickling in and out. The customers who were currently being served were being dealt with by one of the owners (he assumed that’s what he was) who called himself Reaper. Noctis instinctively knew this guy’s bad side was not one to be on but he soon realised that every side was his bad side and the unfortunate coffee machine seemed to be on the receiving end of it.
The murmured “die, die, die” from behind him had him turn for a moment, watching as Reaper continued to get the coffee machine working. 
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“Are you... okay?” Noctis decided to ask, arms crossed over his chest and he leaned back against the counter and continued Reaper’s struggle. Well, at least he asked...
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
“So you’re offering me a job here?” The last thing he’d expected was to be hired when he walked into what looked like a seemingly normal coffee shop however it’s employees looked a little... interesting.
But... even though he hadn’t been here long, Noctis had already figured out he needed a job. It wasn’t like he hadn’t worked before anyway, at least this was kinda what he was already used to.
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“Sure, I guess.” He shrugged nonchalantly. Despite the fact being offered a job off the bat should have been considered a little shady (Ignis would have disapproved) he figured things couldn’t get any worse. He was already stuck here against his will anyway, what else could possibly go wrong?
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
Surely he couldn’t be here on his own, right? In the back of his mind, Noctis wanted to believe this city- one that seemed much too cheerful compared to what he’d faced back in Eos- was a weird dream or trick probably Ardyn but the more he wandered, the harsher the reality of the situation seemed to sink in.
He really was stuck here, wasn’t he?
Withdrawing his phone from his pocket, Noctis scrolled through his contacts and hesitated over Prompto’s name. Usually, he would have called Ignis first- he’d know what to do- but his gut instinct told him Prompto was the right person to talk to this time. 
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It took a few seconds for Prompto to finally answer but Noctis barely gave him chance to speak. “Prompto? Something weird’s going on and I don’t know where I am or how I got here.” 
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
For the last hour, he’d been trying to leave this godforsaken city. For the last hour, wandering out of the city only to return to where he began had started to take its toll. It didn’t help that for the latter part of that hour, someone had sought entertainment from his seemingly consistent torment and frustration at not actually being able to leave until finally he couldn’t take much more of this.
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“It’s not funny,” He finally snapped, throwing himself down on the nearest bench and holding his head in his hands. “Why can’t I just leave?”
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verlucii-blog · 7 years
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ok ive finally got time to post an ad for my son here so like for a starter, capping at 4!
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