veraaurelis · 6 years
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Omelette Eren, and a kiss-starved Levi to brighten your day ;D
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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Me (Lavlien) as Levi Ackerman Wolfot as Eren Yeager Kate as photographer Photo-editing by me
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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Artist: Nathi | Source: ♡ | Twitter: o_p_nathi___aot Posted with permission. ※ Do not repost, edit, or delete the credits. Please visit the original source and support the artist there!
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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Anime Season 3 Scenery Previews Discovered
Previews of various backdrops from the upcoming SnK season 3 can now be found on the official website! The royal palace, throne room, and Stohess are included in the scenery.
Found and edited by: Furida (Reddit)
Related News: Season 3 || WIT Studio || Photos: Official Art Archival News:  Season 3 || WIT Studio
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veraaurelis · 6 years
‪At 18 Eren is starting to grow facial hairs, but he’s not paying much attention to his own looks anyway so he doesn’t even notice.
Levi, who’s always watching him, notices a darker spot on his face, near Eren’s upper lip, and he unconsciously reaches out to clean the smudge off. But it’s not food, or dried blood, and he ends up just pressing his thumb over Eren’s lip basically and everything is so…awkward at first — when he realizes it’s just facial hairs.
Eren is confused and a bit flustered. Levi recovers from the blunder by offering to teach him how to shave. ‬
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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Artist: ふづき | Source: ♡ | Twitter: fuuu1530 | Pixiv: id=23469728 Posted with permission. ※ Do not repost, edit, or delete the credits. Please visit the original source and support the artist there!
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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First shit post of the year guys! 😂🤣
I’m so sorry…
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veraaurelis · 6 years
do you think the fact that levi still uses blades and so far is the only one seen wearing the survey corps cloak means he still holds on to the past? you're pretty btw. xoxo
Aww thank you, anon! 💚 xoxo
DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion. In no way am I stating what I say here is canon or completely accurate. if you disagree with my opinion, that’s perfectly fine! Everyone has a different interpretation of the series and its characters! However, if you are going to send me messages trying to argue points of view with me or send me hate messages because my opinion differs from your own; please do us both a favor and don’t even bother with it.
I do not. While I do believe Levi still holds onto his promise to take out the beast titan because I have been given absolutely no reason to believe otherwise, I don’t think he’s stuck in some stubborn rut pertaining to the old ways simply because he’s still using blades to fight and wearing the signature cloak.
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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Artist: 風祭 | Source: ♡ | Twitter: km__1018 | Pixiv: id=1112936 Posted with permission. ※ Do not repost, edit, or delete the credits. Please visit the original source and support the artist there!
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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The latest(June) issue of Animage and Animedia both feature some new artwork and another interview of the two directors(Araki tetsuro x Masashi Koizuka) for Season 3. 
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veraaurelis · 6 years
On Eren and Levi in this chapter… I have hope for further developments in the future, but I want to get some thoughts out of my chest.
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「 L: “Why didn’t you say anything about it until now?”
E: “I admit it was a rash judgment on my part.”
L: “Let’s thoroughly discuss/hear about it later”
H: “But…If that’s really the case…then…” 」
Hange doesn’t seem to mind that Eren didn’t share that piece of information. They’re probably too focused on the many revelations, but I’ve always had the impression that Levi understood Eren better than Hange anyway. Also, generally speaking, Hange focuses more on the bigger picture and less on individuals, I believe, while Levi is the opposite (but this is just a stray thought, I’d need to think about it some more).
Anyways, Levi trusts Eren, so I feel like in that moment he was confused/surprised and felt a bit betrayed by Eren’s lack of trust in return. However, Eren had a very specific reason and didn’t feel bad about it, while he still conceded that it might have been a misjudgment. Maybe he should have trusted them with this information, but he felt he wasn’t wrong. Still, Levi wants to know more about it. So they’ll talk…later. Thoroughly. He won’t scold him, I’m sure, he has always respected Eren’s choices so far. He just really wants to understand him, and maybe give his two cents.
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Levi here lets Zeke know that he is willing to wait and see if Zeke can be trusted, before killing him. However, if Zeke doesn’t betray them (this is a big if, I feel), Levi won’t be in a position where it’d be possible for him to kill Zeke anymore. Maybe he doesn’t realize it yet, or maybe he doesn’t want to think about it too much, because he still can’t trust Zeke, clearly.
「 Zeke: “I am really grateful for your magnanimous words. But before that (=before killing me) you’ll let me talk with Eren, right? …Hey? Would you please stop glaring at me?” 」
Zeke’s words are reeeally sarcastic here. He’s making fun of Levi’s passive-aggressiveness a bit, but he’s also trying to strike a deal, he needs to see Eren. At the mention of letting Zeke meet with Eren, I got the impression, with that “…Hey?”, that Levi might have started scowling even harder at Zeke. This, of course, is just my interpretation…and I don’t know if it’s because Levi is still upset at Eren that the mention of him makes him go :/ or that he doesn’t like the idea of Eren meeting up with Zeke (maybe both). 
He really doesn’t trust Zeke. Levi has known Eren for years and I don’t think the issue is that he doesn’t trust Eren in this meet-up. I think Levi may be wary of Zeke’s true intention in regards to Eren, too. He may be thinking Eren is so readily trusting Zeke just because of their family ties, and so he may be worried Zeke has had a bad influence on Eren and/or his “Secret Plan” will harm Eren. 
I definitely want to see a Zeke - Levi - Eren talk next time. Levi will probably be there because I got the impression he was tasked with keeping Zeke under his surveillance. He’ll need to be there if Zeke tries something funny…
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Finally…We have some panels with groups of people. Armin, Connie and Jean reflecting on the mission while gazing out at the soldiers exiting the blimp. Sasha’s body, she’s alone because her soul is not with them anymore. Gabi and Falco as prisoners. The brains of the operation: Hange, Yelena, Zeke and Onyankopon. 
Then there’s this panel right here. Eren, looking ahead, and Levi, looking at him. This is nothing new, but it wasn’t like this at the beginning of their acquaintance, it subtly changed. 
There’s definitely something more, and I don’t mean it in a shippy way. I am genuinely interested in how things were between them, what Levi is exactly thinking about all of this mess, if Eren has really stopped relying on Levi. Levi has been Eren’s mentor for so long, and in chapter 105 I could still see a glimpse of Eren’s former trust in Levi…right before he was kicked. 
I really want to know how things will turn out between them.
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veraaurelis · 6 years
Since the fandom’s fixation with Levi calling Eren “shitty brat” hasn’t completely dissipated yet, I took it upon myself to check how many times Levi calls him that in the manga. You’ll be surprised by what I’ve found out (I certainly was).
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Levi refers to Eren a grand total of 81 times in 103 chapters. Here’s a detailed list nobody asked for:
エレン “Eren”: 45 times
お前 “You”: 21
コイツ・ヤツ “Him”: 13
グズ野郎 “Scum”: 1 (this is the first time he addresses Eren, in the dungeon)
クソガキ “Shitty brat”: 1 (during the Female Titan arc, in the forest, when they’re under pressure, he refers to Eren like this, when he is confirming with his squad that their mission is to protect Eren from harm, not kill him)
俺の敵じゃない “Not my enemy”: 1 (in the courtroom scene)
奇跡 “A miracle”: 1 
Let’s see for comparison how he calls some other characters, just to check if he holds some particular grudge against Eren. 
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エルヴィン “Erwin”: 28
お前 “You”: 15
ヤツ “Him”: 2
団長 Commander: 1 (sarcastically)
エルヴィー “Erwi—”: 1 (interrupted by the shock regarding Erwin’s grin)
気持ちの悪い奴め translated as “You’re gonna make me sick” by CR, but lit. “What a disgusting guy”: 1
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ハンジ “Hanji”: 17
あいつ “Them”: 2
クソメガネ “Shitty glasses”: 2
メガネ “Glasses”: 2
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ケニー “Kenny”: 8
ヤツ “Him”: 4
切り裂きケニー “Kenny the Ripper”: 2
ケニーアッカーマン “Kenny Ackerman”: 2
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ヒストリア “Historia”: 11
クリスタ “Christa”: 2 (only when someone else called her Christa, otherwise he refers to her as Historia)
アルミン “Armin”: 7
ガキ “Kid”: 1
ミカサ “Mikasa”: 2
お前 “You”: 5
根暗野郎 “Gloomy little brat”, lit. “Gloomy bastard”: 1
Connie: 3
Sasha: 2
Jean: 2
ガキ供 “Brats”: 3 (usually when referring to EMA)
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Petra, Oluo, Eld: a couple of times each by their names
* Names are used both to address the person and when talking with others about said person. 
I also checked how many times (and how) Eren calls Levi, and I was surprised to find out that it’s not that many (compared to how many times Levi uses Eren’s name/talks about him). I had an impression Eren was the Mikasa of the situation, always saying “Captain Levi!”, but that’s not the case, apparently. I am curious to know how many times Mikasa actually says Eren’s name, too, but I grew interested in it when I was already at about half of my skimming of the manga. Hit me up if you know.
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Eren calls/refers to Levi as:
リヴァイ兵長 “Captain Levi”: 11
兵長 “Captain”: 16
人類の最強の兵士リヴァイ兵長 “Humanity’s strongest soldier Captain Levi”: 1 (the first time he talks about Levi)
チビオヤジ “Little old man”: 1 (referring to Rod Reiss, but Levi got concerned Eren was addressing him as such)
自由の翼 “Wings of Freedom": 1 (i am a sap)
just “Levi”: ??? (i’m still waiting)
So, my conclusion is: Levi called Eren “shitty brat” just one (1) time. Levi doesn’t hate Eren and isn’t set on verbally insulting him. Eren is a beautiful name. Let Levi call Eren by his name, please. Also, Levi is a lot more fixated on Eren than vice-versa, who would have thought, hah!
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veraaurelis · 6 years
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I’m sorry I’m answering like this, but I don’t want to get into the ship tag with my non-shippy opinions (please censor the name of the ship in the ask, next time). Also, this answer CONTAINS SPOILERS.
So, first of all, I think every group of shippers is guilty of thinking/hoping, with different degrees of intensity, that their ship will be canon in the future (or is/was canon, it depends). That’s not something inherently bad, because it just means we really, really love our ships and we just see how their canon platonic relationship could evolve into something different, something romantic, because their personalities just click the right way in our opinion. Honestly, I think every ship has a chance of becoming canon, however their fates are ultimately in the hands of the original creators and only they can decide which relationship to change into a romantic one. EM shippers may feel more assured about it because, well, it’s pretty common for the main protagonist to end up with the main heroine (although it’s also common for her to end up with the protagonist's best friend).
Isayama’s only implied couple was an f/f ship, though, and that’s pretty uncommon. But anyway, honestly speaking, I don’t see Shingeki ending with Eren (or even Mikasa) involved in a romantic relationship. Even yumi/hisu’s arc wasn’t about their love story, it was about the effect they had on each other, which led to mysteries being unveiled (so: it was plot-relevant). EM, imo, is not framed in a way that implies they will become a canon couple in the future; if anything, it’s the opposite.
In regards to Eren, I think he is not interested in relationships, he has other things to focus on. Or maybe he is just super oblivious. He never seemed even aware of other people’s romantic feelings, while Mikasa (and to a certain degree everyone else) was keenly aware of them (Ymir’s, Hitch’s). But I also think Eren might be more interested in men than women. However, this is a matter of perspective and preferences (+ I’m thinking about a hilarious smartpass interview where he was asked about the female cadets in a suggestive way and he just went “???? what about them??”).
As far as Mikasa’s feelings go, in my opinion, they are something different from purely romantic ones. I think she is just so grateful to Eren, she’d do anything for him. As a teen, I think it’s almost obvious she might feel like she’s fallen in love with the guy who saved her. Heck, she would have been sold as a prostitute to a brothel or, worse, to a noble as a sex slave. Eren gave her a reason to fight, and saved her life. When she thought Eren was dead, Mikasa decided to keep on living in order to remember him. That’s how strong her feelings are. But I don’t think they are exclusively romantic. They’re so much more, more complex, deeper, stronger. For example, if he ended up with someone else, she wouldn’t hold a grudge, she would be happy as long as Eren is happy. I think now that she’s older, she understands this, but when she was 15, she was jealous, or at times even completely blind to Eren’s feelings (which weren’t romantic). 
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This behavior was mainly used as comic relief, but it was there. Hence the “yandere girlfriend meme” Mikasa has become to some people.
The scene in chapter 50 is beautiful. In a moment of utter desperation, Eren hears Mikasa’s words and realizes that he isn’t a complete failure, he saved a little girl once. He can do it again, he just needs to…not stop fighting. And so he gets on his feet and fights. Was Mikasa about to kiss him? Probably. Eren didn’t realize it or simply thought there was no need for Mikasa to confess her feelings as a result of her giving up, because he could still fight, he could still save her. And so he did. “I’ll wrap you up in that scarf again and again. Forever,” he says. In my opinion, it’s not a declaration of love, but a declaration of his devotion to fight and protect and save Mikasa and his friends. Forever. No matter what. This is who Eren is, the pillar of his character. And in that moment, after having momentarily lost his motivation, he strengthened his resolve, his purpose in life again.
How did this moment change their relationship? I don’t think it changed it severely. I think it was more gradual and this was just the pinnacle of Mikasa’s romantic feelings and after this, she acknowledged that that’s not what it was all about. She cares for Eren a great deal. She wants to see him happy, accomplished and safe. Who wouldn’t? But she also realized, she cares deeply for many other people. Her crying desperately for Sasha (a friend not from her childhood) is the peak of this. She’s way past the “Choose. Eren or Ymir?” phase. Her heart, once closed off because of trauma, has opened up again, and I can see how she can return to be that happy girl she once was, independently from Eren. I think this has been implied for a while now, since she’s been put in the background during the Return to Shiganshina Arc, always a step behind Eren and Armin. 
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But this has always been the case, apparently. She didn’t even know about Eren and Armin’s promise/dream of the ocean. 
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While I understand this was a necessary set-up, seeing how things escalated/paralleled with Levi-Eren-Erwin-Armin, I also believe it was a sort of nudge into the right direction for her, like “Mikasa. You are your own person and you’re not bound to what Eren does or say. Be free." 
(Although, this could change because I’m not sure what happened in Marley. It’s possible her hand, in particular, was forced by Eren…and it seems her love for Eren has made her more miserable than anything else…but anyway, these are conclusions I’ll draw once we know for sure what happened then.)
Mikasa has gone from not trusting Eren and constantly reminding him that he was "not enough” and that he needed her (a behavior that superficially irritated him but in fact affected him a lot, imo, maybe because there was a bit of truth there)… 
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…to respecting his personal space and opinions, and trusting in his abilities. And she tells him exactly that, which is super important. This panel below makes me tear up a bit, if I’m honest.
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Mikasa went from being so self-centered about her role in Eren’s life to the point that she unintentionally ridiculed him in front of everyone…
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…to accepting that Eren’s life is independent from hers, and leave him to his own ridiculous shenanigans with Jean.
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That’s also why I don’t like when people disregard Mikasa’s initial flaws. Because it cheapens her development and makes it look like she never had one. She’s far from a static character. Her character development is just more subtle and stretched throughout the whole manga, it’s not condensed in just a bunch of chapters (like Historia’s, for example). I understand people want her to be perfect from the start because they love her, but…then they say she never gets development. Not acknowledging flaws is just counterproductive. 
I really didn’t like their relationship at the beginning of the story, it was frustrating because they were both so stubborn…but as both Mikasa and Eren changed, I’ve grown really fond of it. I don’t see it in a romantic light but I still appreciate it. Of course, there’s nothing wrong in seeing it as romantic or wishing in a future romantic development, as long as Mikasa is acknowledged as her own person and not Eren’s accessory. 
I’m admittedly not very knowledgeable about the EM fandom, and I often see comments such as “Mikasa needs to have Eren’s babies” or (serious) jokes like “if you take Eren away from Mikasa, she’s nothing”, which I strongly disagree with, but I’m sure a lot of shippers don’t see it like that. Unfortunately, haters and shippers with bad opinions are also the loudest but they certainly don’t represent the true nature of the ship. Chapter 50 felt like the turning point to a better balance between EM, and a main point in Mikasa’s development.
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veraaurelis · 7 years
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「Friendship; Flowers; Touch; Commitment」
*Purple Hyacinth: rashness, sorrow, regrets, forgiveness, a silent prayer of hope. It is believed to stand for grief, but it can also symbolize love and happiness ー and a wish for protection from harm.
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veraaurelis · 7 years
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I took an idea from SnK poster season 3,(maybe that’s called a spoiler, I think) Levi’s butt is the best))) It’s really interesting drawing Kenny Ackerman^^
Please tell me, If I made a mistake in English and I’ll correct it.
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veraaurelis · 7 years
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guys this height difference is good, so good and I am very emotional
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veraaurelis · 7 years
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Searching for Levi by Blessende
Eren Jaeger has three secrets that no one knows about. A. There is a parallel world to ours, a world better known as ‘Titan’. B. He has been a peacekeeper between the two worlds since the age of fifteen. C. He is married to the greatest prick in the history of the two civilizations (both literally and figuratively).
x, x, x, x, x, x..x, x, x, x, x, x
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