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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
Ch. 1 — Madelyn
“Oh — em — gee, have you seen Ryder lately?!” Masie gasped. Madelyn studied her best friend as Masie continued her usual gossip. She was beautiful. Long blonde hair, a pointed perfect nose, slender shoulders. Nice tits, small waist. She was the epitome of the all American girl. She was what every man wanted, what every woman aspired to look like. Madelyn was nothing like her. Actually, quite the opposite. Dark hair, an exotic look some would say, tan, dark eyes. She looked more like the mistress where as Masie was the perfect Kate Spade wife.
Madelyn didn’t mind though. She was never jealous, she admired Masie.
“Maddie??” Masie snapped, literally, fingers snapping in Madelyn’s face.
“Are you even listening? Have you seen Ryder?”
“No, I haven’t”
“Well he’s totally hot now AND he is single! Right on time for school starting back” she giggled.
Ugh, she had to remind her. In just a few days they would be starting class again. Juniors. Not that this summer break was interesting though. Masie and Madelyn both spent it binge watching Euphoria and wasting their lives away on social media. Instagram mainly.
“Well … why don’t you DM him? See how he is” Madelyn suggested.
“You’re joking. There’s no way — ”
“Girls!” Madelyns mom interrupted, walking into the room. She continued, “are either of you hungry?”
Her mom was beautiful. She resembled Masie, but older.. laugh lines from aging. She was a little taller.. Madelyns dads genetics won, clearly.
“No thanks” they synchronized.
“Anyways” Masie continued, “There is no way I’m going to message him and ask that. Besides,” she paused to finish off her lipgloss, “I’m sure he has plenty of other options that are better than me now anyways.”
Madelyn rolled my eyes, saying nothing. As much as She loved Masie, she know how much masie loved complements just as much. She has the need for validation and Madelyn wasn’t giving in. She was hot and she knew it. But, she was her best friend. She loved her. She always would. Madelyn scooted close to her and put her head on Masies shoulder, looking at her in the little hand held mirror she was holding for her lipgloss.
“Are you nervous for school?” Madelyn asked quietly.
“Babe, we have been over this. There’s no need to be nervous. You’re so smart Maddie. You’re going to kill it this year. We are going to glow up, be hot ass bitches.”
Madelyn could only let out a sarcastic laugh, imagining herself as a ‘hot ass bitch’ was comical to say the least.
An hour later Madelyn and Masie were finally done getting ready. Masie, per usual looked like she was going to a rooftop bar in Atlanta. A short pink dress with a white blazer and white heels. Maddie dressed well also but in her own way. She was wearing a black and white plaid skirt, with a black tee that read “Nirvana” and biker boots. Her tan showing through her fishnets. She touched her neck imagining how good this outfit would look with a choker, but her mom said she was too young to wear those. She disagreed, being almost 17 literally next week was plenty old enough.
“Let’s go girls” Masie sang. A Miranda Lambert dupe. She acted like they were going to a club but really they were just heading to lunch with two of their friends.
20 minutes later Maddie and Masie were in the car singing to Billie Eilish. Masie had been driving for quite a while, at least 15 minutes. She loved to drive ever since her mom had bought her first car for her; a 2016 Nissan Altima. Sure it was used and the mileage was getting up there, but it was hers and she loved it. She took care of it. It smelled like her favorite black ice air freshener and a faint hint of Marlboro blacks that she often stole from her dad. The amount of perfume the girls put on overwhelmed those smells though.
“I’m a baddddd guy” “duh!” They sang. Madelyn watched out the window, admiring the view. Well not necessarily a nice view. They lived in Nashville, Tennessee. Their once underrated town was a now a bustling and lively city. Tourists roamed the streets and live music seemed to be on every corner. It may be a fun place to live, if they were 21 and able to partake in the partying and alcohol. But they weren’t. So it seemed there was simply never enough to do here. Madelyn’s mom moved here after her parents divorce when she was 3. She couldn’t remember her parents ever being together since she was so young, and her dad basically dipped and never came back. His name was Ray, he was a musician and he liked motorcycles was all she knew about her dad. On the other hand Madelyn adored her mother. Sure she wasn’t the best but she was there. She tried. She did the best she could do under the circumstances of being a single mom in a quickly growing — including costs- economy. She made sure Madelyn was taken care of. Sure they wore secondhand consignment clothing and Maddie didn’t have the nicest car, but she made sure they looked more expensive then they really were. Mary, Madelyn’s mother, worked from home just to ensure she was always there when her father couldn’t be. She was responsible. Loving. Kind. Analytical and decisive. She was strong and independent. Everything Madelyn aspired to be but clearly took after her dad in more ways than just her appearance. She was artistic. She loved to write. She loved creating something from nothing and Maddie was abrasive and short tempered. She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at just 16. She just felt so deeply and her emotions would take the best of her.. but when she loved someone, she loved to the fullest extent, and she only truly ever loved two people. Her mom and Masie.
“We’re here — FUCK” Masie gasped. Gaping out the window. “Oh my god oh my god Maddie look that’s him!” Madelyn followed her stare, and sure enough it was. Tall, athletic, tan, muscular. Ryder clearly hit puberty late and it was damn good to him. There he was, walking in with a girl who was about 5’1 and had hair that reminded her of the girl in Game of Thrones. Daenerys, she thought.
“Damn he’s actually.. really hot” Madelyn mumbled.
“Right?! Told ya! Come on let’s go”
They walked into the little eatery. It was one of the only ones left that tourists hadn’t totally taken over. Lockeland Table, the sign read. Here you could find all American cuisines, chill vibes and locals. Unfortunately that meant running into acquaintances from school but the fact was the short waiting times and atmosphere was just too good to pass up. A rarity in Nashville that had became.
They sat down at their table and right on time Astrid and Heat came walking in. Odd names I know. Astrid was born with her name. Her mom just was in a hippie phase. Heat chose his name a few summers ago because nobody could pronounce his actual name, Bartolome. Apparently everyone pronounced it wrong and he just got kinda tired of it, so he decided to change it. That’s about the time he came out as gay. He really just wanted a new identity, a change. So Bartolome became Heat and it stuck ever since.
Madelyn studied them as they came walking to the table. Astrid was a heavier set girl. Short. But she pulled it off nicely. At 180lbs and 5’2 she really looked more like 160. It was how she dressed and also her stunning facial features really took away from any extra weight she had. Not only that but Astrid was heavier in all the right areas. Her breasts and hips. Her thighs. Her stomach was average and her arms were just a little chubby. She flaunted a crop top showing some cleavage and high waisted skinny jeans. Her long brown hair flowed in waves and her makeup was an entire mood. Smokey eye, her favorite.
Heat looked just as amazing. A white jacket that had flames coming up it. Black jeans and a Calvin Klein t shirt underneath. His highlighted hair perfectly gelled up and a little bit of lipgloss on.. they looked fantastic, nothing new.
“Hey bitches, you guys look amazing. Are we going to a bar or eating here?” Heat looked, mainly at Masie. She rolled her eyes.
“No this is my new style. My mom said to dress for the life you want, not the life you have.” She flipped her hair and flaunted her outfit.
Astrid smiled, “I like that. You guys look great. Missed you girlies. I know it’s only been like a week but I have so much to tell you both!”
“Oh God what now?” Madelyn laughed. Astrid’s stories were always wild, like her. If she were to ever write a book on a persons life it would for sure be Astrid.
“She’s selling feet pics to horny old men” Heat gagged.
“WHAT” Madelyn and Masie gasped at the same time.
“You we’re supposed to let me tell them! Fuck, Heat. Remind me to never tell you anything again”
“Couldn’t help it sis” he rolled his eyes in response.
“Wait but what” Madelyn said, urging her to complete the story.
“So — ” Astrid began, grabbing her phone out of her light blue purse. “Yeah technically he’s right. I am. BUT, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. I met this man online and he is paying me $30 just for a single picture of my feet. No nudes, nothing. Tell me you guys wouldn’t be doing the same.”
Maddie and Masie looked at eachother and shrugged their shoulders. She was right, they’d be doing the same. Clearly something Heat disagreed with as he looked at them in disgust and disappointment.
They continued chattering and that’s when Madelyn noticed him. There he was, in all his glory. Ryder was sitting there, now alone, and he was staring directly at her.
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
How to work from anywhere in the world - for beginners
Are you tired of having to get up and go to your boring, routine 9-5 job? You partake in frequent daydreaming filled with images of you living the life you deserve — likely sitting on the beach with a marg in one hand and your laptop in the other on your lap, working and actually enjoying it. Or maybe your daydreams consist of having more time with your spouse and kids. I’ve been there, I…
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velvetdivinity · 2 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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Going off to university is super duper cool. It matures you drastically in a short amount of time. However, there were some specific things I started doing that really helped me out later in class and real life. 
Reading the news: my dudes, I know for some this sounds super boring or that social media has all the news that you need, but that is very wrong. Reputable news sources have some very strict standards for sources, evidence and message. Here are the best reputable news sources: 
Washington Post (free with an .edu email)
NPR (free in general, has great podcasts. see this post.)
New York Times (not so free with an .edu email, but cheaper)
Wall Street Journal ($4 a month with an .edu email)
The Economist (still expensive with an .edu account - useful for those who have a international major like polisci, international relations, spanish majors etc.)
DON’T FORGET YOUR LOCAL AND STATE NEWS WHICH ARE IMPORTANT (and most likely to have funny headlines and stories - for example in Texas this dude ran for mayor of Corpus Christie, won, and then resigned 37 days later. Now this dude is running for Senate lolol). 
(There is no cable news on here, because cable news is mostly for entertainment and like 90% trash, sorry not sorry)
Have an agenda/planner: Homies, the only reason I was half as responsible as I was last year is due to writing everything down. Due dates for assignments, homework for each day, meetings, when I needed to get my oil changed - it all went into the agenda/planner. 
Make a budget: If you are responsible with what little money you have now it will be easier to be responsible with any sum of money later. Pinky Promise. 
Stay Healthy: Be as healthy as you can afford. Get your flu shot if you can (sometimes campus clinic will have them for free of for a reduced price), workout (the gym is included in your tuition, btw), take advantage of having pre-cut vegetable with your meal plan, don’t forget to have fun with friends, which is just as important as your flu shot. 
Find what relaxes you: For me this is skin care - which I recommend everyone do, but for me washing my face, using toner, a serum, a mask and moisturizing is super relaxing and I always feel like a better person afterwards. If Netflix relaxes you, go for it. Same with music, or running, or reading, or whatever you do to chill. Make time for it. 
Start Preparing for Real Life: Real life hits you hard if you are not prepared. Get work experience if you can, any type of work that you can put on your resume is useful, I promise! Intern in your field (to get experience, contacts and to make sure you WANT to work in that field). NETWORK AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Get a LinkedIn and connect to literally everyone. It isn’t the same rules as reg social media. If you meet anyone in your field find them on LinkedIn and send them a message about enjoying meeting them. DO IT. 
Start Planning for More School: If you have plans for grad school the prep you are doing is different in some ways than above, mainly that you have to do more. Keep your GPA high, you also need to intern if you can, apply for major scholarships (Fullbright, Rhodes, Truman etc) even if you don’t think you’ll get it apply anyways, start looking for grad school and start sucking up to professors so you’ll get a good recommendation. 
Speak up in class: I think this is important because it endears you to professors. BUT it also makes sure you are actively thinking about what you’re learning. If you participate in a class debate–even better–because learning how to productively argue is ONE OF THE BEST SKILLS you can learn. 
Consider being politically active: To be fair, I am a little biased as a political science major. BUT GOVERNMENT IS SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT OKAY? Especially local government–which (at least in the USA) has the most impact on your life even if you don’t always see it. You don’t have to join a party, just be informed, go to town halls, contact your representatives, and VOTE. I SWEAR TO GOD VOTE. PEOPLE UNDER 30 ARE LEAST LIKELY TO VOTE BUT, MY DUDES, WE ARE LIVING WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE ELECTION A LOT LONGER THAN ANYONE ELSE. ONLY LIKE 30% OF MILLENNIALS VOTED IN THE 2016 USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. WTF. SHAPE UP. 
These are just something that me and my friends and I have done. If you have any questions about how to get politically active in your area or how to contact your reps the best hmu because I interned for my local congressional rep and I run my school’s College Democrat club. 
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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Return of the study nook! I’m so happy to be back in my favorite spot in the library. Let’s write this essay.
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
clothes of the majors I’ve met
English: stylish enough, glasses, won’t look me in the eye when I wear crocs, lots of things on their keychains
Computer science: the hoody-jeans squad, did CS so they would never have to wear a suit
philosophy: tank-tops, no shoes, pajama bottoms
art students: either rocking that depression sweater or making some sort of statement I missed
Psychology: leggings or sweatpants, pastels, long hair and messy top-knots
engineering: same as CS, bags under their eyes, lot’s of pins
International relations: mostly H&M and going hard for some unknown European flavor
archeology/anthro: beads & warm colors, always give me the vibe they would rather be covered in dirt right now
law school: forced into suits when required, otherwise have 2 day old makeup on or 7 o’clock beard shadow
teaching/nursing: look more comfortable than me, practical shoes
aerospace: how do all of you own the same einstein shirt?
history/humanities: left any sense of fashion in the 18th century, baseball caps, forget to wear socks with their shoes
business school:
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
For all people in college, university and school
Today I talked with my professor, a truly wise woman with decades of experience in theatre.
She’s told me that she noticed that when I perform I try to please her and other professors. She told me it’s bullshit and I must stop doing that if I want to make progress.
Time of education - she said- whether you pay for it or not, is your laboratory. This is the time and space for you to find out things - what you can and can’t do, what you want, who you are.You may and you WILL fuck up, but that’s ok. You’re still learning, you’re growing, and you have to communicate with the world to do so.
She’s said she’s 70, and she’s still learning. Sometimes she stays at home all day eating chocolate, falling asleep, eating more chocolate, calling her friends who don’t pick up bc they’re too busy. Sometimes she fucks up too. And that’s fine. You have to get bad things, to learn what is good
You must eat junk food to know it’s better to get veggies. You must stay at home to go out. You must be alone to feel a difference when you’re with people.
I for example, did an utterly shit project last week and the cringe is real. But she said - girl, it was shit. But now you know what to correct. And if you don’t want to - screw it. Start a new project. With new rules, new world, new mind. Every day you can reinvent yourself.
anyway, I’m only repeating what she said. she knows her stuff tho. real inspo. will throw in some more later.
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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Time has announced that their choice for 2017′s Person Of The Year is The Silence Breakers - a collective term for all the people who spoke about sexual harassment this year, creating a culture that aims to encourage victims to speak up, free of shame, and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions, regardless of their power. Better still, though the piece itself is diverse in its portrayal of victims of different gender identities, and races, and of different socio-economic statuses, the article pays ode to the gendered notion of sexual harassment - in that women are disproportionately victims of sexual harassment at the hands of men - by being conceived, reported, and written entirely by women. From fact-checking, to video-editing, to designing the layout and photo spread, everything about this article was created by women.
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velvetdivinity · 7 years ago
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Seriously, listen to Trump when he speaks (repetitions, hyperbole, simple speech pattern etc.)
This is EXACTLY how he talks.
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