Diary of Feelings
31 posts
Archiving some of my older pages, I write in English and Serbian
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veiledletters · 6 days ago
Nešto u srcu te steže. Nešto te steže od detinjstva. Nešto te prati kao suđeni vernik. Nešto te cepa iznutra kao čovek koji zubima cepa Božje ime dok ga moli da mu greh oprosti. Jede te kao greh kako si se rodio.
Večeras greh te doziva. Večeras trčiš ka njemu kao manijak. Večeras plačeš jer ti je na vrhovima prstiju, a šaka ga ne može dostići.
Da li te guše reči zaglavljene u grlu? Da li ni vrisak ne može da ih satera? Je l steže, je l steže, je l steže... Da li ti jecaj prepliće jezik? Da li je neko tu za tebe? Da li misle da si lud? Da te nije sramota?
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veiledletters · 19 days ago
Honestly I'm so done with having people with ill, untrue or unclear intentions around me, even if they don't have that big of a role in my life because I don't do that to people even if they mean little to me. I'm not mean at all, nor do I wish for peoples downfall, nor do I do anything against them, I even alter my own thoughts and opinions so that they don't get hurt. Or at least, if I think something mean, I present it with a clear and objective explanation. Not because I want them to be happy or think I'm a saint, but because I expect them to do the same for me and I think that's how everybody should be. I'm SO DONE.
I hope I meet people who won't step on me for no reason. I hope I meet people who respect the unspoken as much as I do. Why am I the only one that suffers and still loves the ones that caused my suffering? I don't think loving is wrong, I think it's wrong to make people fucking suffer.
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veiledletters · 23 days ago
Osećam se kao da od sad pa na dalje umem samo tebe da volim i nekako je uzalud što ne mogu to da ispunim
Naučila sam da želim da budem u tvom naručju
Šta ću sa ovim rukama kad nisu na tebi?
Šta ću sa ovim očima kad nisi pred njima?
Šta ću sa ovim rečima kad te ne dostižu?
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veiledletters · 24 days ago
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Ја пустим своју руку напред
и како благи зраци сунца
чија топлота сваким даном постаје све блажа и јесења
одмори на мојој кожи
осетим, кроз њих
да твоја рука моју ухвати и држи
и бојим се да те једино тако могу опет додирнути, лепото
и бојим се јер знам
да ће и сами зраци
за који месец, који дан...
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
On my way to the sea I passed your birth town
It's not as heavy of a sight as it lingers in your memory
we kept riding so I moved on to the shore
the sea is narrow from a height and the moon is full
somthing howls in the dark and
My mind keeps coming back to you:
Little you and your mother, just like my mother and I
The bus, the mountains, the tunnels.
Although I'd imagine you in winter, for a change.
I imagined a snowy bumpy road, and the cold and your cries.
I think that's too much for any child.
I write this here for you wouldn't understand
I do not seek to speak with you
I just want to let you know that it's not your fault.
And perhaps I would have held you in that moment months ago, in that moment when you'd almost break down in my arms.
And perhaps I would have held you, but alas I knew
If I held you I knew you'd hurt even more.
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
On my way to see the sea, I passed through your birth town
The westren adriatric sea from above is so narrow
When you're at the height,
up in the Montenegrian mountains, and sorrow - it is very close to my heart.
The town in itself is not as heavy of a sight
But beware of the wolves, they howl and bite
The way you'd tell me about it, it is as heavy,
as heavy as my ride tonight.
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
you told me you love me but i felt like you made a promise you'd feel bad about breaking so you'd keep finding excuses to love me, i doubted your love a lot
i often panic and cry about us, but i wouldn't tell you that
i know i love you, but i also get pissed
i also know i can stop loving you whenever i decide to, but that's not the same as getting over you
i know that ill never in a million years get over what we had
i love you, but i dont know if its love for i can turn it off whenever
but that's how i love everyone, so its probably just me
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Can you hear your childhood home
Can you see it again
Sense it
Sense your front yard
look at it through your own lens
Remember it the way it was
Do you hear the storm approaching
I know you see
The strums of wind
Like its playing a guitar
And it sings an angry song
but do you hear the storm crying in the distance
Cant you hear the sky is singing
Its humming a tune, its dancing
the clouds are dancing but the earth is angry
it might kill you, it might strum you too
and its strumming
and the sky sings a different tune
but they are the symphony
of your long lost home
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Writing prompt: A fridge full of rotting guilty pleasures
I wear my heart on my sleeve
but my truth is buried deep within my chest your arms are unable to dig deep enough they'd be short weak and slender if they were your words
i remember a colourful road, a street, a house besides a house and another house and a home, i remember tunnels and playgrounds i move fast though, but i cant remember you
i pick my pains and sorrows, i often talk them down, but i keep a frigde of rotten secrets from which you'll never hear a sound
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
I think i owe you a visit
you used to be shorter than me
then taller
now youre shorter again
and i hate you
and to me
you dont exist
but i owe it to your image
i owe it to you
as my dearest inspiration
my pointless hue
in a colorless world
you've opened my eyes
and they haven't closed since
and we grew up together
like destiny's twins
and i still feel your heart
pumping through mine
i read your fingerprints
all of the time
and i know
oh i know
ill never see you the same
for ive looked into your deep eyes
time and again
and they're not the ones
that used to gaze at me back then
oh id sell my soul
to feel it
id break my bones
to be it
for i am not the same as i used to be
and if i met you again
i think id cry
id run away
id say goodbye
i wouldnt try
id brush you off
id think you're childish
for i have grown
and in my memory
you stay forever young
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Ja verujem da neke stvari
Treba znati
Ali da mnoge stvari
Ne treba reći
Jer jedno je kad ja znam
Da si ti snažan i izdržljiv
I kad znam da sam ti trebala
I da smo ispunili dužnosti jedno drugom u životu
I rekla bih ti da si dostojan
Svega što dobijaš i svega što želiš
I rekla bih ti da si na pravom putu
Do svoje sreće i ispunjenosti
Ali to bi bile prazne priče,
Zato Bog ne govori
Ali hoću da znaš da sam ti pruẓ̌ila ljubav
Onoliko koliko sam mogla da pružim
I mislim da bi išta više od toga bilo suvišno
Ali se nadam da ti je značilo
Jer si ti meni mnogo značio
I znam da tvoja čežnja,
ali i čežnja mnogih likova,
Kad uhvati
Ne pušta
Ali pusti me
Molim te
Jer ja najbolje pustam
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
my hip
on your waist
your hand
down my thigh
your leg
crosses mine
pin me down
feel me up
ask me
ask me
i tell you yes
i tell you no
you only listen
only nod
you look at me
pretty eyes
you say i bite
i get shy
i start to talk
i tell a lie
i get really really shy
your passion, i dont know of it
i guess it does exist
i didnt want it to mean that much to me
i grieve.
i dont know how to say my words
you say you dont know how to talk dirty
i wonder how you'd talk dirty
would you pull it off?
would i like it?
would you?
you wait for my reaction,
you act as if im porcelain
you hold me like I'll break
you talk to me like I'll break
i think that i will break
i feel as if im a thousand pieces you're putting together
and i dont know what to say, i know nothing about dirty talk
well, i do know a lot
its just different when its real.
you wait for my reaction
but i stare at you blankly
i was staring at you blankly all night
i was so scared
its getting late
time is nowhere
i cant really feel
the seconds passing through
when im in your arms
when im into you
ignore the awkwardness
muffle up the silence
i dont need to hear it
i think ill break
i pull out of your kiss
i stare into your lips,
your eyes,
your lips,
your eyes,
over again
i think ill break
either we kiss or talk
you talk, i get shy
i think ill break
you tell me i look scared
i nod
your hip
on my waist
your hand
down my tigh
you ask
and i lie
i know you tried to let me know
you were turned on
its not hard for me to turn you on
im glad you're back on track
im just really
but i wanted to come front.
back in the summer night id imagine us
i knew you wanted me
id imagine me pulling in to kiss you
out of spite
id get under your shirt
i missed you
out of spite
if i loved you, it was out of spite.
it was purely out of spite.
out of hatred, of revenge.
but you're actually really nice...
i dont want to love you.
i just wanted to be treated right.
no attachment, just a deal.
i dont know if you love me
i think that ill give myself up to you
you say you love me but i doubt it
im just a child
i get attached really fast and i dont know how to be independent
i dont know how to make decisions for myself
you're really caring, you're really nice. so careful and considerate, so patient, so kind. you dont ask me hard questions, you know that im confused. you dont make me do anything.
why are you trying so hard so suddenly?
is it because you're so close to getting what you want?
will you throw me away once you use me up?
what will you tell your friends about this a year from now? what will you tell yourself about this a year from now? i bet it means nothing to you. i bet it means so little. no, i bet that it will mean so little, but i know if i regret it, I'll never forget it.
so many thoughts stromed through my head
while your fingers were down
i wore layers and layers
i didn't feel a thing, i let you know
if it was summer, id feel a thing or two.
hell, I'd feel so much i wouldn't get it out of my head.
but it's cold outside, im lucky, i guess.
your hands are really pretty. i like the way your fingers look. i was on my back, i was looking at your fingers. you asked me something stupid but i was looking at your hands. you said something bad about your hands, you're so stupid
i like the way you bite
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Ја знам да ниси све што мислиш да си, а ти тешко да знаш шта ја знам, јер ме никад ниси питао. Ти јуриш нешто што не постоји док сам ја пред тобом. Не знам где гледаш, не разумем шта покушаваш и мислим да ти не иде. Ништа у вези тебе не стоји са мном како треба и не разумем те. Једино што знам је да си много леп кад ћутиш и да има нешто у теби што ме зове и да ти требам, али не знам шта је, ни зашто је, ни како до тога, а не знам ни да л' вреди. Вероватно не вреди, али ја немам доказ да не вреди, зато се и враћам по стоти пут.
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Љубоморна сам на сунчеве зраке што са твог прозора ти у рано јутро милују лице. Што те један по један обухвати са сваке стране и држи, па му осетиш топлину.
Да сам зрак сунца посетила бих те свако јутро, јер оваква каква сад сам, не бих те посетила ни у тихој ноћи.
Да л' сунце има скулптуру твог лица у знању својих прстију? Ако је оно нема, имам је ја.
Да л' сунце има очи да те погледа, лепото? Јер ја знам сваку твоју бору, а знам ти и рану.
Да сам зрак сунца посетила бих те свако јутро, ал' пре него што очи отвориш. Само кад спаваш, душо, само тад си спокојан.
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
To me, love is much tenser and deeper than you'd think
But I felt everybody thought the way I do
You can't make me love you by giving me a flower
But I will love the darkness inside of you
As long as you feel it deeply and throughly
As long as you're passionate about the pain
Maybe I am a sadist
But maybe my love is meant to heal
And it can only heal the wounded
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veiledletters · 1 month ago
Кајем се што те нисам пољубила,
Можда бих осетила нешто па би ми било доста.
Овако само жудим.
Хтела сам да те пољубим али би те болело.
Требало је само мене да боли.
Ја сам девојка која игра по правилима,
а ти си момак на лошем гласу у овом граду.
Хтела сам да ме опечеш, па да осетим нешто,
јер само с' тобом осећам нешто.
Хтела сам да ме искористиш али си ми рекао да ниси такав.
Штета што ниси, с тим бих се и помирила
Овако само жудим.
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