Alcohol = Bad Decisions
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Designed to inform the world on the dangers of consuming alcohol and is aimed to awner why people drink/get drunk...
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
“America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking?”
This article, written by Gabrielle Glaser on the New York Times, talks about the unhealthy drinking crisis in our country. “And the culture around drinking, the way we drink, has grown more intense. Epidemiologists say that excessive and binge drinking begins in college…Cues from popular culture make alcohol look glamorous and fun: “They send the message that you’re missing out if you are not up on the latest cocktail,” said Carrie Wilkens ,  a clinical psychologist treating substance abuse. And as adults age and feel burdened by the responsibilities of family and work, drinking can be an instant stress reliever.
The fact that this article mentions that alcohol is used as a “stress reliever” after a long day is a good point to make. I do agree that alcohol is known to help people relax and forget their problems, but alcohol abuse/ dependency is anything but good. Choosing to drown your problems in alcohol just to feel good in the moment will leave you with more problems then you started. Alcohol is not the correct way to cheer yourself up and our society has to stop making it seem that way.
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Drinking to be fit in and be cool?
“Binge-Drinking Should Not Be The Norm“
In this article, found on The Reflector’s website, author Mustafa Sen expresses his strong opinion against drinking. Mustafa explains that the point of his article is to “inform the readers about alcohol in college life and raise awareness to fight binge drinking.”
Mustafa talks about why teens drink and how social influences play a huge roll in drinking. “Research shows that individuals are motivated to act in ways that will project socially popular images of themselves.”
According to the Californian Journal of Health Promotion, social approval, peer acceptance, and being “part of the crowd” might be leading causes of alcohol consumption among college students. This article mentions that Surveys have proven that freshman students often consume alcohol to project ideas of themselves as being  “cool and laid back” and “fun and social.”
Lets compare articles…
“America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking” mentions that alcohol is commonly used as a stress reliever. The second article, “Binge Drinking Should Not Be The Norm,”  informs us that a common reason people drink is to be “part of the crowd.”After reading both of these articles I’ve realized theres a huge issue regarding these factual studies. Cultural and Social influences play the biggest roll in the popularity of binge drinking. And if our society keeps portraying that getting drunk relieves stress then people are even more likely to heavily drink. 
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Everyone Drinks...How could it be so bad?
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Because of the popularity of drinking and getting drunk in todays world, many people are unaware of how dangerous alcohol actually is….
Drinking always seems to be what people wanna do to have a good time… But whats so good about it? Whats so fun about being dizzy, nauseous and incoherent? And whats so good about barely remembering anything?
At almost every party, theres always at least one kid passed out on the floor…or vomiting outside…or stumbling around like a fool… 
 If falling on your face and vomiting are the likely outcomes of drinking, then why the hell do people do it?
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Speaking with a former alcoholic...
A couple weekends ago I was lucky enough to go back to Philadelphia for the weekend and a man who I call Uncle Joe happened to stopped by my house. Ive been wanting to talk to my Uncle Joe for a while because he is a former alcoholic who has been attending AA Rehab for over a decade and speaks at the meetings.
I knew he would be a perfect primary source for my blog because he struggled with alcohol addiction for years and has learned the consequences of it. The main question my project has been aimed towards all this time is “Why do people tend to binge drink/ why are teens likely to drink.” After having a long and thorough conversation with my Uncle Joe he gave me some fairly accurate answers that correspond with my past findings....
 I asked my Uncle Joe what triggered him the most in his past life to drink heavily. His answer was along the lines of problems, stress, and life in general. I’ve came to the conclusion that personal problems is a huge reason why people get drunk but I personally will never agree or say it helps.
I also asked my Uncle at what age he started drinking... he said around 8th grade which seems pretty relatable to todays standards. When I asked Joe why he stated drinking at that age his answer almost made me laugh because of how accurate it was. He said something like “ most kids back then drank and did drugs..if you didn't you weren't looked at as COOL” Almost all of the research I've done to answer this debate has came back relating to Social/ societal influcnes. I was so relieved to hear this from a formal alcoholic first handedly. My Uncle Joe has expanded my knowledge and stance on the topic and I am glad I chose him as my primary source because his input directly relates to mine and the entirety of my blog.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
The Epidemiology of Binge Drinking Among College-age Individuals In The U.S.
This article, found in an alcohol research journal published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, reviews individual and environmental factors that increase or decrease the risk of participating in binge drinking behaviors. The article discusses the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive consequences of consuming alcohol at excessive levels. Alcohol policies and prevention techniques need to incorporate these factors to reduce experiences of alcohol-related problems. 
For being published in 2018, this article is one of the most accurate and recently done studies on binge drinking in college. The author has cited 97 sources in this article alone, which means this is a very reliable article that has been greatly researched. A source titled Drinking Games in the College Environment written by Brian Borsari stood out to me. This source discusses that drinking games among college students contribute significantly to excessive drinking and alcohol-related problems. Drinking games increase socialization which leads to increased consumption.These games are especially prevalent among younger students although they are more likely to become severely intoxicated.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Alcoholics.. Among Adolescents
 This book , published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse, was written to discuss the concern of drinking among adolescents and digs deep for answers. 
Alcohol is the most widely used drug among adolescents. Teens are much more vulnerable to the major health risks of alcohol misuse. Alcohol Problems Among Adolescents mentions that concerned communities and institutions across the nation are discussing the problems of alcohol abuse among young people.
The answer to this dilemma seems to be greatly revolved around social, environmental, and cultural influences. In other words, this means the biggest reason teens drink is to fit in with the crowd and peer pressure.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
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Pumphrey Law Criminal Defense
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that moderate drinking is limited to 1 drink for women and 2 drinks for men per day.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has concluded that 5 drinks for men and 4 for women, all in the same day, is binge drinking.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
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Foundations Recovery Network 
 “Binge drinking can lead to embarrassing behavior, but it can also lead to very dangerous and life-threatening situations.” 
“Excess drinking can alter your future for the rest of your life. Common dangers of binge drinking include drunk driving, arrest and incarceration, injury, health problems, and even death.”
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
“America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking?”
This article, written by Gabrielle Glaser on the New York Times, talks about the unhealthy drinking crisis in our country. “And the culture around drinking, the way we drink, has grown more intense. Epidemiologists say that excessive and binge drinking begins in college...Cues from popular culture make alcohol look glamorous and fun: “They send the message that you’re missing out if you are not up on the latest cocktail,” said Carrie Wilkens ,  a clinical psychologist treating substance abuse. And as adults age and feel burdened by the responsibilities of family and work, drinking can be an instant stress reliever.
The fact that this article mentions that alcohol is used as a “stress reliever” after a long day is a good point to make. I do agree that alcohol is known to help people relax and forget their problems, but alcohol abuse/ dependency is anything but good. Choosing to drown your problems in alcohol just to feel good in the moment will leave you with more problems then you started. Alcohol is not the correct way to cheer yourself up and our society has to stop making it seem that way.
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Drinking to be fit in and be cool?
“Binge-Drinking Should Not Be The Norm“
In this article, found on The Reflector’s website, author Mustafa Sen expresses his strong opinion against drinking. Mustafa explains that the point of his article is to “inform the readers about alcohol in college life and raise awareness to fight binge drinking.”
Mustafa talks about why teens drink and how social influences play a huge roll in drinking. “Research shows that individuals are motivated to act in ways that will project socially popular images of themselves.”
According to the Californian Journal of Health Promotion, social approval, peer acceptance, and being “part of the crowd” might be leading causes of alcohol consumption among college students. This article mentions that Surveys have proven that freshman students often consume alcohol to project ideas of themselves as being  “cool and laid back” and “fun and social.”
Lets compare articles...
“America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking” mentions that alcohol is commonly used as a stress reliever. The second article, “Binge Drinking Should Not Be The Norm,”  informs us that a common reason people drink is to be “part of the crowd.”After reading both of these articles I've realized theres a huge issue regarding these factual studies. Cultural and Social influences play the biggest roll in the popularity of binge drinking. And if our society keeps portraying that getting drunk relieves stress then people are even more likely to heavily drink. 
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Teenage Drinking Documentary
“This program takes an in-depth look at a major health threat and investigates the warning signs and consequences of drinking. The main question this film aims to answer is “Why do teens drink and how can it be prevented?” This documentary mentions that consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time is a world wide issue. People are binge drinking all over the world and it is becoming a serious treat to mankind.
Some of the main topics of this film that I feel are discussed the most are typical reasons for binge drinking, consequences of alcohol abuse, and the risks associated with binge drinking.
The answer to this dilemma of why teens drinks seems to be mostly revolved around “peer pressure” and the “urge to fit in.” The documentary stresses there are long term effects of drinking both physically and mentally. Alcohol harms our bodies by damaging internal organs and interfering with brain function. Drinking can also effect our lives by effecting relationships with loved ones and has also been found to ruin peoples lives financially, according to the film.
After watching this documentary, I feel that the best way to prevent teens from drinking would be for our society/generation to stop glorifying alcohol and treating it as a way to relieve problems or have a good time.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Research Consultation
For my research consultation I met with Mr. Jensen whose office is located right next to our classroom in the library. During my meeting we discussed my blog topic and Mr. Jenson guided me through the Rohrbach library database...
He recommended me to use the EBSCOhost search engine for most of my research and showed me multiple ways to improve the results of my searches.
Mr. Jensen helped me come up with good key terms and words to use while researching and his recommendations helped a lot.  With his help, We found some great articles together that I definitely plan on using in my blog.
The last thing Mr. Jenson did was emailed me links to the articles that seemed useful. I appreciated that he did this because it would have been difficult to find those articles again.
Mr. Jenson was very interested in my topic and the areas I've chose to discuss. My meeting with him has helped me feel more confident about my research and my blog as a whole. I am confident that I will find all the answers and information I am looking for now. I feel my blog will be successful thanks to the help of EBSCOhost, the other library databases, and especially Mr. Jensen.
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Learn about it...
Ethanol, the component in alcohol that causes someone to feel “drunk”, floods the bloodstream when alcohol is consumed. Alone, Ethanol is a dangerous chemical that can cause blindness and even death from the smallest dose.
When drinking, the Ethanol targets neurotransmitters in our body that interfere with ALL of our brains activities.. What this means is drinking causes us to lose control of our own bodies and we are unable to make conscientious decisions.
Because of this, it is a proven fact that getting drunk increases the risk of being in an accident, getting in a fight, or even being robbed / assaulted.
Every day, 29 people in the United States are killed due to a drunk driver.
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This is the real outcome of drinking and getting drunk. Doesn't look like such a good time to me...
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vdixo936 · 6 years ago
Everyone Drinks...How could it be so bad?
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Because of the popularity of drinking and getting drunk in todays world, many people are unaware of how dangerous alcohol actually is....
Drinking always seems to be what people wanna do to have a good time... But whats so good about it? Whats so fun about being dizzy, nauseous and incoherent? And whats so good about barely remembering anything?
At almost every party, theres always at least one kid passed out on the floor...or vomiting outside...or stumbling around like a fool... 
 If falling on your face and vomiting are the likely outcomes of drinking, then why the hell do people do it?
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