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vascularknw · 3 years ago
Varices are distorted and bulging veins. Varicose veins can develop near the top layer of skin (superficial veins). Varicose veins are also most common in the legs. Since standing and walking raise the pressure in the lower body's veins, this is the case.
 Varicose veins and striate, a frequent, minor version of varicose veins, are primarily an aesthetic problem for many individuals. Varicose veins can cause agonizing pain and discomfort in certain persons. Varicose veins can sometimes lead to serious complications.
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Varicose veins may not be painful. Varicose vein symptoms include:-
 The deep  purple or blue veins
On the legs, veins that seem twisted and     bulging, frequently resembling cords .
What Causes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?
A lot of causes can contribute to varicose and spider veins. These consist of:-
Nurses, hair  stylists, instructors, and manufacturing employees are examples of  occupations that require a lot of standing.
Pregnancy, adolescence, and retirement all have hormonal effects.
The use of  birth control pills
Hormone replacement after menopause
A history of  blood clots.
 How does the procedure work?
 The vein is seen using ultrasonography by the doctor. Through a tiny incision, a fibre or electrode is transferred to the appropriate spot within the vein.
Local anaesthetic is administered into the tissues around the vein, causing the vein to collapse around the fibre or electrode and function as insulation for the heat of the energy. The energy warms the vessel, causing it to shut. The defective vein will shrink and scar down as a result of the operation.
 What Are the Treatments Available in Spider and Varicose Veins?
There are seven primary varicose and spider vein therapies:-
Stockings for support (compression).
  Changes in lifestyle
·        Sclerotherapy
·        Endovascular laser ablation
·        Surgery.
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vascularknw · 3 years ago
Leg ulcer/gangrene can be caused by the disease of blood vessels. Apart from the treatment of underlying disease good ulcer cares helps in early recovery.
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vascularknw · 3 years ago
Veins in lower limb have valves which keep the blood moving towards heart and prevents backflow. If valves are weak or damaged, backflow of blood occurs which pools the veins. Continuous pooling causes veins to become stretched, swollen and tortuous. Varicose veins are swollen, twisted and bulged veins that are clearly visible in legs and feet.
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vascularknw · 3 years ago
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