vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
To be or not to be.
What's on my mind. I've always wanted to be a writer. People who know me know I always have ALOT to say. Ty Ty, it's a gift, really. ;O) But I like to write. I like to share my opinions on stuff. And oh boy do I have ALOT of them. Not judgemental type. If there are two things I can't stand in people is being judgemental and being hypocritical. And yes I have done both before. And Im sure at some point I will do both again. I hate that about myself. But no one is perfect. We have thoughts, were human. But the difference is, I think, how you react and what you think after you have those "thoughts"
So I think I'm going to make another Facebook page (if I can figure out how) and use it like a blog. Since I'm too stupid to make a website or figure out how to use blogger. Or just stick with Tumblr. Which no one ever see my posts here.
I've always held back from that because I don't like to air my dirty laundry out for every too see. And it usually involves other people. And it's not right to them to air theirs either. But I find writing to be very therapeutic. If I get upset or hurt, I'll open my notebook and just start writing. Sometimes like five full pages. Then when I feel better, I just delete it.
But maybe some of the things I'm going through, someone else is too. Maybe we or others can connect and help each other through whatever we're dealing with at the time. I don't know. Still not decided. We'll see.
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
What to do with Alex Smith
So what should the #Chiefs do with Alex Smith? That seems to be the question of the off-season. I think they need to go ahead and start the Mahomes era. Is he ready? Eh...I don't think so. But I think he is as ready as one can be who sat a year watching and learning the playbook. The next step is on the field experience. And look, PMII is the future of this team. So why delay it another season? Who would be the better QB next season...I believe that would be Alex Smith. But as I said, PMII is the future, let him get that on field experience, ie Jared Goff and Carson Wentz. Let him get a season under his belt. And the second reason, maybe should be the first, is Alex Smith's value isn't ever going to be higher. The #Chiefs DESPERATELY need draft picks. They have only 4 picks in the 2018 draft, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th. And they need ALOT of defensive help and an offensive lineman. Derrick Johnson, Tampa Hali, Justin Houston are all old men (in football terms) and are on their way out. They did get what looks like a complete steal when they traded a 2019 4th round pick for Alabama's LB Reggie Ragland from the Bills, who was a second round pick in the 2015, but sat out all of 2016 due to injury. He was labeled 2015s college footballs"hardest hitting" linebacker. And he looks to be a future beast.
Also, yesterday in an interview in Chicago, a coach was on a radio station and said it took PMII until week 16 to fully learn how to take a snap under center. Cause he didn't do any of that at TT. And yes people say it's alot harder the it seams. But what got him over that hump? Playing in a real time game against the NFLs second best defence.
This Chiefs franschise, us Chiefs fans have been through alot that other fans don't understand. I'm not talking about Browns type of crap. I dont wanna hear "Oh poor Chiefs fans who go to the playoffs alot and have winning records all the time" We've been there too, with the Royals. I'm talking about going to the playoffs and then laying an egg. As they have EVERY TIME but once since 92. I'm talking about having a great season but still not feeling good about how far you will go on the playoffs. Chiefs fans need a chane, hope FOR THE PLAYOFFS. Again, only Chiefs fans will probably truly get what I'm saying.
Let me ask you Chiefs fans this. Next Season the Chiefs go 14-2. Are you excited? Are you confident they can go ANYWHERE in the playoffs? My answer is yes and no. Just as it was this season.
Do I think PMII is going to struggle next season (if he is named the starter)...yes I do. I think for just next season, Smith would be the better QB, but as I've stated about, Chiefs need picks and start the future of this organization now. Now, will the Chiefs send Smith to where he wants to go, or send him where ever offeres the best pick.Or will anyone offer anything knowing they could get him for nothing after the season? I don't think there is any way you can get a 1 for him. Very lucky if you get a 2, I'd say probably a 3 and 5 or 6. IDK. I've also heard that there is going to be a good market for him. So IDK.
And it appears Chiefs, or should I say the Kansas City Andy Reids are apointing Eric Bieniemy as the new Offensive coordinator. Which means Reid is going back to the play calling next season. So there's that.
I heard a stat the other day, that 8 of 30 coaches or offensive coordinators of Andy Reids has went on to Coach their own team, or some crazy stat like that. That's crazy.
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
Another Heartbreak..Another Loss
I don't even know where to start. First of all, I follow all the espn and nfl annalists and ex-players on Twitter. Mark Schlereth, Michael Irvin, Deion Sanders, Mike Golic, Boomer Esision, Brian Baldinger, Trey Wingo Jim Rome, many more, not going to name them all. But they are and was ALL saying exactly what I'm about too. My point in saying that is to show I'm not over reacting just because they lost. Im not one of those who say fire the coach and bench this guy is that guy after every loss, so I'm not over reactin.
I've listened to espn radio all night and this morning, and they are all saying the same thing as well. EVERY single coach, including Andy Reid, needs to be evaluated. I am at a loss for words at how that game, merly the second half, was coached. Hunt only had what, 8 or 10 carries the entire game. The NFL LEADING RUSHER. Your up by 18 points and you DONT RUN IT? That is inexcusable. Let's say the Steelers are up by 17 points in the second half, and Bell only touched the ball 4 times the whole second half, instead they kept trying to throw it and ended up loosing by one point. Oh and Brown was out of the game. How absurd does that sound? Think Steeler nation would be saying WTF was Tomlin thinking.
But after ol boy caught and scored his own touchdown my stomach immeaditly sank. As did Twitter world and the local sports broadcasters said..."oh no...please no. Don't let this happen again" What was he referring too. Remember the playoff game against the Colts a few years back? When the Chiefs were up by 30 going into the 4th quarter? Jammal Charles got hurt in that game. Kelce gets hurt last night. Andrew Luck had a crazy once in a lifetime deflect fumble touchdown that sparked the comeback, and when Mariota caught his own pass for a touchdown,all of Chiefs nation went....Oh God NO!! Or us "crazy" superstitious people. Look crazy now huh.
I don't put it all on Alex Smith. The O Line could of done better. But they played well enough. But, as pointed out, Smith was getting flustered to quickly. He had more time to go through his progressions. And the Defence I thought did good. Hell the second half they was on the field most of it. You just can't do that. But like I said above, they just forgot about Hunt, and when they did try to pass it was sideways, not up the field, like in the first half.
This is what happens with the Chiefs. We've seen it time and time again. They get off to a quick lead. 10,14, 17 points. Then come the second half, they go into this mode where the offence plays not to loose. They don't play to win, they play not to loose. They stop doing what was successful. The other team starts taking chances and going down the field in the middle, where they can pick up chunk plays. Chiefs defence is set up to bend but don't break. For their defence to be successful they have to get turnovers and pressure on the QB. This Defence, which used to be good year in and year out. But they have suddenly gotten older, a step slower. DJ, Tamba, Houston. They are still a Force, but how many non injury years do they have left?
Chiefs gave up like three draft picks this year on PMII and Hunt. Their first round as well, and even one next season. They desperately need picks and desperately need defensive help. I say get what you can get for Alex Smith. Turn the team over to PMII. Is he ready? Eh...I don't know. But get him in there and let him get the experience ticker going. Best way to learn. He had a whole season to watch Alex, now get him in and let the learning curve start. See how Carson Wentz and Jared Goff. They had so so season last season, took their lumps, and look how they did this season. PMII is the future of this team, why delay his learning another year. Yes he can learn while on the side lines, but not like he can from game time action.
Chiefs are just cursed in the playoffs. Seriously. If your a Chiefs fan u know what I'm saying. This one hurts. Oh it hurts. Even worst then the Indy loss in my opinion. Because the Titans are not good. But we will sulk and lick or wound's and be right there with them ready to back them next season. I just don't know how you can get excited anymore through the season if they do good or knowing they gonna make the playoffs in the future. Not until they make a run and get this horrible monkey off their back. Kyle Brandt from Good Morning Football on NFL network said back in week 5 when the Chiefs were 5 and 0 and looking like they would finish undefeated.He said "How can fans get excited. Even if they go undefeated (which they won't, just a figure of speech) how confident are you that they can win a playoff game" Welp...he looks like a wizzard today. And he was and is right. Until they get that monkey off their backs.
I'll leave you with this. Remember the the Kansas City Wizard's? KCs soccer team... Before sporting KC? That used to play in Arrowhead? Yeah them. THEY have won 8 playoff games in Arrowhead stadium...EIGHT compared to the Chiefs ZERO. Oh, and they haven't played in Arrowhead in 10 years, they haven't even existed in 7 years.
You have broken my heart once again My fair beloved Chiefs. Oh how it hurts. But I'll always love you. I'll always come back for more. And once day my sorrow will turn to joy.
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
So tired of pissy people
I just fracking hate negative grouchy people. And negative grouchy people make you negative and grouchy. Especially if your around it all the time. Just sucking you down down down. Then eventually you don't even recognize yourself. You have become that that you hate.
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vaping-orchard-blog · 7 years
Are Chiefs back...?
So, what a game what a game. You can only be encouraged after what we watched Saturday night. And to be honest, it supprised me. I thought the Chiefs would really struggle in this one. The Chargers defence had been on fire, and Phillip Rivers had been taking care of the ball, and that Chargers team was on fire.
But Phillip Rivers reverted back into what he has been as of the last 3 or 4 seasons, a turnover machine. But let's give the Chiefs the credit here. All the credit. They looked like they did the first five weeks of the season, and their defence even better! They was able to run the ball, the O-Line is winning at the point of contact and making running lanes for Hunt to hit. Reid turning this playcalling over to Matt Nagy is, in my opinion, what changed this thing around. It all goes through Hunt.
And the defence. These last two weeks, have been their best games of the whole season. Weeks one through five they wasn't that great either, but these last two games, they have looked great. Well, Oakland was able to get things going in the fourth chucking it down the field, but for most of the game, they was good. And all of the game Saturday night. What's different? Pressure. The D-line is getting pressure. The DBs have stepped up their game, it looks to me, but the main thing is getting pressure on the QB. They need to keep that attitude. That mentality going forward if they want to win out and go anywhere In the payoffs. More to come on this later.
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vaping-orchard-blog · 7 years
Alan Watts…..genius
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vaping-orchard-blog · 7 years
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