vanilleandclove · 17 hours
my chopping block after my erryk fic is: stark!reader x jace, blackwood(?) (honestly i just love aly)!reader x cregan (might be tully?? thoughts?), then anyone with benji (im mad that kieran wasn’t benji WHO TF IS DAVOS?). leave any suggestions if you please :)!
i am so excited for the jace one omg
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vanilleandclove · 23 hours
the meadow in which you lay | 4
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | chapter four: two ward and protect
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As the news of Viserys's death rings through the realm, you quickly take arms to aide your cousin and be her greatest asset as she has fully begun her labors. Making way to King's Landing as quickly as you could, taking the connecting road from Dragonstone rather than sailing.
word count: 1.5k | warnings: conversations of religion and faith, descriptions of a high-risk birth. erryk jinxes his own death... | a/n: i changed how rhaenyra finds out the death of viserys and how her birthing sequence was! everything is in fact, intentional. this part is shorter than the others (filler lol). happy hotd day!
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taglist: @wolvestitches @holb32 @callsignwidow @fwaeriys @hummusxx
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"The life of King Viserys was taken brother" you spat, your hand gripping your hair under stress, the night was dark and only the livestock were filling the gaps in silence, "He was murdered by the Hightower's as they drunken him with milk of the poppy, Rhaenyra, Daemon and I- we all saw it".
"I am only sharing the news for you to make arrangements with our cousin, they plan to anoint Aegon as King to the Iron Throne" your brother gripped your upper arm, "We will rally support for our cousin's claim just as she is our kin, but she needs your support at court. You and I both know of Daemon's temper, Rhaenyra may not want a war immediately, but he will" he continued, "You may also seek comfort with… Erryk" your brother lightly teased.
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It took a near several days, few days too long, to reach Dragonstone, just as Rhaenyra began her labors, you had reached Dragonstone. The halls filled with your cousins screams, your brother demanding the knights to find Daemon, you searched the halls to find Jace and Luke, only to find them sparring on the beach.
"The Lady Y/n Arryn!" the knights announced in sync, causing the boys to shift their attention rather quickly, smiles donning on the princes' faces only to be diminished as they noticed the somber look on your face.
"Your mother is in labor dear boys!" you shouted, "She will need your support".
As the boys sprinted to flee the beach and return back to the keep, you saw the look of concern reach both the children's faces, you quickly followed just behind the two before reaching Rhaenyra's chambers; her groans of pain filling the walls of the room, bouncing off the stones. You left the boys to their mother before Rhaenyra called you into the room.
"I will set voyage to King's Landing Rhaenyra" you told her immediately, "They surely taken Rhaenys as prisoner, perhaps I can free her". Your cousin gripped your hand like a vice, before nodding at your words, seeing the sheer and unrelenting agony your cousin was facing. "I can wait until the end of your labors" you spoke with concern, staring into her eyes and rubbing her back.
She shook her head before dismissing you. You immediately reached your horse before setting voyage for King's Landing, not caring how sore the inner parts of your thighs were or how exhausted you were, your cousin needed you. Taking from the look of her face and the absence of Daemon in her chambers as she was birthing.
You rather wished to have a dragon to set this voyage, but your horse, a beautiful, white steed was enough. You had sharpened your sword before setting off to Dragonstone with your brother, though not having to brandish it, you would rather be safe than sorry.
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Taking two-night falls to reach King's Landing, promptly being met with the acts of whores and drunks running rapid in the streets of silk. You knew the sneakier spots of the Red Keep, ones where guards do not patrol, but you had to change your attire to your undergarments as they were rather less formal. As you avoided the guards easily before being met with silver directly to your face.
You cursed your lack of plan before realizing who you ran into, Erryk. His hand quickly coming to your mouth to stop you from yelping, scurrying you both off into a quarter, locking the door just behind you to prevent unwanted visitors. You searched his eyes as you knew them to be ravaged with concern and guilt, as he rested his forehead on yours, your heart thumping in your chest.
"You could have gotten yourself killed my Lady" Erryk's lip quivered before resting a hand on your waist, you faintly sobbed before grabbing a hold of the knight's face, "How did you-?".
"Do not worry about it" you answered, kissing the knight deeply, "I must find Princess Rhaenys, I was hoping I'd find you under different circumstances".
"Alicent has imprisoned her in her quarters and has kept Meleys in the Dragon Pit" Erryk faltered, "I cannot reach her just yet, Criston has been guarding her door heavily".
"We both know how piss poor Criston is at his job" you chuckled, "Tomorrow is Aegon's coronation, Criston will be occupied. If you need aide to take down the guard after him, I will gladly help my love".
He laughed, looking deeply into your irises, wishing to love you more than just by words and soulful feelings, kissing your lips once more. "I missed you my Lady" placing another kiss on your lips, this time filled with the wanton need for your own soul, how beautiful your light whimpers were. Your kisses were halted by the noises of the maidens and maesters roaming the halls, your foreheads touching once more.
"We cannot, not now at least" you began, "Let us just lay together Erryk, come morning we will have Rhaenys and Meleys. I know of your hatred to the usurper and his kin, swearing fealty to Rhaenyra is an oath you may choose if you wish. I will swear to aide my cousin in this battle for the throne no matter your position".
"I love you" he whispered, "I will follow the true heir, Queen Rhaenyra. I swore an oath, I plan to keep it" he continued, before kissing you once more. You often wondered how many sins you have committed under the eyes of the Seven, granted you never expressed such emphasis in creed, though you honored the ones who did for they had a better purpose to live than you did.
"Do you believe in fate?" you questioned the knight as there was a silent pause between the two of you, "That everything happens for a reason rather than that of nature's design?".
"I believe we all have set paths that our experiences guide us to" Erryk answered, "But some things are of nature's design. I could die on the hour, but I can also die in a fortnight from today, or when I am old and spent".
You would hope to whatever deity that was looking over your conversation that his death would be one of peace, when he is in fact old and frail, not when he has years of wisdom and love ahead of him. You could only hope, what such a dangerous concept to leave in the hands of stranger you never once knew. You did envy Alicent of one thing, her gods excused her treachery, only wishing the Seven could have blessed you when it came to who you found yourself in love with.
Come the hour of the wolf, all murmurs of the streets simmered, the only noise that filled your ears was that of Erryk's soft huffs and heartbeat as your head laid on his chest. Erryk's calloused hand found purchase in your hair as he slept; whereas you found yourself restless, perhaps a symptom of anxiousness that riddled your bones so much that it penetrated into your soul.
What dark games the life you held in your hands played, wishing for your burdens to be released. Not wishing to wake the knight that laid under your body, how the long hours of being a part of the Kingsguard must have also burdened him greatly. You too would be deeply trammeled if you had to guard the secrets of Aegon, depravity and all. Venturing on into your mind, you wondered how your cousin was holding up in the wake of her labors.
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The morning came as quick as the night, the faint pain that pounding in your head was a nuisance, but you had duties to proceed to. As you helped Erryk dress into his armor, you caught glimpses of cuts and scars that littered his back, noticing the definition of the muscle in his arms.
"May you?" Erryk held the white cloak in his hands, a reminder of the oaths he took. You nodded, though his back to you inhibited him from seeing. You clipped the cloak into his armor, careful not to pinch his skin.
You may not believe in fate, but you do believe it was written in the constellations that you were bound to meet the knight of your dreams.
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vanilleandclove · 24 hours
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update, just needed a change of scenery & a pep talk. we are getting this chapter done + sneak peak!
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vanilleandclove · 1 day
sorry for the lack of an update today, currently going crazy over a guy! i may update tonight, if not tomorrow morning :). p.s. do not fall in love with men who play guitar!
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vanilleandclove · 2 days
the meadow in which you lay | 3
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | chapter three: one for glory, another for honor
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When Prince Lucerys's claim to Driftmark is question, your cousin seeks your support as a pillar of strength. It has now been a near six years since you've seen your lover, you are near strangers, but no different.
word count: 2.4k | warnings: criston cole is a bitch, alicent got ate up twice, sexual references, give the reader a damn s** t**, clear description of wounds and stitches | a/n: did i accidentally age down jeyne? yes. rip jeyne arryn you would have loved pride month. (i still believe jeyne would have been great friends with luke and jace in my always correct opinion). also, three posts back-to-back??
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taglist: @wolvestitches @holb32 @callsignwidow
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"They mean to call Lucerys's claim to the Driftmark throne? What business do I have there?" you questioned your brother deeply, as Jeyne returned back from her walk with Jessamyn and greeted you both with kisses on your cheeks. "The Vale has Jeyne for it to be protected, I owe no business to defend the piss poor Hightowers" you continued.
"Rhaenyra, our cousin. If you can help her defend Luke's claim, they would not question defending her either" your brother reasoned, only leading your sinuses to burn and head to pound.
"Brother I know you mean well, but you know exactly what they think of our cousin and nephews" you responded, "And what treacheries Criston Cole rallies into Alicent's ear about me".
"And your paramour, Ser Erryk Cargyll" your brother quirked, only leading you to glare at him. "I believe it would strengthen your reputation and our cousin's".
"I or he would have to be married to be a paramour brother, watch your tongue".
"He is married to law Y/n, I only mean to protect you" your brother defended himself, "A Kingsguard is no-".
"No match for a husband, yes, I know and made acutely aware of said fact" you interrupted, "I do not need protection brother, I never needed protection" you continued, "I will go to court only if our cousin requests me to" getting up from your seat at the table and merely walking off until your brother spoke up.
"If you plan to avoid the knight, surely you can tell him by raven that you do not mean to continue your affections had you be in King's Landing" and with that suggestion came the fall of your heart, how deeply it shattered.
You simply nodded, not looking your brother in the eye after his suggestion, you could not. If you return to court, they will twist your words, they will make a spectacle about you just as they've done to your cousin. By proxy, they'll call into question the honor of your lover. He may have loved you, tasted you, and garnered your affections, by textbook, he broke no oath. By the conservative opinion of the Hightower's, he was a sinner, he had committed blasphemy.
That night you sat pondering on your vanity chair, cursing the gods for making you in love with a man you cannot have. As you toyed with the rings that laid on your fingers, you wondered if the world be different, if a wedding ring would be donned on them. A Kingsguard is no match for a husband, luckily you did not want to be matched to another. Who is to say you were a match to a wife, as the high lords sat like puppies to Otto Hightower, with the exception of the Vale, Riverlands, and the North. You once told Ser Erryk you loved him, you told a knight you loved him, words only a fool would utter.
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You ended up returning to court as Rhaenyra summoned you, the journey more exhausting than last. Six years have passed, Rhaenyra's boys have grown into young men, Laena's daughters as beautiful as always. You had greeted them upon their arrival as they trailed just behind you.
"Forgive us for always meeting in the worst of circumstances cousin" Rhaenyra sighed, her stomach had homed another child, you hoped it'd be a girl, knowing Rhaenyra always wanted a daughter or sister, "You've seemed to be glowing".
"I believe it is the thick air cousin" you laughed, "Daemon" you nodded at the Prince.
"Have you seen him yet?" Daemon asked, only earning a confused look from you. "The King".
"They would not let me visit, though I am sure they would let the Heir and his brother see to his bedside" you answered Daemon, "You two visit, I will see to it that the children will be settled down". Both Rhaenyra and Daemon nodded to your kindness.
You signaled the children to follow you, it had been years since they step foot into the Castle. Lucerys and Jacaerys found their way to the Red Keep to evaluate the guards practice, you'd join them after showing Joffery to his quarters and Rhaena to her twin sister.
At the Red Keep you quickly saw Erryk and Arryk sparring one another, as well as the spectators flooding the floor to oversee Criston and Aemond sparring. The Prince disarmed the cocky bastard, you snickered only to be caught by the cocky bastard himself.
"Lady Arryn you seem to be fond of the Red Keep, would you like to spar with us men? We have heard of your fierceness in the fields, granted, we hope you are just as fierce in bed" Criston smiled smugly.
You smiled back before looking at your nephews "Fetch me a Morningstar boys, and a shield, for Ser Criston" you instigated, all eyes now landed on you, including the Cargyll twins.
"Morningstar? To a sword fight? Scared to be disarmed?".
"Oh no you wound me Ser" you laughed as Lucerys handed you the Morningstar and Criston the shield, "Only to prevent another bloody fight like you started at my cousin's wedding".
As you waved the Morningstar around, you blocked several hits from Criston, hitting his shield twice which resulted into breaking it in half. After which you disarmed yourself, handing the Morningstar back to Lucerys, you quickly tripped the knight with your legs and climbed on top of him, his hands situated at your waist before you violently dislocated his shoulder before putting it back into place. His screams shocked the spectators, but it was not until he pulled out a blade and stabbed into your thigh did they react.
"Enough!" Erryk quickly intervened, seeing the bloody mess that leaked from your thigh, the rage that coursed through your veins immediately translated to you removing the blade and stabbing into Criston's hand to pin him to the ground once and for all. Though Erryk must admit, your sheer violence to the knight was, well sexy, it did not discount your own injury and how that worried him.
"See to that the Lady Arryn is handled by the Maesters, Ser Criston as well" Arryk told several guards, you looked at your nephews with pride before speaking.
"Now that is how you get bloody revenge" they both laughed and beamed as Erryk carried you bridal style in order to maintain pressure to your wound, you caught a glimpse of Aemond as he had a look of shock. "Ser Arryk, please do not make a fuss of this to my cousin, granted Alicent might have my head for damaging her beloved whore".
Arryk only laughed at your words before Erryk swiftly walked through the halls, quick to enter your chambers and assess your wound that was bleeding profusely.
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"You are mad at me" you spoke up as Erryk cleaned your wound, long minutes have passed since he undressed your bottom half of clothing, his hands were gentle but his gaze not, "Talk to me Erryk".
"Ser" he spoke up before cauterizing the wound in order to stitch, leading you to yelp out in pain and grip his free hand, "You could've gotten yourself killed Lady Arryn, you know well of Ser Criston's temper just as much as I".
"Well Ser, it was only a demonstration".
"You are a woman, a Lady no less, if one peeped to your brother, they would have his head on a spike in the Vale, granted the loves you gained in the North and the Riverlands would surely support his beheading" Erryk critiqued, before grabbing the needles and stitches, giving your legs another look.
"I know I am a woman, I know I am a Lady as well Ser Erryk" you fought back, "You want his head on a spike and hide behind the idea of my brother wanting to kill him, knowing fully my brother would not cause such hysterics unless he'd be backed by Rhaenyra and the bitch Hightowers were gone from court" you scoffed, only earning a small smile from the knight due to your obscenities. "Do not take your anger out on me Erryk, I know you better than anyone" you pleaded, the knight's quip to hurt you by not allowing you to refrain from politics and formalities.
He started the stitches before saying "Six years, I am near twice the man you left Lady Arryn" he started, one stitch fully weaved as you bit your lip to distract yourself from the pain, "Granted, I have never bedded a woman, nor have I sought the company of one seeing that I am bound to the King. I do not own lands and I know plenty of Prince Aegon's depravities. I know more of the histories of Westeros, better yet I know how to make the unmarried, fierce, who most claim to be barren, Lady Y/n Arryn, cum. I am a man, still the man you once loved" Erryk teased, weaving the second to last stitch.
"You take pride in the fact that you know how to get me off?" you chuckled, feeling the heat pool in between your legs.
"I take pride in the fact that you loved me" Erryk sighed, finishing the stitches before aiding you into dressing up and standing on your feet, "Though, I must say no food or sweet in the land can match the sweetness of you, Lady Arryn".
These past six years taught you more about restraint than you bargained for truly, if it were not for your wound and the oath being a vow of chastity, you'd wager that Ser Erryk would have already been spilling his seed in your womb, but, restraint.
"I still hold the same amount of love for you just as I did when we were younger" you told him, he shook his head once more as your confession rolled off your tongue, "I do not jest, I just know the repercussions that you can face. I can handle the great and smaller houses calling me a whore, I cannot handle you being exiled, perhaps beheaded for betraying an oath to the King".
Erryk stood there for a moment, afraid of his words betraying him and hurting you, "I'd give the King my neck if it meant you'd love me" he told you, his hand lightly grazing your knee, your pupils dilated as your eyes only focused on your lover. Emotions of love and pain in unison synchronized between the two of you, as if your energies converged with one another. Warmth and frost rushed through your blood.
"I love you, but that does not mean I am able to lose you like every wife who marries knows…" you started, when you marry one, the implication of death separating you when the gods take your lover is evident and prepared, "A life without you is not a life I want to live Erryk, you have taken my heart when I was barely a lady, now I am a woman and my loyalty to you never wavered- neither my pride".
A knock interrupted your conversation, causing you to jolt and Erryk to discard his hands from your body. "You may enter!" you cleared your throat, being met with Alicent.
Her eyes bore into your soul, she took notice to the knight in your chambers, "Back to your post Ser Erryk" she commanded, you took a glance at him, nodding for him to be eased into his dismissal. As he left, Alicent's lips pursed, you did not fear her no matter how much she wanted you to.
"You are excused from court Lady Y/n Arryn, may you begin your journ-".
"I did not come for you, Alicent" you interrupted, "I came to court for the likes and commitment to my dear cousin, not the Hightowers".
"Just your 'dear' cousin?" Alicent quirked a brow, "Or the lover you parade around who is clearly breaking an oath he made on his own, which should be punished as such".
"As such? What your father, the usurper, would have his head for simply being a trusted friend of mine?" you scoffed, staring back at her wildly, "Lay a finger on Ser Erryk or Arryk, you will be waging a war you and your father cannot fund or survive. You forget, we were never once sisters as you propagate everyone to believe, your victimization may work in the throne, but when it comes to one of the greatest houses, it falters".
Alicent smiled in fear as you were now face to face, "One day I hope we can be friends".
"I hope you find solace in the fact that we never will be. Your grace".
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As you all gathered in the throne room to contest the ascension of Lucerys to the Driftmark seat, as Lord Corlys health was questionable, the tension was thick. You still wondered what Rhaenyra needed you for in the means of defending your nephew's claim. Vaemond's vile insults that led to Daemon slicing his head in half, bringing the arguments to a close as there was no one else to contest Lucerys parentage and claim.
"Will you join us all for supper cousin?" Rhaenyra asked as you walked towards the Godswood tree, "Please I would not be able to tolerate Otto and Alicent alone".
"Only for you cousin" you giggled, "I take she informed you of the incident in the Red Keep this morning?".
"How is your leg?" Rhaenyra implored, observing how your leg had a faint limp to it, "She also insinuated you and Ser Erryk were engaged in- rather sexual activities".
"I'd need more than a half hour with him Rhaenyra" you quipped, "Criston is a cunt, if you asked me, I would not let him take my maidenhead" you looked to her, she rolled her eyes at the remark.
"We all have our regrets; you chose the better knight".
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vanilleandclove · 3 days
the meadow in which you lay | 2
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | chapter two: lady arryn, oathbreaker
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More years have past, when the sworn shields of Rhaenyra shift to that of Viserys's sons, Aegon and Aemond, both young and sprouting boys, the houses gather for the funeral of Lady Laena Velaryon. Only, the funeral is yet once again marked with violence from the interference of the young and old, greens.
word count: 2k | warnings: oral sex (female receiving), slight insults to one's gender and sexuality, the reader hates the greens (her vibes are off) | a/n: two parts in one day woop woop!
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taglist: @wolvestitches @holb32 @callsignwidow
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"A raven has come in for you Lady Arryn" Margot lightly curtsied, "My deepest condolences my Lady, I know how much you and the Lady Laena accompanied each other with Rhaenyra".
As you read the raven's word, you surely wondered if it was pure farce, 'Lady Laena Velaryon, wife to Daemon Targaryen, mother to the Ladies Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, has passed in her labors'. Your knees faltered, wondering if it was a curse to the years, you have not spoken to one another; Laena became a wonderful mother to her two beautiful and fierce daughters she shared with Daemon. The Velaryon blood is known to be kind, fierce, and strong, you know for certain her dearest daughters will be an image of that. You looked up from your hands as they held the message, glassy irises, blinking away the tears, your throat scratchy and dry- as if sandpaper was cutting into your larynx.
"Margot" you spoke up before clearing your throat, "Would you kindly see to it that two ravens are sent. One to the Princess Rhaenys and her Lord husband Corlys, sending my condolences for their loss. The other to my cousin Princess Rhaenyra, telling her I will be voyaging to Driftmark and will meet her and her sons there".
"You are missing one person I am afraid" Margot insinuated, you looked into her eyes, and gave her a slight nod.
"And to Ser Erryk and his brother".
Come Laena's funeral, you took note to Daemon's shock of death, everyone grieves differently especially how he was the one who stumbled upon the Lady as she wanted to die a dragon-riders death but laid to rest as a Velaryon. You dressed in your late mother's dress, attending Laena's funeral with your brother. You donned in a black dress with blue, almost white accents that were meticulously sewn into the fabrics. Your brother and his dear wife Lady Tully- now Arryn- showed upmost respect to your mourning.
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"You are rather looking stunning Lady Arryn, welcome back to Driftmark Lord Arryn and your Lady wife" Lord Corlys smiled somberly, giving your hand a tight squeeze, your father always took company with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, them being a close ally to the point of family. "We already made sure to secure your sleeping arrangements for the week, the journey must have been taxing".
"Anything for the Velaryons, you are a close to kin to us Lord Corlys" you nodded, "Where might Laena's daughters be, I would like to comfort them?"
Princess Rhaenys directed you to the benches, seeing the beauty that has become of Laena's children. They truly were an extension to their mother. Giving them a tight and lasting hug, the girls further sobbed into your arms, gripping onto your dress, you lightly cooed into their ears to soothe them; looking out to the view in front you, the tides were rather high.
As you left to seek business elsewhere, glancing over to Aegon and Aemond to their sworn shields, now Ser Erryk and Arryk. You gave them a light nod before furrowing your brows that met the gaze of Criston and his mistress, Alicent. You owed them no respect, especially from the events that followed but more because of how Alicent insulted your choice to not marry in order raise rumors of your sexuality and perhaps if you were born a man. You've heard it all, since then, you have not spoken a word to the Queen, nevertheless you did not give a fuck about simple formalities, she was no Queen, she was a consort whom whispers tyrannical rulings alongside her poor excuse of a father into the Kings ear, granted he was also a sad excuse of a man.
"Dear cousin" you hugged Rhaenyra, lightly petting the heads of Lucerys and Jacaerys, they have grown since you've last seen them, freckles kissing the kids face, "How is Laenor?".
She nodded, keeping a hand on your wrist, "Cannot seem to find him cousin, though, how was the journey?".
"Far too long I am afraid" you chuckled, your eyes wrinkled at the answer, you greatly enjoyed ventures from the Vale, noting that Kingsroad had beautiful scenery. "I am grateful to be staying here, Jeyne prefers to be left at home alone, she is one to be riddled angst. My brother and I tried to persuade her to come to company Jace and Luke, perhaps they'd become close friends".
Rhaenyra lightly smiled, "I'd prefer them to be in her company than that of the Queen's children" noticing the refusal to call her kin, her siblings. Jeyne was quite the cunning and caring girl, though it was not a weakness but a skill.
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The night ventured on, losing sight of Rhaenyra and making your way to the Kingsguard, taking company in Ser Erryk. You took in his appearance, his beard no longer just stubble and his hair had grown, it's copper tones being kissed by fire in the dim light. How handsome he has aged, you cannot shamelessly admit how much the heat grew within your legs, may you see it to your chambers alone in the later hours. You were seemed to be a horny-stricken teen who ached to be felt and known.
"My brother and I received your raven" Erryk started, your face could not resist to smile. "Did not think you'd send one my Lady Arryn".
"You know my name Ser Erryk" you lightly snickered, "No need for formalities… my love".
You searched his eyes for an answer that his mouth could not give, your foreheads lightly touching one another, wondering if you could allow yourself to give up decency and let him break an oath, one of the highest in the realms. A complete lapse of judgement that it was, the pool that soaked your dressing underneath your dress, your heart betraying you in the way you could not understand, begging it to silence itself for you could not dissuade the knight into bedding you and breaking his oaths to the King.
"I cannot- We cannot continue" he lightly murmured, grabbing at your waist, you shuddered in the halls of Driftmark, "You make it hard to maintain a sworn oath my love" the way his affections rolled off his tongue.
"Leave me" you choked out faintly, your lips almost touching his, "Erryk. Leave me" your hand grazing his cheek. "I cannot bare to see you and not have you, need that be in love or in friendship. You make it hard to resist".
"I cannot do that either I am afraid" her whispered, finally kissing your lips just as he did when you were the age of 16, but with a harsher undertone of lust and the years of pining for one another. "I cannot please you in the means of pleasing me. Though, I can please you my Lady".
You quickly opened the door to your chambers, rushing in Erryk in order for no one to question. As you allowed the knight to undress you, you worked on his breeches. "Stop" he delicately paused your advances "This is solely for you my love". You panted as the knight's ease into undressing you, furrowing your brow as you wished to please his just as much. Your cunt quickly became exposed to the knight, his mouth salivating, begging to taste you.
As the knight firstly started with spitting on your heat, even if your wetness was sufficient enough to grant ease, he wanted to mark you, however he can. Your moans cascading through your quarters, gripping onto the table he sat you at as he devoured your cunt. His mouth sucking onto your bud, his nose inhaling the most delicate scent of you. You found yourself raking your hands into the knight's head, his locks being entangled into your fingers. Your thighs faintly shaking around Erryk's head as he held them down with one arm, the other finding purchase onto your stomach, your other hand finding his own, hoping he would please you with your fingers once more.
"Erryk" you moaned, your voice breaking as pleasure overtook your bones, "Please, take it".
"Use your words" Erryk teased, his beard tickling your inner core. You gripped onto his hair once more, in order to raise him once again to kiss him.
"Take my maidenhead" you spoke into the kiss, he simply shook his head, "Not with your cock my love".
"That is a pleasure for your husband to take".
"I do not wish to be wedded, my line ends with me, my brother suffices" you challenged. "Please" you pleaded again, he lightly smirked, before opening your legs once more and thrusting a singular finger into your cunt. Your pleasure led to you knocking over several cups and almost a candle. Staring into the eyes of the man who was the perpetrator of your ecstasy. "I'm going to finish Ser".
"Erryk" he corrected as he then added an additional digit, sending you over the edge. How beautifully you came, gripping onto his arm for dear life as no man has ever made you cum. Wishing you were to never be parted from your dear lover. Kissing him once more, you bit onto his lip, afraid of losing him to law.
"I love you" you quietly spoke, kissing his forehead, then his cheek. Finding his affections once again, painted in his eyes.
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Later in the evening, as Erryk cleaned you up, clamoring interrupted, Erryk quickly grabbed his swords and left your quarters, "Stay here" was all he could muster though he could not stop you from wondering what has happened.
"You do not listen do you?" Erryk teased as you ran behind him quickly surpassing his place, despite the limp he now gave you from overstimulating your cunt, your urgency was one that led the knight to have a strain in his breeches.
As you both stumbled into the halls, clearly gaining a view of the violence, your heart leaped as you saw Jace and Luke's bloodied face, looking ahead to see Aemond's now swollen face with stitches upon his eye. You gracefully entered the hall, much to Alicent's distaste as she noticed Erryk trailing behind you, her stares stabbing daggers into you. Her spats of insults and verbal fighting with Rhaenyra as she pleaded for Lucerys's eye to be taken as a debt to be paid. You quickly defended yourself to that of Jace and Luke, forcing a barrier between the two.
"If the King will not seek vengeance, the Queen will" Alicent spoke up, a near act of treason. As she grabbed Viserys's blade, seeking her own form of revenge. You nearly were pushed back by the ideals of the Kingsguards, you saw Criston Cole rushing up to you, seeing that Daemon and Ser Erryk immediately pushing him back. You saw the gaze Criston gave the two of you, his smirk being one of a jester. The smug look being an insult.
When blood was drawn from Rhaenyra, your place with the boys was replaced by Lord Corlys. You quickly forced Alicent away. "Your insolence does nothing Alicent, the honor and dignity you parade about is gone, no longer the piss poor lady you once were, nothing more than a fake Queen who hides behind her father who hides behind the King" you wildly spat at her face, as Rhaenyra began her own testament to her once friend. How the times have changed greatly.
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vanilleandclove · 3 days
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"she is made of every other, she is static then technicolor, and to know her is to love her; american daughter"
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welcome to vanilleandclove! here is my navigation page.
about me
i am an active college student so i write when i can/ when it suits me. i love writing so often this comes from a place of seeking solace- granted as i am writing this, it is summer so i have a lot freer time!
i am latina, i do believe that affects my writing in terms of how i describe things; english is not my first (or second) language but i did grow up speaking it often as i am american.
i write about anyone i have a fixation over lol, as much as i can! want to be mutuals? don't worry, i follow a lot of people who interact with my blog! i love connecting with people whom i share interests with.
i am a caffeine addict!! i love all things coffee bean + trying new places to drink (fuck starbucks).
i write on obsidian- and on a windows laptop, it is similar to the "notes app" on mac but i prefer the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal, i highly recommend! i believe it is available on macOS as well :).
my pronouns are she/her/hers. thank you!
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masterlist (in construction) want to join a taglist? simply just message me/ leave a comment on the post. my taglist changes each piece of work. i am open to recs & blurb ideas, though i often do not do oneshots. dividers credit: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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mdni: i do delve into mature themes, as i am of age, what i write may not be suitable for audiences that do not share the same maturity as i.
i am heavily vocal about my political standpoints, i urge you all to be educated. writing is a work of art, a form of expression, yet it often dismantled and taken by political parties. my viewpoints are stagnant, i am a "radical left winger" and i take pride in that. those who do not respect that, will be blocked.
i also would like direct you to these two carrds about how you can educate yourself on the israeli colonization of palestine. thank you.
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vanilleandclove · 3 days
the meadow in which you lay | 1
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | chapter one: the king and his men
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After the tourney, your encounters with Ser Erryk have been slim to none. Yet, with your cousin's wedding festivities, you reunite with your dear knight even with the unturn of events.
word count: 2k | warnings: description of violence, innuendo to an anxiety attack.
previous - next
taglist: @holb32 @callsignwidow
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When the news broke that Queen Aemma had died during her labors, your father became suspicious. Thereafter, in the dark hours of night, news of Prince Baelon's death rang through the halls, only prompting an urgent meeting on the King's succession.
"I would like to see my sister Viserys" your father spat, consumed with grief as your brother and you peeped during the council's meeting, mourning the loss of your sweet aunt Aemma. You glanced at your brother, his eyes glassy and jaw tightened, he had always been fond of your aunt Aemma as he was always taken care of by her whenever your parents had to oversee engagements in the Vale.
"Might I remind you of formalities Lord Arryn" Otto Hightower spoke in reply, only earning the deadliest of glances from your father whom cared deeply of his sister and now must see to the engagements in the Vale as Jeyne must take the seat as your father's health was faltering.
"Piss off with your shit formalities Otto, my sister dead in childbirth knowing well of her conditions and how her past births and pregnancies had been. I would prefer to see my dear little sisters corpse before she is burned" your father spat, raising his voice at the Lord-hand. Truth be told, Aemma was part Targaryen, child of your grandsires second marriage, being cremated by a dragon was a festivity.
Your father never saw his sister, though he sobbed violently at her funeral, the Kingsguard worried he would dehydrate. As you saw your dear aunt's corpse burn alongside your cousin whom never was able to live, to love. To your left you saw the Kingsguard an obscured view beneath the flames.
You chose to comfort Rhaenyra during the loss of her mother, Alicent showing empathy to the situation. Rhaenyra dismissed you during the late of night, Alicent long gone to attend to her father's summons. As you paced through the halls, searching for your chambers, you were met with heavy silver nearly knocking you off your feet.
"Are you alright my Lady Arryn?" the knight said frantically, gripping onto your waist in order to catch your fall, feeling your body as it shook erratically. Your breathing was uneven, body grown heated; you bit your lip in order to stop the flow of tears, faltering greatly and becoming putty in the knight's hands.
"I am d-deeply sorry Ser, I cannot-" your words were taken by grief and anxiety, the flow of tears never-ending. Erryk quickly wiped your tears and embraced your figure tightly, in order to stop your nerves overpowering your body. Lightly cooing in your ear to help ease your worries. Your love, deep as it may, eased every bone.
"Sshh darling, it is alright. I have you" Erryk whispered into your ear, as whimpers left your mouth and shuddered your body. You knew of Erryk's duties, as Ser Ryam's health further faltered. Yet your worries laid in the man who held you, as the Stepstones became a threat.
Near the end of the night, you could not forget the touch of your once lover. Nor could you forget a year and a half later, as you were called to court in King's landing once again as Rhaenyra's lady in waiting. After catching Rhaenyra and Lord Commander Harold, choosing the knight for a replacement in the Kingsguard.
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"Cousin!" Rhaenyra smiled, hugging you deeply, "I did not think you'd journey this far, how is Jeyne?". It had been far too many moons since you've seen your cousin, within that time, your father had been kissed by death leading your mother to become a dowager. Your brother had business to attend to as he was now betrothed to one of the Tully girls. Leaving you to find your place in court, specifically that of the rightful heir, Rhaenyra.
"I might admit, the Red Keep seems quite smaller than when we last saw each other my dear cousin" you joked, greeting Ser Harold as well, "Looking rather dashing as always Ser Harold", the knight smiled and nodded his head at your words. He knew of your affections with his once squire, granted, he would be a fool to not notice the way Ser Erryk would straighten his posture as well as you would when you two would encounter one another.
"Oh! You should join my father and I to supper, he would be delighted to have your company as much as I" Rhaenyra mentioned, though her enthusiasm quickly diminished as she glanced over to Alicent, walking with none other than the King. "They spend an awful amount of time with one another" she lightly spited, she had not talked to Alicent since their prayer.
"I wish I could but the journey has me spent, may I go wash up- my princess" you spoke, Rhaenyra's temper became airy once again, she ticked her tongue.
"You do not have to use formalities, we are family" Rhaenyra smiled.
You often wondered how it would be had you be Targaryen, your hair would be pale, kissed by snow. Your irises would be purple, like that of precious gemstones. You would be closer to a god than that of a man. Though, you do not envy your cousin, having the royal duties and having to pretend almost all of the time.
You bid your goodbye's and went to your assigned chambers, not much has changed within a year; though you must note, Rhaenyra was right back Alicent's time being spent mostly around the King. You hoped, by the old gods and new, that Alicent was not hoping to be the new wife of Viserys, that her father has not sunk his fangs and claws into her yet and she has some sort of rationality.
"Would you like us to run a bath for you Lady Arryn?" one of the handmaidens spoke, their smiles always gleaming when you came, "Oh how your hair is that of silk!".
"It is ok, you all are dismissed" you nodded, "I will settle down and run my bath, you all should catch some sleep my ladies" the handmaidens were shocked at the lack of your need.
"Though, Margot" you spoke up as the others left your chambers, "Do you happen to know the status of the Cargyll brothers?". Margot, your sworn confidant that follows you everywhere, from the Vale to King's Landing. She piqued at your inquiry, smirking lightly.
"A Kingsguard is no match for a husband my sweet Lady" Margot quirked her eyebrows, "Though I heard murmurs of their duties to be sent to the Stepstones; granted I believe it is just a rumor dearest".
Your heart leaped from your body, you've heard rumors time and time again. But one that focused on the enlistment of your dear lover and his twin? God's save us all, you'd hope he'd never leave to be sent to a death sentence. Your thoughts wandered to the urgency of the Stepstones, over to the remarriage of the King, and much to that of your cousin.
For next several days, you stood by Rhaenyra's side, in her angriest of moments as the King had declared he'd to be wed to Lady Alicent Hightower. Every emotion that followed, how fear raked through her body as she wondered if she'd be overshadow by the potential children Alicent would sire her father, if the child, had they be male, if it was dismantle her claim to the throne.
The wedding, was lackluster. After all, Alicent did not feel as your friend as she once was now that she was now your cousin's step-mother and your Queen. The months that followed, Alicent became with child. Rhaenyra's hand still not given to be wed, neither that of yours which left a distaste to your brother whom has heard far too many marriage proposals for your hand. Within the turn of the year, Prince Aegon, was born. Donning the Targaryen, pale, white hair, Aegon was paraded around the Great Houses as they hoped he would be made heir, not Rhaenyra, not a woman. There were words of House Stark asking for your hand, as well as House Blackwood. Dashing, honorable, and driven young men they were, but they were not the knight of your heart. They were not Erryk.
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Within the next three years, Erryk and Arryk were called to join Prince Daemon to fight in the Stepstones. Prince Aegon, on his second name day, dealt with the earnest jewels one could have on their name day, as Rhaenyra dealt with more marriage proposals than that of the Streets of Silk's finest of women. That have you, assisting your brother in his duties, the Riverlands complemented you, House Tully greatly welcomed you as your brother was now married. Now, you return once again to King's Landing to celebrate Rhaenyra's wedding to Ser Laenor Velaryon, though you must say, you never sensed they'd be match, romantically speaking.
The wedding festivities were one of fond memories you hold in the times of your youth. Your cousin and her now husband, the future consort were certainly a match, despite the boisterous interruption of the now, Queen Alicent Hightower, during the first feast. You noted the spite Alicent threw to your cousin, rolling your eyes as she feigned pride and congratulations for Rhaenyra. Though, you simply did not care towards the end of the night that was filled with dancing and feasting. You did however take into account Ser Harwin Strong and his protectiveness to your cousin, your heart fluttered as you then realized, the man loved her. As she did to him as well, just as Ser Laenor had his heart sworn to another. Duty is in fact, the death of love.
"May you grant me one dance my Lady Arryn?" Erryk questioned, as you were shamelessly eating, your mouth stuffed, looking up at the man who asked for your hand only to be met with embarrassment, he smiled, allowing you to chew and wiping the corners of your mouth for you.
"I'd be delighted" You smiled as you joined your cousin on the dancefloor, herself finding company in Ser Harwin, a gentle man he was to her.
"It has been years my Lady" Erryk murmured, you lock eyes as the song progresses, now noticing Daemon and Laena sharing a dance, Laenor off to the side with another. "I pained myself with the idea of you forgetting me I must admit".
"You truly are a sadist Ser Erryk" you giggled, holding his hand lightly, not squeezing enough for people to note intimacy, "I could never forget you my dear knight, nor that of your brother".
"Now that right there pains me" he ticked his tongue and just as you were about to bump into a Lannister, he shifted your position by grabbing a hold of your waist, "My brother and I may have been born together but we are quite different".
"I know that better than anyone I'm afraid" you teased, "One day the histories will remember me as the breaker of oaths if I continue to fancy you".
"I'd break a million of oaths to wed you Lady Arryn" he whispered, a part of you wants to believe him wholeheartedly, to know that this is not just teasing.
"You would have already done so".
"I can live without a keep to call my own" he began, "It is you I cannot fully disregard".
"But you can partially…".
"With great restr-".
The night was soon dimmed into a fight, as Ser Criston bashed the man of Ser Laenor's affections into a pulp, the graphic form of violence put a somber and unneeded memory onto the night. But how Harwin protected Rhaenyra was how Erryk protected you. You held onto his forearm tightly, fearing if you'd let go, you'd be trampled. Your heart was beating erratically, and he made his way through the crowd, not caring if one decided to fight him, but you? He'd commit murder and treason if one laid even a finger on you.
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vanilleandclove · 4 days
the meadow in which you lay | 0
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | prologue: the queen of love and beauty
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Ser Erryk Cargyll and his twin brother, Arryk, were both renowned and prideful- in their own right- knights, members of the Kingsguard at just eight and ten, their reputation precedes them.
word count: 1.2k | warnings: mentions of sexual encounters, brief description of violence, viserys is in fact canon in this universe
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As King Viserys held a tourney to honor Queen Aemma being with child to which strengthened his ascension to the throne as King Jaehaerys I named him heir rather than his cousin, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen who never was. Your father and mother, along with your brothers and the company of you attended the great council. As one of Rhaenrya's ladies in waiting, you were delighted to attend such an honor. To uphold centuries of traditions and of course, sneak a glance at the newly knighted Cargyll twins. Many can not depict the twins from each other, but you could. As Erryk always made your bones burn and heart leap from your chest, Arryk would smile at your presence platonically, a simple nod.
"You are aware of the oaths they both swore to my father are you not?" Rhaenrya smiled as she elbowed your forearm that was resting on the chair arm, Alicent to her left, as you sat on her right. Your mother always told you to never be too close to a Hightower, specifically that of Otto's line. Alicent was kind, akin to her mother.
"I know of it" you slyly commented, catching yourself fantasizing of the man who's held your heart since he was inducted into the Kingsguard, House Cargyll wasn't a great house as your was, the Arryn's always being interwind with the Targaryen's as Aemma was your father's sister. Though, House Cargyll was still noble, your father would have married you off to Erryk without question had he not swore oaths bounded to the King. "It is just a simple crush" you continued, biting your lip as the knight gathered his armor to dress into.
"An infatuation is what it is," Alicent chuckled, "Though I must say, out of all the knights, Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk must be the easiest on the eyes- no offense to that of Daemon 'Nyra".
An infatuation that will lead you to an unwanted vow of celibacy, you might as well become a Septa, perhaps the Wall needs a woman to help. As you twiddled your rings and anxiously picked the skin off of your fingers, you took a swig of wine as the tourney was to start at any moment. Wondering if the heavier the emotions you feel, the better chance of the knight of your dreams feeling them as well, wondering as well if your feelings were a curse. Honor is the death of love; love is the death of honor.
Truth be told, Ser Erryk, before his knighthood, was to be your husband. As the several stolen kisses when just six and ten, led to the restraint of lust and bedding. You could not explain your feelings in words, knowing you'd falter to perfectly describe them. The knight knew how to make you heated, heated in the terms of being overwhelmed with lust to the point of pain. The knight knew what made you laugh, gregariously, what made you cry to the point of wailing. The knight knew your curves even with the layers of dressing. An honor only the two of you know of, knowing if you told Alicent, she'd tell her father. If you told Rhaenyra, you'd fear not being able to contain the feelings you hold so deeply between you and him.
"Queen Aemma has begun her labors!" King Viserys proudly shouted, "Let the tourney begin!". You heard Princess Rhaenys and her Lord-husband, Corlys, spite the games, asking if this is how we should celebrate something as beautiful as a birth, with mindless violence. Behind you sat her children, Laenor and Laena, two beautiful and driven children around the age of Rhaenyra, you, and Alicent.
Staring off into the distance, you gripped your own hand, breath quickening to the point of your breasts being awkwardly exposed to the knight in front of you; Alicent took note to the way the blood rushed to your cheeks, had she be in the same position as you, she'd be sweltering.
"Lady Y/N Arryn, may I kindly ask for your favor?" Ser Erryk smiled at you brightly, his eyes, kissed by the ocean, they shined brightly in the sun.
You kindly sat up, grabbing your favor, before kissing it and latching it on his lance. "Shall your stead and you win gloriously, I beg you to not forget the Lady whom granted your favor". Erryk smirked slightly at your comment, taking in your now more matured body, it's been several moons since he's last seen you, granted the last, the lights were rather dim and your complete upper torso was bare. Nipples perked with lust, his mouth leaving bits on your chest as his hands fondled your bottom half, being careful as to not penetrating you and potentially taking your maidenhead. Your cunt was desirably soaked, your moans sinfully bouncing off the halls of stone, praying the moment were to last forever. If only Viserys swore him off to the City Watch, you'd be swollen with his child.
"Is there something we do not know about?" Rhaenyra noted with lightheartedness as you sat down.
"A woman- a Lady- does not share her bedroom details 'Nyra" you answered only leading her curiosity to run wild, she simply leaned in closer to your shoulder to whisper.
"Did he take your maidenhead?" Rhaenyra questioned, curious as to what her cousin was sinfully capable of since the last time she saw her for her name day of six and ten.
"Gods no," You laughed in reply, hearing the joust continue as Ser Erryk reigned victoriously, winking at you as you locked eyes. "Though I must admit, the knight does has hands of a god" you teased to your cousin.
Rhaenyra sat silent the rest of the tourney, as Ser Criston Cole eventually reigned victor, you quietly made your way to the knight's tents, as the brutality that took place, you'd rather find solace in talking to the one knight whom could bring joy under any circumstance.
"Thank you for asking for my favor Ser Erryk," you spoke up, nearly stunning the knight who was accustomed to the former silence, "Though you were unhorsed, your efforts and vigor will be remembered".
"You speak as if I am dying soon Lady Arryn" Erryk chuckled at the comment, "Any word of the Queen's condition?".
"Surprisingly no, granted I cannot find my dear uncle or that of Rhaenyra" you answered, lightly twiddling your thumbs.
"You're nervous" Erryk pointed out, only leading you to correct your posture, "Not that m'Lady, your thumbs- you only rip skin and play with them when you're nervous".
You were shocked the dear knight remember your quirks, had it been so long and his training leading to a foggy eclipse on his memory, the scars that litter his body like a ballad lead you to wonder how much he has changed, better yet how much has he stood the same.
"It's a bad habit Ser" you lightly speak up, humbled by his acknowledgement of your habits, "I was worried".
There was a pregnant pause before Erryk stood up from his makeshift sitting arrangement, a tree stump, his armor long discard, he reached for your hands before speaking up.
"Why did you seek the pleasure of my company love? Your ladies must be wondering where you must be" the knight questioned, staring intently in the eyes of the woman whom holds his soul.
"Let them wonder" you whispered to him, cupping his cheek, feeling the harsh stubble grow, the stubble that once scraped the inner portion of your thighs as you climaxed on the owner's chin.
The calm before the storm, held in your hands as the knight stared into your eyes, the love that mended your soul yet broke your bones.
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vanilleandclove · 13 days
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vanilleandclove · 13 days
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never forget the original challengers
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vanilleandclove · 13 days
Show Don't Tell - Symptoms vs. the Affliction
              Another way to think of show don’t tell is to describe the symptoms rather than tell the affliction. You could say someone was close to fainting—or you could describe their symptoms and trust the readers to understand what they mean: the world swirled around her head, her ears beginning to hum lowly, then louder, increasing into a high-pitched ring. She took a deep breath, her stomach turning over itself. Etc.
              Symptoms can also mean the lump in your throat as a “symptom” of being sad enough to cry, or the warmth of your face as a “symptom” of embarrassment.
              That might sound a bit silly, but I find it really helpful when I’m reading over mine or others work and looking for those places where showing would be better than telling. Have you described the symptoms, or just told the affliction?
              Here’s a short list of “afflictions” and their associated “symptoms” to get you started (but make sure to explore how different characters express different afflictions, even in more odd or unusual ways!)
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Any symptoms I missed?            
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vanilleandclove · 14 days
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vanilleandclove · 14 days
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his side profile man i cant breathe
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vanilleandclove · 20 days
The real ones
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vanilleandclove · 1 month
unavoidable that you will be the villain in someone else's story. You will be painted in an unfavorable light. You will be the irredeemable one. and all of this will happen despite how nice you might usually be or how kind or how respectful or how warm. and you will just have to move on.
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vanilleandclove · 1 month
"honeymoon phase" i am literally healthily insane and obsessed for the entire duration of the relationship. skill issue
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