vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
I'm ridiculously excited to go blues dancing tonight! A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a free blues night in my city and from the very beginning, I've been in love. Swing dance started this love affair with blues, and I couldn't be more happy. It makes me feel close and connected with my dance partners, it makes me feel feminine and sexy, and makes me feel in tune with my body. It's showing to be incredibly therapeutic and a wonderful piece of my healing journey. Gah! :)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
I'm ridiculously excited to go blues dancing tonight! A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a free blues night in my city and from the very beginning, I've been in love. Swing dance started this love affair with blues, and I couldn't be more happy. It makes me feel close and connected with my dance partners, it makes me feel feminine and sexy, and makes me feel in tune with my body. It's showing to be incredibly therapeutic and a wonderful piece of my healing journey. Gah! :)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you give yourself the time and the space to get started. Take a step back. Breathe. Start when you’re ready, and be amazed at your abilities.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
It’s never possible to ‘love someone too strongly.’ Because of this, make it a point of giving it your all. You will not ‘run out’. There is no storage capacity. Love is infinite. Really, To love is an amazing feeling. It’s so simple. It’s so timeless. It benefits not only oneself but everyone else around you. It costs nothing to give and nothing to receive. No fines or credits. No due dates or taxes. It is unlimited, it is free, and it is stronger than all darkness; so give it generously.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
don’t date anyone who doesn’t want to hear your favorite song, watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
NPR talking about Blues Dancing. The club they are talking about is Shades in San Francisco. It describes exactly why I love this dance. I may not have needed “saving” but the feeling has re-lit a spark in me that I can’t get enough of. 
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
Blues dancing was explained to me in the best way the other day: Blues is sexy, but not sexual. You are sexy for yourself, not your partner. It builds up the confidence that every girl should know, teaches them to listen to subtleties and to never apologize when your heart(or feet) are in the right place.
(via flowwerfloww)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
Feeling this in my soul right now.
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
A Few Awesome Dance Quotes
“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”  ― Voltaire “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”  ― Friedrich Nietzsche  “Dance is the hidden language of the soul”  ― Martha Graham  “Life is short and there will always be dirty dishes, so let’s dance.”  ― James Howe “There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.” ― Edwin Denby  “Dance first.  Think later.  It’s the natural order.” ― Samuel Beckett   “There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.” ― Vicki Baum  “Life might not be the party we hoped for but while we’re here, we might as well dance"  ― Unknown “Nice men marry dancers. Real men become Dancers!”  ― Unknown "We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.” ― Japanese Proverb  “Dancing almost always turns out to be a good idea” ― Anne Lamott
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
All You Need to Know When You Want to Turn Down a Dance
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
This is a beautiful blues dance and beautiful videography. Every time I watch it, I’m reminded how much I love blues (and wish I looked this graceful when I dance!)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
When You Wear a Flowy Skirt out Dancing
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
My anxiety: somethings off
Me: how so?
Anxiety: somethings wrong
Me: what
Anxiety: something
Me: like can you give me a general idea
Anxiety: somethings off
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
It is an art of the most exquisite kind to touch someone’s soul before touching their skin.
inksomniac (via wnq-writers)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
You are not weak just because your heart feels so heavy.
Andrea Gibson (via wordsnquotes)
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vanillanesquik-blog · 7 years
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After a long wait Act 7 of Future Reunion is print ready!
As per usual, Acts 1-6 are also available during this time. Each book is $12 for people living in the US; if you live outside the US, please contact me via the email listed on the ad so we can figure out what the added shipping fees will be to ship to your particular locale.
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