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He/Him. bet u can't tell what my special interest is /s
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vampires-aliens · 4 days ago
Hiya, Yannick! I have a question that I've had since I first watched the boot of RTC you're in, was Ricky's hat a just a design choice or did it have meaning?
ps: you're genuinely the best Ricky Potts ever, you probably get this all the time but as a trans, queer, disabled youth who loves RTC I felt seen when I saw you on stage :-D
Hello, friend!
First, thank you. I never expected to hear back from the people this was all for, but I always did it for you and everyone else like you and myself who never had a chance like that to dream big. There are parts of that experience I haven’t been public about because I don’t want to distract from the importance of physical accessibility, but this is a story worth telling. And you asked for it. So we’re gonna discuss how the hat was not a choice, but a racially charged dilemma.
If you’re reading this, Princeton lawyers, it’s all “alleged” uwu you can keep thinking you’re innocent it’s all “hearsay” live laugh love you’re the best!!! Keep up the good work erasure is great and we love you for that!!
If you’re not a lawyer, keep reading.
Important context - I am an indigenous/person of color whose hair is somewhere between a 3C and a 4A curl type (feel free to google a curly hair number guide for reference), which means a lot of the time it has a mind of its own, and sometimes it’s an Afro situation where the kink needs more air, sometimes the curls are coily-er and look like Slinkies (old school toys that are basically helical springs). I had my hair in double twists when I originally got there, and during rehearsals took them out and was rocking my natural fro look.
So, the time comes to film any projections used for the show, which includes the space cats “dance” sequence during the SABM costume change. I had heard an idea of wanting to do a mow hawk sort of situation or something with my hair, though no one ever talked to me directly to discuss my POC hair and the condition it would need to be in for whatever style they have in mind. So what happens? I come in to get ready for the projections, and the hair stylist sits me down…frazzled. I ask, what is wrong. The stylist starts touching my hair in the kind of way people do when they don’t know what to do with something, picking up pieces with the ends/tips of the fingers and lifting it around to make judgements, letting it fall back to place on its own. If you cannot tell based on my description of this, it is easy to gather that the stylist has not worked safely with this texture before (which is heavily concerning to me given an all Black play was just in that theatre, and this hair person runs everything in that place).
I get told something along the lines of “this is not a workable texture” and asked if they can just spray some water on it really quick for the curls to “come back”. For those of you who do not have hair like me, it is important to understand that that is not how my hair works. So, I explain: I would need to get into a shower, stand under pounding water, apply various creams, massage and condition the hair, then it has to air day, then after that there’s oil, then the finger curling to the portions that decided to stay like an Afro after all of this, et cetera et cetera. I’m basically making it clear that that isn’t possible.
But they are fixated on a certain look, and the projections have to be filmed NOW.
So what does the hair person start to do? Heat. Up. A. Curling. Iron. To. Force. My. Afro. Into. Artificial. Curls. There are several problems with this idea, including the fact that recording this on the projector makes a silhouette we have to mimic every night -I’m a dramaturg ooo- and if the look looks that way because you heat-pressed an afro last minute, we’re gonna have to do this EVERY NIGHT. I won’t be able to mimic it naturally. Which I explain to them. I also ask the stylist, “before you start, I’m wondering where you’re heat protectant spray is?” For context: it doesn’t matter what hair type you have, anyone applying heat to their hair should use a protectant of some sort. It’s not healthy to fry your head, your hair will chip off. So I ask for where this spray is, and the stylist who does every show in this theatre before and after this production looks me in the face and goes, “what is that?”.
At this point, I feel like everything I’ve brought up for constructive feedback has been shot down, so I have no choice but to watch this person fry my head, cover it in pins, and let me go to the recording area. So, I do. And we start recording. But I am unable to focus on the choreography they were teaching for the projections, and my energy wasn’t at 100%. You could say, I was in the middle of an anxiety attack. So, the film and hair people have to leave the room, I try to explain all of this to everyone and start taking the pins out of my hair because I can’t handle it anymore (I’ve faced a lot of bad things regarding my hair and so since a kid I’ve gotten nauseous when these things happen. I was feeling like throwing up so I started taking pins out) and no one knows what to do. So, I get creative after some room deliberation.
“What about a hat? My man’s trying to be noticed by everyone anyways. A big heated-curly mowhawk not getting fun attention from the choir doesn’t add up, and being a cool guy with a backwards cap adds an edge that makes me look like I don’t really care what people think. It’s also something that doesn’t require heat, or stylists. No one has to touch my hair again, the projection stays consistent because it’s a hat, everybody wins?”
The director says she can’t decide without clearance from the costume person, walks out of the room to have a phone call about it, costume person says a hat is fine, ends up designing a new hat for the SABM change so I have one then, too.
I say this not to discourage those who want to dream, or to make professionals feel bad. I say it because you asked, and because I care about you. And anyone who reads this. Because it’s so important to take care of yourself. No matter if you’re being given an “opportunity”, that doesn’t mean you need to stop respecting yourself. That doesn’t mean where you work is allowed to be physically unsafe. That doesn’t mean they get to destroy your natural hair for the sake of a projection. You should always, ALWAYS put yourself before anything anyone tells you “needs to happen” in order for you to get your dream. Just because it’s always been exclusionary, doesn’t mean being hate crimed “needs to happen” in order for you to get to Broadway.
I hope you can still appreciate my Ricky despite the things that almost got in the way of him being able to support you. I hope the fandom doesn’t forget about my Ricky. I hope history doesn’t forget that Ricky was disabled. I hope hair stylists can learn what heat protectant spray is before they learn to use heat tools. I hope you can still dream after all of this, and I hope you know that you are loved and deserve to be appreciated for exactly who you are.
Thank you so much once again, for appreciating my performance, and for asking. I hope you’re doing well.
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vampires-aliens · 4 days ago
She's from Florida Academy of Preforming Arts!
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Kept the full pics so u can see the rest of the cast :) [Karnak's not very visible, sry :(]
what jane is in ur schizo spongebob post 🙏
What If I tell you that I don't know either....
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vampires-aliens · 15 days ago
Can I get my Ricky design in his SABM outfit?
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If u need my drawing of him again, just lmk and I can send it to u 😺
You got one totally radical bachelor man there. Always a joy to draw him again!!
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vampires-aliens · 16 days ago
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vampires-aliens · 19 days ago
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vampires-aliens · 20 days ago
SHE'S HERE!!! Jane Doe, but she's this character from (I think) a Brazilian children's show!
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@deerdoeb :)
Jane doe but she looks like this
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vampires-aliens · 20 days ago
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vampires-aliens · 20 days ago
some Rickies I have posts about and some that I don't have posts about.. but they're all from my personal archive
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please either go by columns with asking for a Ricky, or reblog with the picture!
like "Oh who's column 3 row 4?"
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vampires-aliens · 22 days ago
Hello! Dream Theatre Troupe's Jane Doe!
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@rtc-spin :]
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vampires-aliens · 23 days ago
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vampires-aliens · 23 days ago
Since we finally have a (mostly) clear audio recording of a full Play To Win (replacement What The World Needs) from 2015, here are the lyrics! Corrections and help with the missing gaps welcome!
Daddy says:
“Oh daughter dear, you fill filled my heart with pride. Your words so pure, you’re (rather?) strong, The truth was by your side.”
Oh daddy dear,
They’ve cleaned my clock,
A zillion points, to none.
May I use the phone?
“Oh, pumpkin, you need to speak to one of your friends?”
No, im calling mom!
So I called mom and I told her the whole story!
“You did what?”
I spoke from my heart about the facts,
“incentive, if you do well at this debate, You can come live with me (me, me, me…)”
(Plot point!)
“Get the pen!”
And she told me something that goes a little something like,
It goes a little something like… this!
The art to win an argument,
Ain’t change much over time.
You read and rule your conflict first,
And then you change their mind.
If the judge looks like a hippie?
Your foe’s a right-wing nut!
If the judge seems like a holy hostile penecostal?
Then your foes a godless hedonistic slut!
Demonize your opponents,
with personal attacks.
Quote some fake authorities,
and unrelated facts!
Create a false dilema like ‘you’re with us or you ain’t!’
Ask the class a loaded question!
‘How can you say that Adolf Hitler was a saint?’
Oh, the tale of human history is ??? (Warranted ???)
(It works on a mob every time!)
This candy coated recipe,
A black and white morality.
(That’s how we like our slime! Mhh Mhh!)
The next day, at the school debate,
My moms advice applied.
We were like marine corps Stealing cookies from girl guides
The judge gave us a standing o’
“One kid broke down and cried.”
“And the winner of Uranium city debate, Miss”Rosenburg!
And that other girl!”
Yeah we won by a freakin landslide!
Look, I even got a trophy
“We got a trophy?”
Yeah, don’t touch it, you’ll break it.
In this world there’s just one sin,
Don’t play the game unless you play to win!
(You play to win!)
Why does my opposition feel the need to defend pedophiles?
(You play to win!)
And the winner is only, Miss Rosenberg!
(You play to win!)
I’m very upset, my brother just died!
“You don’t have a brother-“
Shut up!
(You play to win!)
(And we heard it here first folks ???)
Don’t tell me there’s a better use of your ambition,
Then to wipe the floor with all your competition!
Mommy dearest said there’s only one real mission!
Play to win!
Play to win!
Play to win!
Dad was there and so was mom,
for the national debate.
But where were my opponents?
They were half an hour late!
And then this kid rolls in with a wheelchair,
And begs us to forgive!
“He needed an emergency blood transfusion,
Turns out he only had three weeks left to live!”
“Debate topic:
‘Are human beings ultimately good?’”
(You play to win!)
Are you kidding me? He’s in a wheelchair.
(You play to win!)
“How are you gonna beat this guy, Ocean?”
Shut up, Constance.
(You play to win!)
What would Glenn Beck do?
(You play to win!)
Aw, and he’s blind too?
“And the opposition calls, miss Rosenberg!”
My heart began to flutter,
Tears welled in my eyes,
When I looked onto my father,
As he hung his head, and sighed.
And then I saw an Angel,
In blinding lights and sparks
With a hammer and a sickle.
It was a winged Karl Marx.
And he said:
‘Child, heaven is awesome!
And everything is free,
I’ve been palling round with Jesus.
Turns out, he’s a communist.
Just like me.’
And we got something to tell you!
(Tell us Comrade!)
And we got something to say to you!
(Say it Comrade!)
Do you wanna hear it?
Let me feel that Spirit!
Can I hear it two times?
(Yeah! Yeah!)
Let’s do this!
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh, listen to me child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
When the game is over!
You’re knocking on heaven’s door!
It’s only your soul, and your soul alone, that’s keeping score
You wanna kick out the crutches from a 😕?
Push an old lady down the stairs!
Steal a piece of candy from a crying little baby?
As long as you’re winning, who cares?
Take out a kid in a wheelchair,
That’s the road to perdition.
Soon you’re gonna wind up a backstabbing,
ass grabbing,
Rubberneck politician.
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s only your soul, and your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
I said it’s only your soul alone,
That’s keeping score!
Oh yeah!
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, Child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose!)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
It’s only your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score!
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vampires-aliens · 24 days ago
Me and @nickelsawyer are doing a production of Ride The Cyclone in eastern PA! If you could donate to bring this show to life, you would get:
Your name in a special thank you in the playbill and your name on bunting!
If you donate 50$ or more, you'll be sent free tickets!
Thank you all so much, and thank you for everyone who's working to make this possible!
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vampires-aliens · 1 month ago
ezra loves his sister. jane has a piece missing. there's nothing good in store for any of them.
[saw some posting about vox!rtc. here's some lamb sibling misery!]
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vampires-aliens · 1 month ago
in another universe misha moves to kyiv instead of uranium. on the first of september the air smells of chestnuts and warmth and nothing bad ever happens
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Діти! Вітаю вас з новим навчальним роком! Свято першого дзвоника відбудеться о 8:00, прохання не запізн��ватися, прийти в вишиванках та не забути принести квіти улюбленій вчительці. Також адміністрація школи наполегливо просить не купувати щоденників з зображенням Юлії Тимошенко на мотоциклі. Дякую. < something from their school chat, probably
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vampires-aliens · 1 month ago
if yall wanna cool you should join my super awesome discord server! its still a bit of a wip but of you wanna be extra cool you could be an admin and help set it up.
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vampires-aliens · 1 month ago
Idk either, but hopefully this reblog helps ppl who do know find ur post. :]
Guys how do i delete ONLY ONE side blog? I'm trying but it says it will delete everything?? Like every blog??
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vampires-aliens · 1 month ago
"Unfortunately, I'm a trans man"
Oh honey, no. Fortunately, you are. Because the world needs more people who aren't afraid to be their most authentic selves. Being a man is yours, and I will celebrate it with you.
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