Vampire Academy Australia & New Zealand
16 posts
Here to bring you the content from the new upcoming TV series to the books and everything inbetween
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Yeah I’m sad and depressed but at least I’m not racist or homophobic
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Sisi's hat has come to life 😂🙈
I have a Hatanese accent. Legit grew some eyes and mouth out of sheer shock on hearing the word "vampire academy "trash" and "kardashian" uttered in the same sentence 😳
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Let's make it happen fam!
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
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This is the protection cow. They protect you from all cow spies and cow related threats. Reblog to save a life ❤
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
The two cast photos given to @vampireacademy-tv by a little bird 🐦
Let's go VA FAMILY
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Just some #mememonday to get you through the dead quiet
Eshay Bahhhh
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There are a few requirements to understand this meme; you have to come from Australia and New Zealand, be under the age of 30 and possess a tik tok. I'll sum it up like this though "if cigarette breath was a person". I sent this to Sisi and she responded by laughing and ignoring the part of the message where I said this edit should never see the light of a social media feed and she went and posted it fml 😂😭🤭.
PS, that is a direct quote taken from Sisi
Cow Spies
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This is all you need to understand cowspiracy. Basically the cow spies are watching so y'all stay safe
Tik Toks which give off the same energy as the cast
A new series where I make the cast feel attacked and called out with on par tik toks of them
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
I tried to warn yall it was real
Really can't believe Plec has gone this far to stop leaks. Spying on the cast and in fan spaces is udderly ridiculous.
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Now I don't mean to start something, but be careful out there guys, the cows are watching 👀🐄🔍
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Turbulent Tuesdays
I'm not sure if I can swear on tumblr, so instead i shall try and find a meme to sum up what it was like to be an admin today for a Vampire Academy Portal:
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I'd sum it up as excited pain.
What you need to know from the cast:
Meme Queen Returneth
Sisi came back first and gifted us by adding to her story. It's like she knew we were dying without content so she blessed us with a video of Drew in which he made clear it was his Rose. He can fight Rose for that since I don't think anyone can truly claim her. And as if to make sure we weren't worried an imposter had taken her phone she blessed us with a photo of her
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More like Eat, Pray, Vape. This woman is my absolute queen and inspiration. I wake up everyday and swear my allegiance to her.
The internet never forgets
Once you post something on the internet it's always gonna leave a mark, no matter how well you erase it or how good your firewall is. But it also means when your castmates are bored, probably burning the midnight oil, they can find one of tik toks you posted last year and then if they're feeling up to it they can then try and do the remake... who did it better?
As I was writing the part above the following video came up and I can say that even as frogs that cast is still beautiful enough to kiss.
The Leaks
*Sigh* I wasn't sure if I was going to bring this up but here we go anyway. Today a portal received 10 photos of a set that is accessible to the public and video of filming that was done. The set photo's on their own had a few spoilers in them and a few easter eggs for those who've read the books but weren't actually that bad.... the video not so much. It showed what looked to be Sisi, Kieron and Daniela on set in the middle of filming and all in costume. I'm not going to divulge the spoilers for the simple fact that I have chosen not to be that kind of portal. Sure, it might not get me a massive following but I'm okay with that. But I also chose not to divulge them on any social media I run because it is unfinished and unofficial. Leaks happen all the time (ie, Tom Holland) especially in the day of Social media and when you choose to adapt a book series that is popular people hunger for any information they can. However, leaks cost money to production, they are usually an unfinished product taken out of context. It has been leaks that have caused speculation on whether the books will be honored and turned many fans away because the context was taken away. They also cost money; leaks can be the cause of a change in script (see Dexter season finale change), lead to needing to change costumes and, they can lower people wanting to watch the series if the leak is out of context and looks unfamiliar to the series we love. It is like giving out a piece of unfinished art without the artists permission. To us this may be a series but to the people on this show this their hard work, their art, their livelihood. It could seem small but it could translate into extra work for all those involved including a cast who are all away from home, most of whom are living in a foreign land away from their friends and family. I ask that if you see this video, don't repost it. Have respect for the show's cast and crew and the artform they're trying to bring to life (it takes 23 hours to fly from Australia to Spain).
I am hoping that someone from set with the authority to do so will appoint a person to run their official social media and give us photos every now and again, just to keep fans in the loop and perhaps stop the wildfire of leaking.
Anyway thank you for reading guys and see you tomorrow
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Daily update-Monday memes
This is what it was like to run a portal for Vampire Academy today:
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I can genuinely say that nothing happened for portals and you know what... it was really nice. I've read two books today, shared about 20 Vampire academy memes to my Instagram story.
This is what I imagine the cast were doing:
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And for the big schedule ahead of them I can't say I blame them. Goodluck to the cast and maybe if they're feeling up to it, they might grace us with a photo or a meme
Jaida 💜💙
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Social Sunday
Ah Sunday, the day of rest and reflection...unless you decide to run a portal. If you decide to do this then prepare to never be clear of notifications and waking up to do a Instagram story check. Today was one of these days but it did eventually go quiet....
Kieron's Social Sunday
Anyone who's either followed Kieron on social media or has read this blog knows that Kieron is not one to post on his social media and half the time when a notification pops up for something new from him I would be willing to put good money on the fact it will be down faster than I can open the app and that he still hasn't learnt about the close friends story feature. Honestly, I can respect this. Trying to imagine the fame he's been thrust into especially with his big break being a beloved character described as a God by an often times intense fanbase can be a lot and I dread to think about the appropriateness of half the content he is tagged in. None the less today he posted a video on his story today showcasing how his background in boxing is coming in handy for preparing him to portray Dimitri. And then he did the unexpected... he went and answered a question on twitter... and didn't delete the answer
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Now, on the one hand, I am so thrilled and now extremely curious about what house he is that I've taken a poll on twitter (go vote if you're bored). But on the other hand I really want to do this to his tweet:
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Kieron, please turn on the auto-correct on your phone. Please don't make me dedicate a series to just auto correcting your tweets (but if you really need someone to do it then I will take the job). But apart from this keep being you!
Moroi working hard or hardly working
Some of the cast, including Andre who only posts for very special reasons, were having a party today in what I can imagine to be the training they have to do for being Moroi. I imagine it would be far more intense than what Kieron was up to, that's for sure.
Where do doors lead?
Number 1 question of the day is where does this damn door lead. It was posted by on Oliteinfo's story.
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I've been witnessing many theories but the most interesting one came from Vampire Academy Brasil's theory question on Instagram where someone suggested a strip club 🙃
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And a final thing to leave you on; this montage video of Kieron training to be Dimitri!
Jaida 💜💙
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
No one man should have all that power, but Kieron Moore does 💪🏼🥊💜
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Saturdays are for Sisi...
And Fanart. Technically living in New Zealand we get the sun first in the world which puts me around 12 hours ahead of Spain. It's handy because Vampire Academy is basically filmed an night schedule meaning I get to be up when the cast are. But it means that my days are ahead.
Olite says they've still got another 1 more day of overnight shoots that could disrupt the public. Because there is a big shoot ahead I'm guessing the cast are too busy to be posting. Luckily...
Saturdays are for Sisi
I genuinely think i could stop watching the news and it wouldn't matter because Sisi's Instagram stories would be enough to sustain me. It's basically memes about racism, the crew dancing, fanart from *that* hotel scene, more dancing with conspicuously lowered lighting and Britney being freed after 13 YEARS. Sisi is love , Sisi is life. I really hope people aren't being so shitty as to be racist to Sisi but if they are I will go all Rose Hathaway on them. I'm going to be the Eshay to Sisi's cigarettes; I will fight for that woman.
Saturday Night Fever
I think the cast have caught something because all we had today was dancing. Max was attempting to learn breakdancing. I opted not to post this video so that Max didn't have to remember this in 5 years time. I will say that this has given me a new theory.
I believe that we are getting a musical episode of Vampire Academy and that they're going to defeat the Strigoi, not with stakes, guns or sheer willpower but instead use dance moves so lit that the Strigoi combust on the spot. (I don't believe this, please don't actually do this Julie, i'm BEGGING you. Let's adapt all the books without some angsty ballad between Rose and Dimitri. Please nope.
And that's all. Very short day but it means that we are one day closer getting to see it on screen. See you tomorrow.
Jaida 💜💙
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Friday at a glance:
Today the cast are back in Pamplona preparing for nightshoots according to a memo released by OliteInfo on Twitter and Instagram.
We also received quite a bit of content from the cast off the back of Jonetta's birthday starting with:
Richelle Mead's Birthday
Not long after she announced the cast Richelle went MIA from her socials. Nevertheless we must pay homage to the birthday of the woman that created one of the greatest books. Happy birthday Richelle. Your books have changed my life and stuck with me throughout and continue. They've influenced me from a young girl, through my teenage years and continue to teach me things as a young woman. I hope you get to go and try a weird cocktail, eat a mountain of chocolate brownies with frosting and drink all the coffee. We await your return!
The Return of Max
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With his return I felt sheer relief. I honestly think when he posted this gem. I honestly think he was just trying to get the #VAFamily in their feelings for the upcoming Red (From the Vault). None the less, welcome back Max and don't even get me started on his coming for Kieron and Andre. The fangirling intensifies.
The Return of our Meme Queen and Savior
Sisi also came back on to social media and graced her meme page, sorry, her official Instagram story, with memes. She's the queen and we bow down to her and her jokes. I made this banner on Instagram for the highlight reels in her honor. I hope she sees it one day and gets to enjoy it
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Kieron and his love of deleting his digital footprint
Now yesterday I posted this meme which now feels more relevant than before. (Also Kieron ikykikyk. It's been nearly a week please come back and answer my question pleaseeeeeee 😭)
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Now I may or may not have made this because I asked Kieron a question which he answered, realized he'd misread it, deleted that tweet, followed up with another tweet saying he'd misread, deleted that and then ghosted me 😭😂. This proved relevant today (and not totally an angle to receive praise for my meme) because he posted a photo of himself on set wearing the infamous Hat (who edited the photo above, see if you can spot its input) and then once the hat had reposted the photo the proceeded to delete it from his story. *sigh*
Dimitri's stunt double
This man deserves our praise and thanks. He's keeping Kieron safe and making Dimitri into the badass God we expect. And he's funny as proven with the video he posted on his story.
And the Rest
Louisa who is going to play Silver (is she a stake? is she a strigoi? I don't know but she has a pet fox 😍) is returning to set as she caught a flight to Pamplona
Mia is still in a wheelchair. I have no idea of what the little coffee fiend did but she is still injured. I'll be interested to see if they'll incorporate it into her character.
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Whatever seems to be getting filmed must be a big few scenes given the Stunt team were on set all day and a now deleted image saying strigoi #6 was up on one of the stunt woman's Instagram stories
That's me signing off for tonight guys, for updates throughout the day follow me on Instagram and Twitter. But I'll try and do one of these summaries everyday.
Jaida 💙💜
Ps. Go stream Red (from the Vault) by Taylor Swift, Between Us by Little Mix and Formula of Love by Twice 🎶
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
My first Art attempt
So last week I made this after the imagery had been going around in my head to the point it drove me up a wall until I got it out on paper. It was posted on my bookishinvader Instagram and Twitter account though. I'd like to state that I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRAW. Like I've not attempted art since I was 13, that's nearly 10 years. So please try to ignore the quality and instead maybe try and imagine what I had in mind 😊🙏🏽
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This quote is iconic in the first series. And I liked the imagery to go with it. Dimitri is the one holding the stake which, as Rose points out, is the symbol of guardians duty. I then drew Rose holding a rose even though she hates them but I wanted to show that she is like one, pretty at times delicate and vulnerable but possesses sharp thorns to cut. For this she is offering herself to Dimitri, leaving herself open and vulnerable to Dimitri. Rose has managed to catch him in her thorns and has wrapped around him and now she has put the choice in his hands to use their duty to severe their opportunity to be together. And for 3 books they sit in this precarious position, neither one willing to make the first move refusing to completely force the others hand to move. It's also important to note that Rose is NOT powerless in this. In fact I'd say she holds more power because she is choosing to stay. She has every opportunity to pull away and she does not and by giving the choice to Dimitri. She knows what could happen and she chooses to rise to the challenge and refuses to shrink against her own self doubt and fear.
Ultimately Rose makes her choice before Dimitri but in a very un-Rose way she doesn't force Dimitri into a decision and she waits. They come so very close to forcing it and nearly end up apart but they don't. Finally the leaves and colour. It was intentional to only add splashes of colour to be more eye catching and the leaves. I wanted to show that even though Rose had entertained Dimtri that they were still living their life and that they were still growing as people together.
I love this series. I love the casting. I love it all. I'm so excited for everything to come. I'll never truly be able to convey how much this series has done for me and influenced how I am today but the point is that I know.
Jaida 💙💜
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vampireacademyaussienz · 3 years ago
Welcome to my Tumblr. Hopefully this can help provide more access to my content and hopefully a place for fans from not only New Zealand and Australia but all over to interact. Haere Mai 💜
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