valmalfoy · 4 years
hello! kinda a random request but maybe the reader is a graduate student studying physics or something like that and is doing some sort of research paper and is very overworked and anxious and stressed out and neil calms them down and makes them comfortable (extra fluff here lol) and ends up staying up and writing the paper for them? also maybe some angst where the reader feels insecure about their intelligence and that they’re too stupid to be with neil?
Pairing: Neil (Tenet) x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: angst but also so sweet it wil rot your teeth :)
A/N: I apologize to all of my lovely followers for taking a short break! I’m absolutely obsessed with Niel so writing this was so much fun. I hope that you don’t mind but the reader is married to Neil, found it fit best for this fic. And they also requested for the ready to be gender neutral which I had forgotten until I was finished so I fixed that up. Sorry if there are any mistakes ): Thank you for requesting sweetie! <3
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The blue light of Y/N’s laptop screen illuminated the room. They were hunched over a paper, scribbling down quick notes for her assignment that was due the next day. Their hand gripped tightly around the pencil as their eyes flicked back and forth from her paper and to the screen. Finally finishing the small paragraph, they released the pencil they once held so tightly that it left red marks on her fingertips and palm, their hands now running through their hair with a sigh of not relief but rather stress.
Niel had just arrived home from work when he entered the study room just by the front door to put down a couple things on the desk when he saw his partner still awake.
“You’re going to work yourself out.” Neil softly spoke, causing Y/N to jump in surprise of his presence.
“Nearly gave me a heart attack.” They whispered back before looking back to their screen. Neil frowned at the action, taking of his suit’s blazer and carefully setting it down on an arm chair. He walked behind them, snaking his arms around their body and kissing the top of their head. Y/N melted into his touch. His presence always seemed to remove all stress they previously had.
“What seems to be stressing you, love?” Neil questioned, looking to their laptop for answers.
“A physics paper.” They replied in a monotone voice.
“And how is it going along?” He raised a brow cheekily as he knew they only had written one sentence.
“Not good.” Y/N said through a pout.
“It’s only because you’re tired.” Neil tried to assure his significant other, spinning them around in the chair and looking at them. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“It’s due tomorrow, Neil. I need to get this done now.” They spoke rather annoyed, trying to turn the chair back around so they could continue. But Neil always seemed to be stronger than them, stopping the chair from turning. “I’m serious.”
“Me too. If you go to sleep now you can wake up early enough to finish this pesky paper.”
“You have a point.”
It wasn’t long after his convincing that Neil had ushered Y/N into bed and they were fast asleep. And Neil had decided to shower away the stress of work and eventually crawl into bed and get some rest.
But after his shower he found himself wandering to the kitchen for a cup of tea, passing the small office on his way back and looking at Y/N’s open laptop. He quietly walked in and sat at the computer, reading what they had written before he dragged them to bed. He set his cup of tea on one of the coasters, his hands now being occupied with typing up some words and finishing up their essay. He knew what the stress of school was like. And there was countless of times that he too had wished someone would write a paper for him. And when Y/N had shifted awake and walked into the office to finish the paper before the time it was due, they found a small sticky note on the screen of her laptop. Furrowing their eyebrows they peeled it off and read the words:
“Take a day off. You deserve it, Love.”
Y/N tilted their head before looking to the finished essay on her laptop, skimming over the words in awe at what he had done. Nobody had ever done such a nice thing. Tears brimmed their eyes before they ran to the bedroom where Neil slept, jumping into the cushions and close to Neil.
“I don’t deserve you.” They whispered softly. “Not nearly as smart as you either.”
Neil sighed before speaking, “You’re such a genius. There has been times where you have outsmarted me and I love it.” He said in a sleepy voice.
Y/N weakly smiled before laying down next to Neil, him pulling them close into his chest before the two drifted back to sleep and enjoy their day off.
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valmalfoy · 4 years
130 notes!! thank you so much for the support :)
I’ve had a really tough week and it’s only monday 😅 so this cheered me up lots. I’ve decided to post pone some writing until next week just because if I write something now it won’t be perfect and i’m a perfectionist. I want to provide the best content for my followers. so without going into too much detail, hopefully everyone can understand.
Love you lots!
hii! can i please get a robert pattinson imagine in which he’s dating the reader (who is 23) and the media keeps saying that he’s too old for her and he kinda lets that get to him so the reader tells him that she doesn’t care because she’s so in love with him and nothing would make her feel otherwise
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x Reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst but mostly fluffy :)
A/N: Hi sweetie! I’ve never done an age gap fic before so this was super fun to experiment with. Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!!
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Y/N was in the kitchen making dinner in Robert and her’s shared apartment when she first had noticed that Robert had been acting a little off. But hey, it was Rob and he always acted a little bit off. This time around it felt a little different however. She’d never seen the man on his phone so often. He was always the type that would rather lock his phone in a box and spend the day with whoever it was he planned on being with, phone free with zero distactions. Y/N on the other hand loved sharing things that interested her on social media. Wether it be cooking, art, music or anything else she enjoyed, it was all over her social media platforms. And that included a glimpse into Robert and her’s life.
“Everything alright, hun?” Y/N asked with a soft tone to her voice. She knew that whenever Robert was down he appreciated her soft voice and comforting touch.
“Oh- um.. yeah.” He was quick to reply, hoping Y/N would not hear the lack of confidence in his voice. But when he looked up to see a frown on her face and a hand on her hip, he knew she would always catch something like that. “Just going through some emails.” Robert shrugged it off before his eyes returned to his phone screen.
“Uh huh..” She quietly said before turning on her heels to stir the soup she had been making previously. Y/N never normally let things like this bother her but his odd silence was making it obvious that he was not reading emails. Because when he did read emails he’d tell Y/N about the job offers he got and the funny scam emails that the two of them would joke about for days after. Sighing in frustration, she set a time on the oven and walked to sit next to Robert on the couch.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” She said with a raised eyebrow. Robert tried to play it off with a confused look on his face but she looked straight past it. “Rob, seriously.”
“You’re like a detective.. you know that?” He tried to make a joke but there was something else on his mind. “It’s just- I was reading articles about our relationship and everyone is saying-“ Robert paused for a moment, looking from Y/N’s eyes and to his lap. “They think i’m too old for you. I don’t know.. ” He let out a deep breath, finally feeling the relief of giving up a feeling that he’d pressed down for days. But Y/N did not have the reaction he feared, the one where she’d agree with the writers of the article. Instead she laughed causing Robert to look back up to her with knitted eyebrows. “Why are you laughing?” He asked with a half smile on his face.
“I am so in love with you.” She finally broke the laughter with her words of affirmation. “And some stupid article about our age difference is not going to change that.” She brought a hand up to his arm and absentmindedly traced her fingers up and down. Robert nodded in agreement. Y/N always found a way to make him feel immediately better. “Now stop second guessing yourself and help me with dinner.” She gave him a peck on the lips before standing up, only to have her arm pulled back by Robert into a much longer kiss.
“I love you.” He whispered back before letting her free to make dinner, closely following behind to help in the kitchen.
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valmalfoy · 4 years
I am going to temporarily close requests until further notice.
I’ve gotten lots so I want to be able to catch up!
Thank you loves. <3
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valmalfoy · 4 years
I really want friends on Tumblr so if you like Marvel, Harry Potter , one direction reblog this and we can talk maybe?
I promise I'm nice🥺
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valmalfoy · 4 years
It’s friday!
I thought what better way to celebrate then to answer some questions, talk about your favorite characters and anything else.
Inbox is open to all while I write out some requests :)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
Hello, honey! I saw the requests were open) Would you like to write Young!Sirius x reader With reader being optimistic everything, calm, A-Student, and Sirius mildly despises her, because she’s too “perfect”, but she’s friendly. But than something happens to him, she helps him to calm down, he snaps at her, because she wouldn’t ever know what’s that like, but turns out she has actually been through the similar situation, so she taught herself to see the good sides? I hope u like it 🤍🤍
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: angst, jealous sirius ;), mad sirius but an all around fluffy ending.
A/N: I absolutely adore Sirius Black and couldn’t wait to write this one. I made this based in autumn and the reader is a slytherin (because I love cross house relationships and I thought it’d make the feud between them a bit more interesting.) Enjoy and as always thank you for requesting! <3
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Y/N was a perfect student. Perfect grades, excelling in every class she attended and she made it look so effortless. Everything came to her so easily in class. They could be studying one of the hardest subjects at hogwarts at she’d make it look as easy as flying a broom when really it felt like trying to catch a rather difficult golden snitch. She was also undoubtedly gorgeous, nobody could dispute that. Her most striking feature always catching the eyes of boys from all the houses. But above all, she was kind. Which some found odd considering her house, the house of the cunning. Always offering to help that first year find their way to class or Gryffindor with a tricky question. She was one that could be unforgettable. You know, the type that you could walk past on the street and not know a single thing about them and daydream about your future with her. And to his friends disbelief, Sirius despised her. They could never pinpoint why because he always seemed to bring her up when he returned to the Gryffindore common room or during class when she was simply writing notes down on parchment paper.
“If you hate her so much, then explain to me why she is always on your mind.” James whispered to Sirius with his arms crossed and eyebrows knitted together. Sirius glared at his friend, trying to focus on the notes that Professor Mcgonagall read to the class rather quickly.
“How could you even ask that question, Potter.” James put his arms up in a surrendering position.
“Merlin, sorry.” James mumbled, “Didn’t know it was such a touchy subject.”
“It’s not a touchy subject. I would like to focus on my notes, please.” Sirius hunched over his parchment paper and continued to scribble out his messy handwriting.
“It must be because every girl would do anything at will just go get a glance from you but she won’t even look your way or acknowledge you.” James said with a sigh before leaning back into his chair. Sirius’s head whipped to look at Potter with his jaw hanging.
“I’m not even going to entertain what you just said, James.” Sirius warned before earning a quiet laugh from James. Sirius’s eyes drifting to across the classroom where Y/N quietly wrote. He noticed that whenever she was focused on something, she’d tap her foot under the desk quietly. He wondered if it were a specific song she’d tap it to or it was something she did absentmindedly. Sirius shook the thought of and continued with his notes.
It wasn’t until a couple weeks later that he’d speak to the girl that everyone knew of for the first time.
It was when the leaves had shifted from a green to red, yellow and orange. The sky turning a warm grey color and the weather got colder, everyone wearing wool sweaters now instead of cotton t-shirts. And much to Sirius’ notice, other students started receiving letters, clothes and packages full of everything fall from their families back at home. Writing about how they missed their company during this season. And just like every other year that Sirius attended hogwarts, he never received anything from his parents. Sirius knew exactly why and so did his friends. He wasn’t like his family. He never exactly fit in during family dinners, oh and let’s not forget he didn’t carry on a long line of tradition by sorting into the house of slytherin. So this time of year was rather difficult for him. He never understood the joy of autumn.
One breezy morning in the great hall, Sirius sat with his friends at the Gryffindor table. He watched as the excitedly teared into packages and read their letters from family. Sirius quietly excused himself from the table although he was sure his friends wouldn’t notice he was gone with all of the goodies that laid in front of them. But a certain girl watched him leave in a hurry and out to one of the courtyard’s. He often came out here to relax, listening to the leaves crunch under his shoes and get some fresh air. But today he simply sat on a bench and did his best not to lash out.
“Sirius Black, is it?” A calming voice was heard only a couple feet away from him. When he looked up from his lap his breath was caught in his throat when his gaze fell upon Y/N Y/L/N. And for an endless moment their eyes met.
“What’s it to you.” He nearly growled.
“Mind if I sit?” She asks. And if Sirius could describe her voice it would be as sweet as honey and as soft as silk. Although, he’d never admit that.
“Out of all the benches you choose this one?”
“Please.” How could he said no, she was being polite about it.
“Right then.” Sirius said before scooting over on the bench. “What does the golden girl want?” He snapped, earning a confused gaze from her.
“Here.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a letter, sealed with with a green wax.
“I don’t want your pity.” He said just not yet taking the letter from the girl.
“Believe me, I know that.” She shook her head looking down at the letter. “But I also know that you don’t receive letters from your parents.”
“How did you-?” He tried to say but he was quickly cut off.
“It’s easy to pick out the people that are like yourself.”
Sirius scoffed at her words, “As if you’re anything like me. You’re absolutely perfect and i’m well.. not.”
“I am so far from perfect.” She shrugged, still holding tightly onto the letter so the small breeze would not carry it away. “I don’t receive letters from my family either.”
“You don’t?” Sirius asked in disbelief.
“My parents are hufflepuffs. I wish I could’ve seen the look on their faces when they found out I was sorted into Slytherin. They say they don’t mind but I haven’t gotten a letter since my third year.” She laughed at the last bit. “Holidays aren’t so fun either. But I tend to look on the good side of things.” Y/N held the letter out to Sirius before he hesitatly took it. She stood up from the bench, pushing her hands into her coat picked before smiling as a signal of an wordless goodbye. She turned on her heels and headed into the warmth of the Hogwarts school.
As soon as she was gone, Sirius carefully opened the letter and began to read:
“Dear Sirius,
Your friends care about you a lot more than they tend to lead on. I will say I was quite shocked to hear of your sudden interest in my whereabouts in the school. But besides the things you’ve said about me, your friends brought to my attention that you were never really close with your family. James’ somehow knew about my situation as well and no matter what I say will not tell me how he got this information.. He thought that maybe if we talked that we could resolve this conflict you have towards me and that you’d find something in me to relate to.
While I may not be a close relative or someone you particularly like, i’ve decided to write you letters so you don’t look so left out. You don’t have to say they’re from me either. Because how embarrassing would that be, right? I guess it doesn’t matter, so do what you will with my letters.
Y/N Y/L/N.”
With a smile now growing a permanent home Sirius’ face, he tucked the letter deep into his pocket so as it not to fall out when he walked back into the school. Maybe Y/N wasn’t so bad after all.
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valmalfoy · 4 years
I’m getting lots of requests and I absolutely can’t wait to write all them.
I’ll try and get at least one fic out a day :)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
hi there! can i please request a robert pattinson x reader when the reader is a famous model/actress and rob being the supportive boyfriend he is goes to see her at her show while she’s all glammed up?? reader is also 5”7 with hazel colored eyes, light skin, brunette.., thank you so much!
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x Reader
Warnings: slight smut at the end ;)
A/N: I hope you don’t mind but I decided to flip this into a headcannon. We love a supportive boyfriend don’t we ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for requesting and as always I hope you enjoy it.
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Robert has always been a supportive boyfriend to Y/N
especially when it came to her modeling career
because secretly he loved it when she got all glammed up for her runway shows
and there was never a time that he didn’t show up to one of her shows
normally Y/N would invite him backstage before the show started
of course, Rob being the gentleman he was he brought Y/N her favorite flowers
(all the other models being secretly jealous of you two)
he’d always comment on her beautiful hazel eyes or the way her chocolate brown hair laid beautifully in curls
somehow always being able to make Y/N blush
before the show would start he’d lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead, wishing her the best of luck before being escorted back to his (front row) seat.
and of course he’d practically ignore all of the other models outfits and looks until Y/N came down the runway
his eyes lighting up when he see’s her
amazed at how effortlessly she walks in those heels
taking at least a thousand pictures on his phone
standing up to applaud her at the end of the show
he insisted on staying for the after party so the two of them could drive home together
giving her those heart eyes the entire after party
eventually the night would come to an end
and Y/N’s feet were killing her from those stunning heels
Robert carrying her bridal style to his car despite her protests of being able to walk on her own
the two laughing the entire walk back to his car
Y/N falling asleep in the car
and Rob finding it hard to keep his eyes on the road when she looked like that
he opens the car door for her
and when they finally get inside the door and it closes behind them, Rob can’t keep his hands off of her
kissing absolutely every inch of her body, being careful not to mess up her makeup although Y/N would assure him she didn’t mind
let’s just say that they got up to some trouble in the bedroom.. if you know what I mean ;)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
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Hello again!
I’ve recently fell back into love with the Harry Potter movie series and would love to open up some more requests! Feel free to ask for absolutely anything you’d like in your imagine :) i’d also love it if you made them in the season of fall (just because it’s my favorite) but you don’t have to.
Here are the characters i’ll be writing for:
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Ron Weasley
- Cedric Diggory
- Draco Malfoy
- Tom Riddle
- Newt Scamander
- Young!Albus Dumbledore
- Young!James Potter
- Young!Sirius Black
- Young!Remus Lupin
and if you’d like anyone else feel free to ask.
Regarding my Robert Pattinson requests they will still be open so stick around for those!
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valmalfoy · 4 years
hii! can i please get a robert pattinson imagine in which he’s dating the reader (who is 23) and the media keeps saying that he’s too old for her and he kinda lets that get to him so the reader tells him that she doesn’t care because she’s so in love with him and nothing would make her feel otherwise
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x Reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst but mostly fluffy :)
A/N: Hi sweetie! I’ve never done an age gap fic before so this was super fun to experiment with. Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!!
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Y/N was in the kitchen making dinner in Robert and her’s shared apartment when she first had noticed that Robert had been acting a little off. But hey, it was Rob and he always acted a little bit off. This time around it felt a little different however. She’d never seen the man on his phone so often. He was always the type that would rather lock his phone in a box and spend the day with whoever it was he planned on being with, phone free with zero distactions. Y/N on the other hand loved sharing things that interested her on social media. Wether it be cooking, art, music or anything else she enjoyed, it was all over her social media platforms. And that included a glimpse into Robert and her’s life.
“Everything alright, hun?” Y/N asked with a soft tone to her voice. She knew that whenever Robert was down he appreciated her soft voice and comforting touch.
“Oh- um.. yeah.” He was quick to reply, hoping Y/N would not hear the lack of confidence in his voice. But when he looked up to see a frown on her face and a hand on her hip, he knew she would always catch something like that. “Just going through some emails.” Robert shrugged it off before his eyes returned to his phone screen.
“Uh huh..” She quietly said before turning on her heels to stir the soup she had been making previously. Y/N never normally let things like this bother her but his odd silence was making it obvious that he was not reading emails. Because when he did read emails he’d tell Y/N about the job offers he got and the funny scam emails that the two of them would joke about for days after. Sighing in frustration, she set a time on the oven and walked to sit next to Robert on the couch.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” She said with a raised eyebrow. Robert tried to play it off with a confused look on his face but she looked straight past it. “Rob, seriously.”
“You’re like a detective.. you know that?” He tried to make a joke but there was something else on his mind. “It’s just- I was reading articles about our relationship and everyone is saying-“ Robert paused for a moment, looking from Y/N’s eyes and to his lap. “They think i’m too old for you. I don’t know.. ” He let out a deep breath, finally feeling the relief of giving up a feeling that he’d pressed down for days. But Y/N did not have the reaction he feared, the one where she’d agree with the writers of the article. Instead she laughed causing Robert to look back up to her with knitted eyebrows. “Why are you laughing?” He asked with a half smile on his face.
“I am so in love with you.” She finally broke the laughter with her words of affirmation. “And some stupid article about our age difference is not going to change that.” She brought a hand up to his arm and absentmindedly traced her fingers up and down. Robert nodded in agreement. Y/N always found a way to make him feel immediately better. “Now stop second guessing yourself and help me with dinner.” She gave him a peck on the lips before standing up, only to have her arm pulled back by Robert into a much longer kiss.
“I love you.” He whispered back before letting her free to make dinner, closely following behind to help in the kitchen.
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valmalfoy · 4 years
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Robert Pattinson as Neil in Tenet, 2020 (dir. Christopher Nolan)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
currently working on a Robert Pattinson request.
Should be out by tomorrow night :)
And requests are still open until I say otherwise. Also ask some questions or just talk to me in my inbox!
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valmalfoy · 4 years
So I watched tenet today and twilight really did him dirty
robert pattinson is such a talented actor and he had zero freedom with his character in twilight (pretty sure he even talked in an interview about how he had so many ideas to make edward a more complex character but it almost got him fired). he’s definitely having a comeback though and I can’t wait to see what he does with batman :)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
What even is smh is it smell my hair
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valmalfoy · 4 years
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I’ve recently started absolutely loving Robert Pattinson and all of his characters. And i’m really sad because he doesn’t have many fics about himself or his characters ):
So I decided i’d take some requests from the lovely Robert Pattinson fans of tumblr and write a bunch of my own. I’ve also been super inspired to write lately!
Here is some characters of him i’ll write for:
- Neil (Tenet)
- Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)
And of course Robert Pattinson himself!
Send in anything request wise. If I decide I don’t feel comfortable with writing something i’ll post the inbox to my page. But regarding smut and angst i’m honesty down to write pretty much anything. You may also request characters that I can write for him.
My inbox is open!
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valmalfoy · 4 years
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robert pattinson in the king (2019)
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valmalfoy · 4 years
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HARRY POTTER (2005)│TENET (2020)
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