secretly you love it
288 posts
A big beautiful brain with a p r e t t y face, yeah A baby doll with a briefcase, yeah A hot little hurricane 'Cause I'm feminine and soft, but I'm still a boss, yeah Red lipstick but still so raw, yeah Marilyn Monroe in a m o n s t e r truck
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valeriadelano-blog · 7 years ago
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none of it was stupid in rowan’s eyes. it mattered to her. she figured that valeria was far from understanding what made her so upset, so she just sat there and listened to what the girl had to say, crossing her arms and looking away from her. she couldn’t change much about how things were, but she didn’t like it. she hated having to watch val kiss another girl and clearly feeling excited about it. she hated having to read all the things her girlfriend’s fans say about her and about how much better her girlfriend would be with her co star. she hated having to hear it from paps as well. she hated having their relationship so exposed to the everyone. she didn’t expect the actress to understand, but it made her miserable. and yet, she was willing to go through all that just because of how much love she had for valeria. which was why the last thing she needed was to sit there after a long day and fight with her girlfriend. “ glad you’re happy about the scripts and the new season, at least one of us is. ” she said, getting up. “ i think i’ll go home to let you go over them quietly. ”
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valeria immediately felt terrible after those words left her mouth, but really a part of her was telling herself that rowan had no right to be this mad and that she should try and put herself in her shoes. really no one understood famous people’s lives except for famous people herself. her hands were shaking when the realization that rowan was leaving her home right now. there were probably still paps outside and the last thing she needed was for them to start asking questions. she shot up out of her seat and moved over to her girlfriend. ❝babe, wait,❞ she murmured cautiously as she wrapped her arms around rowan’s waist from behind. ❝i’m sorry. i’m being stupid and careless and--god, i just love you so much and i’m terrible at showing it.❞ she took a deep breath as she rested her chin on rowan’s shoulder. ❝please stay...we can fix this.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan sighed, listening to the girl talking. she played with her fingers, nodding every once in a while. “ sounds fun. ” she murmured, letting the other pull her closer. she forced a smile, nodding. a part of her was upset, another part was angry with the other, and another part of her just really wanted to go back home and be alone for a bit. she didn’t want to confront val about the new scripts, but she was upset with her, and she couldn’t help the words that left her lips. “ you know i don’t like having to see you doing all those love scenes with that girl, or watching you nearly dying for a stupid fucking tv show. maybe you can at least pretend that you don’t like having to kiss that girl and whatnot on screen, y’know, just to make your girlfriend - you know her, it’s that costume designer that all your fans hate - happy, or at least a bit less upset. ” she sighed, releasing herself from the other’s hold and moving away from her a little.
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valeria could honestly hear that horror chord strike as she listened to rowan speak her mind. her face fell as she tried oh so desperately to come up with a good response, but all she could feel were intensely negative emotions. ❝it’s my job, it’s my job that i absolutely love to death. i love going in there to play my childhood idol and i’m giving her justice by portraying her how she should be, hopelessly in love with her best friend and a girl who has a taste for danger.❞ her words were cold but she was determined to get her point across. ❝i get that you don’t like it and some scenes do make me uncomfortable. but just know if it weren’t for that damn tv show we wouldn’t be sitting here together in the first place. and i’m so happy with my costume designer girlfriend that i don’t care what the fans think.❞ she hated when rowan and her fought over stupid shit like this. but she had to make her understand, and it hurt her when she moved away from her.
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan was relieved as the door finally opened and revealed her girlfriend. she let the girl pull her inside, only finally relaxing once the door was closed. she melted into the other’s touch, eyes closing momentarily, trying to get herself back together. “ i’m okay. ” she mumbled, releasing a sigh. she pulled away from val, eyes falling to the piles of papers. she sighed again, flopping down on the couch. “ yeah, realized you’d probably like it. ” she murmured, watching the girl cleaning up. rowan admittedly read a little bit of the scripts for the next season, because the director that she slept with always let her do whatever she wanted. 
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valeria seemed to totally miss that what she said probably evoked a negative response, instead she used it as an opportunity to continue on with her excitement. ❝i get to jump out of a burning tower and get stabbed while being kicked out of a castle window to the hard ground. that’s going to be so wild to film. and don’t get me started on the whole intense lesbianism this season, things get interesting.❞ as she finished putting things into a semi-neat pile, she sat down next to rowan and draped an arm over her, pulling her girlfriend closer to her. ❝and it also means lots of money that i can use to spoil my girl.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan was on her way to val’s apartment after a long day of work, having to repair some costumes. it’s not that she didn’t expect any paps at all outside of her girlfriend’s house, sometimes there were a few out there, waiting in hopes of getting some photos. but as she got closer to val’s house, she realized that this time there were more than just one or two. at least six people with cameras were standing outside of the actress’ house, and rowan could feel her fear rising within her. she wasn’t used to all the attention and it made her feel rather overwhelmed. and there was quite a lot of negative attention she was getting as well, because people obviously didn’t like rowan and val together, and it only made rowan more upset and overwhelmed. still, she took a deep breath as she kept walking towards val’s front door, her steps quick. the paps quickly noticed her and soon enough she could hear cameras clicking and all kinds of comments being thrown at her. she tried to block them, but by the time she reached the door, she could feel her eyes getting wattery. she knocked the door quickly, waiting for val to finally let her in.
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scripts, lots and lots of scripts, those were the worst and especially reading about all the times her character would almost die was a little frightening since valeria was adamant on doing her own stunts much to her father’s disapproval. on the other hand, there were a lot more scenes with her on-screen love interest, scenes she would have to add her own spin to to please her fans but not her girlfriend. her attention was brought away from the scripts when she heard a knock on the door and she quickly rushed to open it, only to find rowan and a bunch of paps. her eyes narrowed as she pulled her inside and glared at the paps, yelling obscenities as she slammed the door behind them. ❝i’ve had enough of this shit. this is against the law, i’ll fucking press charges.❞ she wrapped her arms around rowan and lightly kissed her cheek. ❝are you okay baby? here, let me clean up a bit i got a little lost in my reading. this season is going to be so much fun.❞ she chuckled to herself as she moved to organize the piles and piles of papers she had.
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan nodded at her girlfriend. “ yeah, that’s right. better remember it. ” she said, wrapping her arms around valeria’s neck. “ okay, i think i might spend the night now that i know you learned your lesson. ” she murmured, a smile playing on her lips.
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valeria's eyes widened momentarily before it was replaced with a glowing expression. âťťplease don't tell me you're joking or i'm not going to be happy.âťž she placed her hands on rowan's waist and narrowed her eyes in caution.
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan crossed her arms over her chest. “ i forgave you, but you still don’t get to threaten me. and we’ll see about me spending the night. ” she said, accepting the kiss.
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valeria put her hands up in defense. ❝okay, okay, my focus should be trying not to piss off my girlfriend again. or things will end badly.❞ she grinned.  ❝i can definitely do that.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
“y’know, i was about to argue, but it’s no question: london weather is fuckin’ terrible. gloomy skies, almost always cloudy. no wonder people tend to be cranky. at least we have the queen.”
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❝honestly i hope someday that i’ll get to meet her. the queen is so cool. and her face is memeable, that’s a good thing.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
@valeriadelano: who u gonna call? ghostbusters!!!
@valeriadelano: no seriously where are they im hiding in the bathroom and lowkey distraught
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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“ why ? because i want a kiss from my girlfriend ? ” rowan said, raising an eyebrow. “ excuse me ? you don’t get to threaten me, hun, not after the way you just talked about a girl who isn’t me. you’re lucky you still get kisses. ”
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valeria rolled her eyes and then pouted. ❝babe, i thought all was forgiven? she won’t get my attention again. this is stupid and i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now. stop.❞ she scrunched her brows and finally kissed rowan for good measure.
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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                   “ i’m always paying attention to things. i just have no reason to pay attention to what people say about you, i guess. ” lips pressing together slightly, maeby shrugged once. “ why do you even CARE what bubble tea girl or whatever thinks about you anyway ?? you don’t even know her. do you ?? ”
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❝yikes that hurt. right where in the chest where my heart should have been, i must have lost it months ago.❞ valeria joked. she bit down on her lip slightly, unsure how to answer that.  ❝i care about what everyone thinks, i’m trying to be a role model to my fans, so yes, if she doesn’t like me there’s a bit of an issue.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
“ i am a delight to work with and be around, don’t lie to yourself and your favorite co-star. who else would sit and so happily listen to you talk about your first world problems on a daily basis like i do? ” he asks, chuckling at her set of requests. “ gushers, really? i didn’t realize you had such a sweet tooth, but i’ll keep that in mind in case i’m ever in the doghouse and need to buy your love. ”
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❝well you right, you right, you ain’t wrong though, but you still right,❞ valeria’s dumb catchphrase left her mouth as she rolled her eyes. ❝and you’re not my favorite co-star because i hate playing favorites.❞ she stuck her tongue out at him. ❝but i’m not that easy. i probably need an exotic animal if you want me to love you forever.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
“you’re putting your life at risk, valeria. you can’t go on this way, if you want to stay alive.” he grins, doing his best not to let out any type of laugh, in order to stay serious. “i mean, i haven’t done it but….that’s what i imagine it’s like. i guess i just prefer my tea bubbleless.”
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❝it’s my life! i can do whatever i want with it, i don’t need your help!❞ valeria cried out defensively. this was way too entertaining for her. ❝okay fine, i’ll stop judging you for not liking bubble tea. i mean yucking over people’s yum is just rude.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
okay excuse me for being like this but i have something to tell y’all. i’ve been stressing over this audition for my school’s top orchestra for a few weeks and i just auditioned today. ya girl got in and i straight up started crying in front of the director fdhidfsiohdfsio i’m so happy that i’m not a trash musician. ahhhh
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan smiled. “ good. will it hurt to give me another damn kiss ? ” she said chuckling, raising an eyebrow. “ i don’t know if you deserve that after the way you talked about that girl. but i’ll think about it. ” she teased.
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❝you really are impatient, i hope you know that,❞ valeria grumbled, leaning into properly kiss her but she stopped and narrowed her eyes at rowan. ❝you’ll think about it? this isn’t funny, don’t you dare leave me hanging, or you won’t be able to kiss your girlfriend for a while.❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
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rowan ran a hand through her hair, sighing. “ yeah, that’s right. ” she let out a tiny chuckle. “ i mean, that’d be nice, but like, a kiss and spending the rest of your day with me would make me forgive you more easily. ”
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valeria snorted, rolling her eyes playfully. ❝i was going to do both of those things regardless. actually, you already got your kiss like a minute ago. but you know, it’s not often i get days off and i’m glad to spend it with you.❞ she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. ❝and maybe you’ll spend the night too?❞
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
“you’re too kind, love. maybe i just wish i had a cute bubble tea girl getting flustered over me.” angie gave valeria a look that translated to duh. “of course there’s room for two! it’s why i’ve gone to you first. perfect. i think we should take a closer look at studio three. i heard rumors about there being two new and certain not-so-happy spirits wandering around in there but i’m not fully convinced just yet.”
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❝i can try and hook you up. if she’ll talk to me, i bet she will talk to you,❞ valeria offered. she nodded her head excitedly. ❝amazing. supernatural sightings in studio three, sure it isn’t the underground forgetting to take makeup off of their actors? nah, i don’t even know where they’re filmed.❞    
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valeriadelano-blog · 8 years ago
“damn, that bad ? what made you hate london so much ?”
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❝to put it simply, it’s not la. and it never will be. i miss the warm weather and driving on the right side of the road.❞
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