End of an era
The beat of love was ours to have
A duet of beautiful engagement
Our hearts sang
  Now there is no rhythm
Just a lonely alcapella speaking to the air
I try not to compare the pain i've felt for you
it has been my worst despair.
  From an outsiders perspective my life might not seem fair
Although i appreciate everything that happens
For it adds sparks to my flare
  One day success and I shall have an affair
Let's just hope she falls in love as i caress her hair. 
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Blue Lobster
She will be deeper then ocean
As rare as catching a blue lobster
With graceful beauty
No one can help but look
Your face lights up the sky
A full moon
A sunrise
The calm of waves lightly crashing the piers
A smooth embracing of our fingers
Holding your hand For an eternity
Better yet a millennia
My love for you will mutely scream
A silent hysteria
Ill whistle at the universe
Just to catch a glimpse
Of what life could be
If I can gently kiss your lips
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Bubble in space
Bubble in space, It’s what memories replace
Life beyond life, the ultimate phase
The fate of the soul, That’s it no more
Unraveling the universe in an eyeball
An infinite hourglass at a glance away
Speed of light at the blink of an eye
Faster than lightning through the
Milky Way Sky
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A blind man
Everyday that passes by i try to find the good in me 
Whispering to the light within, a mellow soliloquy
How can i be so profound And yet to be found? 
Lost in this world with no foundation 
I was born poor but refuse mental starvation 
My souls awake even with sleep deprivation 
spirit doesn’t make money though 
Now aint that a DAMN_NATION? 
Whenever i look up at the sky i get a feeling in my chest 
Will i fly or will i sink? 
It’s a tough thing to digest 
Nevertheless i keep my stride 
Moving forward is all i know 
For that you can thank my pride 
If only the universe could be bribed 
for i will fall deeper and deeper If success is not my bride…
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It all makes sense now.
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lmao "11 orgasms later, 2 1/2 of them mine," I don't use the term swag but that's def swag right there. 
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Use to make fun of people who listened to this guy when i was younger, now i see how much of a fool i was. Truly great lyrics and a soulful artist. 
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Because fuck swimming  画
Dying to do this
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The biggest gpoy of all time.
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cool dawg
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my poor buddy ted has lost his mind.
(come on. it’s funny. and he’s a big supporter of #OWS.)
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One of my inspirations, ol' blue eyes..
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Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that - but you are the only you. Tarantino - you can criticize everything that Quentin does - but nobody writes Tarantino stuff like Tarantino. He is the best Tarantino writer there is, and that was actually the thing that people responded to - they’re going ‘this is an individual writing with his own point of view. There are better writers than me out there, there are smarter writers, there are people who can plot better - there are all those kinds of things, but there’s nobody who can write a Neil Gaiman story like I can.
Neil Gaiman  (via slekes)
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Am I the only one who thinks the front of cars look like faces?
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Click here if you’re bored!
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