valemya · 3 months
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valemya · 3 months
Hello just a fun update to all: I have posted my first DR based fic, and you can find it here
I really enjoy writing out (or daydreaming about writing out) what's going on in my life in my DR and now I've got a place to post them publicly for anyone who may be interested. Yippie
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valemya · 3 months
Where Threads Entwine
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Pairing: Tech x Vale Bridger (OC/DRself) Words: 1,613 Summary: "Garia had been a lovely planet, all things considered. The scenery would’ve been holo-worthy had it not been for the makeshift separatist stronghold erected dead centre on the horizon, conveniently obscuring their view of the planet’s lush, grassy hills on approach. Vale would’ve taken the opportunity to snap a holo *after* the ensuing battle, but there wasn’t much beauty in the patches of scorched grass and upturned soil littered with the carcasses of battle droids, if you could call those scrap heaps anything resembling a formerly living being. Nonetheless, the mission objective had been completed. Now she could use the downtime to get some relaxation of her own; the source of it no doubt tapping away at the various consoles in the cockpit just out of sight from where she was leaning against some precariously stacked crates." --- Tech and Vale have a quiet post-mission conversation in the cockpit of the Marauder.
Cross-posted on Ao3 here.
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Garia had been a lovely planet, all things considered. The scenery would’ve been holo-worthy had it not been for the makeshift separatist stronghold erected dead centre on the horizon, conveniently obscuring their view of the planet’s lush, grassy hills on approach. Vale would’ve taken the opportunity to snap a holo after the ensuing battle, but there wasn’t much beauty in the patches of scorched grass and upturned soil littered with the carcasses of battle droids, if you could call those scrap heaps anything resembling a formerly living being. 
Nonetheless, the mission objective had been completed. She thought it best not to think about the environmental damage left behind in the aftermath of such conflicts. 
She hadn’t been with her own battalion for this one, the 501st staying behind on Coruscant for some well earned rest and relaxation while she jetted off to assist Clone Force 99 in their specialised mission. They hadn’t needed her assistance, not really, but she figured the request for her “necessary expertise” on the mission had been a half-sincere, half-banthashit attempt to make a routine op just a bit more entertaining for them all. Not like she was going to complain- it beat sitting around on Coruscant doing fuck all waiting for the next directive. 
Besides, she was certain she’d find the time to get some relaxation of her own; the source of it no doubt tapping away at the various consoles in the cockpit just out of sight from where she was leaning against some precariously stacked crates.
After the mission she’d let him be for a while, giving him time to sit in the cockpit and decompress in his natural element. No better way to unwind than rewiring some finicky gadget, or whatever he was up to in there. After boarding she’d taken to some light conversation with the rest of the batch as they began to unload a few of their belongings, nothing really having much of a designated home amidst the clutter. She didn’t have anything of her own to put away, let alone her own space to deposit it, but she opted to unclip her lightsaber and place it on Tech’s bunk. Sure, she liked having it on her at all times, but it felt a bit awkward standing there doing nothing while everyone else was putting things away. And if she happened to forget it on the ship, well, that was just as good an excuse as any for her to come back around and see him later.
Vale had been standing and quietly chatting with Hunter and Echo for a while, engaged in idle conversation as they prepared for their sleep shift, graciously offering up a bunk for her to rest too. Besides the fact she questioned the dubious cleanliness of the sleeping mat, she didn’t care all that much for sleeping in this present moment. Not when she hadn’t been able to spend much “alone time” with Tech for the past weeks because of their continually clashing schedules. 
Her conversation with the two of them reached a lull, and Vale left them to go off to bed with a polite “Goodnight, and good job today” before heading up to check in on her boyfriend. 
Tech was deep in focus, giving all his attention to the multiple screens in front of him displaying detailed star charts and hyperspace routes, likely running his own calculations on the most efficient route to Coruscant. It was a very standard planet to navigate to, considering it was the core. Virtually every hyperspace route led to it in some way, interconnected by a mass of lanes you could enter at any point and follow along until you reached your destination, or the end of charted space. 
Vale thought of her connection to the force in a similar way; every living being a destination along the expanse of a thread, a thread that loops and crosses over, and doubles back, that she could locate and traverse until she found the being she was trying to reach. Similar to the hyperspace routes indeed. Yet, unlike the bounds of wild space, the end of the line for charted territory, she held no concept of a definitive “end” to her thread. What she had discovered in recent years was that, much like the galaxy had a centre, a certain marker for the core of the known universe, she too, had a centre. She had, perhaps against her philosophy, expected that centre to lie within herself, but it was now abundantly clear to her that this was not the case. It was not her at the centre of this thread- it was him.
And she always seemed to find herself the most grounded at her centre. 
It didn’t appear like he’d noticed her presence yet, she had a habit of walking a bit too quietly and unintentionally scaring the living daylights out of people. Lingering off to his side, she waited a moment and watched as he tapped away at his datapad before placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to unobtrusively announce her arrival. Solid plastoid met her fingertips and she instinctively gave a reassuring squeeze, the muscle memory paying no mind to the physical barrier that separated him from her touch. 
Not redirecting his attention too far from the screen, he offered her a quick glance before readjusting his goggles that had begun to slide down the bridge of his nose slightly. Vale thought that half the amount of times he reached up to adjust them they hadn’t even budged from their position on his face at all, he just fiddled with them purely out of habit. 
“We will be on track to Coruscant shortly,” he said, “I am just double checking I have planned the most efficient route for us to take. Garia is not situated in a major hyperspace lane… I have concluded we will actually save time by diverting our course to Bacrana and entering the Corellian Run from that entry point, as opposed to following the lesser-known path directly from here.”
Her hand removed itself from his shoulder as she casually leaned against the backrest of the pilot’s seat, humming a quick “ah” in agreement as if she knew anything about the minor hyperspace routes surrounding the planet. 
“And you figured this out yourself? If only you were as good at judging the appropriate speed to come in for landings as you are at calculating hyperspace routes…” she trailed off, purposely avoiding his annoyed gaze and laughing to herself about the playful tease.
It wasn’t a genuine rile up, of course, but some of his rougher landings across various bases came to mind; like that time on Anaxes he’d sped toward the landing strip a little too close for comfort, practically bowling over some of her men on the ground and managing to upturn dozens of newly delivered storage crates.
Of course she was the one who copped her head supply officer’s lengthy complaint, not Tech. 
“My landings are adequate.” He replied, finally putting the datapad down to rest on his lap as his hands moved deftly across the ship’s controls, preparing for the jump to hyperspace. 
Vale couldn’t help but smile at that. “Really? I can think of a few occasions you’ve come in too hot and nearly taken out a communications array or two.” 
That earned her a faux-death glare as he sat hunched over the panel, briefly pausing his taps on the buttons and switches to hold the look for a few seconds before he broke, a mischievous glimmer curiously rising in his eyes and dissolving his frown. 
But he wouldn’t admit defeat, as much as he knew her comment about his landings was mostly true. 
“I have never taken out a communications array,” he retaliated, “I happen to have very good piloting skills, actually. My landings are completed with incredible accuracy.”
It was true of course, but Vale was committed now.
“I don’t know… You’re a bit wobbly with the steering at times. Could be a little smoother.” she said, crossing her arms and purposely avoiding looking in his direction.
“Not me though.” she added. “Being a good pilot is in the Bridger bloodline.” 
Being a good pilot was definitely not in the Bridger bloodline- she recalled her parents being decidedly average pilots, if she was being honest. The only thing giving her a bit of an edge when she flew was the fact she had the force. She imagined a lot of those close calls in her starfighter would’ve been totally fatal had she not had the innate sense that alerted her to impending danger.
She could pretend she was born to be a good pilot though, for the sake of acting like she had anything over Tech. 
He sat back in his seat for a second, momentarily straightening his posture out a bit after he finished readying the ship’s controls.
“I’ll be a Bridger when we get married. That will count.” He said nonchalantly, pushing forward the lever to send the Marauder into hyperspace like he hadn’t just delivered the smoothest line Vale had ever heard. 
A sudden warmth spread across her face at that, an accompanying sensation of butterflies arising in her core and settling into a new home in the very essence of her being. 
“You’d better get some more practice in before then.” she replied, unable and unwilling to reign in her adoring smile as she looked down at him. 
He huffed out a quick laugh and turned the seat to look at her fully for the first time in their interaction, a small smile on his face at Vale’s easy response. She knew he meant it.
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valemya · 3 months
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POV: tech’s valentines gift
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valemya · 3 months
🍄🧸 for the asks! :)
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thanks for the asks!
🍄 mushroom: tell me about your dr family!
Certainly! In terms of biological family... I went the route 99% of shifters go- they're just not around. Being a jedi and all it would be difficult for them to be present in my life anyway, so to make it easier I just don't really know them because I haven't seen them since before I was taken to the order.
There is one exception though and it's a bit of a weird one tied to my other (star wars rebels) DR, which I have had for a looong time. Basically in that DR Ezra Bridger is my (non-biological) brother, yknow grew up together, lived together the whole deal. I faced a great deal of emotional torment when I decided to create my tcw DR, because I felt like I would be "cheating" on rebels by focusing on another DR. A friend of mine helped me realise it was alright to put that DR on the backburner for a little while, and besides I could just script Ezra in my tcw DR with me? So then came the epiphany I literally could just bring Ezra with me to my new DR, and that was genuinely really comforting and made me feel a lot better about my decision to make the tcw DR.
Anyway boring backstory aside, there is one exception and it's Ezra. The only difference is that in my tcw DR he's my second cousin (and my padawan!!) cause I thought it would be reeeally funny if I was just randomly assigned a padawan that coincidentally had the same last name as me, thinking there was no relation, until one day obi wan goes digging in the jedi archives or something and finds out oh shit! you guys are cousins fr!
Someone: *reading off a report* General Bridger and.... Commander... Bridger? Is that like your son or something?
Ezra and I, at the same time: we are NOT related!!!
Obi wan: ...😶
So that covers the biological side... but I know you're really here for the found family bit. I'd say that I consider just about everyone family, especially all the clones, but I'll rattle off a few really significant people quickly.
My old master Depa is for sure the mother figure in my life. And yes she's still keeping me in check even after I've long passed my trials and officially gotten out of her hair in the eyes of the Order. By extension, Caleb (Kanan) is someone I'd consider like a half-brother and don't worry, I make sure he and Ezra get to hang out a lot.
Obviously growing up with Anakin I'd consider him family too, and that means Obi Wan on some level as well. To me Obi Wan is kind of like a wine aunt. Will not be elaborating further. Ahsoka feels like a niece.
Despite legally becoming my brother-in-laws at some point, I do consider a lot of the clones to be either very close friends or some kind of familial figure I can't really place. Naturally some are closer to me than others such as Rex and the 501st or the Bad Batch, but I think I bond with them all pretty well.
Tech of course holds the most special place in my heart as my future husband.
...I think that covers it...
🧸 teddy: do you have a favourite childhood memory from your dr?
This one actually had me stumped for a while. I honestly, genuinely have not thought about my life before the war too much, certainly not as a child really. If I had a favourite memory of anything from my childhood it would be a toss up between:
When I was a brand new admission to the Order and didn't really know anyone or even my place in it all, I would spend most of my time in the temple library/archives. The lovely librarian Jocasta Nu was super kind to me, and I continued to spend time in there over the years and even kind of wanted to work within that area because of her kindness. Turned out not to be as I got assigned to the war instead, but the memory is still pleasant.
The early days when I was chosen as Depa's padawan. Getting to know her and what she stands for and learning from her and meditating together is just such a nice bonding activity. She's super supportive and a very grounded teacher, and I think my eyes would have been sparkling watching her do all these cool things and then receiving her guidance on these same things until I was able to master them myself. Just so cool. I think she's a great jedi and a great teacher too.
And there you have it! my essay responses to your asks! hope you've enjoyed and thanks again for the submission!
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valemya · 3 months
i wanna be a cute shifttmblr poster but i literally have no thoughts in my head… like what am i supposed to talk abt
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valemya · 3 months
Idk how I’m supposed to do this but for the prompt thing 💐🍑👒🌲🍒🔥
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this is so many at once... I'm going to keep it short and simple for everyones sake
💐 bouquet: who are you most excited to meet in your dr?
In my dr I am definitely the most excited to meet my pookie Tech -`♡´- but also incredibly excited to meet my padawan Ezra (yes I ripped him from rebels and brought him to tcw. reality can be whatever I want) these two have my heart in such different ways but they are both so dear to me.
🍑 peach: who are your closest friends in your dr? how did/will you meet them?
Closest friends gotta be just about everyone. Naturally its the people I'm spending the most time with yknow, Tech (obviously), Rex, Anakin.. shoutout to Shadow badbatch @badbatchbruna when she comes along too.
I knew Anakin for a long time before the war, I'd say he was my first/only friend at the temple in the beginning, so there's a special type of closeness associated with that.
Rex I haven't had the pleasure of knowing for nearly as long, but when you work alongside someone so closely and in such severe circumstances you're bound to develop some crazy levels of trust. He's the one I tell all my secrets to. We met the day before I met the rest of the 501st, in a stuffy meeting with some other newly minted Generals and Captains being assigned to their respective battalions.
Aside from being my boyfriend I get along with Tech like a house on fire. I'm drawn to people that are funny and fuck does he make me laugh. On a deeper level I'd say we understand each other like no one else, and it means I'm content to stay up late listening to him talk about anything for the rest of my life. He was very chatty the first time we met- I think I might have been the first jedi that took the time to answer all his questions about the force. Or maybe the first jedi he'd really interacted with at all. It was early on in his time as a soldier, on a mission where we had the small luxury of being able to talk for a while.
👒 hat: what’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
I've already answered this here
🌲 pine: what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
Not to get into the dirty details but there's a comms button on the Marauder's control panel that goes straight to the batches helmets, and I've probably bumped it and not realised it at least once while in the throes of passion.
🍒 cherries: what drew you to shifting? how did you learn about it?
What drew me to shifting is that I've always been a big daydreamer and wanted to find myself living in the universes that I loved. It began with the faraway tree. I learned about it through tiktok in 2020 and while everyone had their hogwarts dr I was committed to shifting to my queen (band) dr based in London in 1969. It sounded too good to be true of course, but I kept seeing it on my fyp and I was bored and lonely and it was a nice thing to daydream about. I started actually attempting to shift a few months later. Still going (semi) strong
🔥 fire: what’s your most controversial opinion about shifting?
I disagree with people that think having multiple s/os across realities is cheating. I understand their view, and it makes me feel a bit sad, but its not that black and white. To each their own though
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valemya · 3 months
What made u decide on a pink saber?
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I decided on a pink saber cause it looks cool. Originally I would have gone for green or purple but one day I thought of hot pink and it hasn't left my mind since. It's my whole brand now. Also scripted I'm the only jedi in a couple hundred years to have a pink kyber crystal cause I'm that girl
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valemya · 3 months
for the ask game 🫶🏻
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👒 hat: what’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
Honestly there's probably a heap of funny shit the 501st will get up to but I think what takes the cake is mine and Anakin's mischief when we were both padawans.
One thing in particular that comes to mind is a running agreement him and I have regarding chores or tasks that we don't want to do- challenge the other to a duel and whoever loses has to do the task. It starts out pretty small as padawans with things like "fold my robes" or "do my homework", but it goes on for years even as we're adults and Generals.
Over time it gets more and more chaotic as the tasks get stupider and kind of devolve into dares. "Go stick your arm in that nexu cage" type shit. Even more mundane undesirable tasks like doing contraband inspections around the clones' barracks ends up becoming a duel, and he gets real annoyed when he loses. I imagine I'll be sitting around working on reports or whatever and suddenly anakin appears behind me and ignites his lightsaber and declares a battle over who has to go back to Coruscant and sit through Master Kenobi's annual book club meeting. Can also be used to force the other person to take the blame for something they didn't do, like breaking training equipment from messing around with it or teaching the younglings to say fuck.
We were are a pretty chaotic pair, clearly
Thanks for the ask!
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valemya · 3 months
She’s simply not canon 😙
re-watching the show im shifting to and having to watch my s/o interact with their other love interests
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valemya · 3 months
Being a shifter is such a rollercoaster of emotions. There’s not a single emotion I haven’t touched on this journey 😭
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valemya · 3 months
Stealing this indeed… ask away for my clone wars DR 💛
Some Shifting Emoji Asks
✏️ pencil: do you like scripting?
💫 star: have you ever successfully shifted?
✈️ plane: where are you most excited to shift to?
💐 bouquet: who are you most excited to meet in your dr?
🦋 butterfly: describe your dr self!
🍄 mushroom: tell me about your dr family!
🎤 microphone: what’s a song that you associate with your dr?
🎨 paint: what are your favorite hobbies in your dr? are they different from your or hobbies?
🍑 peach: who are your closest friends in your dr? how did/will you meet them?
👒 hat: what’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
🌲 pine: what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
🏆 trophy: what’s your favorite method?
🍯 honey: have you told anyone in your life about shifting? would you ever tell someone in your dr about shifting?
⏳ hourglass: how long was your longest shift? if you haven’t shifted yet, how long do you plan to stay in your dr?
🍰 cake: tell me your best shifting advice or a lesson you learned from your dr!
🌻 sunflower: has shifting affected your life in your or?
🧸 teddy: do you have a favorite childhood memory from your dr?
💌 letter: are you in love with someone from your dr?
🍒 cherries: what drew you to shifting? how did you learn about it?
🔥 fire: what’s your most controversial opinion about shifting?
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valemya · 3 months
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! (⁠•⁠ө⁠•⁠)⁠♡
This is too sweet 😲💛
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valemya · 3 months
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✶ A little moodboard of my DRself ✶
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valemya · 3 months
Intro •°. *࿐
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✶ Hi!
Welcome to my blog that's centred all around my Star Wars: The Clone Wars DR! Here you'll find a couple things about my DR self, relationship and friendships as this is a place for me to infodump and gain motivation and inspiration for my shifting journey. I plan to post some fics based on my DR (additionally posting them to ao3), primarily focusing on myself and my DR s/o Tech ♡ in the form of a series of random snapshots of our lives titled TV TALES! I've never posted any of this kind of writing before, so I'm looking forward to it.
I'll also be posting any kind of content about my DR/DRself that takes my fancy, so if you're interested in following the life and times of General Vale Bridger... this is the place.
DMS always open to chat! ✶
(credit to @badbatchbruna for the TV art !)
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