vaingloriousknight · 7 years
cont’d | @leoluctum
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      The threats had very little to no effect on the blond; long prepared for the snark made in retaliation to his sudden demands. Of course, Seifer held no ounce of hesitation to do so, especially when someone literally needed to just yank Squall from behind his desk. Sometimes, he’s surprised that there weren’t actual chains & shackles that kept him there. The last ‘threat’ made already more or less announced that Squall had succumbed to the order & is well on his way to the hangar. 
     Where the might Ragnarok lays awaiting its passengers --- yes, it took quite a deal for Seifer to outright prove he wasn’t going to cause havoc with it, thus the proud display of the keys ( his copy ) swinging around his index finger. ❝C’mon, Fujin has higher chances of setting something on fire over me this time.❞ his last message before he hung up. It wouldn’t take long anyway before the Commander showed up to find the blond resting up against the airship --- just part of a surprise he had placed together. 
      Fortunate, he didn’t have to wait long. ❝Let’s get going before daylight sets in, I’ll be piloting.❞ a confident smirk aligned over his lips as he wasn’t going to tell yet where they’re going.
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vaingloriousknight · 9 years
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sprawls all over sexily. shirtless
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vaingloriousknight · 9 years
this drunk kitty just called himself fuckin’ phenomenal:
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     ❝–I’m the one that bought them.❞      The brunet mumbled as the bottle is tossed into the discarded pile. His temperament is neutral but with his tactile psyche is pulled down a significant notch; it is almost like he’s dismissed his entire distant persona. He doesn’t seem to care about the closeness– nor the variant candor that seems to permeate the premises. These dual shadows are mirror opposites; in physique, in mindset, in overall character– one lacks and the other achieves, the Commander has come to notice that most mercenaries are torn from the exact same cloth. His nostrils flare with a snort as his svelte knees cross. His pelvis continues to balance atop the man’s massive kneecap; those boots touch the carpet as he doesn’t seem too ‘ unstable ’ despite that bottle taken down in less than five seconds.      ❝Not always,❞ he mumbles.      ❝–Just sometimes.❞      He is aware there’s a time and place to question matters; as a hired hand it can be extremely difficult to weigh one person’s morals onto another. But he is a Commander– his word could send a million soldiers and SeeDs to their deaths. Most would be unnamed coffins; the third Sorceress War gave them ( ill-suited ) titles as a ‘ hero ’ and ‘ villain ’ – but their bodies are still useless vessels once their skin, bones, and flesh burn to a fine powder. It was their choice– and their lives have ( granted & cursed ) them with names once lost to them as orphans.       ❝You’re drunk,❞ the brunet rebukes. ❝I am fuckin’ phenomenal–.❞
   “Now who’s the alcoholic here?” was the relentless teasing from the blond, despite how evident he may be the received of some kind of retaliation. It wasn’t odd, for them to push each other while within a form of comfort zone. It wasn’t abnormal that they’d be explicitly blunt with one another, neither held back, though all these years there had always been a barrier between them. Hell, it wasn’t even definite if that had been abolished completely, but every person had some kind of wall around their heart. 
      A huff ensued from the broad chest, reclined further back against the couch, a steady gaze seemed to leave an analytical trail along the brunet’s form. As if trying to discern whatever had conspired within his mind even when under the influence of alcohol. Both had different manners of thinking in general; Squall quite more calculative and perhaps realistic while Seifer was more geared on his own impulses and emotions. 
      And he definitely didn’t hold back when he burst into laughter at the crude, drunken statement from the brunet. Snorting aloud, head thrown back as his body shuddered with amusement. “Shit--- I’m almost crying, to see the all mighty Commander of Balamb like this is fuckin’ gold---.” wheezed out the older gunblade specialist. “I should have snitched the camcorder to record this---.” In all honesty, he really would have caught this on tape to use as a means of ‘tormenting’ Squall. Although, the fact Seifer was already slapping his thigh, never making a move to cease his obnoxious laughter  may be enough of a torture for the brunet already.
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vaingloriousknight · 9 years
the drunk kitty:
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     ❝–You’re delusional.❞      Even intoxicated; the Commander is not elegant ( or promiscuous ) enough to do a designated striptease or spontaneous lap-dance. His tongue slides across his sharp bicuspids as his legs stretch out. He can almost use his comrades entire hip to keep his physique upright. He supposed that’s one particular plus– to be built like a tree trunk; no tactical advantage minus their brute strength. But it has its uses. His head tilts back as the glass wanes and the carbonate liquid slips down his throat without a mere drop spilled.       ❝–I’unno.❞ He’s a private man. Doesn’t like parties; nor crowded places– as such the Halloween ‘ masquerade ’ downstairs is non-negotiable.      But the scarred male does wish to take a private moment to celebrate the nighttime antics. Or at least relax–. His belts click once more as his pelvic bone tilts in the opposite direction. Both storm-ridden optics narrow in a nonchalant manner at his blond comrade. ❝Do we need a reason besides constant stress–?❞
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   “Says the one chuggin’ down an entire bottle by himself.” For once, not the one looking ‘inappropriate’ as others would put it. Either way, the blond didn’t delay to savor the humorous sight before him. The ever frigid lion perched contently it seemed against the firm contour of his knee as personal stool. How ironic, they were raised side by side, under the same harsh discipline of Garden, and it’s him who grew to this broad size. Well, not to say Squall has already compensated with his own fighting capabilities.
    “Pfft, you normally want a reason for everythin’ don’t ya?” waving his hand carelessly. But he had long anticipated the brunet would retreat to the privacy of his quarters while everyone else paraded around and get all disgustingly excited over sugared candies. “Me, I just love the booze. Simple as that and you’re always well-stocked with ‘em it seems.” said ever proudly, accompanied by the casual shrug of the broad shoulders that rustled the thick linen of his trenchcoat. And he was never afraid to invade the brunet’s space.
    Giving the curve of his knee a tap against the other’s form. “So, this year’s costume is drunk Commander about to spill out his woes to the person he crashes on.”
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vaingloriousknight · 9 years
    Look it’s the grumpy kitty. @lionheartedlament
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       “---Hah, someone finally came home.” To the cumbersome male already dipping into the stash of booze. Comfortable settled along the patent leather covered sofa, and barely did he ever let himself be nudged off even when the heeled boot made itself known against his lap. Seifer moreso preoccupied with the humorous display of the Commander chugging down an immediate gulp.  Good thing the stash is well-stocked, both of them quite the drinkers.
     “If you’re talking about you giving me some weird form of lap dance, well that’d definitely be way more memorable than some sweets.” Always one to tease the brunet relentlessly, his cocky smirk curved up all the way to the corners of his mouth. “So, who stressed you out that you wanna get drunk tonight, Commander.”
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vaingloriousknight · 10 years
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       ┖ ѕorcereѕѕeѕ’ ĸɴιɢнтѕ ┚ ▷▶ Sϙᴜᴀʟʟ Lᴇᴏɴʜᴀʀᴛ ﹠ Sᴇɪғᴇʀ Aʟᴍᴀsʏ ◁◀
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vaingloriousknight · 10 years
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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Seifer x Squall (FFVIII) | そー
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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This is reality. No one can help you.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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Girl: You guys are…Squad B? Girl: I’m…the messenger.  Squad A’s Selphie. Selphie: The Squad Leader is Seifer, right?  Where is he? Seifer: Someday, I’ll tell you!  About my ROOOOMANTIC dream!
I love how Seifer just shouts it and runs away.  It’s super cute.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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Seifer vs Squall
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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     Next, Seifer and Squall are approached by Headmaster Cid.
Headmaster Cid: Seifer, this time around you’ll be the one receiving the punishment.  For the sake of maintaining the system (within Garden), there��s no other way.  But, it’s not that I don’t understand your behaviour.  I don’t wish for you all to simply be mercenaries; soldiers that follow nothing but orders.  I…
     Most of what Headmaster Cid says to them (Seifer, mostly) isn’t all that different from what he says in English, though there are slight differences.  Ignoring those differences, one could infer the basic meaning between what he’s saying in English from what he says in Japanese.  However, these slight differences, I feel, completely change what he’s saying.
     When Headmaster Cid approaches them, he tells Seifer that he will be the one to receive the punishment (for Dollet).  There’s a difference between what he says in English and what he says in Japanese.
Japanese: Seifer, this time around you’ll be the one receiving the punishment. English: Seifer. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible behaviour.
     It’s slight, I know.  However, it’s important to note that Headmaster Cid does not refer to what Seifer does in Dollet as “irresponsible behaviour,” he simply tells him that he’s the one that will be doled the punishment.
     Why is that, you ask?  Why does anyone need to be punished at all?  Well, in the Japanese, Garden’s intent and reasoning for punishing Seifer is made clearer than it is in the English version.  Headmaster Cid says that the reason Seifer is being punished is because:
Japanese: For the sake of maintaining the system (within Garden), there’s no other way. English: You must follow orders exactly during combat.
     This one?  Not so slight, not to me, at least.  That’s one big, big, big difference.  It’s as I’ve said before: Garden feels that it needs to set an example (to save face) and Seifer happens to be the scapegoat that they’ve chosen.  They’re not punishing him because of his “irresponsible behaviour” (that netted them information they didn’t have and helped in them completing their missions properly, by the way), they’re punishing him, and only him, because they want to make an example out of him.
     Shuu may have said that Seifer is being punished for his squad having left their post, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.  Since this is coming from Headmaster Cid, this is as “straight from the horse’s mouth” as it comes.  I know that it can be argued that this is not what Headmaster Cid says in the English version.  However, it should be kept in mind that the Japanese version is the source material.  If there’s any version of a situation or character to go by, it should be the Japanese.
     Also, I think it’s important that Headmaster Cid says that he doesn’t want soldiers/mercenaries that just follow orders blindly.  In the English, he says that he wants soldiers that “think and act” for themselves.  The inclusion of this line is really important because that’s exactly what Seifer did when it really counted!  What happened, though, when he did more than just follow orders blindly, when he thought and acted for himself?  He was disciplined.
     So far, it hasn’t been made clear why they chose Seifer (over Squall and Zell) to be the one they punish.  It may just be that he was chosen as the one to be reprimanded because he was their Squad Leader.  However, I think there’s more to it than that.
     This may just be an assumption but, I think they chose him because everyone already sees Seifer as being a troubled kid.  Other than Raijin and Fuujin, no one else will be all that bothered if the kid that’s always the problem child (or, at least, made out to be one) is finally punished.  Heck, most people will be happy about it.  That’s why Garden is able to use Seifer as their scapegoat so easily — he’s already seen as the problem…who’s really going to go out of their way to defend that “troubled kid” anyway, right?
     Also, it certainly says a lot that, of the FOUR SeeD cadets that passed the exam, half of them just happened to be under Seifer’s command.  Everyone on Seifer’s team, except for him, passed.  Huh.  Yeah, says a lot.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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     This is one scene that really, really makes me angry and it really cemented my dislike (possibly hate) for Shuu.
     First off, I will be the first to admit that Seifer is rather harsh to Quisits during their exchange.
Quistis: You just don’t think about anything, do you?  You wanted nothing more than a fight.
Seifer: …Sensei.  To a student, it’s really demotivating to be scolded like that.  But, I guess an amateur professor like you might not understand that.
     However, I feel that Seifer lashing out at Quistis does not come without reason.  When the scene occurs, Seifer is simply calling Squall over in order to talk to him about Dollet.
Seifer: Squall!  Did you hear?  About the radio tower? Had it not been for the withdrawal orders, those Dollet guys would’ve been thanking us.
     Seifer, as he’s talking to Squall, is off to the side (and not in anyone’s face).  Quistis and Shuu, however, choose to approach the both of them…and lay in on Seifer?  Why…?  Why now and out in the open where everyone can see them?  Shouldn’t Quistis, as his teacher, pull him aside and talk to him privately?
     I’m not sure about everyone else, but I’ve never had a teacher, a professor or anyone of any sort of educational authority over me, approach me in front of other students and basically tell me off.  As far as I’m concerned, good teachers don’t do that.  As such, although Seifer’s words may cut a little deep, I feel they weren’t completely unwarranted.  I’m not saying what he said wasn’t rude and he’s not an asshole, but I don’t feel he’s completely at fault either.  After all, she’d chosen to publically berate him, unprovoked, at that; he just struck back with a more venomous barb.
Shuu: Seifer, don’t be so full of yourself.  You’ll be taking full responsibility for Squad B having left their post.
Seifer: It’s up to the commander to come up with the best strategies that’ll guarantee progress in battle, isn’t it?
     Oh, Seifer.  You are so right.  Especially considering the fact that your squadron made their own decision.  Then again, Garden is rather hard pressed to ever see you as anything other than evil, anyway.  To me, this scene just goes to show that Garden was just looking to make an example, Seifer happened to be the scapegoat that they chose.  They never recognize that what Seifer did resulted in something positive.  Instead, they choose to only look at the negatives.  I guess I shouldn’t be all the surprised; after all, they really only care about money.  Forget the students, so long as you get your pay.
Shuu: Seifer-kun, the “forever SeeD cadet.”  Commander?  That’s laughable.
     Then, of course, there’s this line.  The English and Japanese are similar, but it just sounds so much worse to me in Japanese.  The level of cruel is not all that translatable, particularly the honourifics.
     Everyone in Garden, Shuu included, only ever refers to Seifer as Seifer.  There isn’t ever an honourific attached.  Generally speaking, the “-kun” honourific is used in conjunction with younger males (boys, teens or junior males).  However, I feel that Shuu chose to attach the “-kun” honourific to Seifer’s name, even though she hasn’t done so before, because she’s using it to purposely offend him, cutting even deeper when referring to him with the title of “forever SeeD cadet.”  I feel that she’s using the “-kun” mockingly, choosing to use it as a weapon, as a put down, and not at all as an “honourific.”
     As another translation note, when she calls him a “forever SeeD cadet,” she literally says “10,000-year SeeD cadet.”  10,000 years is pretty long, so what she’s saying basically translates to what she says in English: “you’ll never be a SeeD.”
     On top of what she’s already said, she turns around, waves and walks off.  Seifer is left standing and shaking.  I don’t think he’s shaking because of his arrogance and that she got him good or anything of the sort.  I feel that he’s shaking because of how upset he is.  Seifer is the only one that I’ve noticed (other than Niida) who has a dream or goal in mind.  One of those ambitions is his romantic dream of being a Sorceress’s Knight.  The other?  To be a SeeD.  No one else, that I remember, really expresses what they want or dream to be, they’re just kind of going with the flow (Quistis, Squall, Zell and Selphie included).  However, Shuu has now basically told him that he’ll never be a SeeD and the thought of him being a “commander” is a joke.  He’s not shaking out of having his ego shot down, he’s shaking because of how much her words upset him.
     If Seifer had approached them and said something to them unprovoked, I could understand support of Quistis and Shuu in this scene.  However, that’s not how it happened.  Both Quistis and Shuu, his educators, chose to approach him and provoke him when he was off minding his own business and chatting with another student.
     I really don’t like Shuu.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
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      ❝Tch,❞ how embarrassing to be called out, the arse cannot take a damn hint. Folding his arms across his chest, the lion allowed his diaphragm to swell with a slow breath; hold it, ten seconds— release slow. The mist from the frigid air beginning to trail upward, lulling his head to the far-side to avoid contact. ❝Will you shut up, Almasy,❞ lacking the overall bite in his demand. ❝No one is asking to be your stupid Valentine.❞ But, if he was hypothetically implying to be someone’s Valentine; it might’ve been requited. Timid, shy; as if those adjectives had any basis in describing him. He avoided these awkward situations because they’re absolutely idiotic. There is no reason to place so much importance on today, if he had some mention of gratitude he could express that in another manner.     ❝Whatever,❞ another scoff from the disgruntled Commander. ❝Be glad I cannot revoke your primary status as SeeD.❞ An empty threat, but it none-the-less made his confidence a little more solid. His gaze finally trailed back, and he frowned at the male. So, there was a gift for him as well—?
        ( So what is with that, are you asking me to be your Valentine? )
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       Of course he can take a hint, for someone who's known the brunet practically the entirety of their childhood, it was damn easy to read him. In contrast to his willingness to partake in the occasion's tradition, he is most likely flustered from doing it in the first place. Warmed and bemused chuckles from upturned lips as he turned the bottle within a large palm before canting his head playfully towards the lion. "Riiigghhtt, says the one who basically called himself my boyfriend. Unless it's me reading in too much?" Playful tone as always, though there is usual casual shrug from the broadened shoulders. He knew this wasn't out of pity or anything. The other male knew better than to do such as Seifer loathed receiving it from anyone. Aware of the everlasting complexities of whatever relationship they have. "I'll still accept it of course, as your Valentine's gift to me." his follow-up, still lined with amusement, but this time absent of that mockery. A surprise it was and he had not placed importance on this day either, used to simply watching it come and go. Watch some leap with joy, get all mushy with their partner and watch those sulk either from some sort of migraine-inducing problem or having no Valentine at all. 
         "Pffttt, ya think I'm gonna believe you would after all we've been through?" snorted the blond ex-Knight. Though he does hold much pride now, able to gain this hard-earned leverage to redeem himself. Before his fell quiet, only to smirk knowingly at the brunet as interest was earned, immediate comprehending his inner thoughts. "Alcohol, just check your fridge. Placed 'em there since I don't have a cooler or anything like that." Usual assortment of bottles of cocktails and alcohol, the ones he knew they both enjoy. Neither of them ever fond of sweets.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
❝Hey,❞ heightening his normally monotone voice, the lion nudged the other gunblade specalist with his palm. ❝I got this for you,❞ after plopping what looked like a rather expensive brand of Galbadian rum into the other's lap; the brunet pressed his hand to the arch of his left side. ❝Isn't much, but you might like to have it. Since today's /that/ day, and all. You can say it's from your boyfriend, or something. Whatever.❞ I'm grateful for you. Kind of--.
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    "Hmm?" Intrigue effectively triggered by the fact it was the brunet initiating a conversation or some sort of prompt. Shown with the high arch of the flaxen brows, which further inclined higher at the present. Brief bewilderment before amusement flourished across cyan irises as he looked up towards the lion. Highly, highly amused - in a positive way - at the fact this is clearly the taciturn basically honoring this holiday. "Oho, been craving for some of their rum actually," his deepened tone, lips tugged into a smirk. "Heh, so someone ain't shy or in denial any longer," his playful tone as the broad palm clad in leather gripped around the base of the bottle. "And basically askin' me to be your Valentine, isn't that it?" Oh how he missed teasing the brunet. 
       "Thanks, and what's ironic, I got ya some alcohol too." Of course he's grateful, but he couldn't help but take advantage of this side of the brunet.
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vaingloriousknight · 11 years
"You don’t get to choose when or who you meet, however, you do get to choose who you hold on to."
-The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (via theotakujam)
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