v8wr · 4 days
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This is a scrapped fanart I did a while ago, but I have no idea what I was doing and I've decided to scrap it. I coloured two pearls and the chains are copy/pasted and slightly touched up. I was getting back into digital art. Didn't want to lose it, and I put a lot of effort into not making zombie faces and into those pearls. Stopped working on it...Before bronze was introduced, I think.
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v8wr · 1 month
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Halfway through colouring Deacon: Wait, crap. everything was supposed to be in shadow except for the crown and cape
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v8wr · 1 month
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"Shite I messed up the face. Shite I coloured Chase's fingers. Shite I messed up that line. Shite I--"
It's been a while since I spent longer than 3 minutes on a drawing, and a few years since I've inked...It's not the best but I'm proud I did it. Gotta get the gunk out of your system before you can do things properly.
My deviantart(never updates)
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v8wr · 7 months
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Love the best song ever from Hazbin Hotel?! Love the musical enemies that are Alastor and Lucifer? Are you into Lucifer and Alastor, either platonically or romantically? Then you will love this Dad vs Dad double-sided keychain! Each part of this 3 piece keychain is 1", small enough to fit in Lucifer's tiny pockets!
Wap! Bam! Boom! this piece into your collection today!
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v8wr · 11 months
My grandmother keeps pushing me to marry like, she finds men on the street that are single like o don't see firsthand what happens when a woman settles and the society around them put the men on top. I don't want to settle. I want respect and a partner I won't have a story like 'my mother once got so mad at my dad she threw a brick at him and thank goodness she missed. When she calmed down she was horrified, like, I could have killed him!'
Don't want that...
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v8wr · 1 year
im reading Bunny and her boys and I really hope I'm not being sibling baited right now with bunny and black hair nice guy whose name I forget. SIBLING RELATIONSHIP PLEASE!!!!
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v8wr · 1 year
why did i eat my terrible croissants! They weren't even good. There wasn't even any lamination, it was too hot yesterday and the butter melted why
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v8wr · 1 year
the musical numbers of every early barbie movie slaps
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v8wr · 1 year
i must seem like a creep on the comments of comics i read
Me with adhd, off meds, brain fog from illness, filter removed due to brain fog, and the ability to type as fast as i think...*paragraph of text*
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v8wr · 2 years
my dog is passionately making out with my cat's ears
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v8wr · 2 years
I think it’s sad people only know the LN version of Jinshi, like, in the webnovel version he’s like the LN version but you see both characters change and it’s so subtle and in the end he’s completely respecting her boundries and knows how to handle her and she’s trying not to be attracted to him and it’s just much better than ‘selfish look at a boy im going to be angry pathetic’ jinshi I’m seeing so far in what’s translated in the Linenovel. 
Like yeah, he started out like that but he’s really changed a lot and you literally read and they get older and it’s like, Jinshi’s having a hard time and it’s just an incredible relationship, okay? He’s not the only person using the other for something and it’s just going in an incredible direction, even with how crappy google translate is.
Raws: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9636x/
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v8wr · 2 years
I am feeling like I may be nervous right now, not at the moment but it is there and just keep going. It'll be okay, just keep moving forward now i should stop and do the thing i have to do because now i am not doing it
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v8wr · 2 years
I thought the pills were dye. They were laxatives. I feel nothing but pain and I've stayed past morning with nothing to learn but that i need to learn how to prepare from the future. Which will not happen.
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v8wr · 2 years
until college i thought when a character in a sorry got obsessed with sex or a person and just wanted to DO IT with them, or couldn't say no to something or did something because they were JUST TOO HOT
I thought that was a fictional storytelling element, legitimately just a fictional trope that never happens in real life
And I'm still not entirely sure it isn't.
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v8wr · 2 years
that feeling when you catch up on a REALLY good and quality comic or manga(genre doesn't matter) and then you go to the next tab and read and it's a generic one that isn't as good quality
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v8wr · 2 years
you know what got me today? With television, radio, and diaries you can fall in love with a person--not necessarily romantically-- and you'll never be able to meet them because they're gone.
Lucille Ball died before I was born and I love her so much, she is incredible and I WISH i could meet her just to see in person this incredible woman.
I found some old murder mystery tapes for a tape player(old person died, i got him old radio and tape player) and I'm listening to these people and....I wish I could know who they are, bit they're gone now. They died before my mother was born.
I want to speak to L.M Montgomery, author of Anne of green gables and tell her how amazing she is and how she lived her life and about ADHD and how incredible i find her writing. I did some Bob Ross paintings after he died and i so desperately wish i could have sent him letters.
I love recordings of any kind, electronic or written. The diaries of people who lived centuries ago complaining about their daily lives, a story translated from a dead language and you love these characters and love the author for creating them.
It makes me think of how people will think of me when I'm dead, see the things I've created, hear my voice and see my face. How someone will fall in love with me, maybe even to the point of visiting my crumbling grave.
How will they see me when I am dead?
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v8wr · 2 years
those stomache aches where you are sweating hard, ready to vomit, and just continually groaning in pain
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