v1llanevee · 4 months
𓆩⟡𓆪 For Littles Without a Caregiver 𓆩⟡𓆪
★ Build a safe space for yourself when you regress, like a blanket fort where you feel comfortable.
★ Make a routine that you follow every day to help you feel secure.
★ Do things that make you happy and/or comfort you.
★ Make your well-being and mental health number one!
★ Say yes for what you do want, and no for what you do not want to keep you safe, happy, and comfortable.
★ Try out different ways to deal with stress, anxiety, or other no-no feelings.
★ Be creative (Color, draw, play, or write)!
★ Take time to read to calm you down whenever you feel upset.
★ Make playlists of songs that make you feel happy, with kid songs or TV Show/Movie songs that comfort you or that you love!
★ Play your favorite video games that you like, or find new ones!
★ Try out different hobbies so you can find a new one you like!
★ If you are more into smart, big kid stuff; try puzzles or board games!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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v1llanevee · 8 months
sorry i have nowhere to vent about this so it’s going here
i have massive mommy issues with my boss. we work super closely together and i am back into the Extreme Pining Territory that i had with my old teacher when i was at school. i don’t have a mom and i end up getting hugely attached to mom figures on the regular
anyway she just tested positive for covid which means she’s out for the rest of the week and i just cried for half an hour 🥲🥲🥲
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v1llanevee · 8 months
oksana having tummy time playing on the bluey game on mommy’s phone 🥹
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jodie just chilling and tapping away on her phone while getting the arrow fixed on her back is such a mood😭
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v1llanevee · 8 months
jodie unfollowed sandra on ig i'm
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v1llanevee · 8 months
this is oksana in her Big Coat
the vibe im going for this winter
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v1llanevee · 8 months
i’m literally obsessed with this song atm. it gives me age regression vibes and makes me think of oksana 💗 cw for swearing
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v1llanevee · 8 months
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never forget jodie in her lil squid costume
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v1llanevee · 9 months
rb and put in the tags your username without using the middle row of the keyboard
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v1llanevee · 9 months
just found this on tiktok and it gave me the biggest oksana vibes
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v1llanevee · 9 months
okay but hear me out: there’s an age regression community in alaska and they run a playgroup once a week. eve buys this for oksana to take to playgroup and she packs her a little juice box, a cookie and kis kis.
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v1llanevee · 9 months
a message from anon earlier today made me want to write a nursing scene <3
Something felt a little different in Eve’s body today.
Not bad, just … different.
It sat in the back of her head all day, but she didn’t pay it much mind as the day progressed and Oksana made an appearance.
After lunch Oksana was teary, not at all keen on the idea of Eve tucking her in for a nap all alone. Eve resorted to the thing they usually resort to these days; letting Oksana suckle. The thing they once tried on a whim was now a daily occurrence, and Eve is convinced that there’s something a little bit magical about it.
Some might call it simple oxytocin, but Eve prefers magic.
“Mkay, honey … let’s try this instead,” Eve says as she makes herself comfortable, and guides Oksana to her breast. “Here, baby.”
Oksana begins to suckle as if she had been waiting for Eve to get the hint all day. Eve notices now what it was that felt so different this morning and has to refrain from breaking Oksana’s latch as a heavy tenderness spread through her chest.
“Gentle, please,” she reminds Oksana, taking a deep breath as Oksana lays an apologetic hand on her other breast and slows down. “Thank you, baby.”
They settle into their little bubble. The pressure continues to build, until it suddenly releases and Eve can relax too. Oksana twitches beside her, humming. She swallows and the bubble bursts. Oksana’s eyes go wide and she pulls away.
“What—” Eve starts but goes quiet again at the curious sight. Oksana’s lips are parted and milky. “Is that… it is. Are you—is that okay?”
Oksana looks at the source, wheels turning inside her head. Then she licks her lips and quietly settles back in, resuming her rhythmic suckling and closing her eyes.
“Oh,” Eve mumbles, a little surprised and very shocked by the ordeal. Then she smiles. “Is that good, huh?”
Oksana smiles around her latch, fingers scratching lightly at Eve’s skin. Her hand curls shyly by her mouth as she continues the rhythmic motion of suckling and swallowing every now and then. It seemed like she was getting used to it, too.
Eve didn’t even consider that this could happen. But it makes sense, given the fact that they do this very single day, sometimes more than once.
The realisation that Eve’s body had made this hit her like a train and her view of Oksana is blurred by tears. She isn’t sure what to think of it and surely she’ll have to talk to Villanelle about it — but it can’t be bad, can it? Not when Oksana is so calm and at peace, not when Eve’s own body made milk for the sole purpose of soothing Oksana.
“It’s all for you,” Eve murmurs. “It’s just for you, baby … have as much as you need.”
Oksana’s finger traces a heart into Eve’s skin, over and over.
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v1llanevee · 9 months
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zero thoughts going through her head
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v1llanevee · 9 months
Oksana startles awake to the sound of crying, and the sudden absence of Eve’s body next to her. Still half asleep, the situation doesn’t register in her little head until she rubs her eyes and opens them.
The sound of crying comes from Eve, who sits up in bed with the blankets bunched around her, crying quietly into her hands.
Oksana’s heart twists in her chest. She doesn’t see mommy cry around her very often. Only when Eve has nightmares, and it’s been months since the last one. They aren’t nearly as frequent as Oksana’s own.
She carefully sits up.
“Mommy?” she reaches for Eve, whose shaking shoulders suddenly go still. 
Eve turns around and looks surprised to see Oksana awake. She hastily wipes her tears and smiles an unconvincing smile.
“Baby, what are you doing awake, huh?” she sniffles and shifts closer to Oksana. “It’s so late, honey.”
Even in the soft, pink light from the nightlight Oksana can see the glistening remnants of tears on Eve’s cheeks.
“Mommy’s crying,” she says.
Eve sighs, aware that Oksana can’t be fooled that easily, and nods.
“I had a bad dream about a bad night,” Eve smiles sadly. “I’m okay. I just … had to cry about it. I have to do that sometimes.”
Oksana nods, knowing exactly which night Eve means.
She quietly holds her arms out. It’s the middle of the night and she’s very little, but she still wants to be there for her mommy the same way she’s there for Oksana.
Eve crawls into her baby’s embrace, draws a shuddering breath and wraps her arms around Oksana’s warm, healing body. Inhales the scent of baby lotion and the fabric softener Eve washes her pyjamas with.
“S’okay to cry,” Oksana reminds her. “S’okay to be sad.”
“Yeah,” Eve smiles, voice cracking. “You’re right, baby. I’m not sad anymore, though. You’re here, aren’t you? You’re right here with mommy.”
Oksana’s freezing toes poke at Eve’s calf. Eve notes that tomorrow, it’s time to bring out the footie pyjamas. “Yep. Right here.”
They stay like that for a while, until Oksana yawns wide. Eve coos.
“Oh, we better get back to sleep. It’s far too late for Oksana,” she strokes her girl’s cheek. “How about we dream something nice together?”
Oksana smiles in the dark, sleepy eyes twinkling. “Swings.”
Eve laughs. “You want to dream about us, on swings?”
“Okay, honey. We’ll dream about swings.”
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v1llanevee · 9 months
Oksana x Mommy (Eve) soft headcanons:
on long car rides, eve always packs plenty of toys, activities, coloring books, and snacks for oksana, but oksana usually falls asleep within the first 15 mins. also oksana sits in the back seat bc she's "too small" to sit in the front.
when eve is desperate for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, she takes oksana to the local coffee shop. eve gets a large black coffee and oksana gets a small hot chocolate. they split a pastry and oksana always gets the bigger half.
oksana insists on painting eve's nails. she chooses 10 different colors. some are sparkly, some are super bright, none of them are painted well. eve goes into work the next day and is slightly embarrassed when she gets "compliments" about her manicure, but loves the constant reminder of her little girl.
oksana has to get her yearly flu shot but eve doesn't tell her until about 2 mins until it happens. she hangs onto her mommy for dear life at the little poke and only cries a little bit. the nice nurse gives her a peppa pig band aid and let's her choose a frozen sticker. eve is so proud of her brave baby.
eve is sleepy on a saturday afternoon but oksana is full of energy! she lays on the couch and falls asleep while oksana drives cars along her back, builds with her duplos, and then plays with her barbies. (eve's back makes a perfect Dream House)
konstantin becomes penpals with oksana. every week they send each other letters or drawings. eve takes oksana to the post office every tuesday to drop off her little drawings and pick out a cute stamp. sometimes konstantin sends $1-$5 and oksana stashes it away to use at the toy store or to buy candy.
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v1llanevee · 9 months
“There you go,” Eve says softly as she covers the scrape on Oksana’s knee with a band-aid. “That’s better, isn’t it?”
Oksana nods, lip trembling and tears still in her eyes. She rubs her eyes and sniffles, fingers picking at the corner of the band-aid. “Better.”
“Yeah? Good,” Eve smiles. Oksana had taken a pretty rough fall, scraping both of her knees as she fell on the gravel outside their home. “Do you need mommy to kiss it better, too?” she asks, noticing that Oksana still looks shaken up.
“Please,” her girl nods.
Eve gives Oksana’s knees two kisses each. “There. Now they’ll heal in no-time with mommy’s magic, won’t they?”
Oksana nods shyly again. Her arms reach out for Eve. “Up.”
“Mkay, come here.” Eve pulls Oksana up from the gravelly path and into a hug. “Let’s play something else, hm? Something that involves a little less running.”
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v1llanevee · 9 months
Oksana sits on Eve’s lap by the kitchen table. There’s coffee and cake set up on the table, the cloth stained with coffee and full of crumbs. Konstantin sits on the other end, shovelling big chunks of cake onto his fork and chatting loudly with Eve, hands gesturing and his laugh filling the small space they’re in.
His loudness is a comfort to Oksana, whose eyelids are growing heavy.
Eve puts a fork full of cake to Oksana’s mouth, and the little one barely opens up.
“Sausage,” Konstantin barks out an affectionate laugh. “You are falling asleep.”
Oksana pouts and shakes her head. “Nuh-uh,” she objects, contradicting herself as she snuggles further into Eve. “Am not.”
Eve puts the fork down. “Oh, but you are,” she chuckles, her hand beginning to stroke Oksana’s back. “It’s your naptime, isn’t it?”
“Maybe,” Oksana mumbles. She clings to Eve. “Stay here.”
“You can stay here, baby,” Eve promises, patting Oksana’s bottom.
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v1llanevee · 9 months
i need to see oksana in that fluffy sleepsuit also playing on the bunny rug
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i know i just made a sleepy babyreg board two days ago but i made another one 💫💝 i just feel so tiny and sleepy 💤🧸
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