Ursa Minor Tarot
25 posts
Tarot reader | 25| She/They | ���️‍🌈|🌞♐️🌝♈️☝️♌️
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
PAC Reading - Blessing in the New Year
Hi everyone! This pac is all about the blessings you’ll be receiving in the new year.
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Black Moonstone
2 - Howlite
3 - Lapis Lazuli
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?ref=profile_header 
CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot   
[Decks Used: Elemental Earth Oracle Cards, Herbcrafter’s Tarot, Everyday Witch Tarot ]
Pile 1 - Black Moonstone
Volcano, 8 of Air - Licorice, The Fool
There is a situation that has been putting a lot of stress on you. You’re going to begin freeing yourself from the pressure you’re feeling. A fresh start is right around the corner.
Pile 2 - Howlite
Rainbow, The Empress - Rose, 4 of Wands
There is going to be a lot of love and joy flowing into your life. It is a good time to begin any new creative projects as inspiration will be found in the beauty of the world around you. 
Pile 3 - Lapis Lazuli
Winter, Justice - Cannabis, 6 of Pentacles
There is a decision that needs to be made, one that could impact not just you but those around you. In order to make the choice that’s right for you, you’ll need to spend time alone in quiet contemplation and gather resources to make an informed decision.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
I know it’s been a while since my last pick-a-card reading. Unfortunately it may be some time before I’m able to do another.
I’m dealing with health issues while also trying to help my mom recover from a fall that broke some of her lower vertebrae.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
New Moon Reading - Nov 4, 2021
What new beginnings are coming to you?
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Cheetah 2 - Butterfly 3 - Elk 4 - Lizard
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot
CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, The Lightseer’s Tarot, standard playing cards, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Cheetah 4 of Pentacles, 8 of Wands r, Ace of Clubs
A new project you’re starting is going to face some financial setbacks that will slow down its progression. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Butterfly 3 of Swords r, The Lovers r, 9 of Hearts
There will be a rather painful separation or severing of a relationship that will ultimately be for the best. This relationship isn’t necessarily romantic, it could be platonic or familial. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Elk The Hermit, King of Wands, 3 of Clubs
You will be receiving some guidance from a trusted mentor that will reveal some opportunities for you to grow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Lizard 9 of Swords r, Knight of Swords, 2 of Diamonds
You’ve been having a hard time juggling all of your responsibilities lately and it’s been the source of some anxiety. Fairly soon you will find a solution to this that will leave you feeling freer than you have in a while.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Samhain Reading
What will you be putting to rest in the following year?
Piles to choose from:
1 - Hyena 2 - Camel 3 - Lion 4 - Moth
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?ref=profile_header CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Wild Unknown Tarot, The Lightseer’s Tarot, Elemental Earth Oracle Cards, Wild Unknown Oracle]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Hyena Rain 2 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands r, Father of Wands 8 of Cups, 10 of Cups, The Hierophant r Queen of Swords + Justice r, Justice + Temperance, Ace of Pentacles + Son of Swords r
Your biggest focus will be nourishment of yourself, your ambitions, and your spiritual growth.
You juggle so many responsibilities that you regularly suffer from burnout. You need to pace yourself, reassess your priorities, and stop agreeing to do everything. Set boundaries and focus on keeping your workload equal to that of the people around you. You’ll soon find yourself developing a healthier work-life balance.
You’ll be faced with a choice to either follow or break away from some of your family's more traditional views. There’s no wrong choice here, do what feels right for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Camel Clouds 5 of Cups r, 6 of Swords, 10 of Swords Ace of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, Justice r Knight of Pentacles r, Queen of Cups r, The World r
You’ll begin unveiling illusions that have been holding you back. This year’s big focus will be examining how you perceive the word and what misconceptions you may still be holding onto.
Not gonna lie, this year looks like it’s going to be emotionally taxing. You’ll be moving on from an incredibly painful situation. This situation is one where you’ve been giving a lot of your time, energy, and other resources toward, but only getting hurt in return.  
On the back of the decks: Eclipse r, The Moon, 3 of Cups r, 4 of cups r
This year’s lessons may be painful. However, once you’ve begun on this path you’ll find yourself coming into alignment and you won’t be as drawn to your escapist tendencies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Lion Fall 6 of Swords, The World, Daughter of Cups The Tower, King of Pentacles r, 4 of Swords r The High Priestess r, The Hierophant, The Emperor r
You’ll begin letting go of things in your life that you no longer need. This will give you the space to allow what is necessary to enter your life.
As you move forward through this year, you’ll feel yourself being pulled to accomplish your goals. This feels like it’s a year where you’ll actually do most of your New Year’s resolutions.
It would be in your best interest to slow down at work where it’s possible. It looks as though burnout will be a big factor for you. I also see conflict with authority figures, and this could pertain to your career/work life. You could even be finding a new job all together
4 - Moth Fog 7 of Swords, The Sun r, 10 of Swords r 10 of Wands r, 10 of Swords r, Father of Swords r Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, 8 of Cups r
Clarity will be a big theme of yours. Things will start to make sense and you’ll begin to see yourself as you truly are.
You’ll begin healing from a situation that left you feeling powerless. Reclaiming your power will give you the freedom that you’ve been longing for.
You’re going to have an idea that will be able to offer you the stability you want, but you may feel aimless until you have that epiphany.
On the back of the decks: Waterfall r, Knight of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, The Sun r
You may not want to make the changes necessary for your growth, but holding on to the way things are now will keep you from shining as brightly as you could be. You have a lot to offer the world, even if you don’t see it right now. Keep moving forward and you’ll find your calling.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Week Ahead Reading - Oct 31-Nov 6
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Fox 2 - Bee 3 - Whale 4 - Snake 5 - Gazelle
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?ref=profile_header CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Tarot Cats, The Lightseer’s Tarot, Wild Unknown Oracle]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Fox 6 of Cups, The Lovers, Death r
This week is going to have a focus on releasing old patterns that have negatively impacted the relationships in your life, both past and present. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Bee 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, The Lovers r
You’re being too hasty with a relationship in your life, platonic or romantic, and it’s causing disharmony between the two of you. Let things flow in their natural rhythm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Whale Queen of Swords, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles
You’re having some anxiety regarding a tough conversation with some close to you. Approach this with an open mind, and know that having boundaries isn’t a weakness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Snake The Tower, The Lovers, The Star
It looks like there’s going to be some conflict with a loved one. It may feel like a catastrophic end to a relationship, but there’s hope that things can be mended with time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 - Gazelle The Moon r, Ace of Pentacles, Death
If you’ve been struggling to find direction in your professional life, this week will reveal some new opportunities for potential growth.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Spiritual development - Part 2
How can you develop your spiritual gifts?
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Cheetah 2 - Lion 3 - Oyster 4 - Butterfly
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Tarot Cats, The Lightseer’s Tarot, Standard playing cards, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Cheetah
Strength r, 9 of Swords, Judgment r, Jack of Wands Judgment, 4 of Wands, The Wheel, 5 of Hearts 4 of Cups r, King of Swords r, The Hierophant r, Ace of Spades
You need to let go of your doubt. You have gifts that want to shine, but every time you make any progress you start to second guess yourself. You fear the judgment of those that you hold dear and let it fester in the back of your mind. Embrace what makes you unique, they might not “get it”, but is that really more important than being true to yourself?
On the back of the decks: The Hierophant r, Queen of Wands, Death, 6 of Hearts
You are a truly unique individual and are on the precipice of something great. It’s time to lay your old fears and doubts to rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Lion
Queen of Swords r, 7 of Pentacles r, 7 of Swords r, 9 of Spades 7 of Cups, The High Priestess, 4 of Wands r, 6 of Pentacles 9 of Wands r, 2 of Wands, Page of Wands, 10 of Hearts
Firstly, you need to get a lot better about asserting your boundaries. It looks like you’ve been used in the past, so you’ve got anxiety about it happening again. However, without having strict boundaries in place, there’s no way to guarantee it won’t happen.
I get the impression that you are someone who gets visions, specifically in the form of dreams. You should start keeping track of them in some kind of written form. It will make deciphering them easier in the long run as you’ll be able to look back at recurring symbols/patterns/numbers and what they mean to you.
You’ve got a lot of potential, you could very well be someone with a lot of spiritual gifts. As important as it is to work on them, don’t get too ahead for yourself and burn out.
On the back of the decks: 7 of Pentacles r, Page of Swords r, 2 of Pentacles r, Ace of Diamonds
You are clearly someone who wants to do everything all at once. This is no way to make progress. If you’re struggling to juggle everything, what are you really getting done? Reprioritize your to-do list and take things one step at a time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Oyster
The Star r, Ace of Swords, The Hierophant, Joker in color 6 of Wands, 7 of Swords r, Ace of Wands, 10 of Diamonds The Sun, 6 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, 6 of Hearts
You need to start having more faith in yourself. There’s a sense of feeling like a fraud, like you don’t actually believe that you have the spiritual gifts that you think you do. It would be beneficial for you to seek out a mentor, if you can. Whatever your particular gifts are, there’s a generational aspect to it. So, your mentor may be a member of your family.
Do some work on healing your inner-child, there may be a blockage related to it.
On the back of the decks: Knight of Wands, The Star r, Knight of Wands, 8 of Diamonds
Seriously, you need to take intentional action when it comes to believing in yourself. Practice what you can and stay as optimistic as possible.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Butterfly
Page of Swords, The Hanged Man r, Page of Wands r, 8 of Clubs Knight of Cups r, The Tower, 8 of Swords, King of Clubs The Hermit r, The Lovers, Queen of Pentacles r, Jack of Spades
You need a change in perspective, you can be over analytical in your approach to the spiritual side of things. Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with thinking critically about spiritual things - in fact I encourage it. However when you’re too caught up with having tangible evidence for things that are by nature intangible, then you’re just getting in your own way. If you believe you have some kind of gift, then you need to begin opening yourself up to the possibility that you may not be able to fully rationalize what it is and how it works. You don’t have to choose between being a skeptic and being a believer, you can be both.
On the back of the decks: 2 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands r, 10 of Wands, 6 of Hearts
You’re very overwhelmed right now and juggling a lot of responsibilities. Before doing anything else, reassess your priorities and take some time to relax.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Week Ahead Reading - Oct 24-30
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Piles to choose from: 1 - Cobra 2 - Bee 3 - Golden Egg 4 - Vulture
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Tarot Cats, The Lightseer’s Tarot,, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Cobra 6 of Pentacle, Justice r, The Hanged Man
You’re starting to move on from a situation that feels unfair. You’re putting in a lot of work and getting very little in the way of rewards. This week is the beginning of the process of severing that tie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Bee 7 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles r, Death
You’re going to be confronted with a situation that you’ve been avoiding dealing with. You’ve been trying to take the easy way out instead of actually facing your fears. This isn’t something you’ll be able to continue doing moving forward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3 - Golden Egg 10 Of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, The Moon
You’re burned out from all of the effort you put into your work. You habitually add onto your workload by taking on other people’s problems out of a fear of not being needed. You should take some time for yourself this week and rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Vulture The Hierophant, 10 of Cups r, 3 of Swords r
There may be some conflict with your family/close friends regarding school or some kind of tradition. Whatever it is likely won’t be about anything huge, but there will be some hurt feelings. It will be a touchy subject for a little bit afterwards.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Spiritual Gifts - part one
What are your spiritual gifts?
Part 2 will be about how you can develop them. 
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Piles to choose from: 1 - Bat 2 - Turtle 3 - Earthworm 4 - Fish
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot
CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
Tomorrow is the last day that you can get 30% off any reading by using the code UMT100. Or by following this link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?coupon=UMT10.  
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Wild Unknown Tarot, The Lightseer’s Tarot, Earthbound Oracle, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Bat
The bat talks about the inevitable end of a cycle, rebirth, and letting go of past issues. Right away this tells me that you are someone who is constantly changing and evolving, but you may have difficulty letting go of situations or people that haven’t done the work to grow with you. Bats are also very misunderstood animals, so people probably never see the real you, just the facade you want them to see.
7 of Swords r, The Devil, 3 of Swords, Travel 4 of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles r, 9 of Swords r, Air The Hermit r, The Wheel, 4 of Swords r, Simplicity Queen of Wands, Knight of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, Vision
You are very intune with the energy of those around you, some would call you an empath. Like many empaths, you struggle with attracting energy vampires, intentionally or unintentionally you take on other peoples’ heaviness and burdens. Which leaves them feeling a little bit lighter after being in your presence, but weighs you down in exchange. This has probably left you exhausted by other people and led you to isolate yourself from the outside world. You may feel stagnant in your life as you don’t have much else to give to yourself and your own dreams and ambitions.
I also get the impression that you may have visions come to you in the form of dreams that you have a hard time deciphering or remembering.
You shine very brightly and have an incredibly magnetic energy.
On the back of the decks: Wheel of fortune r, The Hanged Man r, The Hierophant, Earth
To move out of this stagnant place you need help focusing and grounding your energy. It may be beneficial for you to seek out the guidance of a mentor or to begin doing some kind meditation/developing a daily ritual.
2 - Turtle
Since you were drawn to the turtle, I’m already assuming you’re a fairly grounded individual. As well as, that you are someone with strong ties to your family and ancestors (if you do ancestor work). You are probably very wise and have a natural story-teller.
Page of Cups, The Empress, 10 of Pentacles, Air The Moon r, King of Wands r, Father of Wands, Earth 4 of Pentacles, The Moon, The High Priestess r, Toxic Page of Pentacles, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands r, Home
Yeah, I was right, you are very grounded, even if you don’t see yourself that way. If you were to take a step back and compare yourself to those around you, you’d probably find that you’re the only one who sees things how they really are. You’re also naturally able to keep calm in a crisis, while everyone else is panicking you’re formulating a plan on how to fix it and bring things back down to a reasonable level. Now that might not sound like a spiritual gift, but I assure you it is. There’s a reason why so many people have strong a strong focus on meditation and grounding techniques as a part of their spiritual practices. That’s a step you don’t have to take or don’t have to take very often, so if you were to delve deeper into your spirituality you’d have a slight advantage and be able to progress a little bit more quickly than some of your peers. I also pick up on a dreamy quality to you, like you can have your head up in the clouds but are still able to have your feet firmly planted on the ground. It’s very interesting to see that balance/duality.
Moving on to something that’s a little more obvious as a gift, you have an innate ability to see the shadows in people and bring them to light. There are people who definitely don’t appreciate it, some just don’t want to recognize or deal with their “dark side”. Shadows aren’t necessarily “dark” or “bad”, just the aspects of ourselves we repress and don’t want anyone to see. I feel like you’re able to just look at a person and see everything that they are, you might not even have to talk to or engage with them in any way.
Also, I mentioned ancestor work earlier, if you don’t do that or aren’t connected to your culture, I encourage you to do some research. It might be something very beneficial to you.  
On the back of the decks: 2 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 2 of Cups r, Sol
Your ability to see the world in a way that most don’t can make it difficult for you to form new relationships with people, whether that’s platonic or romantic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Earthworm The earthworm describes the feeling of being in a new environment and not knowing how to navigate it. You may be feeling like a fish out of water right now in some aspects of your life, but stay strong that feeling won’t last forever.
The Devil, The Star, The Empress, Toxic 4 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, The Sun, Time Ace of Cups r, King of Pentacles, Ace of Wands r, Labour The World, Page of Swords, The Fool r, Protect
You have a very intensely bright energy to you. You are able to shine a light on everyone around you and bring out the best in them. There are people who try to leech off of that light and are almost parasitic in their approach to you. Try your best to filter these people out, because they aren’t deserving of your time and energy. There are people out there that will thrive in your presence in the best possible ways and will pay it forward, probably in the form of service to the wider community. As nice as that sounds, above all you need to be mindful of your own well-being and how much energy you put towards the betterment of others. Even the well-meaning ones will take as much as you're willing to give, so having and asserting boundaries is a highly important thing for you to do. And remember, you don’t have to give any of your energy to anyone if you don’t want to, it’s yours to do what you want with.  
On the back of the decks: 7 of Cups r, The Magician, 2 of Pentacle, Abundance
This is reinforcing the fact that you need to be discerning with who you invest in. Don’t let others take advantage of you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4 - Fish
The fish talks about feeling restless and unfocused. Are you someone who’s constantly on the move? Why is this? It’s okay to slow down and take a break sometimes. The world’s not going to implode because you took a nap. Alternatively, are you feeling pinned down and that’s what’s resulting in this restless feeling?
The Emperor r, Ace of Cups r, The Devil, Toxic 9 of Cups r, 5 of Pentacles r, 10 of Pentacles r, Transformation Judgment r, 8 of Cups r, 3 of Wands, Luna Queen of Pentacles r, 10 of Wands r, 2 of Pentacles r, Sol 10 of Cups, Knight of Wands r, Wheel of Fortune r, Home
So, out of the gate, all of your tarot cards are reversed with the exceptions of the Devil, 3 of Wands and 10 of Cups. Which indicates to me that there’s something relating to your family and work (specifically I’m hearing “family business”, but that won’t apply to everybody) that are cutting you off from your gifts altogether.
This reading doesn’t seem to reveal what your gifts are, but rather it’s relaying the message that before anything else you need to find balance and peace within yourself. You need to free yourself from whatever situation or mindset in your life that is all consuming. It’s burning you out and keeping you having the time to get to know yourself. Which in turn will hinder any spiritual growth you’re hoping to achieve.  
On the back of the decks: The High Priestess r, The Chariot, The Son of Cups r, Life
This is reiterating the same message. You need to have the freedom to be yourself before you’ll be ready to plant any seeds or nurture your spiritual being.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Full Moon Reading - Oct 20, 2021
What are some changes that you’re attracting this lunar cycle?
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Hyena 2 - Shark 3 - Sea Serpent 4 - Tarantula 5 - Whale 6 - Golden Egg
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
Also, don’t forget that for this week, until the 22, you can get 30% off any reading by using the code UMT100. Or by following this link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?coupon=UMT10.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Tarot Cats, The Lightseer’s Tarot, Wild Unknown Oracle]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Hyena Death, Queen of Wands r, King of Pentacles
You’re going to be forced to challenge your feelings of inadequacy, especially as it pertains to your career. You’ve got the skills and ambition you need in order to do well, but you’re lacking in confidence and struggle to assert yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2 - Shark 3 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, The Star r
You’re finding it hard to have faith in your long-term plans. Things aren’t going the way you planned and it’s influencing your motivation. Take this time to rest and have fun, sometimes things just need more time to work themselves out. Have patience.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Sea Serpent The Chariot, Ace of Wands r, The High Priestess
You’re a real go-getter, however things aren’t moving fast enough for you. You can’t do everything all at once, so reprioritize and only on one or to things at a time. Also, you need to ask yourself why you want to do the things you’re doing. Are you just killing time, or will it benefit you in the long run?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Tarantula The Devil r, 8 of Wands r, 8 of Wands
You are finally being forced to deal with all of the ways you hold yourself back. You’re already aware of the problems, but you’ve yet to start working on them. You’ll be seeing some progress over the next 28 days.  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 - Whale The Hierophant, 4 of Wands r, 7 of Wands
You’ve been doing things the way the more traditional people in your life want. But, this way of living isn’t something that you called to. This lunar cycle will be about assessing who you are and what beliefs you hold. As well as, how you can begin to implement some of that into your life. You may face some backlash from those traditionalists, so if you need to keep this work to yourself.
6 - Golden Egg Queen of Pentacles r, 4 of Cups r, 8 of Swords
You can’t help everyone. Some people don’t want help, or refuse to change when given the opportunity. It’s time to let go of some of your need to be needed. Bending over backwards to help those that don’t want it is just going to end with pain.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Week Ahead Pick-a-Card: Oct 17-23
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Piles to choose from: 1 - Beaver 2 - Dragonfly 3 - Fire Ant 4 - Unicorn 5 - Mouse
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
Also, don’t forget that for this week, until the 21, you can get 30% off any reading by using the code UMT100. Or by following this link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?coupon=UMT10.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Light Seer’s Tarot, Standard playing cards, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Beaver Temperance, 10 of Pentacles, 6 of Hearts
There’s going to be a lot of harmony within your family life, for those who don’t have a relationship with your bio families this could relate to friendships/chosen family dynamics. There could be some sort of celebration happening, possibly a birthday - but that won’t be for all of you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Dragonfly Page of Cups r, Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Diamonds
You’re putting a lot of effort into your work/studies this week. This is because you know what you want out of life and know that you deserve to have it. Be mindful not to get too caught up in daydreaming about this future you see for yourself, it could become a distraction that pulls you off track.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Fire Ant Ace of Wands r, Knight of Pentacles, Jack of Spades
You’re facing some creative struggles. This could be due conflicting ideas with partners/co-creators. It could also be because you are in the mood to just “get things done” and  trying to force inspiration, as opposed to letting things progress naturally.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Unicorn Queen of Wands, The Fool, Ace of Diamonds
You seem to be embarking on a new career venture, and this is serving to reassure you that you’ve got everything you need to be successful. You’re either starting this new period in your life, or it may be presenting itself to you for the first time this week.
5 - Mouse Page of Pentacles, Strength, 8 of Hearts
You have potential to do well on any path you wish to take. You need to begin to leave behind everything that’s causing you to doubt yourself. If you’ve needed prompting, this is it. Start making moves to heal your self-image over the course of this week.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Thanks for 100 Followers!
I didn’t expect to reach this milestone as quickly as it happened. As a special thank you, I have a coupon code for you to receive 30% off any reading on my Etsy Store, it’ll be active for a week, from Oct 14-Oct 21. Use the code UMT100 at checkout, or you can click this link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot?coupon=UMT100.  
I’d also appreciate some input on what kinds of content you’d like moving forward. For example any pick-a-card topics, or just things relating to tarot or spirituality in general.
Thank you again for your support! It genuinely means a lot, especially with everything that’s been going on in my life right now.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
I'll pray for you and your family i understand how difficult and trying this must be for you all.
That’s sweet, thank you 💛
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss. May your Uncle and Auntie rest in peace. 😔
Thank you, that means a lot. Honestly, it’s feeling a little surreal. I don’t think I’ve actually processed much of it.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Pick-a-Card:General Reading
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Phoenix 2 - Black Egg 3 - Rabbit
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Wild Unknown Animal Spirits Oracle, Light Seer’s Tarot, Waite-Smith Tarot]
1 - Phoenix If you were drawn to the phoenix card, you are probably going through some kind of rebirth. You are freeing yourself from a past cycle and becoming a renewed individual.
10 of Cups r, 5 of Pentacles r, 6 of Pentacles 3 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles r, 3 of Cups r
When you think of what you want your future to look like, you’ve got a very clear vision in mind. The problem you’re currently facing is that as clearly  as you can see it, you can’t see how to reach it. You feel as though as soon as you’ve made any progress, you look back and see that you haven’t gone as far as you thought. You’re too focused on the big picture, you don’t see progress because in your eyes the small steps you’ve made don’t count. You need to realize that it’s by the small things adding up that real progress is made.
You work yourself fairly hard because you’re afraid of getting left out in the cold. You feel as though you can’t rely on anyone else’s help and isolate yourself from your loved ones by overworking and not allowing yourself time to rest and have fun. The people that love you, especially your friends, want to help you. They see the potential you have and want to lighten your load in order to help you reach it. You might see them inviting you on nights out as a useless distraction, but in reality it’s actually an opportunity for you to take a break and relax for once.  
On the back of the decks: The Devil, The King of Pentacles
You have everything you need to be happy, but you’re so hung up on reaching your version of material  success that you can’t appreciate it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2 - Black Egg The black egg represents speaking your truth. Automatically this tells me that you are seeking a way to be the most authentic version of yourself, perhaps through some kind of creative outlet.
The Lovers, The High Priestess r, The Devil 4 of Wands, The Sun r, The Fool
There’s a possible connection in your life that has the potential to be long lasting and fulfilling, it’s most likely romantic but it could be platonic. The two of you complement each other well and are able to have a lot of fun. It feels very light and carefree, like you don’t have to try to be something you’re not. However, you’re not letting yourself enjoy it. You feel like it’s too good to be true and are suspicious of how easy it seems to be. You’re stuck in your head and aren’t allowing your heart or intuition to have any input on your decisions. Maybe you’re still holding on to the pain that someone else caused and are projecting that onto this person. Maybe it’s this person that hurt you in the past and you’re debating on whether or not they deserve a second chance. Whichever it is, trust yourself to make the right decision. You know what you want better than anyone else does.
On the back of each deck: The Emperor r, 6 of Cups
You’re holding on to something from the past and allowing it to make decisions for you. Focus on the present, people and things can change - including you. What you want now is different from what you wanted before, make decisions based on that and not what you wanted in the past. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3 - Rabbit The rabbit speaks of anxieties and self-fulfilling prophecies. Are you someone who doesn’t take steps to reach your goals out of a fear of failure, only to then question why you're not making any progress or why nothing’s going your way?
Page of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 5 of Wands r 4 of Swords, The Sun r, Page of Swords r
You have a lot of opportunities coming your way. Being the versatile person that you are, you would do very well in any one of them. However, you have doubts about whether or not you deserve them, you don’t feel as though you have the skills necessary to complete the tasks required of you. This is because you don’t see yourself clearly, or to be more specific, you don’t see the good qualities that you have clearly. You strike me as being the kind of person who is aware of all your weaknesses, but couldn’t list five of your strengths without needing someone else’s input. What you need to realize is that these opportunities wouldn’t present themselves to you if you weren’t capable. Take time to truly evaluate your strengths and build on them.
Whatever road you go down make sure you allow yourself the time and space to rest, burning yourself out is only going to slow you down.
On the back of each deck: 7 of Wands, 5 of Wands
Some people thrive on competition, I get the feeling that you aren’t one of them. You feel as though you’re constantly on the defense. Other people can’t seem to let you live in peace and stir up trouble wherever you go. Let the others fight among themselves, and while they’re distracted take the opportunity to get ahead.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Update: My aunt just died. She went into the hospital with cirrhosis on the same day as my uncle’s death. And now, almost a month later, she’s gone too. Naturally this is taking a toll on my mom, who lost two of her siblings in less than a month. I’m not going to take another break because I feel like I just came back from the last one and I honestly could use the distraction. 
I’m going to be taking a break from this blog for a while. Early this morning my uncle was murdered and I need to be there for my family. We’re all in shock, obviously no one expected something like this to happen. He just turned 60 last month. I’m not sure how long it’ll be until I’m feeling up to making more pick-a-card readings, but hopefully it won’t be too long.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Inner-child Pick-a-card
How can you heal your inner-child?
When I decided to do this reading, I expected it to be like those articles that tell you to go dance in the rain or something. That’s not what I got, so I’d just like to say that working through childhood trauma can be extremely difficult and I would strongly recommend not doing so on your own. If you have the resources to seek therapy, please do. It's not super in-depth or detailed, but if you have any hesitations about reading this one, then don’t.
Each pile has 3 paragraphs, the first is how this inner-child wound affects you in the present. The second is the root cause of it. And, the third is the steps you can take to begin healing.
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Scorpion 2 - Butterfly 3 - Turtle 4 - Mouse 5 - Oyster
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Wild Unknown Tarot, Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle, Tarot Cats, Rider-Waite Tarot, standard playing cards, Wisdom of The Oracle, and a homemade oracle deck]
1 - Scorpion To the sea, Knight of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, The Hermit r, 9 of Hearts Blessed, 4 of Cups, Page of Wands r, 2 of Wands, Queen of Hearts Chop wood, 8 of Wands r, 8 of Pentacles, Temperance r, Jack of Diamonds Thinker r, 10 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 2 of Cups, 7 of Spades The Fates, 3 of Swords r, 6 of Wands, Father of Swords, 9 of Spades, 10 of Spades (162). Jealous (99). July (4). You are not seeing clearly
You are someone who feels as though you have to choose between your own comfort and  the comfort of those around you. You struggle with prioritizing yourself and don’t allow yourself the time you need to rest and recharge. This can affect you to the point of passing up or ignoring opportunities that would benefit you because you think someone else could do it better.
This stems from never getting the recognition you deserve for the amount of work you put in. When you were younger, you tried to live up to other people’s expectations of you, but never felt like you could. You likely never received any praise from your teachers or guardians because good grades and behavior was something that was always expected, but never rewarded.    
To begin to heal, you need to start letting go of your people-pleasing tendencies. It’s also important that you stop reflecting on and overthinking the mistakes you’ve made in the past. Take time to really sit and contemplate everything you’ve succeeded at. It may be difficult at first for you to actually recognize what you’ve done right, because you’re the kind of person who sees every flaw in what they’ve done. So, if you need to, talk to close friends and ask for their opinions. I’m sure they’ve noticed the fact that you’re too hard on yourself and will be happy and willing to help.
On the back of each deck: Happy Happy, 10 of Swords, 6 of Pentacles r, Ace of Wands, 4 of Clubs, (12). You can’t help everyone
For your own peace and happiness, you need to realize that you can’t please everyone. Focus on what actually matters in your life and try to let go of the rest. The people that really care about you are proud of what you can do and have done.
2 - Butterfly Building Blocks r, 6 of Pentacles r, Ace of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, Death, Queen of Spades Chaos and Conflict r, The Magician, Queen of Pentacles r, 8 of Pentacles r, Jack of Hearts Not for You, Ace of Swords r, 5 of Swords r, 5 of Cups, Father of Cups r, 7 of Hearts Time to go r, 5 of Swords, 4 of Wands r, Ace of Wands, 4 of Swords r, Father of Pentacles, 6 of Hearts Tick-Tock r, 9 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles r, Mother of Wands, 4 of Wands r, Jack of Clubs (188). First Quarter (137). Humiliated (2). Don’t make yourself smaller for other people’s comfort
You were likely taught that emotions as a whole are a weakness. This was enforced by your family, specifically by a maternal figure (mother, grandmother, older sister). It’s made it difficult for you to not only identify your feelings, but also to open up to other people. Now that you’re older you want to be close with people, but don’t know how. You probably feel like you need to be useful in some way or your loved ones won’t want anything to do with you. So you go around solving everyone else’s problems, hoping that it will keep them around.
I’m seeing some kind of divide in your family that stems from a lack of communication. It was very painful and emotionally draining to navigate. You were made to pick a side and were likely heavily guilted (and possibly ridiculed) by whichever one you didn’t pick.
You need to begin allowing yourself the time and space to breathe without being productive, especially when it comes to your need to do things on the behalf of other people. You also need to take a close look at your relationships and filter out the ones that aren’t good for you. There needs to be an equal give and take, you shouldn’t be the only one providing or reaching out. I think you’ll find that once you do that you’ll be much more satisfied by the company you keep. You’ll also have more space to reach your full potential and accomplish your ambitions without those energy vampires hanging around.  
On the back of each deck: Flexible r, 4 of Pentacles, Empress r, The Hanged Man r, 7 of Diamonds, (155). 4th House: Family & Home
You need to examine all of the ways your home life has affected your perception of yourself. Sit and really think about whether or not that image you have in your mind is truly an accurate portrayal of who you are as a person.If it’s not (which I suspect is the case), it will take time and patience to reconstruct the way you see yourself, be patient and kind with yourself while you go through that process.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Turtle Message in a Bottle r, Queen of Wands, 3 of Swords r, 4 of Swords, Jack of Spades Breathe, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Cups r, The Fool, 3 of Spades Soulmates + Page of Sword r, Yin + 8 of Cups r, King of Swords + The Hanged Man r, The Lovers + The Devil, Mother of Wands + 10 of Swords, 2 of Diamonds + The Empress r, Ace of Swords r, Death r Between Worlds r, 7 of Swords, 4 of Wands, Father of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 10 of Clubs Chop Wood, Page of Wands r, Queen of Cups, 9 of Wands r,  7 of Pentacles, 7 of Diamonds (82). Mad (45). Scorpio (150). 9-12 Months
You have a very strong fear of being hurt/rejected. To compensate for this you don’t let anyone know who you truly are. You let others think that you’re more put together than you actually are and don’t show any weaknesses. You’d also rather do things on your own than ask for help. You’re incredibly ambitious, but don’t let anyone see what you have up your sleeve.  Other people tend to underestimate you because of this.
At first glance your family life as a child probably didn’t look that bad, but if someone were to dig deeper they’d probably find a complete mess. I’m not sure how much is appropriate to include in a public reading, so I’ll just summarize very briefly. Behind closed doors there was a lot of pain, back-stabbing, and financial struggles. It all looks very traumatic.
Considering the amount of pain you’ve gone through, there’s no quick fix. The main message of this part of the reading is patience and letting yourself heal at a pace that’s healthy for you. You need to deconstruct all of the unhealthy habits that are left over from the past, as such, it’s going to involve facing your more “shadowy” aspects. If I were in your position, I would consider seeing a therapist - although I do recognize that therapy isn’t accessible to everyone.
On the back of each deck: Time to go, King of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Judgment r, The Hermit, 8 of Hearts, (246). Insecure
Take your time and be mindful of the work that you do. Not everything needs to (or can be) worked through at once. Don’t force yourself to process things that you can’t mentally or emotionally handle at this point in time.
4 - Mouse A Leg Up r, Page of Wands r, 4 of Wands r, Justice r, 4 of Spades r Round and Round r, 5 of Pentacles r, Page of Cups, 6 of Wands r, King of Clubs All That Glitters, 10 of Swords r, Hanged Man r, Daughter of Pentacles r, Ace of Hearts Yin, The World r, Ace of Cups, 3 of Wands, Jack of Clubs Milk and Honey, Queen of Wands r, Strength r, The Lovers, 7 of Spades, Queen of Clubs (237). Reserved (18). Remember your potential (130). Long-term relationship
You have a hard time relying on people, but you thrive when they rely on you. When you form a close bond with someone - which is relatively rare - there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. You struggle with accepting the fact that other people want to be there for you the way you are for them.
The reason for this is that someone close you trusted went out of their way to make you feel worthless or like you weren’t enough for them. You felt like you had to keep providing them with gifts or doing things for them in order to keep them around.
I’d normally interpret the Lovers and long-term relationship cards as some kind of romantic connection, but in this case I think it’s more about learning to love yourself. You need to direct as much compassion and care towards yourself as you do other people. You should also start enforcing healthy boundaries with the people in your life.
On the back of each deck: Time for a nap r, The Hermit, 8 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles r, 10 of Diamonds, (134). 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
It’s time for you to start putting work into your long-term happiness. Contemplate what it is that you truly want and begin making your way to it.
5 - Oyster Serendipity r, Ace of Pentacles r, Knight of Cups, The Star r, The World, 5 of Clubs Loyal Heart r, 10 of Wands, 5 of Cups r, The High Priestess, 2 of Hearts Time to go, The Sun, Knight of Swords, Justice, 2 of Diamonds Soulmates, The Hermit r, Queen of Cups, 8 of Cups, King of Spades Chaos and conflict, 2 of Pentacles r, The Sun, The Hierophant r, Son of Pentacles, 9 of Spades (46). Sagittarius (169). 5th house (221). Likes to travel
You have a deep longing for romantic love, and would give anything and everything to a partner. However, you have trust issues and won’t let anyone close enough to get to know you beyond a superficial level. Whatever faith you had with the prospects of love and soulmates dwindled a while ago. You have a lot going on at work, so even if you could trust someone you’d be too busy to have time for them. That doesn't mean that you don’t like to have fun, you just don’t stick around long enough for anything to become serious.
It looks like you had a fairly ungrounded childhood and probably moved around a lot. I can’t tell if it was because one of your parents had to move for work or if they couldn’t seem to settle into one place. Whatever the reason, you couldn’t make any long-term friends and dealt with a lot of loneliness as a result.  
You have a lightness to you that attracts other people, even if they aren’t aware of it. If you could work on letting go of whatever anxieties keep you from properly engaging with people, you would find no shortage of suitors. Unfortunately with people there’s no guarantee that they won’t take advantage of that light for their own personal gain. But, if you really want to find love, that’s a risk you’re going to have to take.
On the back of each deck: Happy happy, The Chariot,  4 of Swords, The Tower, 10 of Spades, (122). There must be something in the water.
You seem to have dual aspects of yourself that are in direct conflict. On the one hand, you’re very optimistic and not afraid to go after your ambitions. But on the other hand, you can be paranoid and are constantly waiting for everything to go wrong.
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ursaminortarot · 3 years ago
Week Ahead Pick-a-Card: Oct 10-16
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Dragonfly 2 - Golden Egg 3 - Panther
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Tarot Cats, Earthbound Oracle, Wild Unknown Oracle]
1 - Dragonfly 5 of Wands r, Ace of Wands r, Wisdom
There’s some conflict in your life that’s causing a block with your creativity. This week will be about finding the ways in which it can best be resolved.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Golden Egg 9 of Pentacles r, 7 of Pentacles, Protect
You’ve been working a lot lately and you’ve been very diligent with what you do. However, all this work has led to some feelings of loneliness. Take some time this week to enjoy the company of friends and lighten up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Panther 7 of Pentacles r, 6 of Swords r, Message
There’s something in your life that you’re becoming increasingly impatient with. You're just going to get in your own way if you keep obsessing over it - try to let go of your need to be in control.
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