urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
@kuwabaraisms and i have matching urls and themes
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
MEME - ( Accepting )
first meeting starters
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               HANDS CLASPED OVER HIS FACE AS HE COWERED ON THE GROUND, eyes squeezed shut. He, slowly turned his attention back to the stranger who had accidentally SLAPPED him. This was YUSUKE URAMESHI, a boy who seemed to be an EXPERT at escaping death at this point, & YET, the slap from this girl who he DIDN’T EVEN KNOW, still left a sharp sting on his face. 
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                     “ Y-yeah, I’m fine.
                               Just watch what you’re doin’ next time, EH ?! “ 
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
first meeting starters
1: "I think I may have seen you before..."
2: "Hey! Watch it!"
3: "Oh my god are you okay?"
4: "Have we met...?"
5: "Were you at that one party?"
6: "Remember me?"
7: "I know you don't know me but I love your shirt."
8: "Quick, pretend to look like you're talking to me."
9: "Hey, is that your dog?"
10: "Service takes forever here."
11: "Don't mean to sound cliche, but do you come here often?"
12: "I wouldn't sit there if I were you."
13: "This is gonna be a long plane ride."
14: "Can you turn that music down?"
15: "People are trying to sleep!"
16: "I'm your new neighbour."
17: "Is that who I think it is?"
18: "Be quiet!"
19: "Is that your son/daughter?"
20: "I've read about you."
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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          “ UH ----- wrong, actually. I’m afraid YOU are not the one who knows the definition of spectral. 
              Spectral, BY DEFINITION, means ‘ of or like a ghost ‘. 
              So, I dunno what planet YOU’RE from, pal. Cause HERE, that’s what it means. “
               HE HUFFED, SHARPLY through flared nostrils. There was nothing Yusuke HATED more than to be treated as if he was stupid. HE CROSSED HIS ARMS. He would have been in a more open state to introduce himself, but at this point, he was too pissed off to really care much about it anymore.
           “ Sure, cool. I’m Yusuke. I’m a SPIRIT DETECTIVE. I’m guessing you’re one too ? “ 
cont w/ @urameshiisms​
“You don’t actually know what we are called, huh?”
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“Spectrals are humans who can interact with spectral entities and possess spectral energy; Most use the term as a umbrella term for anything paranormal.” The kid seemed to have an aura of it around him, but Max couldn’t quite tell what color it was. Blue, or white. “Name’s Max by the way.”
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
" OOoh ~! So sorry ~! "
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         “ You don’t sound sorry, like, AT ALL. 
                Anyway, what did you want ? “
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
"Are you a spectral too?"
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             HIS EYES WIDEN FOR A MOMENT, GAZING IN CONFUSION AT THE OTHER. AT ONE POINT, yes, he WAS a ghost. PAST TENSE. That car accident had killed him & left him out of commission for a few days. But HOW was this COMPLETE stranger supposed to know this? 
            “ Ehhhhh ? I ‘unno what you’re - “
             WAIT. The incident HAD left him a SPIRIT DETECTIVE. Could he sense HIS ENERGY ? & tell he was more than just a regular human ?
          “ Uhhh, it’s a little complicated. HAH. hahaha. “ 
                HE BRUSHED IT OFF WITH A NERVOUS LAUGH, hand wandering up his neck, fingers interlocking with his raven strands, a little stiff with hair gel. How COULD he describe his own situation in a non confusing way ? 
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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same facial expressions
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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big mouthed motherfuckers kill the both of them
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
" Yusuke ~ ! "
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                “ OIII, BOTAN !                  Don’t just come sneakin’ up on me like that !                        You scared me shitless ! “
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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Too lazy for an actual promo right now so.
      PLEASE LIKE AND OR REBLOG if you’re interesred in interacting with an indie Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho! 
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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batch editing with ps is gureato daze.
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urameshiisms-blog · 8 years
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