totally thea
20 posts
when are you gonna come down?when are you going to land?
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
thea cannot believe her luck. her bad luck, to be more precise. she gives nory ( beautiful, so-cool-in-an-unbothered-way nory ) a smile, one that would look more joyous if her face wasn’t still cringing because of that awful drink. if the universe knew mercy, a stroke would have killed me by now. or better! i would have never been born! “ i- ” what was the question? oh right. “ you know me! i simply asked for the strongest thing they had, but i forget the name. ” thea what the fuck. her face cringes again, but now its a side-effect of hearing those words come out of her mouth. the girl laughs awkwardly, questioning if the alcohol is already taking a toll on her, or if it’s just the nory effect. its probably both, which is even worse. so much worse. “ um, bright pink does sound more like me though. ” now that’s better, and it’s not a lie!
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🪐      :      she  has  an  eye  on  thea  tonight,   watching  curiously  as  the  other  girl  navigates  the  crowd.   it's  always  fun  to  study  the  way  people  acclimate  to  the  crew  &  the  scene  they  find  themselves  in.   themed  nights  always  feel  like  a  lot  on  a  regular  weekend,   but  once  you  pair  that  with  one  of  everyone's  favorite  party  holidays,   it  definitely  packs  a  punch.   much  like  thea's  drink,   it  seems—   nory  lets  out  a  laugh.   it  evidently  blows  her  cover.   nory's  jaw  nearly  drops  when  thea  decides  to  throw  the  entire  thing  back.   〝   which  one  did  you  pick  up  ?   if  it  isn't  bright  pink,   you  gotta  proceed  with  caution.   〞
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
“source?” divine intuition, gut instinct, and cryptic symbolism from my dreams
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
with: ( cap 5/5 ) capped!! though if you already have a draft do post it :))
at: 12twelve´s new years party
the moment thea steps into the club, a rush of emotions hits her like an overstrung train. she is not completely unfamiliar with 12twelve, but this is different. very different. tonight everyone is here; dancing, crying, singing... and the air buzzes, not only with ear-splitting music but with energy, with all kinds of emotions. thea feels both out-of-her-mind ecstatic and absolutely terrified. for just a tiny second the girl considers making a run for it, but her inner monologue stops her. you are a not a child okay? you are twenty-five years old thea, so act like it. remember: you are a party girl. the bluebird smiles with false confidence and makes her way to the bar as she repeats the mantra in her head. you are a party girl. you are a party girl.
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after some minutes, a drink in hand, and a song she really likes playing, thea starts to relax. this will be fun. this is fun. with a now positive mindset, she takes a sip of her drink, and feels it burn down her throat. " god! " she almost chokes " this tastes like bitter ethanol. " maybe asking for the most popular cocktail without knowing more wasn´t the brightest idea. she drinks some more, trying to get used to the taste. if anything, it only gets worse. it is after her sixth try that thea notices someone is looking at her. so, in a panic she does the only thing that comes to her mind and downs the drink. without spitting it out, thank god.
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
sorry i was passionate & intense & insane. it will happen again
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
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Titanic (1997) dir. James Cameron
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
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High Society (1956) dir. Charles Walters
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uptownbird · 2 months ago
now, who exactly is thea?
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「  ₊  ☆  ゚�� geraldine viswanathan,  she/her,  cis woman  」  INCOMING  TEXT: omg  hv  u  met  CYNTHIA “THEA” CHAKRABARTI  of  the  NARIZA BOIS  yet  ?  they’re  one  of  the  crew’s  mechanics  n  actually  go  by  BLUEBIRD.  the twenty five  y/o  is  typically  seen  hanging  arnd  aventura mall.  allegedly  they’re  frm  windsor square, ca  n  hv  been  w/  the  crew  for  A YEAR.  wtvr.  just  watch  out  for  them,  k  ?  ttyl  !  「  ₊ ☆゚  panda,  24,  she/her,  cst  」
- when  did  you  first  realize  you  had  a  passion  for  cars  /  racing?
oh, never. i am indifferent to cars and actually dislike racing, which is such a childish and crass sport. thea, trying to seem as cool as she is uptight, obviously does not say that out loud, instead deciding to lie through her pearly-white teeth; “it might have started half-a-decade ago, i believe. while driving one of my parents´-”  rolls-royce, bugatti, mercedes,  “-car. their car! an, um, red car.” reeeal smooth thea. you really cannot think of any ordinary car brands???? you work with cars for christ’s sake. “anyway. i really liked that car! and driving, and stuff. so when i ran away from home…” okay you got it now thea, just bend the truth a liiiittle bit. “…i immediately began applying for jobs that were automobile-related, of course. I especially wanted to be a professional car mechanic.” god, please let that be accurate terminology, “what could be better than making money out of something i'm passionate about, right?” so far the conversation has been at least 85% false. ughhh. 
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now, what actually happened was this: cynthia, now thea, ran away from a very opulent home and closed-minded parents. the girl had never worked a day in her life and the only place that would hire her was a tiny automobile repair shop with an exceedingly compassionate owner that somehow saw potential in her. there, thea was taught everything she now knows about the trade. life made her understand (the hard way) that knowing latin and being classically trained in the violin wasn't worth anything outside of her now-abandoned bubble.
- tell  the  story  behind  your  alias.
the girl feels so relieved when hearing this question that a real smile quickly spreads over her face, covering the fake-and-practiced one she had been showing off just before. “oh i love birds! i truly do. for so many years i also envied them, if you can believe it. the fact that i could never be free like them filled me with silly jealousy and- what? i am being completely serious! just think about it, birds´ ability to fly is an evolutionary advantage; unlike us grounded mammals, they can go anywhere they like, whenever they fancy. now, do not think i believe birds to be almighty,” not anymore at least, “but the limits they have are nothing compared to the ones that we, people, place on our kind. wait. and now that i truly think about it…” thea, against her own judgement, is currently committing the cardinal sin of ranting to a complete stranger. “...the only animal cruel enough to place birds in cages is humanity.” so maybe, i have always been a bird. just a caged one.
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the girl stops talking for long enough to realize that all that thinking-out-loud was said, well, out loud. shit. “well, but that was just a bunch of nonsense, wasn't it? silly me! might have to get checked for either a fever or brain-eating bacteria!” probably the second option. her fake smile returns, all teeth and zero emotion. time to end the conversation, now. “and um, bluebirds are, of course, lovely and quite intelligent.” smile and shut up thea. this cannot happen again.
thea is a lesbian, though she isn’t completely aware of the fact. she tends to avoid the topic even in her own mind.
a hopeless romantic at heart, the girl keeps romance novels hidden under her mattress. her favorite ones having their first pages decorated with expensive lipstick.
growing up in a very high-class family, she began to feel suffocated with everything that was expected of her. As the only child, her parents were molding her into a perfect heiress. realizing she is attracted to girls (which was not part of their plan) was the tipping point, and thea ran away from home at 17 years old.
she cries easily, especially in movies and when arguing with someone.
thea is the nosiest person alive, and will go out of her way to get details about any gossip she becomes aware of. even if it doesn’t concern her. especially if it doesn’t concern her.
so desperately she wants to seem cool and collected, though she does an awful job on acting the part. mostly because of her intense personality.
even though the chatterbox loves the sound of her own voice, there are two things she tries to keep hidden at all costs: her last name, and anything about her life before she ran away from home.
her hair is a mullet? maybe? It is clear that whoever cut that has no experience with scissors whatsoever (thea cuts her own hair).
her fashion style is odd, to say the least; a mix of thrifted clothes and expensive brand pieces ran to the ground. thea likes to consider it “punk”, though she would be the only one to call it that. 
even though she is not thrilled to be a mechanic, since working with nariza bois she has begun to actually enjoy it. after all, thea comes to realize that modding is way more fun than simple automobile repairs. and she feels this job gives her an edge, in a way. 
if u made it all the way 2 here mwah
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uptownbird · 3 months ago
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uptownbird · 3 months ago
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Charles Bukowski, "hurry slowly," from Come On In!
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uptownbird · 3 months ago
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uptownbird · 3 months ago
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someday 🐞
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uptownbird · 4 months ago
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uptownbird · 4 months ago
once i learn to express any strong emotion without bursting into tears it’s over for y’all
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uptownbird · 5 months ago
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