Klaus Hargreeves
502 posts
*Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy (Comics & Show) Semi-Selective Roleplay* TRACKING: unreliableseance I WILL NOT RP WITH YOU IF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY RULES.
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
Klaus blinks back, face moving away from the napkin against his face. He waits for Grace to be done before taking another bite. He really did love cookies enough that he would definitely learn how to make them. At Grace’s suggestion, Klaus beams, “I can make you different kinds!” He states, looking excited about the opportunity to do so.
Leaning into his mother’s touch, Klaus eyes the cookie dough closely. “So... we need smaller cookies then.” Klaus suggested, lips curving into a grin. Klaus grabs the pan, pushing it closer to the bowl for his mom. “How many do we need to make? There are seven of us but...” He glanced towards the door. “Do... Do you think dad will want one?”
Klaus is too busy shoving the cookies in his mouth to really hear Grace. The crumbs manage to fall all over his shirt. “But they’re so good.” He spews crumbs as he speaks, already reaching for another cookie.
He pauses only when a napkin is brushed against his shirt. In that moment he slowly chews his food, swallowing it down with a gulp. He grins at the question, quickly nodding his head. “You can teach me how to make them so when I get older, I can do it myself.” He feels giddy that he will get to make the cookies– it isn’t like it can happen often.
“Can I eat some of the cookie dough too?”
         Grace bites her lower lip to keep from laughing aloud once more at Klaus’s antics. He’s trying his hardest to become a complete mess (approximately 7.3% of the cookie has already fallen out of his mouth) , despite her best efforts to clean him up. Taking advantage of his pause, Mom quickly finishes wiping smudges of chocolate from the corners of his mouth, nodding her agreement at Klaus’s suggestion,
         “–I think that’s a lovely idea, dear. Perhaps when you’re grown, you’ll make cookies for me, hm?” Reaching for her son, Grace easily lifts Klaus from where he stands on the kitchen floor, resting his weight on her hip and holding him steady with one arm. Her free hand collects the remaining bowl of cookie dough and a small, metal ice cream scoop. “… and you may have some of the cookie dough if we don’t use it all on the cookie sheet. Waste not, want not.” 
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
Klaus can’t keep the surprise off of his face. There weren’t many people who stated things like that to him. More times than not, it ended up with people admiring his shitty ability.
“I--,” Klaus glances to where the Lightwood parents were standing far enough away not to hear their conversation. “Thanks I guess. Not many people think of it in that way.” He rubs the back of his head, trying to think of how else to respond.
“I will admit, it isn’t the best time I have ever had.” Klaus gives him an awkward smile.
“Would you rather I call you bondie?” Klaus questions, “No wait– I can come up with something better.” Klaus put his hand up to his chin in thought, “Goldilocks. Perfect.”
Klaus shrugged his shoulders at the other’s words, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable. He was used to people rolling their eyes at his exaggeration or yelling at him. 
“Alright then Goldilocks, nice to meet you.” He put out his hand to shake the other’s, “I am Klaus– the guy who sees dead people.”
He took Klaus’ hand and gave it a firm squeeze.
“It…must be hard.  If you need someone to talk to about it.  I’m here.”
Why was he offering this.  To love was to destroy.  To be loved was to be the one destroyed.  But he felt it was something Klaus needed.  Someone willing to listen.
“No one should be alone in that kind of hell.”
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
"Don't talk about my girl like that, first of all." Five warped to perch on the edge of the kitchen table nonchalantly (so he didn't have to look up to meet his much taller brother's eyes, but that was irrelevant) and lightly gave the side of Klaus' leg a kick. "And I don't talk to inanimate objects, do I look like a fucking idiot? You're the one who won't stop arguing with the air."
“I apologize--.” Klaus lifted his hands in retreat, eyes trailing to where the blue whisps around Five disappears only for him to reappear. “Ouch!” He grasps onto his leg at the light kick. “I’ll need a wooden leg now. I won’t be able to bend it right.” He states over dramatically falling onto Five now that he was close enough. “Fair enough.” He adds on, “Ben agrees with me. The lamp isn’t family, Five, perhaps you could talk to me instead.”
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
“I didn’t mean to fall over a dead body.” Klaus put his hands up in a shrug, “I was walking away from-- well the ghost of the dead guy. He wouldn’t shut up. Next thing I knew, I walked right into him and tripped.” 
He may not have been paying attention as much as he should have. “I am going to go to jail again aren’t I?” Klaus groans-- god he hated jail. “Can I just tell them I was high and didn’t know any better?”
“I have the worst luck.” Klaus states, tone dry. In reality, he was trying to stay away from a ghost and ended up falling on the dead body instead. He hated the dead for that reason.
“I fell?” He responded, quirking an eyebrow. “Would you rather I say I murdered someone?”
Warren didn’t know what he’d rather but neither of the options were sounding ideal, if he could be truthful. 
“You fell over a dead body though?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Considering everything that had happened to him, which really was a lot, he’d never managed to fall over a dead body.
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
Even with the anxiety of getting his name was at the forefront, Four can’t help but smile briefly at Five. Five wasn’t one to try and cheer up his siblings often. “Aw-- you do love me don’t you?” He questions, gently nudging Five back. “Anything is better than Luther. It sounds like a bad stripper  name-- Don’t tell One I said that.” He laughs eyes gleaming with humor.
Four blinks back in surprise at Five’s words. None of the others had ever given that idea a thought. Everyone had always assumed they would always share a birthday together. “I don’t see why not. We would have to talk with the others if they agree.” He paused, “I feel kinda bad for Seven having the last day.”
Names | Klaus and Five
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
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                          Hey, BROTHER, do you still believe in one another?                            Hey, SISTER, do you still believe in love, I wonder?
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
//Alright. I am off. Got about halfway through drafts XD
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
[ slam ] to slam my muse against the wall
[ slam ] to slam my muse against the wall
“Okay a bit kinky there.” Klaus puts his hands up in a defensive posture. “Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you are my brother.” He tries to get a laugh, wondering what the hell he did to piss his brother off this time. “If you want to talk you could always just tap me on the shoulder. Way easier than this.” He motions to his current predicament. 
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
❛    it’s not all that bad.  i mean,  the sun’s out,  it’s a nice day   –   y'know?  just trying to be hopeful…    ❜
*・゚APEX LEGENDSSENTENCE STARTERS. //I may have giggled when I saw this tbh.
Klaus quirks an eyebrow at the robot next to him. The day had progressed from crappy to shitty in Klaus’ mind. “Right... What part of that statement is good? At least when it is a little cloudy it cools down.” He offered up. “Way too bright right now.”
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
‘ i’ll go to bed when i’m ready, so fuck off. ’
* sleep starters
“Awe--- is little Five getting sleepy?” Klaus asks, letting out a laugh. It was so easy to mess with Five. “I think the coffee you had is making you a little grouchy!”
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
Hi welcome to my rp blog (✿◠‿◠)
You’re looking for my rp threads? (◕‿◕✿)
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
* sleep starters
‘ did you get any sleep last night? ’
‘ you need rest. ’
‘ you talk in your sleep. ’
‘ it’s four in the morning. why are you still up? ’
‘ i’ll be right here when you wake up. ’
‘ every time i close my eyes, i see it. over and over again. ’
‘ wake up! it’s only a dream! ’ 
‘ i have tea. will that help you sleep? ’ 
‘ i’m so tired… but i have to stay awake. ’
‘ it was just a dream? ’
‘ you need a nap. ’
‘ time for bed. no ifs, ands, or buts. ’
‘ it was just a dream. ’
‘ don’t worry. i’ll keep the monsters away tonight. ’
‘ if you don’t get some sleep soon, you’ll make yourself sick. ’
‘ you haven’t slept in days. do you want to talk about it? ’
‘ i had a bad dream. is it okay if i sleep in here? ’
‘ i’ll go to bed when i’m ready, so fuck off. ’
‘ i’m. not. sleepy. ’
‘ you’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep. ’
‘ could you stay with me – just until i fall asleep? ’
‘ there’s no one else here. it was all a bad dream. ’
‘ you’re spilling milk all over the table. ’ 
‘ c’mon, lazybones. you’ve slept enough. ’
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
//I am feeling a bit under the weather, but I am here!
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
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Some Stock Photo Sign Reminders To The RPC From Your Friendly Neighborhood Psychotic Because As Much As I Love Halloween I Am Actively Scared Of This Shit!!
happy goddamn halloween (some of these have captions)
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
Klaus grins as Allison slowly gets pulled into his games. It was always fun to have her join him in their play dress up. He never would have realized how much he enjoyed wearing skirts and make-up if it hadn’t been for Allison.
“Go-go dancers are totally in style right now.” Klaus argues back with a wink, eyes shimmering with humor. “I am thinking of trying it out. Have you seen go-go dancer’s legs?” He questions with a chuckle.
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Klaus follows behind the woman, already pulling off the shoes he wore currently, his bare feet walking down the hall. “You never know-- One time, I managed a size seven for women’s. 
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
" Addiction isn't the way to go, ___ " (from Vanya. OOF)
“Tell that to armless guy over there.” Klaus huffed, motioning to an empty space next to him. “I wouldn’t have to if they were silent.” He put a finger over his lips,  closing his eyes as he did. “What other way would you suggest to shut them up?”
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unreliable-seance · 6 years ago
" Dammit! Everything was just starting to get better and then you do this!"
Klaus tries not to flinch at the words, instead placing a fake smile on his face. “What would you rather I do?” He questions, “That is what I am right? The fuck-up of the group?” Klaus leans back in his chair, trying to keep the hurt off his expression. He was used to hearing this from Luther-- hell even Allison said shit like that to him. He wasn’t expecting Diego to attack him in such a way. 
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