unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
Free me from these chains. I just want to write, I want to write a good story but you go on stopping me. I just want my words to take life on the screen, just want to let my characters live. Leave me alone, let me to wreak out all the shit I have inside, let me do this. I don’t ask for anything but this. Leave me alone, fucking sadness.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
What if I stop giving a shit about all this crap? What if I just give up, stop caring about all, just doing nothing for my entire days until I die? I think it would be wonderful, my shoulders would be lighter, like my head, I could start just to don’t think about anything, why can’t I do this? Why I must study? Why I must work? Why I must live? Can I just stop? Please, let me stop, give me this possibility... please.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Billie Eilish
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
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-ph  Sergio Tapiro
Monte Colima, Messico
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
I'm falling through the hourglass And I don't think I'll ever make it back So I throw stones at walls I'll never climb, victim to the sands of time
Set it off, Hourglass
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
Chuck Palahniuk
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
Ma lei è fatta così, può stare qui tutta la sera nella lunga lista dei fallimenti di una carriera e se l’idea della mia libertà è l’ennesima barriera: io l’esempio della malattia di questa nuova era. (Sorry for my bad english, but I hope to reach more people and not exclude anyone): But she’s in this way, she can stay here all the night in the long list of a career failures and if the idea of my freedom is the umpteenth barrier: I, the example of the desease of this new era.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
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Sad but true.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 5 years
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«Chi lotta con i mostri deve guardarsi di non diventare, così facendo, un mostro.» Sorry, it’s too late dear Nietzsche.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 6 years
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unluckybadsadgirl · 6 years
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unluckybadsadgirl · 6 years
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unluckybadsadgirl · 6 years
S’io fossi fuoco
Non potrei scrivere su questo blog. Il fuoco non scrive.
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unluckybadsadgirl · 6 years
"There is nobody but me here.
Set it off
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