unknownconstants · 5 years
Take care.
Oh, and for the record, you all are infinitely better friends than Bill could even manage to be when he tried. 
Stanford Pines, signing off.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
just in case you havent already heard it from the stan without a six pack
be game do crime and always have an alibi B;)
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unknownconstants · 5 years
We love you and we hope you have no difficulty getting back to your friends! Also, Ford, I'm sure you're every bit as hot and cool and punk rock as your counterpart ;) shame we didn't have more time to chat
Difficult or not, we’ll find a way to connect with them again, don’t worry. 
Unfortunately, I have to say I’m almost certainly more developed in those traits than my counterpart. Fortunately, your presence surely counteracts for that.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Toby looks like if a goblin and blobfish had a baby, then chucked it down a mountain where it lived on to become a failed Broadway actor in hell.
I’ll keep an eye out for anyone under that very specific description then. :)
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Hey, even if you aren't "our" Ford, you we're still a desperate person in need and we've been glad to help! I hope everything works out for you, both with defeating Bill and life in general! You Pines can do anything you put your mind to. Who knows, maybe we'll speak again. You really can't tell with this multiverse. 'Til then, stay fantastic!
Well, I don’t like calling myself ‘desperate.’ I was very much in need of answers though.
Also very true, we could always try to switch the connection back and see if your “Router” picks up.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Short and a mustache sounds like Toby to me.
Well, I don’t know a Toby, but if they could fall prey to a deal with Bill then they would be it. 
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unknownconstants · 5 years
We'll let the boys in the other dimension know what you're trying to do. Can you think of a safe zone where you might want them to drop off or pick up supplies, via portal, if they can? Someplace out of the way, but not too far?
If they could stop putting stuff into my toaster that would be appreciated.
There’s where I hid journal 3 though, if they don’t want to risk even being within sight of one another.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Don't worry, we're more than happy to mess up Bill's plans and/or murder him whenever we can. We'll be on the lookout.
That’s the spirit, haha!
One way or another. 
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unknownconstants · 5 years
I’m going to change this connection so I get back to our friends. Hopefully, they weren’t with me up until a point of where I heard someone breaking into the house. 
All I remember is that it was someone short and with a mustache. It definitely wasn’t Fiddleford or the man with head tattoos someone mentioned before.
However, I’ll guess and say that you all weren’t precisely expecting me. Thank you for staying to help me. 
I can’t say for certain what would happen if Bill had been the only person around that I could talk to, especially since he tried to make it appear that my brother was on the other side of the portal. I don’t think I would have made a deal, but I also know it wouldn’t have gone very well. So, thank you for that even though I wasn’t necessarily “your” Ford.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Okay, but if you aren't trying to do the confining from "this dimension", but setting up the mechanisms inside / from within the Mindscape, maybe? Also, I think something about the weirdness of Gravity Falls (or something Time Baby set up as containment, we're not super-sure about what caused it exactly) kept Bill from escaping a Gravity Falls in one instance we've heard of. And he had physical form at the time, even. There has to be a workable way to do it, I would think.
Time Baby, alright, that’s definitely new.
If nothing else, that’s something. Listen, if we don’t manage to kill Bill you all have to ensure that another dimension does.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Trapping Bill inside of something inanimate, and possibly subjected to less than ideal circumstances, is by far a preferable improvement from trapping him inside of someone’s mind. 
Killing him could be more difficult, but at the very least we would have a lot more time to try more out.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Okay, right. Have you tried talking with Kaila? (Boyish Dan's girlfriend?) I think she, and/or her Aunt Nora can astral project. they might be able to help you out somewhat. Maybe not with creating the scientific instrumentation directly, but... maybe the theory?
I haven’t.
If someone else can astral project then I could plausibly create something with Project Mentem that affects a certain space within the larger mindscape itself as opposed to anyone’s dreamscape.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Well, Bill is in the "general" Mindscape when he's in your dimension without a body to possess. And he's apparently a being of pure energy. I wouldn't call him a ghost, since people can apparently get pulled out of their bodies into the Mindscape too (not being asleep) and then go back into their own bodies later, but... I don't know. Is there any way to notice or detect his presence when he's just... "floating around"? And then mess with his energy while he's not even in anybody at all?
The only unfortunate thing is that it’s rather hard to trap that energy since there aren’t many things that can confine a being to this dimension. It’s not impossible, but it is difficult.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
That’s what it was!! Ha!
I was modifying Project Mentem to essentially modify my dreamscape so that the next time Bill entered he couldn’t escape back to his own dimension or to influence other people!
From there, presumably with no way to escape, I could use the memory gun to simply erase Bill from my mind!
At the very least, it would keep Bill from being a threat for however long he was trapped. Even if plausibly it only works until I die. 
Although if the memory gun doesn’t work entirely, I’d have to either repeatedly use it or find an alternate way to essentially kill Bill while in his astral form.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Or trap him at the very least so that he couldn’t escape and continue wreaking havoc!!
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unknownconstants · 5 years
Bill has to astral project essentially in order to be in our universe which would mean his existence, only physical aside, is within our universe. So all that has to be done would be to kill him while he’s in this form.
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unknownconstants · 5 years
If I could alter Project Mentem to kill Bill, it would have to be a process that was either quicker or that had another effect.
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