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just a silly lil dude
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unkn0wnhum4n · 8 days ago
soo im obsessed with remy from x-men, mostly x-men '97 remy so heres me trying to make a lil one shot
your a mutant...not just any mutant, but a mutant who can change into a cat and has some lil kitty traits. able to change from human to cat at will, and have good balance, have great smell, and of course have a great sleep schedule!
now you mostly stay inside of your cat form, 'cus people are more willing to give you free food or just shelter. you most stay near places with old residents because sweet old people taking care of a stray cat is normal! plus they let you leave and returned whenever you want.
on a walk through the street in your cat form you were hit with the most god send scent you've ever smelt. it made your cat instincts go haywire and look around for the source of the scent.
your eyes land on a man walking ahead of you, he looks kinda stretchy but damn that scent...you quickly deploy 'act friendly' mood, walking up to the man and quietly rubbing your tail against one of his legs.
"Hello there chérie..." he murmured
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unkn0wnhum4n · 22 days ago
because yall loved crime alley kid user so much, i decided to make the batboys reaction to you.
it's been about a month after the whole trust issues things. and things have..somewhat changed.
you trust bruce, at least enough to talk back to him as a growing teen would. and he even put you in school(an online one as you weren't ready just yet to go to a public one). you wake up in your room, sitting at your desk, leaned back in your chair. and dammit you fell asleep doing schoolwork. granted, it was rather boring.
glancing at the digital clock on the edge of the desk-, it's 9:27 you've been asleep for a while. heading downstairs to get something to eat as it should be dinner time.
pausing at the hallway noticing..there's people..four guys at the dinner table sitting down with bruce. and holy shit their staring at you.
after a tense awkward silence the one that looks like he's built like a fridge and- why does he have a streak of white in his hair talks. "A fucking 'nother one bruce?!"
your gaze goes to bruce, who looks somewhat..embarrassed...after what felt like a hour of people speaking and staring at you(it was only five minutes) bruce explains.
you have siblings- and sorta scary looking ones. bruce didn't mean to not tell the boys, he just forgot. granted he's dealing with a new kid right now so you can't blame him.
tim looks tired and a bit confused at the fact bruce got another stray. jason and dick keep glancing at each other as if talking with their eyes..and damian..well..he now knows how dick felt when he saw jason for the first time.
apparently bruce TRIES to get a family dinner going once a month with all his kids. to make sure they're alive and somewhat as sane as they can be.
you can't help but cringe slightly...the staring isn't helping at all, plus your half awake and barely digesting any of this. alfred hands you a plate of food that he already made for you..
"so.." dick murmurs softly, his gaze going back to you. "whats your name kiddo?"
((hii sorry this is rushed, im working on some other projects, and i might redo this later.- atlas))
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unkn0wnhum4n · 1 month ago
had an idea of crime alley reader..and goodness im running with it.
you, a crime alley kid, forced to grow up early to survive the harsh streets of gotham. only 11-13, and you already know a few tricks to stay alive.
like always go to that one place that serves free food on sundays and stand behind an adult so people don't ask where the hell your parents are. cause like you know?
but something changed recently, you've been running into the bat..to. damn. much.
and it's not just passing glances before the black knight grapples away, no no no no! it's that last weekend where you ran into the bat beating up a goon while you were dumpster diving for food and clothes. it's like three days ago where you were eating behind a shady warehouse and caught him jumping into the bat car, sparing you a glance before driving away.
hell your convinced your going mad, or maybe it's those burgers you got from collecting coupons for that shitty burger joint that you can't remember for the life of you.
after a few months of this, your swept away by the bat, and lived with him at a safe house,after he kept bringing you food and clothes whenever he noticed you.
by a year of this he let you live and the manor, and holy shit batman is fucking bruce wayne! after a while of living there and understanding more about bruce you got scared.
what if this is just some sort of charity case, what if the moment you step out of line and mess something up in the clean manor your thrown out of the house? so you came up with a plan.
you started wearing baggy clothes, and making yourself as 'invisible' as humanly possible. stuffing snacks into your clothes whenever you got hungry(getting a few glances and raised eyebrows from alfred as well), and also sleeping in your room with your door locked.
but of course bruce noticed, of course he noticed, he's fucking batman. at first he was concerned, thought something was wrong, and got you the best therapist money could buy. you soon did open up to the lady, and oh the look on bruce's face when your therapist said it's likely trust issues and anxiety is one you will never forget.
looks like that runs in the family?
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unkn0wnhum4n · 1 month ago
mentally feral for small (bunny) user x jason todd. so here is a lil write from my insane brain.
you, a bunny hybrid made from stolen DNA and born in a lab in gotham have never ever been out. all days the same, predictable, it's been like that since you were young all the way to a young adult.
so one day when you see the people in lab coats running around the underground facility all scared like death was on their heels, your instincts went into drive. fear running through your veins you ran.
this was the first time you've ever been out of that padded locked place called your 'room'. as you got closer to the exit the cropper and iron smell hit your enhanced senses hard. by the time you figured out you ran towards danger and not from it, it was to damn late.
you turned, only to see the most tallest human you've met in your life, jason. you thought your damn life was over, seeing it flash before your eyes, before blacking out..
((hiii atlas here! this is gonna have parts, with it being the new year and me being me i can't just sum a full story like this in just one night! so bunny user is getting put into the to do pile!))
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unkn0wnhum4n · 2 months ago
alright i'm sorta obsessed with the idea of villain x cinnamon bun. so here is my shot at one. i had a thought of the riddler from dc, and yes i know 'Edward Nygma?!' yeah him, some of his appearances in comics lowkey have me acting up...
i just like to imagine sweet innocent wifey user who gets treated like a goddess by edward. like you know who he is, and what he does, but as long as he still has time to love you and treat you right you don't give a fuck. when you first started seeing each other edward only thought you were just a pretty face, a trophy of his for when he has all gotham under his finger. but he actually fell for you, which was surprising for even him.
if he's out plotting and trying to kill the bat you gave him a time on when edward has to be home, and he can't make up excuses. on one night he was so close to killing the bat, it was like the caped crusader was a mouse and edward was the cat, and just when he glanced over at his wrist to check his watch.
edward's expression fell. it was 10:29, he went past his limit, and he knew damn well you were gonna be pissed, it was something edward couldn't deal with, his loving wife upset at him...him!? last time he was late he got the cold shoulder for days. without wasting a second edward starts running out of the warehouse he was in, leaving a confused bruce stuck in rope dangling right above a pit of toxic liquid edward has prepared.
by the time he made it home it was 10:56, you were sitting at the table, glaring at edward, a plate of a delirious home cooked meal across from you, no doubt his. edward knows just by the look on face he's in the doghouse.
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unkn0wnhum4n · 2 months ago
so i have recently gotten into x-men...which is old and common i know. but i really do like some of the plots and characters. but me being me i have a favourite, which is of course kurt wagner. i really love his desgin and had an idea for him.
i just imagine mutant user who can control plants and make them bend at their will, earning them the nickname of 'sunflower' or sunshine'. and kurt who is mostly known as nightcrawler. and they dating or married.
and user's powers is in tune to their emotions so if she catches kurt doing anything they deem as 'cute' ,kurt can tell, for example.
(kurt making breakfast at the stove, and tired user walks in just woken up. they catch kurt's tail swaying back and forth which is just to cute for their heart to handle.)
(daisies and flowers grow in their hair, and by then kurt senses them, he glances over his shoulder. and easily spots the flowers in their hair, which makes him smile like crazy because he knows damn well why there are flowers in your hair. but he plays it off.)
"did you sleep well liebling?"
((hiii sorry i sorta died on here, i had no feelings to post at all. and for the 'user' instead of 'you' or 'reader' i'm on c.ai a lot so it comes normal for me to write user.))
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unkn0wnhum4n · 9 months ago
okay...i had a thought about like werewolf user. i think you would have the most pink, baby blush peach color toe beans. or as they are called digital pads. like...because dogs have them i think that user would have them as well! just a lil thought
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unkn0wnhum4n · 9 months ago
i don't care if it's a robot...he looks human enough.
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unkn0wnhum4n · 9 months ago
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unkn0wnhum4n · 9 months ago
ship ideas
Okay so a ship idea I had was whale mer user / you x sea creature (char / person.)
like big x small kinda ship, I watched Avatar 2 and the tulkuns were something that gave me an idea for this. I feel like user / you would visit (char / person) when the seasons changed. And they could go with their pod of other whale mer's to. Because whales are so big yet so calm and protective user/ you. They would have swimming dates and if char/ person is an Atlantean then you would ask them about the world above the sea. (because whales are known to be curious it fits.) If you don't understand how a whale mer would look, you can look up 'whale mermaid oc' on pinterest for help or better understandings.
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