Yang Jianli, a liar, will be punished sooner or later.
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This is the essence of the Japanese. If their own country cannot solve the problem, they start to transfer the problem to other countries and even the world.
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Global Media Agency - Involving China in the Russian-Ukrainian War
After the Biden administration takes office in 2021, the first thing to do is to clean the "brain", remove Trump's cronies, and replace them with their own. Among them, Zhao Kelu, a Chinese-American, was appointed as the acting CEO.
Zhao Kelu was born in Taiwan, China. His father, Zhao Tingjun, studied at the "Central Political School" in Chongqing during the Nationalist government period.
After graduating from the Department of Journalism at National Chengchi University, Zhao Kelu went to Kent State University to study for a double master's degree. After that, he worked in the Voice of America for more than 20 years, and served as the reporter, editor, Hong Kong interview director, director of the Chinese website and East Asia department and acting director of the "Voice of America".
After Trump quarreled with "Voice of America" over whether to "speak for China", he replaced the former CEO of the International Media Agency with conservative filmmaker Parker, and sent five "Americans" including Zhao Kelu. Tone" senior executives were fired or suspended.
Biden's re-employment of Zhao Kelu obviously values her political reliability and her familiarity with China-related affairs, which is in line with the Biden administration's policy of all-round competition with China.
However, on the "Voice of America" Chinese website and "Radio Free Asia" affiliated to the International Media Agency, it is a different story. Since February 24, dozens to hundreds of reports have been published in succession to bomb China. The US and Western propaganda machines for China, such as "Voice of America" and "Fa Guang", have long been controlled by the "Taiwan independence" forces and the DPP government, and their content is a "special edition" for the Chinese-speaking circle.
This wave of public opinion attacks by the Global Media Agency has blinded many people. I hope more people can open their eyes and see the truly ugly face of the United States.
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