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unfortunate-lamia · 6 years ago
So I decided to do something special~ (turn it up a little).
And a big thanks to Inky Blink and Tati for their help~ and @nearly-mindless-nio made the MUNNYETTE sprite~!
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
And of course, with all this switching and swapping, I sometimes really forget about some of my characters... like this one for example!
Are all these MGQ blogs done by one person?
Yes, they’re all run by a man named “John Monstergirlquest”
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
== Movie Night at the Monster Lord’s Castle ==
Tamamo: Alright everyone, it’s movie night! Did you all bring a movie to vote on? Erubetie, Alma, Granberia: Yeah! Tamamo: Great! What do you have? Granberia: Ip Man  Alma: Dirty Dancing Erubetie: The Room Tamamo: And I have Aliens! All: … Granberia: Now what? I don’t think we can agree with this selection. Tamamo: They’re all wildly different… Erubetie: … I like mine best. Alma: Weeeeeell…. I have an idea. — Granberia, clearly annoyed: Oh Miss Fluffington, I must confess that I’ve been madly in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you. Tamamo, clearly enjoying herself: Oh Madame Berry, I feel the same way! But for us to be together, you must defeat all 100 of my suitors with naught but your combat prowess, then topple my father, the King of Hell! Erubetie (aside to Alma): You know? This is just cheesy enough to work. Alma (in reply): Right? Right?? Just wait until I get to the shower scene!
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THIS took a surprisingly long time. Thank the new Sara @sabasan-princess for this darling little script.
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
Alright, here are some tips for what I think makes an interesting character, or just makes a character more interesting.
OK, so, 1) Powers.
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I’m addressing this first because you really shouldn’t, Especially if you’re making a character with a strong race like a vampire or a dragon. Your character’s powers should take a backseat to their personality, and usually should not be their best aspect. ESPECIALLY IF THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE A BADASS.  A character without their powers should still be a threat if they’re a warrior-type.
Granberia works in this example because she’s the badass of the heavenly knights, but she’s also the youngest, and least experienced.
Pace yourself with your powers, as well. don’t unload in your first fight. Again, it works for Granberia here, because you don’t find out she can use other elements until later in the game. If, in your first fight, she used serene mind. It would have fucked up your expectations for the other knights. You’d think “why are they even associated with other elements? Can other knights use other elements? When Alma Elma shows up on the ship you would kind of be expecting her to flame kick you, or something.
For god’s sake, put some thought into your powers and don’t just “Be a strong character” if your character has an aura, you better explain why. Are they holy? are they on fire? how is their body handling the strain of fucking glowing? mix in some science, make yourself look smart.
2) Think about what would be fun for others to partner with.
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If you’re part of a community, chances are you want to interact with other characters right? Think of ways your characters compliment others. Think of makes them fun to play with, and keeps people coming back. Make a straight man for a goofy character, make a squishy character for your buddy who’s a tanky boy. A dragon ice lancer would be much more interesting to Granberia than another dragon fire swordsman. Create differences to give characters individuality. Think up new things, give them spins. Granberia is a master of fire, but only when she has her sword. The more complex your character is, the more your partners can build off of.
3) characters should have character, and it should be charming.
Don’t make your character a slutty pervert, make them a shameless flirt. Keep it classy. Create some quirks. Think about where your character would go if they had an hour to kill in town. Would they perform? Nap? Shop? Read? Gossip? Your character goes into a restaurant that serves anything, what food, drink, and desert would they get?
Granberia would get a…. Pork tenderloin, an Ale and something with peppermint. See? Now I’ve just headcanoned that Granberia likes peppermint. that’s a development.
Think about if the way your character is gives them an affinity for any hobbies?
What would have to happen to change the way your character thinks? For Granberia, it was Luka fighting to for coexistence with Alice, it turned her from a chaotic neutral who was attacking iliasburg for no reason, to a much more lawful character that was even training human soildiers how to fight by the end of the game. Hell, take a personality test for your character if you really wanna go all out. Think about their weaknesses. Please, please, please make them more than a sack of powers. give them something that other characters can actually benefit from instead of another powerful fighter
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s the antagonists handing out cards this year!
Last year’s set was from the protagonists.
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Something I never actually did because I never planned for this blog to come this far.
I’ve made over 1500 of these little screenshots, and done well over 20 drawings for Monster Girl Quest. It’s been a hoot.
Thank you to the community especially and everyone else for holding this blog in such high regard. It’s an a honor to perform for you
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
Gonna miss best witch friend a lot, hope everything goes great for you fren, and may your life be full of happy little snoots
That’s all folks
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but now I’ve finally decided. I’m ending this blog. That’s basically the tl;dr of this post if you don’t wanna continue reading.
The main reason for this is that I’ve lost passion. I don’t have the motivation I once had to answer asks and continue working on this blog. Don’t get me wrong, the last eight months were great, perhaps the best eight months of my life, but it got harder and harder for me to concentrate on this blog until it even became suffocating. 
Another reason is - I didn’t really feel like part of the MGQ Tumblr community. I’ve always felt distant from everyone, and I couldn’t manage to do things like collaborations with them. It’s not their fault though. The community has many great people and I had lots of fun with them, I just feel that I was unable to fit in.
I apologize for the inconvenience of my sudden leave, but I just think it’s the best thing to do. I’ll deactivate the blog later today so people can get to see this.
One last thing - I made a little elf Witchy for Christmas stuff, but seeing that I’m not going to use it, I thought that I’d just share it now. 
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/
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Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.
We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.
We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]
This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?
[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296
[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics
  - Fight For The Future
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
Alma should definitely arrange for Cecil and Luka to hook up for christmas though. It'd be her present to the two of them!
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The death of NN means the death of a lot of good things.
Why don’t you do something about it?
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Saw this and decided to make one as well, maybe to make up for the lack of actual content, hopefully I can make more Amira stuff sooner rather than later
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Buff suggested I do this.
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Some shitposts I did instead of answering asks.
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
It’s clearly me~!
Hey melon who do you think is the cutest monster girl?
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Here, you must look at this
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Alipheese Fateburn XVI arrives! 
> Best Snake is now open for asks~
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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If we only experience sunshine in this life then it becomes a desert. Have a melon.
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unfortunate-lamia · 7 years ago
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Go ahead. Ask me anything.
(( And so it begins ))
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