uncultured-lettuce · 11 months
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bad kids !!
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uncultured-lettuce · 1 year
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“Flesh and bugs
Do bugs have flesh?
How strange
To categorize living
By how close to us
It is.”
-Poem by my partner
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
Ok so Haumea, a dwarf planet beyond Pluto, spins so fast it gets elongated like this. This is just what it looks like. Something deeply unsettles me looking at it. Terrifying.
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
quick William painting before pep band
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
A fish-dad and his weird cat named Asshole
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
i think grossness is a vital aspect of life btw and we all experience it and i think its important to represent in art and i think oversanitization of popular media is 100% our downfall. things are gross and disgusting and yucky and thats life we cannot deny ourselves this
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uncultured-lettuce · 2 years
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Of course I’d like the depressive scientist with anxiety and awkward social capacity and her simple friend/colleague way too optimistic for his owns good, without being too incompetent. I love this kind of duo. Alright, but the show is actually pretty good ? One of the producers is the creator of Gravity Falls, and it really have a similar vibe in the characterization and the humor. Likable characters even when they’re kinda flawed ( without being total jerks ) is something I like. I was first indifferent to it, since adult animated show tends to be either way too hardcore for nothing or just being clone of Family Guy’s humor over and over again, but this not the case here at all. I actually think it’s pretty well balanced and everything. Even the animation is nice and smooth. It’s pretty good, I recommend ! Inside Job © Netflix Sketch made by me.
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