uncreativeocs · 5 days
hey sexy why dont you shagke that angle side side
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uncreativeocs · 8 days
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The only emotions I have are the ones on bluemoji.io
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uncreativeocs · 12 days
shout out to whoever did the English sub for dead apple on hianime if ur out there dude I hope you know you were so funny for no reason 😭
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uncreativeocs · 1 month
I wish it was normal to wait like forever to answer someone online like YES I took a couple months to figure out how to reply to your comment WHAT OF IT
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uncreativeocs · 2 months
you know a songs good when the title’s in all caps
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uncreativeocs · 2 months
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goofy thing i painted while little yesterday 💞
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uncreativeocs · 2 months
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man I dunno why Spotify has so many brainrot mixes for literally no reason but here is some of my ‘Rizz Mix’.
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uncreativeocs · 2 months
have had the Blake and Mortimer theme song playing very loudly in my head for a while now. getting slightly concerned but it’s a bop so who cares
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uncreativeocs · 4 months
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anyway here’s Kel. He looks a little rushed I think bc I drew most of this in the middle of the night but!! It’s Kel so it’s good anyway
not as satisfied with this one as I was with Aubrey so I might remake it at some point, if anyone has any other ideas to add feel free :D (also another thing that I forgor to add, Aub used to draw cartoon eyes on his bandages while they were in hospital) also I’m debating dying his hair orange
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uncreativeocs · 4 months
usually regress to around 4 and be shy but I’m 8 now and I wanna BITE THINGS and RUN AROUND and RARARAAAAAAAAAAA
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uncreativeocs · 4 months
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Aubergine Jumpscare!
I’m not really an artist but people seemed to like what I’m currently dubbing the DECEMBER au, so here’s Auby!!
btw the quality kinda went down I think so if anyone can’t read anything just ask me to explain lol,, I’m prob gonna do this for the other characters too at some point so there’s that ig :D
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uncreativeocs · 4 months
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uncreativeocs · 5 months
i omor 💀
Ok OMORI au time!! It doesn’t actually have a name yet lmao (OMORI spoilers obv, also gets really dark so if you don’t like self-mutilation kinda stuff don’t read pls :3)
Basically, instead of just Basil witnessing the accident, Kel and Aubrey do too. They want to call someone of course, but Basil panics and says that then the police will take Sunny away and then they’ll never see Mari or him ever again. (Keep in mind the squad is 12, they don’t exactly have the clearest idea of how the emergency services and stuff work.) So then Basil eventually comes up with the idea to frame the death as a suicide, but Aubrey speaks up and says that it won’t work because nobody would be fooled. Kel and Sunny don’t say anything really, Sunny is already disconnecting himself from everything and Kel is just staring at the body, unblinking.
 Aub and Basil come up with the idea to bury her instead, and so they all carry Maris body out to the forest and Basil gets his grandma’s gardening spade. A big thing about this au is that the recital was going to happen in winter (it was super snowy and the ground was really tough with ice) so the spade breaks before the hole could be big enough, and they eventually have to use the spade to chop Mari up a bit so they could throw all of her limbs into the hole. They do this by putting her on the picnic blankie so no blood gets in the snow. So they wrap her up in the blanket and put her in the hole, and fill it up halfway. 
I have this hc that the reason Basil thought to hang Mari was because he was really into these crime books at the time, so in the au he read in one of them about a killer who buried a dead animal on top of a human grave so any police dogs which smelled the body would lead people to dig up the dead animal and leave the human alone. So Aubrey, who’s been sobbing into Kel’s shoulder, hears this and remembers that one of her rabbit friends (other headcanon that Aubrey talks to wild bunnies a lot) had died recently, so they put it in the shallower hole above Mari and filled it all in. Hero never got involved, and the kids just said Mari went missing.
In the au, Headspace is all snowy, and all of the characters are black and white and wear clothes for cold weather except for Basil, Aubrey, and Kel. They wear their normal headspace clothes, and are their favourite colour. (This is because of Stranger ‘painting’ them one by one trying to make Sunny realise there’s something off about them and remember the truth, and the au has lots of Stranger paintbrush imagery. [Stranger’s purple.]) But HS Basil doesn’t have a mouth (he came up with most of the coverup ideas), HS Aubrey doesn’t have ears (she had to hear everything) and HS Kel doesn’t have eyes (all he did was stare). Also, Omori’s name is December because the calendar on the wall of Mari’s piano room was on December for months in preparation of the recital (which, yeah, was in December) so Sunny had to look at it like every day. Hero and Mari go on adventures with December, and the other three stay behind (near the end I imagine the three kids would be enemies themselves). One of the items December gets is a purple ‘hand-knitted scarf’ that Mari made for him because of the cold weather, otherwise he looks like normal.
In Faraway Town, Sunny is pretty much the same as in canon (Sunny and Omori/December don’t change much here lol). The other trio went a bit crazy though, understandably. The hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil theme is in play here as well, but a lot more messed up than in Headspace.
Basil stays away from everyone and always wears a face mask, never talking to anyone and spending all of his time painting in isolated places in the park and around town (it turns out that he sewed his mouth shut, not sure how nobody noticed that).
Kel starts wearing his hair in a fringe covering his eyes so he doesn’t have to look at the people he knows he’s lying to about Mari, and Aubrey starts hearing things and eventually stabs herself in both ears before cutting them off, deafening her. She also tries to commit suicide by slitting her wrists, but Kel saves her. She is sent to a mental hospital so they can keep an eye on her, and never really meets the Hooligans so she doesn’t have any escape for her anger, kind of just letting it simmer and isolating herself. Kel, feeling really lonely and starting to lose it too, stabs his eyes out so he can go join Aubrey. 
After a few years, Kel and Aubrey escape and just go off on an adventure together. They are really close in this au (I ship kelbrey, cactiflower, suntan, sunflower, sunburn, and swordflower, but in this the only ships that would really work are kelbrey and sunflower. I’m not going to add sunflower because December dislikes stranger a lot more here as Stranger is actively ‘ruining’ December’s friends [they were black and white like everyone else before Stranger painted them] so that dislike seeps into how Sunny subconsciously feels about Basil), and Kel is the only person Aubrey feels like she can let her emotions out with. Kel feels the same, putting up a cheerful front around everyone else. They do property damage together.
Hero doesn’t change much? He didn’t snap at Kel, but was extremely upset obviously when Kel y’know. Blinded himself (not at Kel ofc he just wants the best for his little bro). But other than that added trauma he’s doing pretty well
There should be more probably about the truth coming out or the different routes and stuff but without Kel and Aubrey I’m not really sure where to go so- that’s all I have so far, ik the squad is quite out of character but I have been thinking about this au nonstop for WEEKS now so I had to write it down somewhere 😭
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uncreativeocs · 5 months
I really lucked out with my parents because my dad is the chillest guy alive and my mum doesn’t believe in gender and thinks the entire world should be agender (I taught her that term and she was like Yes That)
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uncreativeocs · 5 months
hi so somebody in tumblr (sorry to them if they deleted this bc they didn’t like it and I’m just drawing attention 😭) answered an ask to make royalcore flags centred around reclaimed slurs and I thought it was epic and haven’t been able to get it out of my head but I can’t find them so if anybody knows,,,
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uncreativeocs · 5 months
every year of primary school there has been something I have had to leave the classroom for every time it happened.
no idea what I was doing in nursery
reception I don’t remember either but one time a girl threw up on herself and instead of helping the teacher screamed at her for not telling her she felt sick (we were all like 4-5 years old). Actually looking back that teacher screamed at a lot of 5 year olds (including me)
in year one it was numberjacks, I was genuinely terrified of the meanies (banger songs though)
year two was horrible histories
year three I think I kinda just got a math question wrong one time and stormed out of the classroom
year four our teacher kept making us watch creeped out for some reason and me and all the other kids who were terrified just went and sat outside on the stairs, and one time some boy brought a board game and for the rest of the year we were the Creeped Out Club, a group of 8-9 year olds playing board games on the stairs and almost never speaking to each other outside the club
then in year five I moved school
and in year six it was the mr bean cartoon 🙂
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uncreativeocs · 5 months
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Yo I have no idea what this is called but it’s my favourite thing ever
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