umlilyb-blog · 6 years
It’s George Washington’s Birthday!
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Hate the Character respect the Actor/Actress
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Happy birthday Alan Rickman!
We will be raising our wands tonight for this amazing actor!
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
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(Land of Stories the Worlds Collide By Chris Colfer page 148)
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Happy Belated Birthday Aaron Burr!
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Happy birthday Lin Manuel Miranda!
Thanks for all you do!
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Winters ball: a summary
Burr: if you could marry a sister your rich son
Hamilton: hold my beer
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Evan: if you keep getting burned step out of the sun
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Ok I just realized something about Schuyler defeated
Burr says: I swear your pride will be the death of us all beware it goeth before the fall
He killed Hamilton in July
That’s near the end of summer which goes right before fall right?
(I realize the events in Schuyler defeated were years apart from the duel)
Lin Manuel Miranda is a genius
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Happy birthday Alexander Hamilton!
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umlilyb-blog · 6 years
Convo I had with someone after listening to it’s quiet uptown from The Hamilton sound track
Person: aw this is so sad
Person: is this his son he’s talking about?
Me: yeah
Person: how’d he die? Like a sickness or something?
Me: duel
Person: no the son
Me: yeah he died in a duel
Person: both of them?
Me: yeah.....
Person: oh wow
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
And Peggy
Why do people hate on Peggy? I always here people say ‘why include Peggy?’ ‘What about the other Schuyler siblings why aren’t they in it?’
There were 7 Schuyler kids who lived to Adult hood. Angelica was the oldest and Eliza was one year younger than her and Peggy one year younger than Eliza. So they had to have been pretty close. It wouldn’t make sense not to include Peggy, she was probably a huge part of Angelica and Eliza’s life and it wouldn’t be right not to include her.
But why not include the other siblings? Because the sibling closest in age (John) to the trio was eight years younger than Peggy, 9 years younger than Eliza and 10 years younger than Angelica and the closest sister in age (Cornelia) was 19 years younger than Peggy 20 years younger than Eliza and 21 younger than Angelica
It wouldn’t make sense to add them in as they were most likely close but not as close as the trio- also it would have been odd to include Cornelia and Catherine (Catherine being 23 years younger than Peggy 24 years younger than Eliza and 25 younger than Angelica) as Catherine most likely wasn’t born at the time the Schuyler sisters would have taken place and Cornelia was probably super young- the brothers wouldn’t be include bc it’s called Schuyler sisters
So please stop hating on Peggy she deserves her place in the musical
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
My family had a relaxing music playlist playing and this song came on (not sure of the name) and I just froze and was overcome with sadness. Then I realized that was the song that was playing in If I stay when the car crash scene happend. Music is powerful in that way, you may not know the song by heart or even the name or artist but we remember the emotions we felt when hearing the song for the first time and I think that’s super cool.
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
How the wheelie chair was invented
Jefferson: so ya know, chairs
Madison: um yeah
Jefferson: so what if they had wheels
Jefferson: (:
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
My name is Philip. I am a poet. I wrote this poem just to show it. And I Am in Heaven ‘Cuz George Eaker can only count to seven!
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
I love this omg
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umlilyb-blog · 7 years
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~ Hamilton Bway // Hamilton Chi ~
(here’s a draft that I’ve had saved for a while and haven’t posted)
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