Jayde. 23. Melbourne. I guess I'm at a standpoint of my life. Stuck in a place where I am seeking to discover the meaning and purpose of my being. This blog basically is now used as a tool to keep me sane and track my journey of self-discovery and exploration of my identity.
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Grief feels like a reoccurring state where your heart crumbles instantaneously. Over and over again.
Nothing like you have ever felt before.
The most raw heart break.
The most surreal experience where you feel so much, so suddenly, but also feel nothing at all. Where everything comes flooding back, but no words can fully articulate the pain. So you hope that it disappears so long as you don’t think about it.
Grief feels like the pain of not being in control, however not wanting the control in the first place either. Grief is feeling your body is in a constant state of paralysis. Paralysis of your mind, emotions and motives to get things done.
So what do you do to combat this. Seek out blame towards yourself, and blame in others. Target the obvious area that you can change, however project all your pain on that.
I’m sorry. I should have been better. I should have tried more. I should be better. I should try more.
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“Experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.”
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“Everything comes full circle, and when it happens, I want you to imagine me there to greet you.”
Carol (2015) dir. Todd Haynes
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All I’m saying is whoever runs the Netflix Canada twitter account is definitely gay.
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Happy Holigays! I’m watching Carol again..
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“Coming out isn’t something you do once. Its often in stages that grow in risk: to your friends, your community, your family. An ever expanding, never ending act of bravery.”
— Roma Guy, When We Rise
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“The hardest person to come out to, for me, was myself. When I first started to realise that I might be gay, I had to ask myself all of these questions, these really, really terrifying questions. You know, am I ever going to find someone? Am I ever gonna be able to have a family? If there is a God, does that God hate me? If there is a heaven, am I ever gonna make it to heaven? And those were all really, really scary questions for a 14-year-old. And then, throughout the process, I started to kinda build this self-confidence and this self-worth and I realised I am gay. Eventually I got to the point where I was like “okay well, if there is a heaven but I can’t be myself up there, then maybe I don’t want heaven.”
— Troye Sivan
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wlw movies
Updated list of wlw movies in chronollogical order:
· Me Siento Extraña (1977)
· Personal Best (1982)
· Lianna (1983)
· Desert Hearts (1985)
· November Moon (1985)
· I’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing (1987)
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Untitled | by Gilles Monney | Website.
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INFP Positive Traits
Capable of deep loving and caring
Laid-back, go-with-the-flow kind of people
Often free-spirited
Often have a good sense of humor
Enjoyable to be around
Sensitive, perceptive and highly intuitive
Excellent at reading people
Loyal and committed
Kindhearted and loyal
Truly concerned for and care about others
Seek to meet the needs of others
Can be highly creative
Usually calm and even-keeled
Intuitively understand the feelings of others
Seek lifelong relationships
Tend to be shy, reserved and thoughtful
Nurturing, supportive and encouraging
Typically recognize and respect others’ need for space
Usually able to express themselves well
Often perfectionists
Primary goal is discover their meaning in life
Concerned with making the world a better place
Continuous quest to find underlying truths and meanings
Service-oriented, desire to help people
Good listeners
Gifted at putting people at ease
Sincere and genuine
Tend to make great mediators
Have strong value system, which they will passionately and aggressively fight for if violated
When they adopt projects they are interested in, will often become a “cause” for them, which they will vigorously work towards
Disinterested in the mundane details of everyday life
Dislike having to deal with hard facts and logic – do not value and are ineffective at using impersonal, objective judgment (can be positive or negative)
Possesses high ideals and high standards
Often gifted writers and excellent at expressing themselves through writing
Likely have spontaneous, wild streak
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