uaxreaders · 5 years
I’m not gone guys sorry for the lack of posts but I did work on stuff over the holidays there just in my drafts. I should have something posted soon.
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uaxreaders · 5 years
I’m new to tumblr but i really like your writing. I was wondering if you could do “I- I can’t hear! I can’t hear anything!” i hope i’m asking on the right spot 😅
Thank you for your request!
Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Quirk: pulling the moisture from the air and being able to control it.
The morning had started off with a call alerting th agency to a possible villain hideout discovered in an apartment complex that was being renovated. Ground Zero and I were the two sent to check it out in case it turned out to be a legit threat. Sure enough er spotted a semi large group of villains hanging around the complex. Being as the villains seemed like lower level thugs we thought we could handle it on our own so we didn’t bother calling for backup. Little did we know just how wrong we would be.
With a loud boom and a burst of light the villain in front of us was tossed into the crumbling apartment wall. “Nice one babe!” I cheered as another villain made his way over to me. I focused on pulling a majority of the moisture from the air pulling it to me before pushing it full force at the villain. The force from the water sent him flying backwards. Bakugou looked to me with a look of pride plastered on his features.
The two of us continued our way farther into the building encountering ten or so more mid level villains. One after one they were taken down with very little effort. This seems like it was any other mission and Bakugou and I would be out in time for lunch. I went ahead up the next floor leaving Bakugou to take care of the last guy on the floor below. I let out a gasp when I came face to face with someone I thought was long gone.
There in front of me stood Hero Killer: Stain but with upgraded weapons. Although Bakugou and I weren’t around for his original attacks we had heard about the commotion from our classmates. We had heard just how hard the fight was and what he put Iida through. Shigaraki stepped outside from the shadows joining his colleague. This whole thing had been merely a set up.
The next thing I knew I was struggling in the arms of the villain named Dabi as he dragged me towards the others. Bakugou came running upstairs his cocky grin falling when he saw me struggling against Dabi. I pulled the moisture from the air but struggled to get my arms to move enough for it to hit anyone. “Let her go.” Bakugou growled aiming his gauntlet towards the LOV. “Not so fast you hit us, you hit her.” Shigaraki pointed out.
“What do you want?” I spat thrashing against my captor. Dabi made no sign of moving, in fact it seemed like he was purposely keeping me in one spot. “What we’ve always wanted. For Ground Zero to come join us. Where he belongs.” Dabi said grinning his terrifying grin.
Bakugou scoffed rolling his eyes. “Not a chance!” He yelled back. Dabi began to cause a small flame on his hand releasing one of my arms from his grasp. He pressed the hand to my shoulder burning my skin. With a loud painful scream I focused my energy into barading him with the moisture from the air. Dabi was sent backwards to where the others were standing.
Bakugou lifted his gauntlets ready to attack. It was then I noticed the sound proof plugs that were in the villains ears as well as the smiles that adorned their faces when Bakugo was ready to fire. “Ground Zero wait!” I tried to warn but it was too late. Bakugou fired causing a large explosion. The noise that followed his attack was unlike any I’ve heard from Bakugou’s attacks.
All I saw was a bright white light followed by a loud ringing filling my ears. I blinked a few times and the blinding light was replaced by black dust. The villains no longer stood where they had been having made their escape. I moved my hands to feel around my surroundings I was laying on the floor some fallen rubble surrounding me. My injuries seemed to just consist of small cuts and bruises.
A frantic Bakugou appeared crouching in front of me. He discarded his gauntlet to the ground waving his hand in front of my face. I could see his mouth moving but still couldn’t hear a word he was saying. I blinked a few times my hands coming up to my ears. When my hands returned to my face they both had blood coviering the fingertips.
Bakugou’s eyes were filled with worry as he kept trying to talk to me. The combination of shock and pain was making my head spin. The sudden dizziness made my eyes drop before finally closing. I could feel my body being lifted off the ground into my fiancé’s familiar arms. The last thing I felt was him holding me close before I slipped into darkness.
*Bakugou’s pov*
I paced around the hospital waiting room my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I was still dressed in my dust covered hero costume that had a small blood stain just on the shoulder where (Y/n)’s head had been resting. I was practically seething towards my own stupidity. How could I have fallen for such an obvious trap? Because of me my girl was now in a hospital operating room.
“Bakugou? Bakugou! Bro what happened?” Kirishima asked as he came running into the room. “We went to check out a villain hideout and it turned out to be a trap. I went to fire an explosion at them and the next thing I know there was this huge explosion.” I explained not bringing my eyes up to meet my best friends worried gaze.
“Isn’t that what usually happens? You’ve never accidentally hurt someone with your quirk before?” He asked still confused. “It wasn’t just my explanation. It surrounded us, like they placed bombs in the walls or something.” I growled back angrily. “That’s exactly what happened.
The police have found at least 15 stun bombs and two real bombs hidden inside the walls of the floor you were on.” Deku explained appearing with Uraraka behind him. “How is she?” Pink cheeks asked setting some flowers down on the table. “I don’t know these assholes won’t tell me shit!” I barked towards the reception desk. The man sitting there rolled his eyes going back to his magazine. “I’m sure she’ll be ok!” Kirishima smiled his toothy grin except I could see the nervousness behind it.
I returned my glance back to the small blood stain that was barely visible on the black of my costume. Her confused pain riddled face returned to my memory. The way the blood spilled down from her ears and onto her neck. Her lack of responses to my questions, it was all too much I needed air. “Out of my way extras.” I grumbled pushing past them.
I made my way through a hallway till I found a door that read roof entry. Since no one was looking I made my way up to the roof. Once I was out of sight I felt my breathing getting more and more rapid. My heartbeat sped up and I clutched at my chest. Warm tears began to fill my eyes threatening to fall.
“Bro I’m sure she’ll be ok. You got her here really fast.” Kirishima spoke from behind me making me jump and harshly rub the tears away. “What do you want shitty hair?” I barked not facing him. “It’s ok to be sad man. I mean you love her, it’s ok if you wanna cry.” He continued.
I listened to his words thinking carefully about that word. I do love her, I loved her more than anything but here she was in the hospital because of me. She might be deaf because of my recklessness. She was going to be heartbroken when she woke up. She’d never get to hear her favorite songs again, listen to her favorite movies, I’d no longer be able to whisper I love you’s in her ear making her giggle.
The thoughts that circled my mind broke my heart even further. This was all my fault. I collapsed to my knees on the ground letting the panic attack wash over me. As I struggled to breathe through sobs I felt Kirishima place a comforting hand on my shoulder. “This is all my fucking fault!” I screamed out in a voice riddled with pain.
“I did this! Not Dabi or Stain or Shigaraki! Me! It’s my fucking fault she’s in a hospital bed! If I had thought things through like that damn nerd she’d be ok!” I choked out angrily.
“Don’t talk like that! (Y/n) would smack you for even thinking it! Keep talkin like that I’ll do it for her.” Kirishima said a bit of humor behind the last part. I let out a small snort shaking my head. “I’d kill you.” I laughed rubbing the tears away from my face.
After a few minutes to catch my breath I stood up nodding a silent thank you to my friend. “Not a word of this to anyone shitty hair.” I spoke leaning on the railing. “My lips are sealed Bakubro!” He said grinning. I felt a little better after letting it all out but there was something lingering on my mind. I knew deep down it was just an insecurity but I had to ask.
“What if she hates me after this?” I asked in a barely audible voice. Kirishima looked taken back by my words. He was struggling to find a way to tell me I’m stupid without getting his ass kicked. It might be stupid but I had to get this out. I took a deep breath before continuing.
“It won’t happen all at once. At first she’ll tell me it’s not my fault, that her and I will learn to cope. But then slowly she’ll start to resent me. Eventually she won’t be able to see the man she loves anymore. I’ll just be the guy that took away her hearing.”
“Bakugou she could never hate or resent you. For whatever reason that girl in there looks at you like your her everything. I doubt she’ll ever see this as your fault. Besides you heard Deku it was the villains who planted those bombs.” He said trying to reassure me. It was no use I couldn’t get her face out of my head.
The door clicking open made us spin around quickly seeing Uraraka. “The doctor’s looking for you Bakugou.” She said a worried smile on her face. I nodded looking towards Kirishima one last time before following her out. The three of us made our way back to the waiting room where several more classmates had joined Deku. The doctor stood speaking briefly with Deku before seeing me.
“Ah Mr. Bakugou, Miss (Y/L/n) just got out of surgery and is being transferred to a room as we speak.” She informed me. “How is she?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest. The doctor frowned gesturing towards a seat. “Why don’t you have a seat?” She asked. I narrowed my eyes at the woman to say I wasn’t fucking moving.
“I’m afraid (Y/n) is suffering from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. NIHL usually happens over time by exposure to loud noises but can also be caused by extremely loud bursts of sound. Such as gunshots or explosions, which can rupture the eardrum or damage the bones in the middle ear. In her case it was a bit of both as the explosion sped the process up damaging both her ears. The bones in her middle ears were severely damaged beyond repair and from the looks of it she will suffer from permanent hearing loss.
The exposure to the explosion may also cause her to experience some tinnitus, which is a ringing, or a buzzing in the ears or head. In her case the Tinnitus should subside over time, but she might experience it occasionally throughout her life” she explained. It was true, I had caused my fiancé to go deaf. She would never hear again because of me. My breathing was quickening again and the sounds of the outside world began to drown out.
“What about hearing aids those won’t work?” Asked a tear covered Uraraka. The doctor shook her head. “The damage was too extensive.” He explained. “I’ll go check to see if she’s able to have visitors yet.” The doctor continued excusing herself. All of my friends turned to eye me.
“I’ll be back.” I mumbled walking off from the group. They tried calling after me and I’d assume Kirishima tried to follow but was stopped by Mina. I made my way up the staircase and down a hallway. Any nurses and doctors I passed eyed my visitor badge shocked. I could hear them whispering reasons why I could be there since I didn’t look hurt, little did they know I was dying inside.
I passed by a big window the belonged to the nursery. A man was standing there with tears eyes looking at one of the girls. I couldn’t help but feel my heart break a little bit knowing (Y/n) would never get to hear our future baby laugh or cry. “Which one is yours?” The man asked looking away from the window briefly. I looked towards the man confused.
“Oh uh none of them my fiancé is in the emergency room. I got lost wandering around.” I mumbled. He nodded returning his gaze to the baby. “Will she be alright?” He asked. “She’ll live she’ll just be deaf for the rest of her life.” I said angry towards myself.
He turned back to me looking me up and down. “At least she’s alive. I know it hurts knowing she’ll never be the same. That this is all so scary. I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself she’s leaving you the minute she’s conscious but if you truly love each other that’s not that case. Now is not the time for you to break down and hate yourself.
You need to keep your chin up and go back in there and be her rock. If you can’t swallow your anger for yourself do it for her. She needs you now more than ever. The next few months will make her life hell. Surely a hero like yourself can make that easier on her.”
I was shocked by his words blinking a few times. But he was completely right. “You’re right. Thank you.” I mumbled checking to make sure none of my friends had followed me. “Congratulations sir.” I said stepping closer to the glass.
“Thank you. My wife was diagnosed with cancer very early in our relationship. We sat down and had a talk about whether or not we would stay together. She gave me a week to think about it and I almost agreed with her on ending things. Instead I stayed with her and here we are 12 years later.
This is baby number 3 and I couldn’t be happier. Sure the cancer is still there and we don’t know if she’ll ever get into remission or not. But we know to enjoy the time we have because she’s alive now. That’s what matters.” He smiled. His speech brought a smile to my face imagining (Y/n) and I 12 years from now.
I reached out shaking the man’s hand gratefully. “Thank you! I’ve gotta go!” I exclaimed quickly making my way to the gift shop. I purchased the biggest bouquet they had, several balloons, a stuffed Pomeranian, and a cute little notebook. Once I was done with my shopping I made my way back to the lobby where the doctor was talking with the receptionist.
“She should just waking up from the anesthesia so she might be a little foggy still but you’re welcome to go see her.” The doctor informed me. I nodded towards her snatching a couple pens off the reception desk. Before the receptionist could protest the doctor waved him off so I made my way into her room. I couldn’t help the small sink of my heart upon seeing her like this. Despite being injured and groggy she still looked so beautiful.
A man in scrubs was checking her machines and writing things on his clipboard. (Y/n) has her head down looking over a piece of paper. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled to blink them away. Noticing my presence the nurse smiled sympathetically before stepping out of the room. When (Y/n)’s eyes met mine they almost seemed to brighten. “Katsuki! You’re here!” She said a weak smile on her face.
I wanted so badly to go on and on about how much I love her and happy I was that she was ok but it would be to no use. So instead I settled for a nod setting her presents on a side table keeping ahold of the notebook and pens. More tears began to fall down her perfect cheeks. “I-I can’t hear! I can’t hear anything!” She choked out in broken sobs.
I frowned coming to stand by her side. The first thing I did was wrap my arms around her shaking form. She clung to my shirt crying mumbling incoherent sentences about all the things she couldn’t do. Her angry fists bunched up parts of my costume as I let her hurt as much as she needed. When she had settled down some I pulled away nudging for her to move over sitting next to her on the bed.
First I used a tissue to clean off her face before softly kissing her lips a couple times. I set the notebook between the two of us. I tried to come up with the words to say how sorry I am but nothing came. She placed a hand over my hand that held a pen. “Suki say something please.” She whispered so I began to scribble down how I felt.
(Y/n), I’m so sorry. I should have thought things through. I should have listened to you and waited. If I hadn’t been so arrogant none of this shit would be happening.
“Katsuki Bakugou don’t you talk like that none of this is your fault!”
I know the villains planted bombs but still I wish more than anything I could take it back or switch places with you. I’d give anything to be in your place instead.
“I know baby. You’re still my hero don’t forget that.”
I may not be able to take your place but I’m going to do anything and everything in my power to make your life easier and as close to how it was before. We can take a sign language class together, and I’ll look into deaf heroes. I’m sure that nerd knows of a few. Maybe they have tips on how to train.
“I love you so much Suki.”
I love you too. So fucking much. This whole thing has me thinking.
“Oh no that can be dangerous.”
Haha dumb ass. But I’m serious.
“Ok what are you thinking about?”
How much time I wasted not telling you how I felt or not telling you how beautiful you are. I should have been telling you that shit every day but I didn’t. Instead I called you dumb ass or shitty woman. You deserve to remember being called beautiful. That’s gonna change now. I’ll write it and sign it every single day.
“Oh Katsuki!”
After reading that message she threw her arms around my neck holding me close. I pulled her body towards mine not wanting to let go. The two of us stayed like that till we both drifted off to sleep. I was gonna make sure she never regretted staying with me. If she still saw me as a hero that’s who I was gonna be.
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uaxreaders · 5 years
Also I’d like to note that anonymous asks are turned on now. Or at least they should be!
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uaxreaders · 5 years
“If you Hurt them...”
Natsu x reader
Request number 2 is up❤️ thank you for your request. Sorry this one isn’t my best work I’m still getting used to writing for Natsu.
You made your way into the guild hall noticing your favorite people already sitting at a table waiting. Team Natsu had just returned from a mission that had been pretty far from Magnolia. Obviously you were excited to be back home and get some much needed time off as well as alone time with your boyfriend. You and Natsu had been dating for six months now and were known as one of the most powerful couples ever. With his dragon slayer abilities and your Fire make magic we were practically unstoppable.
When you neared the table Lucy handed you a drink with a roll of her eyes. The boys were already in a heated argument about one thing or another. Erza was trying to focus on eating her strawberry cake and ignore their usual antics. Wendy also sat at the table playing with Happy and Carla. All in all everything was normal for the guild hall.
“What are they fighting about this time?” You asked facing Lucy. She shook her head annoyed letting out a small sigh. “No idea I just hope they stop soon.” She replied rubbing her temples. “Yo ice princess and dragon boy knock it off!” You shouted making them both turn your way. Natsu smiled his toothy grin shoving Gray out of the way before sitting next to you.
“Hey babe! Didn’t hear you come in over ice stripper.” He beamed sending a small glare towards Gray who rolled his eyes in return. You smiled messing with his pink hair. “It’s good to be back that mission took forever!” You groaned laying your head on your boyfriends warm shoulder. Natsu snaked his arm around your waist resting his cheek against your head. “Yeah it was exhausting.
It’ll be good to be home for a little while. Just kick back and relax with my girl.” He smirked smiling happily. “Natsu and (Y/n) sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!” Happy sang hovering over Natsu’s other shoulder. “Shut it Happy.” He laughed while blushing. “But you looovvee her.” The small blue cat continued making both your cheeks redden more.
Wendy giggled too resting her chin on her hands. “You guys are so cute! I wish I had someone like that! She gushed. “When you’re older Wendy.” Carla smiled making the young wizard let out a small annoyed sigh. Natsu looked down at you kissing your cheek before the toothy grin returned to his face.
As we all discussed the mission a thought crossed your mind. “Tiring as that mission was, am I the only one slightly concerned with how easy the head thug went down? Like it barely took us any effort at all to take him down.” you said voicing your worries out loud. “For such a big hideout and the large group causing so much trouble he went down so easily.”
“I agree how could such low level criminals wreak such havoc on the village?” Lucy continued looking confused. “Nah I’m sure it’s just from seeing how awesome we are!” Natsu shrugged making both of you roll your eyes. “Oh yeah I’m sure you scared him so bad flame brain.” Gray snorted. Natsu stood up placing his hands on the table. “I’m a lot scarier than you pervert!” He shouted.
After a long day of hanging out and trying to keep the guys from starting a fight you were finally ready to head home. Wendy and Carla left first followed by Lucy who wanted a bath. Gray was next who went off to meet with Juvia. Natsu, Happy and you walked out of the guild hall into the dark night. “You sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” Natsu asked playing with your hand.
“Yeah babe I’ll be fine it’s not that far. Besides I just need to go grab a quick shower and some clothes and I’ll be over to your place.” You assured your boyfriend who grinned widely excited for the planned movie night. “We’ll see ya then babe!” He cheered pressing a quick but firey kiss to your lips. Parting ways You began your journey bsck home. It was merely a ten minute walk from the guild hall to your place and fifteen to get to Natsu’s.
The night air had a small chill to it that made you shiver. Being as it was so late everyone had retired to their homes already leaving the streets empty. The moon was just a mere sliver in the sky giving you very little light in between each scattered lamp post. It was pretty peaceful taking these walks around Magnolia. You were lost in thought about the beautiful city when the sound of a leaf crunching echoed behind you.
The sound stopped you dead in your tracks your blood running cold. Listening carefully You tried to pinpoint any other sign that someone was near. Your breathing and the quickened beating of your heart were the only sounds You could hear. Assuming it was just your imagination you continued along the road a bit quicker than before. Unfortunately you didn’t get much farther before hearing something else behind you.
This time you were certain there were footsteps following you. The two nearest street lamps flickered eerily before going out entirely. I was completely surrounded in Darkness now. “Guess I’ve blown my own cover.” A voice echoed from behind you. Spinning around you eyed the darkness ahead.
“Who’s there?” You called trying to make out what the mystery man looked like. It wasn’t a voice you were familiar with and it was doubtful whoever it belonged to had very good intentions. “No one you know yet doll. But you can call me Hotaru.” The voice introduced as he began stepping closer. Hotaru was now standing directly in front of you.
He was tall probably around 6 foot and skinny. His hair was black and spiked all over the place and his eyes matched in color. Dressed in merely a long black coat, black pants, and a white shirt it didn’t seemed like he was armed. “Can I help you with something my boyfriend is waiting for me at my place.” You asked crossing my arms. Your hope was he couldn’t sense the fear you were feeling.
He let out a small chuckle stepping even closer. “There’s no point in lying (Y/n). We know that Natsu isn’t there. Now if you be a good girl and show me where exactly that is this will go a lot smoother.” He smirked flashing a wicked smile. You tried to turn and run but someone much larger wrapped their arms around you pinning your arms to your body.
“Let me go ass hole!” You yelled trying to kick your legs at my captor. “If you simply tell me where that boyfriend of yours lives that can be arranged.” He informed you with his face inches away from your own. You pulled your face back spitting in his face and letting out a small growl. He shook his head making tch sound with his mouth. “Guess you’ll have to do as bait, bitch.” He sighed signaling to the man behind me.
You struggled as hard as you could to get your hands together to use your magic but before You could Hotaru snapped something on my wrists that felt like handcuffs. The man who had been holding you let go making you fall to the pavement. You quickly jumped to your feet attempting to use your magic only to find it not working. Both men chuckled seeing your your struggle. “Yeah that won’t work.
Kumori here put a little spell on those handcuffs that’s blocking your magic ability. You might as well stop struggling save yourself the trouble.” Hotaru laughed while the man he called Kumori joined him.you tried to make a run for it but Kumori picked you tossing you over his shoulder. “You assholes are going to regret this! My friends will find me!” You shouted.
“They’d have to find us first doll.” Kumori mocked. “Help, someone help!” You screamed at the top of your lungs while thrashing against the attacker. “Knock her out I’m not listening to her whining and screaming all the way back to the hideout.” Hotaru commanded. Before you could scream again you felt something hit you in the head. You watched helplessly as the wordl began to go black.
Back at his place Natsu stared at the clock confused as to why his girlfriend wasn’t sitting by his side already. “What’s takin her so long?” He sighed making his way to the window. Happy joined by his side looking worried. “Do you think somethin happened to her Natsu?” He asked sitting on the windowsill. Natsu looked down at the blue exceed before back out the window.
“Nah I’m sure she just took a longer shower than she meant to. Or maybe she’s just deciding what to wear? Girls do that all the time right?” He asked hopefully. Happy crooked his head to the side thinking. “Maybe, but doesn’t she usually steal your clothes when she’s here?” He asked making a good point.
“Let’s go see what’s up Happy.” Natsu said making my way out the door. “Aye Sir!” Happy cheered following behind his best friend. The two made their way down the road passing the guild hall. When they got just around the corner from your place Natsu noticed two street lamps had gone out leaving a majority of the road shrouded in darkness. It was odd to see they were the only two out when he was sure the bulbs were just changed.
“That doesn’t look good.” Happy gulped. “No it doesn’t buddy.” Natsu replied quickening his pace. The young mage was suddenly filled with worry about (Y/n). Sure she was strong as hell and quite the bad ass, but what if something did happen? A million bad scenarios began to cross his mind.
Finally they reached your door finding it still locked and all the lights still off. “Did she forget and go to bed?” Happy questioned trying to look into one of your windows. “I don’t think that’s it.” Natsu said coldly. He grabbed the extra key from it’s hiding spot and unlocked the door. The house was quiet, too quiet for Natsu’s comfort.
“(Y/n)? You here babe?” He called loudly making his way further in. He was answered by silence causing a pain in his chest. The house looked like you hadn’t been there since this morning. He practically ran into the bedroom flicking the light on. Your bed was empty and so was the bathroom.
“Where the hell is she?” He mumbled snagging the phone quickly dialing Lucy’s number. His heart was racing and he was starting to feel sick. Where the hell could she be? “I should have walked her home! Had I just walked with her this wouldn’t have happened.!” He exclaimed upset.
“Natsu why are you calling me so late?”
“Sorry Luce but it’s an emergency! (Y/n) walked to her place to change and I don’t think she ever made it home!”
“Huh what do you mean?”
“I mean I can’t find her anywhere!”
“Ok calm down I’m sure she’s fine did you check the guild hall? Maybe she forgot something as was grabbing it on her way over?”
“I’ll go look but I have a bad feeling about this.”
“I’ll meet you there with the others.”
Once they hung up Happy and Natsu hurriedly made their way over to the guild hall. When they walked through the doors they were greeted with a silent dark room. The only one who remained was a sleeping Cana who MiraJane had covered with a blanket. “(Y/n)!?” Natsu whisper shouted walking up and down the hall just to be sure. However he still found no sign of his girlfriend.
“Natsu did you find her?” Lucy asked running in the door. She was followed by Gray, Juvia, Levy, Wendy, and Carla. “Nothing it’s like she vanished.” He explained worriedly. “I take it you guys noticed the two street lamps?” Levy asked. Natsu nodded in response running his hand through his pink hair.
This whole thing was really suspicious. Natsu was beyond worried about you. The group spent pretty much all night out combing through the woods and looking everywhere. Natsu couldn’t help the guilt he felt. He couldn’t help but think this was his fault. He should have listened to you and Lucy about things not being over from the last mission. But instead he listened to his stupid cocky brain.
A week passed and still the guild found no sign of you anywhere. Your friends searched everywhere for her still coming up empty handed. Natsu was quickly getting discouraged. He was so worried he couldn’t sleep or focus and could barely eat. Lucy and Happy struggled to keep him going in hopes that she was still out there. While out searching a village near that of the last mission Lucy stumbled on something that made her smile.
She ran back to the group practically stumbling into Gray. “Guys! Guys look! It’s (Y/n)’s bracelet!” She exclaimed shoving the small piece of jewelry towards Natsu. His eyes got wide as he examined the bracelet. It was definitely yours he recalled giving it to you on your sixth month anniversary.
“It is hers!” Natsu gasped. “And look the clasp isn’t broken she must have removed it so we could find her.” Juvia pointed out. “Juvia’s right they must be near where Lucy found the bracelet.” Gray continued. Juvia smiled with a blush heari n her love say she’s right. Before the group could say much else Natsu was heading out the door.
“Well, What’re you guys waiting for! Let’s go!” Natsu exclaimed. The group ran out the door back into the woods where Lucy had picked up your bracelet. “This is it! Everyone keep your eyes peeled.” Erza commanded.
Meanwhile inside the base you were huddled in the corner your knees pulled to your chest. The room they kept you in was freezing and you still wore the cuffs that prevented your magic use. Your shirt had been turned to shreds leaving you with nothing covering your chest and your shorts practically falling apart. Bruises and wounds covered your skin from the torture Hotaru had put you through. You learned very quickly he possessed the black magic called torture magic.
The door slamming into the concrete wall made you jump surprised. “Are you ready to obey pet? Or do I have to make you listen again?” He chuckled making his way in front of you. “I will never tell you anything about Fairy Tail except that they will find you and kick your ass for this!” You spat angrily. He shook his head grabbing a fistful of your hair pulling you up to meet him.
“Stupid brat. Don’t you get it by now? They won’t find you. And if they do? Well that just means we’ll have Natsu in the palms of our hands right where we want him.” He said dragging you out to the main room.
When he let go of your hair he threw you onto the familiar platform. One of his thugs strapped another restraint to your neck connecting you to wall. Once you were in place the men sat back in the chairs. The first thing he did was control a barrage of knives sending them straight at your legs. You managed to miss all but one that pierced a few inches into your thigh.
When you Cryed out in pain the men laughed manically. A different thug dropped the temperature much lower than it already was while someone else sent a small wave Of water to cover your already shaking form. The shock of the water caused you to fall to your knees. The leader once again approached. “Sure you’re not gonna tell us anything?” He asked.
You stood up on shaky legs again refusing to give in. “Y-you can torture me all you want but I won’t tell you anything! I’ll never turn my back on Fairy Tail!” You shouted. The man shook his head frowning. “Fine, you leave me no choice.” He sighed.
With the snap of his fingers someone was moving you into a new room. “I’m afraid I’ll have to let Akihiro handle you. You see he’s new to our little team and isn’t nearly as nice.” The man said darkly. You were shoved into a room the door shutting behind you.
In front you stands a man that didn’t even look human. His muscles were huge he must be even bigger than Gajeel. He smiled picking you up by your neck. “I’m gonna have fun with you babe.” He said with a wicked grin. Although you tried not to show it you were beginning to fear you might die in this hell hole.
Little did you know at that exact moment your friends had made their way into the underground hideout. The small group had already taken down the first three floors. Natsu was destroying the place nearly burning several people to a crisp in the process. Once Hotaru was onto them he had Akihiro drag your now unconscious beaten form out.
“Well well well look who finally decided to show. (Y/n) here has been telling us so much about you.” Hotaru grinned. Your friends gasped at your appearance Natsu returning his glare to the man. “You chose the wrong guild to mess with man! I’m all fired up!” Natsu yelled preparing to attack the man.
“Not so fast Natsu you attack me my colleague here will snap her pretty little neck.” The man said gesturing to your captor. Your friends froze unsure of what to do. Akihiro moved his hands to your neck threatening to twist it. “If you hurt her!” Natsu growled taking a step closer.
“Your little girlfriend here is one stubborn bitch. Refused to tell us anything about you or the guild.” Hotaru spoke shaking his head dissapointed. “It’s a shame really this all could’ve been avoided had she just told us where you were to begin with Natsu.” Natsu felt defeated as he stared at your injured form. “After all you’re the one we wanted.” The man continued.
Looking between your brusied face and the tall man before him Natsu gritted his teeth together. “Fine. You can take me instead. You can torture me kill me or whatever but you have to let her go.” He said shocking everyone. “Aww the salamander must truly love this girl, it makes me sick.” The villain replied.
“Natsu what are you doing?” Lucy gasped. Natsu stepped forward towards the man his hands up in surrender. “You can break my soul. Take my life away. Beat me, Hurt me. Kill me. But don’t hurt her anymore.” Natsu said feeling weak.
Being as the man had his attention focused on Natsu Gray quietly and quickly fired ice around Akihiro’s wrists and ankles. This gave Natsu the opportunity he needed as he lunged towards the lead villain. He short fire his way knocking him into the nearest wall. The man who was previously holding you let your form collapse to the floor as he struggled to get free. Lucy opened Loke’s gate the two of them keeping him from doing anything.
Natsu went to continue his attack but was stopped by Erza. “Go help her. We’ll handle him.” She commanded her friend. Natsu let out an angry breath before nodding. He knew the red head was right, if he got his hands on that asshole he’d fry him for sure.
Natsu ran over to your side pulling you from the floor. The state you were in pained him more than anything he’d ever felt. Your skin was cold and littered with wounds. “I’m sorry love.” He whispered kissing your forehead pulling you up into his arms. Your eyes fluttered open weakly staring at your boyfriends features.
“Babe! Yeah it’s me! We came to rescue you.”
“I knew you would. I told those dummies my favorite dragon slayer would come to the rescue. Thank you Natsu.”
“What’re you thankin me for? I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”
You shook your head weakly pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You saved me Natsu.” You whispered. He smiled at you despite the tears that had filled his eyes. Gray nudged Natsu’s arm handing him his shirt. Natsu silently nodded towards his comrade before sliding the shirt onto your body.
When you returned to magnolia Wendy helped get you healed up to the best of her ability informing you it’d be a couple weeks before you’d be back on your feet entirely. Natsu still felt guilty about the whole situation but made sure he was taking the best care of you possible. You both decided it would be best if you moved in not so he could protect you but so you two would no longer have to say good night and go separate ways. He decided from the moment they found you that he would never let anything happen to you again.
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uaxreaders · 5 years
Can I request “I didn’t mean to hurt you” from the prompt list with bakugou?❤️
Thanks for being the first request ♥️! And I’m sorry this took a bit longer than I meant it too. Tumblr is being kinda iffy for me.
Another day another meal gone cold and uneaten. Another day that (Y/n) was left picking at her plate while her boyfriend’s sat untouched in front of his empty chair. This was the tenth day in a row that Bakugou had been late from work and hadn’t even bothered to text or call. Now she was a smart girl, she knew how important his hero work was. However lately it seemed like she hardly saw the man she loved.
Not only would he come home late but would be busy with paperwork as soon as he was done eating often leading to her being asleep by the time he crawled into bed. No longer did he kiss her sleeping form goodbye with breakfast made with a note in the kitchen. The two hadn’t been on a real date in weeks and hadn’t gotten more intimate than a quick thoughtless peck on the cheek. (Y/n) was worried the two were quickly drifting apart. Could she still stop it or was she doomed to lose the man she loves?
Letting out another disappointed sigh she got up from the table collecting the ruined dinners and tossing them in the trash. Once the very melted down candles were blown out she tended to the dishes hoping the cleaning would distract her from the pain and anger. Halfway through the chore the front door lock clicked and the door open. Familiar heavy footsteps could be heard entering the home.
Would he shuffle into the kitchen to say hello and for a kiss? Would he bother to ask how her day was or inform her of his own? Or would this just like many recent nights be another night that he went straight to his office shutting her out completely? Sure enough once his shoes and jacket were shuffled off she heard him heading to his office.
Taking a risky chance (Y/n) shut off the faucet and made her way to the wooden door that her boyfriend hid behind. With a deep breath she softly knocked on the door before pushing it open. He didn’t look up from his computer where he was typing. “Hey babe how was work?” She tested making her way fully into his office. “Long. Still not done.” He grumbled still not looking away from the screen.
Frowning (Y/n) decided to press further. “My day wasn’t too bad. Got a bit frustrated with that new project but I think I worked it out.” She continued as she stood in front of the desk. Again Katsuki grunted in response making some of that anger burn in (Y/n)’s chest. “You missed dinner again. I even made your favorite. Extra spicy curry.” She informed her boyfriend. The statement went ignored as he continued working.
Being fed up of the waiting around (Y/n) decided to risk it. It was better to know if they were over rather than keep wondering when things would explode. She aggressively shut his lap top making him finally look her way but with an angry expression. “What the fuck?!” He asked jumping up from his chair. “Yeah what the fuck Katsuki? What the fuck is going on with you lately? You’re never home and when you do you completely ignore me!” She yelled back not afraid of the pro hero.
“You knew when we got together that I wanted to be a pro hero more than anything! You knew all about what that would mean for my schedule! I’m a fucking pro hero (Y/n)!” He continued to yell as the couple got right in each other’s faces. “I know that but that doesn’t mean you get to come home and treat me like shit! Or that you can’t ever spend any time with me!” (Y/n) snapped.
“You’re not my fucking child or pet it’s not my responsibility to spend time with you! I don’t have time for you acting like this!” He retorted. “That’s just it Katsuki! You don’t have time for me! I love you and lately it’s felt like you don’t even care! Can’t you for once let Deku or Todorki take care of things?” She pleaded.
His eyes widened at his girlfriend’s statement. Here he was working his ass off at work and his girlfriend still thought that nerd and that half and half bastard were better? He was fuming sparks already got beginning to pop off his hands. “Psh I’m better than both those bastards and you fucking know it!” He growled. (Y/n) scoffed letting out a bitter laugh.
“Except you’re not Katsuki! Because despite being son of Endeavor one of the top heroes, despite training his whole life and putting everything he has into his goal of being a hero Todoroki still has time for his mom and family. And Deku is the number one Pro Hero, the new All Might for fucks sake! And him and Uraraka despite them both being busy ass heroes are married and have date night and are perfectly happy!” (Y/n) yelled out trying to push her tears back.
Bakugou was shocked, angry, and hurt by the love of his life thinking Deku was better than him. Her opinion was the only one who truly mattered to him but no longer was he her number one. He scowled getting closer to you making (y/n) attempt to back up but he stopped her by grabbing her lower arm. “What the fuck do you know?! You’re just a quirkless fucking extra! And if you’re so unhappy fucking leave! I’m not stopping you!” He roared.
Both of them were shocked when Bakugou’s quirk activated making a spark hit his girlfriend’s arm. She flinched yanking her arm out of his grasp. He didn’t mean for it to happen and he definitely didn’t mean the words that accompanied the burn. Bakugou attempted to speak, to apologize and plead for forgiveness, to say anything that wasn’t mean but his mouth just opened and closed no words falling out. For the first time in his life he was speechless.
(Y/n)’s soft watery (e/c) eyes stared at the small finger shaped burn that rested on her flesh. Bakugou’s scarlett eyes did the same eyeing the new wound. “I-I um-” any attempt for him to speak failed as he internally screamed at himself. He reached out to try and hold his love but was met with her flinching away. “You’re right I should leave.” She whispered quickly leaving him speechless.
After a minute or two trying to gather his words he made his way to their shared bedroom to see her packing her overnight bag. “I’m sorry.” Bakugou spoke clearly and honestly but even he knew he had fucked up big time. His words caught (y/n) by surprise. It wasn’t often the ego maniac Katsuki Bakugou apologized and even when he did it had never sounded so real. But it didn’t matter very much now.
“I need some time to think things over Bakugou. I’ll be spending the night with a friend.” (Y/n) said firmly. Bakugou was shocked by the use of his last name. (Y/n) hadn’t used so seriously since before they were even friends. “No you should stay. I can go.” Bakugou said knowing it was the right thing to do as he was at fault for this whole mess. But (Y/n) shook her head zipping up her bag.
“I think I should go. I wouldn’t be able to think very clearly with so many happy memories hung all over the walls.” (Y/n) spoke honestly finally turning to face her boyfriend. “Maybe when we’ve both had a chance to cool down we can try and talk this through.” She suggested making Bakugou nod. He wasn’t ready to lose her but was worried the damage was done.
The two stood there staring at each other not wanting to move. Their love was strong despite it being a bit cracked and dented. They both silently hoped it would be fixable. (Y/n) still had tears filling her eyes some resting on her cheeks while Bakugou tried to push his back. Neither knew exactly what to say in this moment.
Was it a goodbye? Was it a see you on Monday? Would she return only to pack up her bags or would she return for good? Neither of them knew what would happen and it terrified them. (Y/n) was the first to break eye contact grabbing g her bag from the bed.
Despite what an asshole he’d been to her, despite the emotional and now physical pain he’d put her through (Y/n) still stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek before she walked out of the house. It was a habit she had started knowing his discomfort with mushy cutesy stuff in front of his friends. His calloused fingertips came up to meet with the spot she kissed. Once he heard the front door shut he collapsed onto the bed. His hands covered his face as he tried to breathe away the sobs threatening to leave his mouth.
(Y/n) took her car to a friend’s house seeking comfort in someone who would understand. Driving silently down the roads with no radio in fear of hearing any heartbreaking songs on the radio. She had sent a quick text asking permission to come over which of course was replied to with a yes. When (y/n) pulled into the driveway she was met with a familiar face sitting on the porch. Despite being concerned for his friend he flashed his usual toothy grin.
Kirishima hopped down the steps rushing to (Y/n)’s car door. She quickly threw it open throwing herself into his strong arms. “Woah hey (Y/n). What did he do this time?” Kirishima asked holding you tightly. He could feel her tears hitting his sleeveless shoulder and was getting even more worried.
“Here I’ll get your bag you go on inside. Denki is making mochi ice cream.” He smiled patting her head attempting to calm her down. With a weak smile (Y/n) made her way inside Kirishima following with her bag. The three sat down eating the dessert while laughing about some stupid movie Denki had rented.
After the movie and changing into her pajamas (Y/n) was feeling slightly better but not completely. She walked back out into the living room to see Kirishima preparing their futon couch. “Thanks for letting me crash on your couch Kiri.” (Y/n) smiled. “Kirishima smiled shaking his head. “I’ll take the couch, you’ll take my bed. It wouldn’t be very manly of me to make you sleep on the couch.” He replied placing his hands on his hips.
(Y/n) giggled hugging one of her long time best friends. “You can stay as long as you want. Are you ready to talk about what happened?” He asked pulling away from the hug. (Y/n) sighed nodding her head as the two took a seat on the couch. “Bakugou has just been working so much and completely ignoring me so we got into a huge fight.” She started.
Kirishima nodded his head familiar with his best friend’s behavior. “And let me guess Bakubro said something to take the fight too far?” Kirishima asked frowning. (y/n) nodded using her hand to brush away some stray tears. “He called me a quirkless extra and that I should just leave.” She continued while pulling her sleeves up slightly.
Kirishima’s eyes widened in anger and shock when he saw the mark on his friend’s arm. He carefully grabbed her wrist bringing her arm closer observing it. He shook his head dissapointed in Bakugou. He quietly made his way up from the couch and to the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit. He was gentle in taking care of the wound knowing how badly Bakugou’s blasts could hurt.
“It’s not too deep or anything. It shouldn’t even leave a scar. But not cool bro. This is so unmanly of him.” Kirishima sighed. Once the wound was cleaned up and after a bit more talking things through with (Y/n) the two decided it was best to get some sleep. But it was obvious (Y/n) wouldn’t be getting very much sleep that night.
At home Bakugou was close to finishing the bottle of Scotch that rested in his hand. He had silent and angry tears on his face. His knuckles were littered with small cuts and small fragments of glass from where he had punched his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Without (y/n) even just for the past few hours he was wreck. The only thing bringing him any comfort was the fact that shitty hair had texted him to let him know she were there and safe.
But right now as he laid in bed chugging down his drink and staring at a framed photo from their two year anniversary he felt broken. He loved (Y/n) more than anyone or anything and he had fucked it all up. She was completely right about him pushing her away and being distant. But she had no clue it was because for the first time in a long time he was scared. He reached into his bedside drawer pulling out a small velvet box.
For the past month and a half Bakugou had been trying to come up with the perfect way to pop the question. But for some reason each time he got more nervous and unsure how to do it. The latest time a news article about how risky their public relationship was scared him off from making it permanent. He truly loved her he did. So why was this so hard on him?
It wasn’t for a full week later that the two would speak again. (Y/n) was playing video games with Denki, Kiri, Todoroki, Deku, and Uraraka. Right now it was Uraraka VS Deku VS Denki VS Todoroki. Everyone was having a lot of phone laughing and joking around till a know was heard at the door. Kirishima got up and made his way to the door and frowning upon opening it.
Bakugou stood there looking disheveled and unhappy. “Hey (Y/n) it’s for you.” Kirishima called. “I saw what you did man not cool. Not manly at all.” He said disapprovingly continued before (Y/n) joined his side. “Hey Bakugou.” She said quite shocked at his appearance. The Bakugou that stood outside the door was not the same proud man he was before.
(Y/n) stepped out onto the porch closing the front door behind her. Concerned for her safety Todoroki and Kirishima stood by the door watching out the small window. Meanwhile Deku attempted to calm angry Uraraka who glared out a side window. Ever since Bakugou and (Y/n) had started dating his friend group had gotten quite close with her and cared about her like one of their own. Which even if he didn’t admit Bakugou honestly adored.
Bakugou stood straighter shuffling his eyes from the wooden porch to (Y/n)’s face. She leaned against the porch railing not knowing what to expect from her hot headed boyfriend. That is if he even still was that. She had been mentally debating for the last week on what she even wanted to come out of this. After all she did love Bakugou but if the relationship kept up the way it was then he would give her no choice.
“Look Bakugou I-” (Y/n) tried to speak but was cut off by Bakugou gently pressing his finger to her lips. “Before you say anything I owe you an apology. A serious apology not just that bullshit like the last time we spoke.” He started warmly staring into her eyes. (Y/n) blinked a couple times surprised but nodded for him to continue. He took a deep breath moving his hand down to her own lightly connecting their fingers.
“I know I could never find the words to say just how sorry I am or how much of an asshole I was to you. But you have to know I am so so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you ever! And I don’t just mean burning you. I’ve been horrible to you and you didn’t deserve any of it. I know that doesn’t make what I did ok and I’ve always known you could do a lot better than me anyways so if you want to leave I understand. But please know that I love you so much and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. Hell I’ll even take those stupid anger management classes sensai Aizawa recommended.”
By the end of his apology Bakugou was struggling to breathe and had tears rolling down his cheeks. The hero had sunke to his knees in front of his love. He was beginning to have one of his panic attacks, which much like his anger was yet another thing only (Y/n) was capable of calming. “Katsuki breathe it’s ok. Everything’s ok.” She spoke calmly as she raked her fingers through his spiked hair. He clung to her stomach sobbing as he held her close silently worried it may be the last time.
“I’m sorry I’m so sorry.” He repeated as his breathing calmed. “Katsuki I can give the two of us another chance. But it needs to go back how it was. I love you I do but I can’t keep up with the being ignored and the barely seeing you anymore. I know your hero work is the most important thing in your life I’d never try to compete with that but-” (y/n) was cut off by Bakugou pulling away from her stomach and snapping his head up to loom at her.
He shook his head standing up and gently cupping her face in his hand. “No that’s how it was till I met you. My whole life hero work has been my only goal, my priority, my life. But when I met you that all changed. You became what I cared about most. Protecting, loving, watching out for you all became my top priority.”
His revelation left (Y/n) completely dumbfounded. Her mouth fell open as she stared at her boyfriend. Did he truly feel that way? He smiled reaching into his pocket to finally do the thing he'd been too scared to do. He lowered himself down onto one knee this time.
(Y/n) looked more surprised than ever as he pulled out the ring. She let out a small gasp her hand coming to cover her mouth. “As much as I love being a hero I love you more. Never could I love something more than you. I've been so distant lately because I was too damn insecure to finally ask you. But shitty hair is right, it's time to be a man.” He spoke much clearer and much more like his confident self.
Bakugou popped the lid of the ring box open revealing the large beautiful ring. “(y/full/n) I love you so much. Will you marry me?” he asked smiling his signature cocky grin. (Y/n) smiled widely before throwing her arms around her boyfriend. “Yes! You idiot yes!” She cried as he wrapped his arms around her lifting her into a hug.
When he sat her back on her feet he gently slid the ring onto her finger before bringing her hand to his lips. “I’m sorry again love.” he whispered pressing soft kisses to her knuckles making her smile with each one. Their friends inside all had their mouths hung open as hey turned to stare at each other. Kirishima just shrugged opening the door as they went out to congratulate the two soul mates. Of course, Todoroki and Kirishima threatened Bakugou that if ever laid another hand on her they would end him.
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uaxreaders · 5 years
Prompt list #1:
“…and when the clock struck 12 I was erased from her memory.”
“ they gave me a new life. One you never could have given me.”
“I didn’t mean to, it was an accident I swear!”
“I just miss him/her so much.”
“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
“We’re not just friends, and you fucking know it.”
“I don’t like the way they look at you.”
“Sorry about your shirt.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Fight like you mean it!”
“If you hurt them…”
“I- I can’t hear! I can’t hear anything!”
“Were did you get all these bruises from?”
“I love this song.”
“I got you some ice cream to cheer you up.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
“You’re all I care about right now.”
“What the hell are you doing on the bathroom floor at 3 in the morning?”
“i fucking love you” “hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober”
“Just because I did doesn’t mean you should too!”
“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“No, mom, don’t tell her I said that!”
“I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
“Ready for our dance?”
“See look I painted my nails for you! Do you like them?”
Parent au and situations ?
One parent bragging about their kids to whoever will listen and having competitions with the others to prove who’s kid is better.
“This is our first Christmas as a family I just want it to be perfect.”
Person A is a single parent visiting the mall when their child runs off while A isn’t paying attention. Luckily, the child runs into person B, who help the kid find their very distressed parent.
Person A goes shopping with person B and their kid and runs into a relative of person A who now thinks he’s married to person B with a baby.
While attending a supposed to be father daughter dance Person A(a mom) tried to comfort her child to no avail so Person B shows up to save the day.
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uaxreaders · 5 years
Blog Rules
Who I write for so far:
Fairy Tail
My Hero Academia
My fanfics will be mostly x fem! Reader unless a male makes a request.
I can’t do m x m smut and lemons just because there harder to write for me and they wouldn’t turn out good.
Requests are from the prompt list.
I am willing to yandere and more sensitive topics as well
I’ll do head cannons, scenarios, fanfic or text (image) based story.
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