tzachakasarah · 3 days
like. this is just not up for discussion anymore. a LOT of gentiles, whether they realize it or not, and whether they would like to admit it or not, are using “zionists” to mean “jews.” particularly ashkenazi jews. this is happening. it has been happening for decades. if you say it’s not, you are literally just wrong. you don’t get to use repurposed soviet-era antisemitism and then try to gaslight us as if you just saying “i’m not antisemitic, i don’t mean jews” magically absolves you from being blatantly antisemitic and using “zionists” as a euphemism for “jews.”
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tzachakasarah · 3 days
White liberals need to stop pretending that the “eating pets” accusations are #lolsorandom
This isn’t a smear that came out of nowhere. It’s a racist lie, but it is absolutely not new, and it is absolutely not arbitrary. It is part of a long and established anti-Black narrative, which has been perpetuated as part of white supremacy for generations.
When people say “the Elites are harvesting children’s blood to make adrenochrome” that is obviously just repackaged blood libel, and it should be treated as such. By the same token, when people say “Haitian immigrants are stealing and eating people’s pets,” that is obviously just a repackaged version of the older racist trope that “Black communities are stealing the pets of white families to use in Satanic animal sacrifices.” It’s literally exactly as fucking transparent.
This is just another rebranding of the standard playbook of racist smears against practitioners of Hoodoo, Vudú/Vodou, Candomblé, and Santería. It’s the same old shit that had the infamous tumblr bone-stealing witch defending literal grave robbing on the grounds that their practice of taking bones to use in "curses and hexes" was more ethical than the religious practices "black voodoo priests" who supposedly "break into crypts and steal random full bodies".
Stop removing these accusations from their context of anti-Blackness and anti- Afro-American religion.
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tzachakasarah · 4 days
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This is what it’s all about
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tzachakasarah · 5 days
the thing about antisemitism that offends me the most (outside of, you know, horrific violence) is the sense of *ownership* over judaism from non-jewish, especially (in my experience) christian, society. it’s the evangelicals holding seders and the atheists casually joking about “YHWH”. it’s the sense that to them, jews are nothing but a prequel. we are irrelevant, and therefore in the public domain. in more overt examples, it’s holocaust inversion and jokes about “the goyim”. they look at us and say, “all that was yours now belongs to me.” it’s the assumption that our life and culture is open to all, and that we are somehow greedy by not letting them have it.
when we do exist to christian society, it’s as a means to an end: “good thing the jews are still around, otherwise how would they all be gathered in zion?”, or its being treated as a relic, as living replicas of the Old Times: “those silly jews, they’re stuck living in the past!”
it’s dehumanizing, and frustrating, and i hate it.
we had avraham first. we had yaakov and sarai and it is. still. ours. you shouldn’t get to pretend like we don’t exist anymore. we aren’t extinct, no matter how hard some people wished we were, and that isn’t going to change.
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tzachakasarah · 5 days
When I say I am indigenous to the southern levant and that my people are indigenous to southern levant it is not a political ploy. It is actually a very deeply held part of my identity and part of the mainstream Jewish identity. Antizionists point out that Zionists used colonial language, which is true, but they conveniently forget that Zionists also called themselves indigenous. This is because
1. Jews originate in the levant
2. Jews know that Jews originate in the levant
Whether or not Israel was created (which it was) I would believe that Jews are indigenous to the levant. If Israel fell tomorrow I would believe that Jews are indigenous to the levant. If you held a gun to my head I would still believe that Jews are indigenous to the Levant. It has been a part of who Jews are since before the word indigenous was used in English discourse.
No, this part of my identity isn’t a ploy to remove Palestinian indigineity. As a population with a group identity that ties them to the land, who have heritage from the same Canaanites that I do, I do think that Palestinians are indigenous as well. WHO would’ve think that an area that has been ruled by more empires than I can count would have multiple populations who call themselves indigenous??? The levant is not like North America, whose indigenous peoples went without centuries of European contact before colonization. The levant has been being colonized for thousands of years. The indigenous population was split through this process and some were Arabized and some weren’t. Some were converted to other religions. Some weren’t. But regardless, when it comes down to it, that land is where we come from and where we are indigenous to - both of us. So fuck the Israeli government and fuck Hamas and Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic every party that is trying to keep the bloodshed going.
Also, learn history, because it actually fucking matters. Don’t choose a convenient date to start from - learn about people and their cultural identities and find out what is important to them. Because this isn’t just about Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This is about Yazidis and Assyrians and every group that is seeking freedom and peace in the MENA.
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tzachakasarah · 26 days
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פֿון פֿאָרווערטס, נאָוועמבער 19, 1936
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tzachakasarah · 1 month
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ah yes, just like we should wear gold stars in germany to identify ourselves as jews so no one confuses us with ‘real germans’.
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tzachakasarah · 1 month
the false notion that all jewish people are white ashkenazim really rotted gentiles’ brains
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tzachakasarah · 1 month
I just bought and finished Spider-Men, and I noticed that Peter has a habit of peppering in yiddish to his every day vocabulary. Any specific reason behind that, or is it just a fun change-up in dialogue?
he’s jewish
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tzachakasarah · 2 months
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tzachakasarah · 3 months
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I’m only slightly unhinged, I swear.
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tzachakasarah · 3 months
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tzachakasarah · 3 months
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tzachakasarah · 3 months
(nothing between me and god except a thin panel of aquarium glass) ahem *bonk* hey *bonk* excuse me *loud thunk* i have questions about the nature of things
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tzachakasarah · 3 months
every single time someone compares zionists to nazis, i think about how they forced jewish prisoners to lead cattle cars of other jewish refugees to their death in the gas chambers. how they forced them to go through the bodies to take the gold fillings and heirlooms, how they forced them to burn their bodies, all while knowing that they were next. but i also think about the stories of resistance, like the teenage girl that fought back against the soldier patrolling her to her death who sang the shma as she died, or the quiet kaddishes that were prayed as the burials took place, or the fact that any of these stories made it out to be shared with the public.
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tzachakasarah · 4 months
“I had mistaken the enormous public interest in past Jewish suffering for a sign of respect for living Jews. I was very wrong.”
  —  People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present (Dara Horn)
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tzachakasarah · 4 months
We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end war; For we know that You have made the world in a way That man must find his own path to peace. Within himself and with his neighbor.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end starvation; For You have already given us the resources With which to feed the entire world, If we would only use them wisely.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to root out prejudice; For You have already given us eyes With which to see the good in all men, If we would only use them rightly.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end despair, For You have already given us the power To clear away slums and to give hope, If we would only use our power justly.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end disease; For You have already given us great minds With which to search out cures and healing, If we would only use them constructively.
Therefore we pray to You instead, O God, For strength, determination and will power, To do instead of just pray, To become instead of merely to wish.
—Rabbi Jack Riemer, A Sabbath Prayer
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