feeling yummy
2K posts
STEP ONE: If you want to be Tara Yummy you have to think like Tara Yummy. Tara Yummy is a mindset.***JUST A RP'ER, I AM NOT TARA!***
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tyummy-rp Ā· 13 days ago
[T: marky mark šŸ•ŗšŸ»] on my way over, leave the door open please :)
she hits send and immediately grabs her things. She doesn't really think twice about it as she heads over to Theta, just assuming him being free meant they'd hang out. When was the last time they got some solid one on one time anyways? It'd do them good! And it'd give her the chance to get some answers.
Friends Donā€™t Keep Secrets || Markara
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tyummy-rp Ā· 14 days ago
Her nose scrunches up as he blows the ring towards her, swatting at it before laughing. ā€œFell into the green hole and landed on Schlattā€™s lips.ā€ She taunts, brow perked as the memory returns to her forefront thoughts with a smirk.
[Text sent at 12:06 AM on January 16th] you up?
[Text back at 12:06 still] Ye
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tyummy-rp Ā· 14 days ago
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seven - taylor swift
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tyummy-rp Ā· 18 days ago
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everything i see reminds me of her
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tyummy-rp Ā· 18 days ago
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Watching the Detectives (2007) dir. Paul Soter
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tyummy-rp Ā· 23 days ago
Something about him having to clarify ā€˜weedā€™ high makes her cheeks redden, though only slightly. ā€œIā€™m interested to see if youā€™ll green out again.ā€ She teases, pulling a few snacks from her bag, just chips and candy, then two redbulls.
[Text sent at 12:06 AM on January 16th] you up?
[Text back at 12:06 still] Ye
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
Tara grins at his comment, pulling out a one hitter pipe. ā€œNot a bongā€¦ but I brought options. I know youā€™re fussy.ā€ She offers the pipe to him, before taking a long rip from her dab pen. ā€œOf course, I wouldnā€™t let you smoke all alone.ā€
[Text sent at 12:06 AM on January 16th] you up?
[Text back at 12:06 still] Ye
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
ā€œYeah, you wanna punish me?ā€ Her brow perks, testing the limits as she tosses him the bag of edibles, taking the nerds rope in return. ā€œYou have to be high in order to receive your gift from me. Thatā€™s the rules.ā€
[Text sent at 12:06 AM on January 16th] you up?
[Text back at 12:06 still] Ye
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
Taraā€™s still lingering near Ted, in his general vicinity without being some weird overbearing girl hanging off him. She wanted him to have fun without feeling too tied down to her. But her thoughts fluttered to and fro, usually ending with her stealing glances and making sure he was still having fun. Somewhere in the midst of her drunken haze she feels her phone buzz, a little smile forcing its way onto her face as she tries to make heads or tails of it.
A moment later sheā€™s standing behind him, arms crossed over her chest with a smirk. ā€œI didnā€™t know you felt that way about me.ā€ She says a little mischievously, head tilting.
Califor MIA // Tena [on location]
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
It felt like it had been ages since Tara and Rose had hung out just one on one, a fact that had been weighing heavy over her like a storm cloud. She missed her friend, despite all the weirdness between them. The truth of the matter wasā€¦ she was horrible at holding grudges, she had never been able to stick to her guns and be mindlessly mad at someone she cared for. Especially without good reason- and what reason did she have? Yes the Rose and Jaiden thing still stungā€¦ but was it worth ending a friendship over? Not to mention she had forgiven Jaiden. And other than that what really was there other than some weird tension? All this introspection was done and decided the minute Rose asked Tara for a ride. Things could be normal again, they could be goodā€¦ right? God she hoped so.
When she hears the knock at the door it causes a flurry of panicked butterflies to rise in her, an unfamiliar feeling. Why was she nervous? She shakes the nerves off best she can, grabbing her keys from her desk as she opens the door and gives Rose a once over with a grin. And then without hesitation she pulls her in for a hug. ā€œReady to go?ā€
Bestie, You Can Drive My Car // Yum5ter
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
ā€œI thought you liked that.ā€ She taunted, a grin on her face as he looks over the nerds rope. ā€œDonā€™t worry, itā€™s just candy Iā€™m not actually here to poison you.ā€ Somewhere in the process of all of this, sheā€™s kicked off her shoes and gotten situated on his bed.
[Text sent at 12:06 AM on January 16th] you up?
[Text back at 12:06 still] Ye
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tyummy-rp Ā· 24 days ago
It was a double attack the minute they both stepped outside, Ryan with the zip to the hoodie, Eugene with his cold ass hands. Taraā€™s instantly whining, jumping away and swatting at him. ā€œEuuuuugeeeeene!ā€ Her nose scrunches up, but itā€™s all in good fun and she quickly recovers. ā€œI needed to go Target but i dont really like going aloneā€¦. and I thought maybeā€¦ two for oneā€¦ā€ sheā€™s using her sweetest puppy dog eyes as she holds up camera to them both. She hadnā€™t ever filmed with them before butā€¦ it felt right?
Snow Angels || SuperMegaYummy
[text sent to supermeGAYummy groupchat:] will you two come with me to target??? iā€™ll drive
Taraā€™s already in the middle of getting ready as she hits send, hoping theyā€™re not busy. Would it be bad to make them both drop everything if they were busy?
[t:] either way iā€™m coming over i miss you both :(
With finals, and fog she felt like she hadnā€™t seen enough of either of them. And then add in the stalker thing, she barely ever wanted to leave campus. But maybe this was nature healing, giving them all a chance to just be around eachother and maybeā€¦ just maybe she wouldnā€™t stress as much if they went as a group. She waits for a response from either of them before actually heading over, not wanting to be rude.
@little-ikea-waldo @iron-magee-giant
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tyummy-rp Ā· 25 days ago
ā€œNothing youā€™d allow me to say.ā€ Her nose scrunched up, eyes fluttering throughout the place. Off to the side she noticed a little dart set up, a smirk coming to her lips as the idea forms. ā€œPlay me? Loser takes a shot?ā€ Sheā€™s batting her lashes at him as she nods over towards the darts. Truthfully, she couldnā€™t care less if she won or loss, she just enjoyed the game of it.
*knocking on her door*
*Has been staring at the email for the last hour, when she hears the knock at her door. It causes her to jump, cursing under her breath*
who is it?
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tyummy-rp Ā· 25 days ago
Tara hadnā€™t even really considered it, the lack of controlā€¦ the lack of control she always seemed to have. But she does now, only for a second, a flicker of something working onto her face but itā€™s gone in a flash and sheā€™s back to her bubbly self. ā€œWasnā€™t so bad, I got to give Ted a septum piercing, and I got to mess with Schlatt!ā€ she snorts as she says it, wishing she had maybe played a few more pranks on those around her.
the princess and her loyal knight || tangela
Tara had been spending a lot of time hiding out in Theta lately, seeming to switch between Ted and Jaidenā€™s rooms. Not that she had anything to hide from in Alpha necessarilyā€¦ but didnā€™t she? She was just getting ready to creep out, and head back to her room for once when she gets the suspicion sheā€™s been spotted. ā€œPlease donā€™t be Markā€¦please donā€™t be Markā€¦ā€ her words are barely a whisper as she turns to see who else was leaving their room.
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tyummy-rp Ā· 25 days ago
Do you guys think Rosanna is getting married or am I insane?
Tara had instantly went to check Rosannaā€™s most recent posts, wondering what could have caused such a thought to plague Roseā€™s mind. Surely Ro would tell them if something like that happened- right?! Something that important wouldnā€™t be something they found out from social mediaā€¦
Tara sat staring at the photos, then the texts from her group chat, chewing on her lip for a moment as a plan formed in her head. If this were true, and Mark did tell Ro not to tell anyoneā€¦ Then Rosanna wasnā€™t likely to break. Mark on the other handā€¦
[T: marky mark šŸ•ŗšŸ»] are you free today??
Friends Donā€™t Keep Secrets || Markara
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tyummy-rp Ā· 25 days ago
Friends Donā€™t Keep Secrets || Markara
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tyummy-rp Ā· 25 days ago
Normally in this kind of situation, sheā€™d admit defeat and find a new crowd to hang with. She was used to jumping from group to group at parties, it was kind of her M.O. butā€¦ since it was Ted, and she had brought him here she didnā€™t feel right just letting him stay lost.
Theyā€™ve probably been parted for twenty or so minutes when she finally finds him playing darts of all things. In a similar vein, she finds Jake not too far off, and just kind of hangs by his side while watching Ted, not wanting to interrupt if he was having a good time, mostly waiting for the game to be over to see if he was having a good time.
Califor MIA // Tena [on location]
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