Typin while faded
79 posts
often i get high and start a new text file with the thoughts that occured to me while i was baked that particular day. this is them by day. 
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typinwhilefaded · 4 years ago
Ship can you please reblog or repost that perfect orange you ate in morocco? I can't stop thinking about it and I can't find it despite searching for a literal half hour. (On google, because Tumblr search doesn't believe you exist because of course it doesn't.)
darling of course I can
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I think about this prince of citrus every damn day
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typinwhilefaded · 4 years ago
weed doesn’t make your thoughts more creative or deep it just lowers your standards for thoughts that you find mindblowing imo.
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typinwhilefaded · 5 years ago
someone can be totally into something and finding it really interesting and it could be the dubest shit. like imagine someone is really into plant classification. i've been reading the same two articles about the turnip for like 10 minutes now
hippies were antiwar and pro peace cuz you don't really wanna start a war when high
smoke detectors have radioactive rocks inside of them
there could be a being that alters your past as a joke and you have no idea bc now you have different memories. goddamn 4d-ies
clocks used to have to glow in order to be seen at night.
boats are dirty. how would you clean them? all those people.
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typinwhilefaded · 5 years ago
does it ever feel like your thoughts are like slippery eels under the frozen sea, so that you can glimpse at them under the surface but never reach out and grasp them?
there's more roombas in stores than in houses, meaning that a bunch of roombas are without master and could riot and take over America
the stuff on shows doesn't have to be very comfily made, it just has to look good. that's why stephen colbert has a shitty plastic desk, it looks good and always shines
harley quinn is an annoying high schooler but more impulsive and with a drivers license
its oretty funny to call someone by the thing they do, and the more overly specific, the better. “shut up, apple eater”
what if brexit is a social experiment so no other country would consider leaving the eu again
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
DISCLAIMER: I stopped smoking a few months ago. Wanted to get my life back together. This might be the only update you get in a while.
chris pratt sounds like a high school bully who's trying to be friendly and harmless and it's sorta unnerving
historical people had zodiac signs
i was raised by cats
i was one of *those* bitches in high school
had a dream that my library in elementary school had a portal to another universe where i wasa knight and got to save maidens and fuck shit up. speaking of, the library prolly aint ever be a thing no more. i guess i could go there and pretend i'm a a parent to get some o that elemetary school experience but like, why.who cares. i never liked that place. i just have half-formed memories to remember it by. it's like when you have a vivid dream and think you'll remember it forever but it fades to nothing in the next half an hour and you're left there with a blanking memory of the morning, desperately remembering what it was about, but not even getting a clue, and it's not that your dream was bad or uninteresting, it's just that humans BE like that. maybe we should just embrace it. sink in.
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
we're actually very genetically similar to most animals. so yknow we're all basically a family
if telepathy was real it'd prolly be used as a fascist system. or advertisements. same thing really
everyone has 2 grandmas
english has a slang word for potato. how dumb is that. i looked up spud on the urban dictionary today.
my grandma bought me a mirror because she thought i'd need it. she thinks that is part of my female experience
saw a vine today that went: you want a glass of water? no thanks, i don't drink
can you focus on one specific thing when tasting stuff or is it like a combined experience you can’t dissect
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
the sistine chapel is technically fanart
the ability to express yourself is a direct consequence of intelligence. we know people are smart because they express it. some hardcore introverts were prolly super smart but we'll never know because they were quiet adn now they're dead.
items evolve too,, we're just helping them (like society helps us evolve) they graduate from silicone and plastic to important useful shit
now is forever
draw plants. the effort you put into drawing the shitload of leaves helps the artwork pass as good. also plant drawings are awesome
juice that makes you look to the left
everyone can grow from being a shitty person... it should be expected tbh
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
liking things only because others like them and hating things only because others hate them are equally awful. that's what thinking for yourself instead of mindlessly rebeling against the crowd means
people have years. life is a measure of time. like entropy or something
nobody knows how nervous you are during something unless you pay attention to your nervousness and let it win. don't feed that wolf
souls are 4th dimensional objects. they prolly form some kind of object in the 4th dimension that we can't access but it totally exists.
bacteria can die. dead bacteria can't infect nobody
we’re prolly not the last species on this planet that will evolve into a civilization. maybe in a million years intelligent evolved cats will rule the world
apparently the universe is like 13 billion years old and theyre saying the heat death will happen in like a trillion or a few years so the universe kinda has a long time to make some really good shit evolve
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
dust in houses is mostly skin so i basically covered this room with my skin
taking your time to work on something will make that thing better. so it's like we're trading future time for future time
alcohol should be used to clean floors with instead of to drink
most people you meet probably had average or bad grades in school and yet they're not stupid
i kinda wanna grow a lemon tree on my windowsill that sounds like a nice thing
theres so much math that i don't know
the universe is cooling down like a soup because of entropy. we're all in a giant bowl of ramen that's cooling down
i can totally learn a language like it's not a thing i can't do or anything... time to double down on duolingo
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
it this article i’m reading it says: approach tasks like you believe you'll achieve them, because that makes the brain work better. god i can't believe i'm reading psych journals in the year of our lord 2018
i got an instant noodle packet and it says on it “can be served as soup or as a main course” and i’m laughing because i have this mental image of a fancy restaurant serving maruchan ramen as a soup
for some aliens our atmosphere might be too dense... they live in an atmosphere that is much thinner so they'd float on top of ours like oil in water. they'd think we're all swimming down below
we’re actually technically swimming in a very thin liquid... physics is dope
why do bacterial colonies grow? we’re always talking about the human meaning of life but what’s the meaning of life for bacteria? what’s their end goal cept to multiply till there’s no food left
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
concept: the ground is gradually getting hotter
i feel like weed has made me more emphatic like i now get that other people are going through shit idk
ancient people also had generational gaps like some greek merchant was all fucked up because his son wanted to write poetry or some shit instead of taking up the trade
ancient greeks found their time modern and woulda never believed otherwise
science is prolly the most important thing there is. i want to promote it so others could get they shit together and unite for it
you can't feel pain if you're dead so one can argue that feeling pain is how you know you're alive and it's an experience that can't be duplicated outside living tissue
humans are able to have consciousness because we're a very complex system that starts at the molecule and is very specific in its acting. that’s what you get when you got mechanisms as tiny and complicated as a cell. if we make anything like a living organism it’ll have to be very very complex and prolly really big because we can’t make a cell, we don’t have the tools yet
a stytem like a living organism takes a looooot of energy to exist... it’s cuz we’re so complex
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
the adults who understand teens well were probably cool teens who did the same shit. maybe they were super popular as teens and you don't even know because they've grown past it
are humans worth their weight in gold?
the way i feel when rationing my weed is sorta the same sentiment a starving farmer feels when sorting food out for his family lest they succumb to the harsh winter
the other day when i got very baked it felt like i was in the sea and there was a huge trench below me, cold and scary and suffocating, and i was swimming on top of it. all i had to do was learn to swim
every item has a story. every atom has a story. the atom's story is likely more interesting.
i was gonna suggest that people would evolve to have less pubic hair in a while but there's actually nothing to push us into doing so beyond the conscious mind and the thought that less hair would be preferrable. 
you know you're getting old when the movie called "the manchurian candidate" sounds interesting to you
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
me clicking “post” after typing out a paragraph of incoherent nonsense
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
men in old movies wear suits because they dont distract the viewer too much, so you can be focused on what they're saying. and before they realized women were people, women would wear flashy stuff so you could be focused on staring at her dress instead of what she's saying
hazelnut and chocolate. what great things separately. but together? Horrendous.
technically if you don’t have kids you’re saving the lives of many people in the future, cuz if they’re not born they don’t have to die
a fruit is like a line of code, or the result of a program. you have the genetic code for a chestnut tree and you run it in the ground till you get a chestnut.
when someone says that the government is made of lizard people i just imagine argonians ruling the world and it's p funny
i'm eating ramen and the pain salt is burning my everything but somehow i still Eat it
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
We need to adapt to technology which will trigger a new change in evolution. watch a species singlehandedly tackle evolution in a very short timespan. What if evolution can be changed easily under controlled conditions, but mother nature has been working in the dark forever because there is no god to look over the process and over the earth? we got super lucky and took control of our own evolutionary branch. that is, that's what we'll do, via technology. i see the branches of the evolutionary tree, like roots in the ground in sparkling green, and i see us growing rapidly into a thick branch right after technology starts changing people. Technology might even be using us - as a way for an AI to be born, which will make our race obsolete. so this thing is using our progress in order to be born, and when it's created it will carve its own mighty path in the history of the universe and evolution of life. we might be hailed as its creators, but more likely we'd be destroyed or die out as a natural consequence of evolution. since in evolution there's species that naturally died out so we never hear about them. this is a very specific way of competition of Life to see who'll create the next species after next species so that one day a supreme consciousness may be born. I need to think on a wider scale. AI will create something more complex than itself while researching. that thing will create something even more advanced in the future.and this goes on and on until a supreme consciousness, or a god is born. So maybe, it's not that god is dead - it's that he hasn't been born yet. And when he's created he'll make his own universe - the universe is a huge consciousness, a stimulation/illusion in the Being that was created by that ultimate consciousness. he was a god so he created the universe - but the universe is something bigger than him. and we're all in the belly of this Ultimate Being, this universe. the universe is just a descendant of us, but one that has control over a number of dimensions and can manifest 3d forms as a simulation. an illusion, or one that will come true. it's got control over the dimension of time. So we're all living in a dream of some divine being bigger than what we consider a god. universe is alive, and we're its dream. its creation.
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
it would be cool to call months by zodiac. let's start doing that. so today is scorpio 30 2017 which is gregorian calendar 11 21 2017 
humans fingertips are super receptive like i can touch things and feel very very small stuff i probs couldn't even see correctly. vision is like touching faraway things, where you have hands that extend far longer than normal hands
i have a disney song stuck in my head and idk which one it is. i'll find out and write about it here and then i can remember how good it felt to find out whevever i read this- it was prince ali from aladdin
i saw a post that read "Went outside and it started raining like it does in skyrim" and holy shit does that speak to me. - - - while i was writing this line, i thought it meant "oh wow there's grass utside like skyrim", (like an ironic shitpost) but i shared it with the chat and a friend said "you mean as if someone just typed rain_1?" and now i see what the post really meant, that it started raining suddenly and heavily. so i just enjoyed a post in 2 different ways. what a great post. and 2 kinds of people i suppose
animals are interesting because their intelligence isn't in IQ but in their abilities (stealth for cat, strength for bear, web building for spider etc)
 i accidentally hit my laptop and automatically apologized out loud, and didn't even feel weird about that... so what if i wanna be nice
i’m about to eat enough olives to make one spoonful of oil - i'm about to ingest that much, but if someone gave me a spoonful of oil i wouldn't drink it. but that spoonful is gonna be in my organism the same way that i woulda swallowed a thing of oil and will be treated by the body the same way
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typinwhilefaded · 7 years ago
imagine if both your parents were Latin teachers and they spoke to you in Latin when you were a kid and to each other at home. you'd be a native Latin speaker, it'd be your first language. that'd be pretty cool
we know the world via language. when learning a new language it's like you're rediscovering the world
organic stuff we leave on other planets could become something in billions of years but we're not gonna be around to see it, so we treat it as worthless
everything on us is an organ which is so weird. even the brain is an organ and has to eat. fucking humans
we are flawed animals and we need to create something bigger and smarter than ourselves. i vote super advanced AI
people are technically gods since parents create new life, so playing god by creating AI isn't that sacrilegious either
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