typical-vindication · 11 hours
Holy shit the DID communities suck
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typical-vindication · 12 hours
Persecutor culture is sometimes not wanting to protect the system, I don't give two shits about them, I'm not protecting in the way I know how (there are persecutors in our sys who do that though) I am just acting how I feel is logical, idrc if the others disagree or it means hurting them or their loved ones
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typical-vindication · 12 hours
Persecutor culture is sometimes not wanting to protect the system, I don't give two shits about them, I'm not protecting in the way I know how (there are persecutors in our sys who do that though) I am just acting how I feel is logical, idrc if the others disagree or it means hurting them or their loved ones
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typical-vindication · 12 hours
Hello everyone, just letting you know that Sophie in Wonderland made another account and is purposely invading tags such as "anti endo", "anti endogenic", "endos dni" and more: they are posting some hateful anon asks they've received in their main account.
Do not send hate or engage with them, just block @/sophies-filter for the better of your mental health and safety.
Remember: no one's out there to get you or hurt you, this person has no power over you or your loved ones. Stay safe. - 🎸🎧
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typical-vindication · 13 hours
friendly reminder RAMCOA is real and exists. there are plenty of systems out there who have suffered this abuse and live their lives with the consequences.
i just think people need to remember them sometimes because they deserve to be acknowledged and feel seen too.
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you're a pervert, you're a freak, there's something terribly wrong with you, you need serious help or no one's ever gonna be able to love you. ddo you wanna come over
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Being horny came wifh your humanity dipshit
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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“not all trans men are white or passing or live in a liberal city” and “privileged trans men aren’t less trans than you or cis lite” are two statements that can coexist
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I love you disabled people who can't or don't want to learn how to drive, you're so fucking valid and you deserve independence like everybody else.
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I don't usually post syscourse shit here as I don't give a fuck about it. but if you interact, follow or even believe whatever bullshit sophieinwonderland spits fuck off my, or my host's blog.
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Shout out to the systems with the weird ass fictives
With the niche sources
With the problematic sources
With Multisourced alters
With alters who can’t source separate
With alters who source separated immediately
With alters who hate their sources
With alters who love their sources
You’re all valid, don’t let people hate on you for something you can’t control
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"yeah YOUR persecutors might be redeemable but MINE aren't-"
shut the entire fuck up. there is no such thing as a "redeemable" or "irredeemable" alter. and if you think so then you are part of the reason why people see persecutors as inherently evil. as if we aren't traumatized indaviduals who were programmed to act like our abusers. as if we deserve to be locked away because we don't perform victimization good enough for you.
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I am wondering how tf does host lives in this family or even loves these people
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