typhonisking · 6 years
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a star
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typhonisking · 6 years
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Don’t t͍͓͕͓̜͝ơ̮̮u̬͍̬͇͙̖͓c͖̜̫̣h͎̥̹̦͕̦̰ that dial now. We’re just getting s͠t̹̜̖͔͍͓̞̀a̮̝̻r̵̠͍̭t̼e̲̣̞̬͙͎̱͡d̤̮
Do not repost | Click for better quality | My edits | Redbubble |
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typhonisking · 6 years
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Enjoy this meme I made instead of writing
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typhonisking · 6 years
231K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
Lmao 😂 THAT NOISE (@animals.hilarious)
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typhonisking · 6 years
Cold hard facts:
- It’s not cool or edgy to have sex in a church, it’s disrespectful to a place that means profound things to some people
- It’s not kind or loving to pray for somebody who was abused by religion if they tell you that it’s triggering for them for you to do so
- It’s invasive to go around knocking on people’s doors or stopping them in the street to try to convert them, they have busy lives
- It’s not clever to tell random people online that their prayers for disaster victims are pointless, they’re literally trying to get help for those people, even if you don’t believe that help exists, they do
- It’s not funny to steal or vandalize displays put up on church grounds, often those displays are made by children, and you’re forcing the church to replace it and waste the money that they collected for other things like charity
- Telling somebody that you genuinely believe that they should burn in hell is the cruelest thing that you can say to a person, you are wishing infinite suffering on a person so it’s infinitely worse than any earthly pain that you could wish upon someone
- Acts of terror in the name of religion are disgusting and should never be praised
- Atheists can and do have morals, and asserting otherwise is just irrational
- If somebody prays before dinner and you interrupt them or laugh at them, you’re being incredibly rude and disrespectful
- Standing on a street corner and yelling about how the world will end can be triggering, especially to people with delusions about that sort of thing, and can scare children, it’s not a nice thing to do
- Calling the people who wrote religious texts uneducated savages is incorrect and makes you look historically illiterate
- Debates about religion should simply be debates, if you carry that into your everyday life and start talking down to people incessantly who are just trying to live their own life and probably not thinking about this stuff, you’re rude
- Many heathen and pagan religions were crushed all over the world, and just because one group that worshipped a polytheistic religion oppressed Christianity at one point doesn’t mean that the loss of completely different pagan people’s culture, places of worship, and even lives was at all okay
- Salem wasn’t the only witch trial, the witch trials in Europe lasted centuries, it’s hard to know how many people died and suffered, but estimates range from tens of thousands to a million, and this included a lot of men and children too
- To some people a dead body is sacred in all manner of ways, and it’s a very western thing to be disgusted by the dead and feeds into our aversion to considering our own mortality
- No matter what you believe, consider how you want your body to be treated, make official plans, and save for it, because planning and funding a funeral while in a time of grief is a painful and difficult endeavor
- Religion can help people, and calling it nothing but a force for evil will be easily disputed
- Religion isn’t the only way to help people, and you shouldn’t use somebody’s moment of need as an opportunity to convert them
- The word delusion is a psychological term, and while it has a colloquial use that differs somewhat, it’s still disrespectful and incorrect to call people’s religion a delusion
- Not all religions are cults, and although some sects and some religions are cults or do exhibit some cult-like tendencies, you shouldn’t use the word flippantly to just describe any religion
This has been cold hard facts with Mod Vape.
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typhonisking · 6 years
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Got stuck in traffic for 3 hours and was home with little to no motivation but still managed to practice a little bit :D
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typhonisking · 6 years
107K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
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Pfft no I didn’t stay up all night doing this and then passed out for half an hour and was almost late to school
Okay maybe I did, but it was totally worth it
More doodles of this cryptid-loving idiot
Please ignore the fact that I can’t draw hands to save my life oof
@fangirltothefullest @ask-the-fusions
703 notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
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39 notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
2K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
this is so wild
241K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
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typhonisking · 6 years
kitten needs constant attention
167K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
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a good evolution
265K notes · View notes
typhonisking · 6 years
Aw, this is cute.
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typhonisking · 6 years
the first 3 seconds of this are better than the entirety of the dc cinematic universe
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